Suborder Done Record

A Suborder Done Record is appended to the posting file(s) each time a suborder is marked as done.
  1. Record Format Indicator – Always ‘1.0’.
  2. Order ID – As sent by the POS. This is a unique string assigned to each order.
  3. Check Label 1 – As sent by the POS.
  4. Check Label 2 – As sent by the POS.
  5. Check Label 3 – As sent by the POS.
  6. Check Open Time – As sent by the POS.
  7. Revenue Center ID – As sent by the POS.
  8. Table ID – As sent by the POS.
  9. VIP Check Status – ‘T’ or ‘F’, as indicated by the POS.
  10. RUSH Order Status – ‘T’ or ‘F’, as indicated by the POS.
  11. Check Operator Name – As sent by the POS.
  12. Transaction Operator Name – As sent by the POS.
  13. First Marked Time – The earliest time when the order was in a marked/parked state (or 0, if the order is never marked/parked), represented in Unix Time (number of seconds elapsed since 12:00 AM January 1, 1970 UTC).
  14. Total Marked Duration – Total duration when the order was in a marked/parked state (or 0, if the order is never marked/parked), represented in seconds.
  15. Suborder ID – Unique (within an order) string assigned to this suborder.
  16. Order Device ID – As sent by the POS.
  17. Suborder Received Time (Numerical) – The time that the KDS Controller receives this suborder. This field is the numerical value return by the C-Runtime function, time( ). It is useful for C/C++ applications that are interpreting this data. For a string representation, see field 27.
  18. Suborder Started Time (Numerical) – Not supported. This field is always ‘0’.
  19. Suborder Done Time (Numerical) – The time that the suborder was marked as done. This field is the numerical value return by the C-Runtime function, time( ). It is useful for C/C++ applications that are interpreting this data. For a string representation, see field 29.
  20. Suborder Recall Time (Numerical) – The time that this suborder was recalled. This field is the numerical value return by the C-Runtime function, time( ). It is useful for C/C++ applications that are interpreting this data. For a string representation, see field 30. If this suborder has not been recalled, the field contains ‘0’.
  21. Suborder Done After Recall Time (Numerical) – The time that this suborder was marked as done after being recalled. The original Suborder Done Time preserves in fields 17 and 27. This field is the numerical value return by the C-Runtime function, time ( ). It is useful for C/C++ applications that are interpreting this data. For a string representation, see field 31. If this suborder has not been recalled, the field contains ‘0’.
  22. Suborder Appetizer Status – ‘T’ or ‘F’, indicates if the suborder was an appetizer suborder. The presence of any appetizer items in a suborder makes it an appetizer suborder.
  23. Reached Alert 1 Status – ‘T’ or ‘F’, indicates if the suborder reaches alert 1 at the time it was marked done.
  24. Reached Alert 2 Status – ‘T’ or ‘F’, indicates if the suborder reaches alert 2 at the time it was marked done.
  25. Item Count – Total number of parent menu items on the suborder.
  26. Suborder Done-By Flag – Indicates which of the following conditions caused the suborder to be done:
    • 3 – Marked done locally, at the station displaying the suborder.

    • 4 – Marked done at an Expo and automatically marked done at the station.

    • 5 – Marked done by a purge request, typically sent by the POS end-of-night procedure.

  27. Suborder Received Time (String) – The time that KDS Controller receives the suborder. This field has the following format ‘mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss’, and is in coordinated universal time.
  28. Suborder Start Time (String) – Not supported. This field is always ‘01/01/1970 00:00:00’.
  29. Suborder Done Time (String) – The time that this suborder was marked as done. This field has the following format: ‘mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss’, and is in coordinated universal time.
  30. Suborder Recall Time (String) – The time that this suborder was recalled. This field has the following format: ‘mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss’, and is in coordinated universal time. If the suborder has not been recalled, the field contains ‘01/01/1970 00:00:00’.
  31. Suborder Done-After-Recall Time (String) – The time that this suborder was marked as done after it had been recalled. The original Suborder Done Time is preserved in fields 15 and 27. This field has the following format: ‘mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss’, and is in coordinated universal time. If the suborder has not been recalled, the field contains ‘01/01/1970 00:00:00’.
  32. Menu Item Count – The suborders menu item count as sent by the POS.
  33. Number of Reviews – How many times the suborder has been reviewed.
  34. First Review Time – The earliest time when the suborder was reviewed (or 0, if the suborder was not reviewed), represented in Unix Time (number of seconds elapsed since 12:00 AM January 1, 1970 UTC).
  35. Total Review Duration – Total duration of time when the suborder was in a review state (or 0, if the suborder was not reviewed), represented in seconds.
  36. Reserved – Always blank.
  37. User-Determined Start Time – The time (in Unix Time) when a user starts a suborder.
  38. Course Number – The smallest course number among all items on a suborder.
  39. SIPS Item Sequence No. (String) – The menu item’s sequence number if SIPS is used or blank if not using SIPS.
  40. SIPS Item Prep Time – The menu item’s configured prep time if SIPS is used or 0 if not using SIPS.
  41. SIPS Modifier List – A comma-separator list of the item’s modifier with non-zero prep time configured if SIPS is used, or blank if not using SIPS or if the item does not have any modifier with non-zero prep time configured.