Viewing Program Timeline

Use the Program Timeline page to view the progress of your program by viewing the planned and actual start and finish dates of the program. You can expand the program list to view the timeline of the associated proposals, projects, and programs. The program timeline bar is displayed in gray and shows the start and completion dates of the program. Planned dates are used if there is no actual date. If program dates are not present, the program timeline Gantt bar is not displayed.

For each associated proposal, the timeline displays the planned project start and completion dates. If there are no planned dates, the Gantt bar is not displayed. For each associated project, actual dates (if present), planned dates, or a combination of actual and planned dates are used to display the Gantt bars. For projects, key milestones are also displayed on the project timeline.

To view the program timeline:

  1. Click the Programs link in the Left Navigation bar, or select Go To > Programs from the Top Navigation bar.
  2. From the Programs Listing page, select the program you want to view.
  3. Select Timeline from the Left Navigation bar, or select Program (#)> Go To > Timeline from the Top Navigation bar.
  4. From the Timescale drop-down, select a timescale. The Gantt chart is displayed in the selected timescale.

Screen Elements


Expand and collapse the list. Expand the list to view the associated proposals, projects, and programs.

Shows the colors that are on the gantt bars.

  • Green: Actual Start and Planned Completion
  • Blue: Planned Start and Planned Completion
  • Yellow: Actual Start and Actual Completion


Choose the timescale to view the project timeline.

  • Years and Quarters
  • Quarters and Months
  • Months and Weeks

Key Milestones

You can mouse over the key milestone icon to see the planned or actual completion date. For milestone activities that do not have a completion date, the activity is displayed under Associated Projects, but the Key Milestone icon is not displayed on the Gantt bar.

See Also


Working with Programs

Creating a New Program

Viewing and Printing Program Details

Viewing Financial Information for a Program

Editing Program Evaluation Values

Working with Program Settings

Editing a Program

Deleting a Program

Working with Program Non WBS Activities

Working with Program Issues

Working with Program Risks

Working with Program Documents

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Last Published Tuesday, June 9, 2020