Understanding Data Exchanges

Payroll Interface enables you to exchange data between PeopleSoft HCM and a third-party payroll system. Data is exported from PeopleSoft HCM to the third-party payroll system using either a file or table. Data is imported from the third-party payroll system back into PeopleSoft HCM using only an ASCII formatted file. You use the same run-control process to export or import data.

Note: If you maintain deduction information, you must run the Calculate Deductions and Confirm Deductions processes before running the Export process.

See Understanding Deduction Processing.

See PeopleTools: Process Scheduler

Exporting Data

Use the Export Application Engine process (PI_INRUN) to export data. The Export process retrieves, maps, and exports data using the definitions and processing routines that are set up through the export interface. When the Export process is complete (the export file or the export table is created), the third-party payroll vendor uses the appropriate software to load the data and process the payroll.

The export process includes three phases: select, compare, and export.

  • During the select phase, employee payroll data is retrieved from the PeopleSoft HCM tables.

  • During the compare phase, the selected data is compared against the data from the previous export run. The comparison phase identifies any data changes that have occurred since the last export.

  • During the export phase, the data is exported to either a flat file or a table.

A full-records export performs the select and export phases; all employee data is exported. A changes-only export performs the select, compare, and export phases; only employee data that has changed is exported.

To export data:

  1. Set up and run the Export process.

    See Exporting or Importing Data.

  2. Review the results of the Export process run.

    See Reviewing Exports or Imports.

Importing Data

Use the Import Application Engine process (PI_INRUN) to import data. The Import process loads the processed payroll information (check detail and balance data) generated by the third-party payroll system into seven Payroll Interface import tables for online viewing and reporting. Further processing or technical configuration may be required to check the validity of the data or to ensure that employee-level data can be accessed in a secure manner.

To import data:

  1. Obtain a copy of the ASCII import file from the third-party payroll vendor.

  2. (Optional) If the file is tab-delimited, convert it to comma-delimited.

    See Converting Tab-Delimited Import Files.

  3. Store the import file in the location that is defined in the File Handle Table component.

  4. Set up and run the Import process.

    See Exporting or Importing Data.

  5. Review the results of the Import process run.

    See Exporting or Importing Data.