Copying a Proposal

Companies may have multiple proposals that are similar to each other within the EnterpriseTrack system. If you have to create a new project that is very similar to an existing EnterpriseTrack proposal, you can choose to copy a proposal instead of creating a new one.

  1. Click on the Proposal link in the left navigation bar, or select Go To > Proposals from the Top Navigation bar and locate the proposal you wish to copy.
  2. Click on the name of the proposal to view the proposal details.
  3. Click the Copy button.
  4. The page will refresh and a new proposal with "copy X" appended to the proposal name will be displayed.
  5. Click Edit in the Basic Details section and give your proposal a new name.

    Note: Oracle recommends that you rename copied proposals immediately to ensure that each proposal in the system has a meaningful name.

Related Topics


Working with Charters/Proposals

Searching for Proposals

Creating a Proposal for a Project

Working with the Statement Generator Wizard

Editing a Proposal

Associating a Proposal to a Program

Working with Proposal Finances

Working with Team Signoffs

Approving a Proposal

Rejecting a Proposal

Re-opening a Proposal

Creating a Project from a Charter/Proposal

Putting a Proposal on Hold

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Last Published Tuesday, June 9, 2020