Accessing the PeopleSoft OnBoarding Dashboard and Pages

The OnBoarding feature uses the PeopleSoft Fluid User Interface to provide employees and contingent workers who are newly starting or restarting with the organization with a comprehensive list of tasks that should be completed . With OnBoarding, employees have guided access to these tasks from one location instead of accessing several components separately.

The following video provides a demonstration of how to use OnBoarding:

PeopleSoft Fluid OnBoarding

These topics provides and overview of viewing the OnBoarding tile and discuss accessing the OnBoarding tiles and pages.

Note: The HCM application provides pages for managers [OnBoarding Activities Page (for Managers) and OnBoarding Status Page (for Managers)] and administrators [OnBoarding Status Page (for Administrators)] to view the status of employee OnBoarding processes.

Page Name

Definition Name


OnBoarding Tile

HC_HR_OBD_DASHBOARD_LINK_FL (this is the cref for the tile)

Access the OnBoarding dashboard where employees and contingent workers complete actions or tasks that are required for a new job record.

Note: This tile is available when a worker has been granted access to the OnBoarding Employee role. OnBoarding is not available for persons of interest (POIs).

OnBoarding Dashboard

HC_HR_OBD_DASHBOARD_FL (this is the cref for the tile)

Select from tiles related to OnBoarding activities required by a person, view Company Directory data, or enter time.

OnBoarding Activities Tile

HC_HR_OBD_ACTIVITY_LAUNCHER_FL (this is the cref for the tile)

Launch an activity guide that enables you to perform actions and task required for a new job.

Company Directory Tile

HC_HR_SRCH_CD_GBL (this is the cref for the tile)

Access the Company Directory pages.

Time Collection — Actionable Tiles for time reporting

Time Tile for absences

HC_TL_START_NAV_FLU_ESS_GBL (this is the cref for the tile)

Perform self-service actions related to time reporting and absences.

Although the OnBoarding tile is delivered to appear on the Employee Self Service fluid home page, this tile is only available when a worker has been granted access to the OnBoarding Employee role.

The OnBoarding feature comes with a workflow process that identifies the actions that trigger an OnBoarding business event. Events are triggered for the following Job Data actions:

  • Employee event triggers are Hire, Additional Assignment, and Rehire.

  • Contingent Worker event triggers are Add Contingent Worker and Renewal.

Note: OnBoarding is not available for persons of interest (POIs).

Administrators can maintain event triggers using the Manage OnBoarding Event Page

Image: Example of the OnBoarding Tile on the Employee Self Service Home Page

This example illustrates the OnBoarding tile on the Employee Self Service home page.

Example of the OnBoarding tile available on the Employee Self Service home page

Use the OnBoarding tile to access the OnBoarding dashboard where employees and contingent workers complete actions or tasks that are required for a new job record.

Note: This tile is available when a worker has been granted access to the OnBoarding Employee role. OnBoarding is not available for persons of interest (POIs).

Image: OnBoarding tile

This example illustrates the OnBoarding tile.

OnBoarding tile

Click anywhere on this tile to access the OnBoarding Dashboard, which displays the OnBoarding Activities, Company Directory, and Time tiles.

Use the OnBoarding dashboard to select from tiles and pages related to OnBoarding activities required by a person, view Company Directory data, or enter time.

Image: OnBoarding Dashboard

This example illustrates the OnBoarding dashboard.

OnBoarding dashboard

This example shows the delivered tiles for the OnBoarding dashboard. Organizations can add more tiles to this dashboard as needed.

The following table describes the tiles on the delivered OnBoarding dashboard. Use the links in the table to access complete documentation for each transaction.



OnBoarding Activities Tile

Launch an activity guide that enables you to perform actions and task required for a new job instance.

Company Directory Tile

Access the Company Directory pages, where you can view employee personal and job data within the context of your organization's various hierarchical reporting structures.

Time Collection — Actionable Tiles for time reporting

Time Tile for absences

Perform self-service actions related to time reporting and absences.