Manage French Public Sector Business Processes

Manage French Public Sector supports the following business processes:

  • Administer Hiring.

    Record new French public sector employees in the system and enter key data such as personal information, civil service position, and assignment and career data.

  • Rating Employees.

    Identify employees to be rated and calculate final ratings for each employee using a system-calculated adjustment constant.

  • Processing Trainee Tenure.

    Calculate tenure dates and then identify employees ready to be granted tenure. Approve or deny employees' probation periods and grant tenure.

  • Managing the Promotion Probation Period.

    Assign a promotion probation period to employees whose grade change implies a corps change and then validate or deny the promotion.

  • Calculating Seniority and Length of Service.

    Calculate an employee's seniority and length of service in a step and within grade, corps, or category.

  • Processing Career Advancement.

    Process automatic step or substep increments by first calculating step increment dates, then identifying employees whose step increment dates fall within a specified period, and then advancing employees through a collective process. You can also process step or substep increments in simulation or manually.

  • Processing Grade Promotions.

    Grade promotions involve a grade increase. First, you define promotion criteria and select promotable employees using those criteria. Then, review and edit the list of promotable employees. You can also process grade promotions in simulation.

  • Administering Reclassification.

    Reclassification involves updating career data with changes stemming from a change in the employee's grade and step. To begin reclassification, enter the requirements for reclassification and specify the grade and step to assign to employees meeting these requirements. Then run the reclassification in simulation. Review the list of employees generated in simulation and validate those on the list who should be reclassified. Finally, run the Reclassification Validation process to generate reclassification actions in the appropriate employee records.

  • Managing Requests.

    Request management enables you to enter changes to employee records as requests if the action needs to be approved before changes to the employee data occur. You can create, accept, refuse, and delete requests.

  • Managing Secondment.

    Secondment management enables you to track employees on internal and external secondment. First you must define authorized actions for employees on secondment. Then you enter the host organization for employees on external secondment or add a concurrent job for employees on internal secondment. French Public Sector also enables you to calculate deductions and contributions for employees that are on external secondment.

  • Managing Headcount.

    Every year, the Finance Act determines the administrative budget, which contains the headcount for the next budget year. The headcount is allocated by grade. The Manage Budget Headcount business process helps you supervise how the budget is used.

  • Merging French Public Sector Data With HR Data.

    The merge process provides an interface between French Public Sector and various HR business processes such as training. The merge process consists of feeding and updating the standard JOB, JOB_JR, and COMPENSATION tables (job data) with various French Public Sector tables. The system considers only actual actions, not requests. The merge process is possible only after the hire is validated.