6Planning and Designing Marketing Campaigns

About Siebel Campaigns

The Siebel Campaigns module is available to users with a license for Siebel Marketing or Siebel Campaigns.

A campaign is the initiative in which you convey a marketing message to one or more groups of people. Typically, campaigns deliver a promotional offer to retain current customers or to acquire new customers using different channels of communication. For example, you might launch a phone campaign that invites contacts to sign up for a special promotion or deliver a direct mail campaign that provides a sample of a new product and a coupon offer to existing customers.

The goal of a marketing campaign is to create an opportunity that ultimately results in a sale, brand recognition, or some other type of response. Marketers use both direct and indirect campaigns to achieve these objectives.

  • Direct campaigns target individuals using multichannel approaches such as email and telephone. Contacts for the campaign are derived by applying segmentation criteria against a database of customer information and generating a list or by purchasing or renting a list of prospects. Multiple campaigns can use the same segment criteria.

  • Indirect campaigns target indeterminate groups of people whose general characteristics you might know, but whose exact composition you do not know. Examples of indirect campaigns are those that use television, radio, print ads, or other forms of media for delivery of the message. An indirect campaign is associated with a marketing program’s stage rather than with a specific segment or list.

The Siebel Campaigns module is used by Siebel Business Applications such as Call Center and Sales. The campaigns are the same as the campaigns that result from a campaign in the marketing application. Campaigns contain contacts and prospects, offers, activities, and other campaign execution elements.

Using Siebel Campaigns you can distribute your company’s offer using television, radio, billboards, direct mail, fax, email, the Web, and phone treatments.

The campaign creation process begins with an administrator, who creates the offers and associates the offers and treatments with a campaign, and allocates segments. The administrator then adds the literature, contacts and prospects, call summary, and call guide. The administrator also determines which script, if any, is associated with the campaign and who is on the campaign team. A campaign manager can associate quotas and incentive awards with the campaign to track progress and reward performance.

The administrator can monitor the status of campaigns using the Campaign Explorer view to display the Contacts, Activities, Offers, and Literature for each campaign, and by using Campaign and Response Charts.

About Creating and Using Activity Plans

Siebel Marketing’s Activity Plans views associate predefined planning and milestone activities and tasks with a template (activity plan). Then, you can assign the templates to your marketing programs and campaigns. This assignment creates one or more activities that are associated with a campaign or a program.

Note: Activities are not created for contacts loaded into a campaign.

Activity Plans can be designed to help you plan the marketing program or campaign, or launch it. Before you link an activity plan to your campaign, you have to create activity templates or customize existing templates to reflect your business process and needs. Use templates to define a generic set of activities that can be reused.

For example, a marketing department production manager might design an activity plan template called Direct Mail that contains regularly scheduled campaign activities such as meetings with creative or budgetary staff and start tasks. Using the Campaign Activity Plans view the manager can associate the activity plan template with the current campaign and then assign resources, define priorities and status and so on to each predefined task, adding comments where necessary.

The activity plan record is flagged to indicate how the activity plan is to be used. If the activity is designated as a planning task, then none of its activities are copied to the campaign record when it is created. If the activity plan is designed for the execution of the program or campaign, then select the Recurring check box, and the set of activities are recreated and associated with each occurrence.

If your marketing program or campaign has a mixture of planning and start activities, then create two plans (one for planning and one for execution tasks) and assign them both to the program or campaign.

Process of Planning and Designing Marketing Campaigns

Siebel Marketing’s program and campaign organizational tools manage activities, documentation, milestones, and schedules for your marketing campaigns including:

  1. Creating Activity Templates

  2. Associating Activity Plans with Programs and Campaigns

  3. Viewing Timelines

  4. Associating Documents with Programs and Campaigns

    Creating Activity Templates

    Use Activity Plan Templates to create and manage activities for programs and campaigns. You define templates using the Application Administration screen’s Activity Templates and Activity Template Details views.

    A campaign’s activity plan template can include information on the type of activity, duration and status, a list of activities associated with the program or campaign (preparation, telephone calls, milestones, tasks), and so on.

      Creating an Activity Plan Template

      The following procedure shows how to create an activity plan template.

      To create an activity plan template
      1. Navigate to the Administration - Data screen, then the Activity Templates view.

      2. In the Activity Plan Templates list, create a new record.

      3. In the Template form, complete the fields and save the record.

        1. Enter a name for the template.

        2. In the Type drop-down list, choose Program Container for a marketing program template, and Campaign as an activity template for campaigns.

        3. Enter a template description.

        4. In the Auto Trigger field, select the check box if the activity is associated with the occurrence level.

        5. Select the Public check box if the activity plan can be used by others not on your team.

        Creating Activities for a Template

        The following procedure shows how to create activities for a template.

        To create activities for a template
        1. Navigate to the Administration - Data screen, then the Activity Templates view.

        2. In the Activity Plan Templates list, select a template.

        3. Click the Activity Template Details view tab.

        4. In the Activity Template Details list, create a new record.

        5. Complete the necessary fields for each activity assigned to the template.

        6. From the Type drop-down list, choose an activity type.
          Note: Repeat Step 2 through Step 6 to add activities to the template.
        7. Save the activity.

          Associating Activity Plans with Programs and Campaigns

          Use the Campaigns or Programs screen’s Activity Plans view to associate a template containing predefined activities with a program or campaign. An Activity Plan Template’s type must be set to Program Container for marketing programs or Campaign for marketing campaigns to be available for selection.

          The Activity Plans view has the following elements:

          • The Campaign or Program form, which provides details of the selected campaign or program.

          • The Templates list, which can contain one or many activity plan templates.

          • The Activities list, which displays activities associated with the selected template.

          The following procedure shows how to associate an activity plan and activities with a campaign or program.

          To associate an activity plan and activities with a campaign or program

          1. Navigate to the Campaigns or Programs screen.

          2. In the Campaigns or Programs list, click the campaign name or program name.

          3. Click the Plan view tab.

          4. In the Plan link bar, click Activity Plans.

          5. In the Activity Plans list, create a new record.

            In the new row, the Recurring field contains a check mark.

          6. Complete the necessary fields:

            1. From the Template drop-down list, select a predefined template.

            2. Edit the existing description if desired, or enter a description of the plan.

            3. Select Suppress Calendar to populate the check box if you do not want these activities added to your calendar view.

            4. Clear Recurring if the activity must be not be written to the campaign record for every occurrence of the campaign or program.

              When you clear the Recurring check box, you indicate that this set of planning tasks is only performed one time for all occurrences. By default, each new activity plan is set to Recurring when you assign it to a campaign or activity.

              A list of activities appears in the Activities list. Note that the dates are populated by using the Lead Time column relative to the time that the activity template was associated.

          7. To change the times or dates of any of the activities, click the Schedule view tab for the campaign.

          8. In the Schedule link bar, click Activity List.

            Viewing Timelines

            Timelines are available for programs, campaigns, event plans, and events. Timelines provide calendar views of scheduled, active, and completed marketing tactics in a Gantt chart format. The chart is divided into weeks and months. Start field and End field values determine the placement of the timeline bars. Timelines help you determine whether scheduling is appropriate and on track for planned marketing efforts. Timeline bars are color-coded to help you identify the status of programs and campaigns. You can place the cursor over a timeline bar to display more details. The following table shows the timeline types that appear in the link bar of the Marketing Calendar screen.

            Table Marketing Calendar Timeline Types

            Timeline Type Description


            Shows active, completed, and planned marketing tactics, including campaigns, events, event plans, and programs. You can click the name of any tactic displayed in one of the timelines to be navigated to the details for that tactic. The path displays the appropriate screen (campaign, event, event plan, or program) according to the tactic type.


            Shows active, completed, and planned programs. To display the child campaigns and related events, double-click the folder icon next to a program in the chart.


            Shows active, completed, and planned campaigns.

            Media Calendar

            Shows active, completed, and planned media treatments.


            Shows active, completed, and planned event plans and events.

            The following procedure describes how to view timelines.

            To view timelines

            1. Navigate to the Marketing Calendar screen.

            2. In the Marketing Calendar link bar, click a timelines type, such as Tactics, Programs, Campaigns, Media Calendar, or Events.

            3. Select the start date for which you want to view timelines.

              By default, timelines are shown for a period starting on the current day. However, you can select a different start day, using the calendar icon at the start of the screen.

            4. Select the end of the period for which you want to view timelines by clicking one of the buttons shown in the following table.

              Select this button To view timelines for this time period


              To display timelines for the start day.


              To display timelines for each day of the week after the start date.


              To display timelines for each day of the month after the start date.


              To display timelines for each week in the month after the start date.

              A timeline is displayed for each item scheduled for the selected period. The color of the timeline indicates the status of the item, as described in the following table.

              Timeline Status

              Color Indicator











              To display additional information for the item in the side pane, for example, start and end dates, use the scroll bars.

              Associating Documents with Programs and Campaigns

              Most marketing teams generate documents such as proposals, white papers, press releases, and artwork used in advertising. Use the following procedure to attach these documents to programs and campaigns for future reference.

              To attach documents to programs and campaigns

              1. Navigate to the Campaigns or Programs screen.

              2. In the Programs or Campaigns list, click a program or campaign.

              3. In the Plan link bar, click Documents.

              4. Click the Attachments view tab.

              5. To add a URL, in the Attachments list, perform the following steps:

                1. Click New URL.

                2. In the URL field, enter the URL, and click Add.

              6. To attach a file, in the Attachments list, perform the following steps:

                1. Click New File.

                2. In the Choose File dialog box, select the file, and click Open.

              7. In the Comments field, add information that identifies the file’s contents.

              8. (Optional) If you want changes to the original file to be included in the attached file, then select the Update File check box to set this preference.

              9. To assess the attached document, click the Attachment Name in the Documents list to view document details.

                Creating Campaigns

                Use the following procedure to create a campaign in the Campaigns screen.

                This task is a step in Roadmap for Setting Up Campaigns.

                To create a new campaign

                1. Navigate to the Campaigns screen.

                2. In the Campaigns list, add a new record.

                3. In the Campaigns form, complete the fields.

                  To display all fields in the Campaigns form, click the Show more button. The following table describes some of the fields.

                  Field Comments

                  Approval Status

                  If the value is Revised, then the campaign is still being revised.

                  Assigned Budget

                  The amount of money approved to spend for the campaign.

                  Budget Request

                  If the campaign has been submitted as part of a Budget Request, then the Budget Request ID appears.

                  Campaign Code

                  Populated by Siebel Marketing. You can enter a source code for the campaign, or use the default record ID for the code.

                  The source code for this campaign is available for use as part of the source code format for the program. The value must be unique.


                  The internal division responsible for the campaign.


                  The telephone number associated with the campaign. This number must be set up separately in Siebel CTI (Computer Telephony Integration). The DNIS field for a campaign is used in CTI to query for this campaign and drive a screen pop to this campaign. For more information, see Siebel CTI Administration Guide.

                  Enter only numerals in this field. Do not use hyphens, spaces, parentheses, periods, or any characters other than numbers.

                  Execution Period

                  The predefined time period during which the campaign is active.


                  The language in which the call script and offer was created. If no language is specified, then the selected SmartScript runs in the default language for the application. If the script does not have a translation for the language selected, then you get an error when you try to run the script.

                  Lead Partner

                  If a lead partner was assigned at the program level and the campaign associated with that program does not have a lead partner, then the campaign inherits the lead partner from the program. The choice of Lead Partner is limited to the organizations associated with the campaign.

                  You can change the value, selecting from any of the partners associated with a campaign or campaign. This lead partner is copied to any campaigns created from this campaign and to responses or opportunities that result from this campaign.


                  The name of the campaign.

                  You can have two campaigns with the same name but the campaign code for each campaign must be unique.


                  The predefined organization that is responsible for the campaign. You can choose more than one organization.

                  You can also associate Partner Organizations with the campaign. Partner organizations are created and administered through Partner Administration. For more information, see Siebel Partner Relationship Management Administration Guide.

                  Planned Start/Planned End

                  The planned start date defaults to the date you created the campaign. The planned end date defaults to 30 days later.

                  These dates do not affect launching campaigns. A campaign launches even if the planned end date has passed.


                  The priority level for the campaign. This value can be used to refine contact frequency rules in segmentation criteria. For example, to exclude customers who have been targeted by a Priority 1 campaign in the last 30 days.

                  Product Lines

                  You can associate product lines with the campaign to help categorize the campaigns.


                  You can associate products with the campaign to help categorize the campaigns.


                  This field populates when the campaign is associated with a specific marketing program.


                  In the Plan view tab. The purpose of a campaign, for example: “To cross sell products to existing customers."


                  Choose from the list the region in which the campaign is active.


                  Select a call script, if needed, to guide the agent’s interaction with the customer. To appear in the list, scripts must be set up in advance using Siebel SmartScript. For instructions, see Siebel SmartScript Administration Guide.

                  The call script starts when an agent clicks the Script button in the Campaign Contacts or Prospects view.

                  You can use the Call Guide as an alternative to a SmartScript call script.

                  If more than one script is associated with a campaign, then the script flagged as primary runs when the agent clicks the Script button.


                  This field is populated with stage information when the campaign is associated with a specific program’s stage.


                  By default, campaign status is Planned (start and end dates in the future). Status values can be changed at any time. During automatic program execution, the status changes to active when a campaign is loaded. At the conclusion of the program, the campaign’s status changes to completed. If the program is executed manually, then the status does not automatically change.

                  To change the status, use the status drop-down list to choose Active (start date in the past and end date in future) or Completed (start and end date in the past).


                  Choose from the list the type of campaign you are creating. Options include Acquire, Retain, Win-Back, Cross-Sell, and Up-Sell.

                  Campaign Elements That Can Be Associated with Campaigns

                  The following table contains descriptions of many elements in the Campaign view tabs that can be associated with a campaign.

                  Table Campaign Elements That Can Be Associated with a Campaign

                  Plan and Design Element Location and Description

                  Activity List

                  On the Schedule link bar. Team members can create and assign activities related to the campaign.

                  Activity Plans

                  On the Plan link bar. Templates of activities can be associated with a campaign. For more information, see About Creating and Using Activity Plans.


                  On the Plan link bar. Any team member can associate documents as attachments with the campaign.

                  Execution Options

                  On the Design link bar. The campaign execution options specify the default values for these settings each time the campaign is loaded.


                  On the Plan link bar. Each campaign can have a forecast that predicts the financial performance of the plan. The actual results versus the forecast can be tracked for each campaign.

                  Lead Partner

                  Field in the Campaign Details form view. Anytime a Campaign Plan is loaded, the Lead Partner is added to the associated campaign. The lead partner must be one of the organizations associated with the campaign.


                  On the Design link bar. Each time the campaign is loaded or launched the associated offer is copied to the campaign. For more information, see Associating Offers and Segments with Campaigns.


                  Field in the Campaign Details form view. These are the organizations that have visibility to the campaign under All Campaigns. When the campaign is loaded, each organization is included on the associated campaign.

                  Related Events

                  On the Design link bar. After you launch a campaign that has an associated related event, campaign contacts are added to the campaign as invited attendees. For more information, see Associating Related Events with Campaigns.

                  Team Members

                  Field in the Campaign Details form view. These are the employee positions that have visibility to the campaign under the My Campaigns option. When the campaign is loaded, each team member is included on the associated campaign.

                    Associating Offers and Segments with Campaigns

                    Before you implement a marketing program, you can associate one or more offer treatments with the campaign, depending on your marketing strategy. The Offers list provides information about each offer, including the name and description, the offer type, and the source code assigned to this particular offer, and any associated product and price list.

                    When you load a campaign, Siebel Marketing creates a wave record, and copies the associated treatments to the wave history. Any views showing the treatments for each campaign have built-in visibility to prevent invalid treatments from appearing to end users. A valid treatment is a treatment with a current date that falls between its defined activation and expiration dates. If activation and expiration dates are not defined for the treatment, then the treatment is valid by default. When you load and launch a campaign, Siebel Marketing copies the campaign treatments to the wave history.

                    Note: If you plan to change treatments during the campaign (after launching one or more waves), then do not disassociate the previous treatment. Instead mark the previous treatment as expired (using the expiration date), and associate the new active treatment. This method continues to capture and report on responses from the previous version of the treatment.

                    This task is a step in Roadmap for Setting Up Campaigns.

                      Associating Offers with a Campaign

                      The following procedure shows how to associate offers with a campaign.

                      To associate offers with a campaign
                      1. Navigate to the Campaigns screen.

                      2. In the Campaigns list, click the campaign name.

                      3. Click the Design view tab.

                      4. In the Offers list, create a new record.

                      5. In the Add Offer dialog box, select a predefined offer, and click OK.

                      6. In the Treatment list, click New.

                      7. Select one or more treatments for the offer or offers associated with the campaign, and click OK.

                        Associating A Segment with a Campaign

                        The following procedure shows how to associate a segment with a campaign.

                        To associate a segment with a campaign
                        1. In the Marketing Module, create a segment.

                        2. Navigate to Campaigns screen, then the Campaign List view.

                        3. Click the campaign Name.

                        4. Click the Design tab.

                        5. In the Design link bar, click Segments/Lists.

                        6. Click Add Segment to associate the segment.

                          If the segment has never been used in a campaign previously, then click Choose a new segment, and select the segment from the folder location where you saved it.

                        7. To associate more segments, repeat Step 6.

                          Loading a Campaign with Associated Segments

                          The following procedure shows how to load a campaign with associated segments.

                          To load a campaign with associated segments
                          1. After the desired segments are associated, navigate to Campaigns screen, Campaign List, Design, and then the Allocation view.

                          2. In the Allocation view, allocate the segment or segments to your treatments.

                          3. From the Campaign Form menu, choose Load Campaign to associate the members of the segment with the campaign.

                          4. Pick a time and date for the load request, and then click OK.

                          The following table describes how prospects and contacts can be used in segments associated with campaigns.

                          Table Scenarios for Using Segments in Campaigns

                          Scenario Data Source Integration Object Comments

                          Segment contains only contacts

                          Siebel OLAP or Siebel OLTP

                          Marketing Contact

                          Fully supported. Contacts exist in the Siebel transactional database, so data is inserted only into the S_CAMP_CON table.

                          Segment contains only contacts

                          Non-Siebel database

                          Marketing Contact

                          Fully supported. New contacts and accounts (if mapped) are created in the Siebel transactional database.

                          Segment contains only prospects

                          Siebel OLAP or Siebel OLTP

                          Marketing Person

                          Fully supported. Prospects exist in the Siebel transactional database, so data is inserted only into S_CAMP_CON.

                          Segment contains only prospects

                          Non-Siebel database

                          Marketing Prospect

                          Fully supported. New prospects are created in the Siebel transactional database.

                          Make sure that the Campaign Load List Format for the segment is configured to load data into the Marketing Prospect integration object.

                          Segment contains contacts and prospects

                          Siebel OLAP or Siebel OLTP

                          Marketing Person

                          Fully supported. Contacts and prospects exist in the Siebel transactional database, so data is inserted only into S_CAMP_CON and S_DD_USER_KEY tables.

                          Segment contains contacts and prospects

                          Non-Siebel database

                          Not applicable

                          Currently not supported.

                            Allocating Segments, Segment Trees, and Lists to Offer Treatments

                            A single campaign can be used to target multiple segments and distribute multiple offer treatments. You can allocate segments, segment trees and internal lists to offer treatments within a single campaign using the Allocation view.

                            This task is a step in Roadmap for Setting Up Campaigns.

                            The following procedure shows how to allocate segments to offer treatments.

                            To allocate segments, segment trees, and lists to offer treatments

                            1. Navigate to the Campaigns screen.

                            2. In the Campaigns list, click the campaign Name.

                            3. From the Campaign form, click the Design tab.

                            4. In the Design link bar, click Allocation.

                            5. Click Add Segment, Add Segment Tree, or Add List to add a predefined segment, segment tree, or list.

                              Note: If you select more than one treatment for the same segment or list, then the contacts or prospects are inserted into the campaign history one time for each treatment resulting in multiple entries.
                            6. In the dynamically added columns for each treatment, specify the percentage or absolute count of the target segment for the treatment.

                              The following table describes some of the fields in the allocation applet.

                              Field Comment

                              Control group %

                              Flag a control group for later analysis. This value is calculated on top of the counts in other treatment columns. For example, suppose you have a segment that includes a net count of 100,000, an email treatment of 25,000, and a direct mail treatment of 40,000, with a control group of 20%. The control group of 13,000 contacts would be added to the campaign history table along with the 52,000 targeted contacts.

                              % Allocation

                              Indicates that allocation is a percentage rather than an absolute count. If unchecked, then you must assign absolute values in the columns for each treatment.

                              Total Cost

                              The total cost of the treatment for the number of people targeted for the treatment row.

                              Using SmartScripts with Campaigns

                              A SmartScript is a script that the salesperson or call center agent uses to interact with the customer. It can be associated with any campaign.

                              If a SmartScript is associated with a business component and is run for a campaign, then that business component’s name must be the same as the value in the Enable Follow-up Actions field for the campaign.

                              For example, if the Enable Follow-up Actions field is set to Create Responses, then the script’s business component must be Response. If the Enable Follow-up Actions field is set to Create Opportunities, then the script's business component must be Opportunity.

                              A script based on the Opportunity business component can be run only when the value in Enable Follow-up Actions is either Create Opportunities or All. A script based on the Response business component can be run only when the value in Enable Follow-up Actions is either Create Responses or All.

                              If the value in the Enable Follow-up Actions field is All, then the SmartScript set as the primary script for the campaign is invoked. You can set the value of the Enable Follow-up Actions field by navigating to the Campaigns screen, Design, and then the Execution Options-Advanced view.

                              This task is a step in Roadmap for Setting Up Campaigns.

                              The following procedure shows how to set up a SmartScript.

                              To set up a SmartScript

                              1. Navigate to the Campaigns screen.

                              2. Select a campaign.

                              3. In the Campaign Details form, click the select button in the SmartScript field.

                                The Smart Scripts dialog box appears.

                              4. Select the script from the list of available scripts, and click Add.

                                Note: To add the remaining scripts used in this campaign, repeat Step 3 and Step 4.
                              5. In the SmartScript dialog box, select the check box of the primary script, and click OK.

                                Creating and Applying Campaign Templates

                                Using templates can save you time and effort. For example, many mailed campaigns use the same patterns of offers, such as an initial contact offer, a follow-up offer, and a thank-you or welcome offer. Email campaigns have a repeated pattern as well, starting with an initial offer, followed by confirmations for people opting in and opting out, followed by a welcome offer for new customers. By creating and using templates, you can save yourself time and effort and make your campaigns more consistent.

                                You can save any campaign as a reusable campaign template. The template retains many of the planning details from the campaign such as the goals, expenses, offers, documents, segments, lists, and activity plans. After you create a campaign template, you can reapply the template to any new campaigns. You can also share the template with other employees in your organization.

                                  Saving a Campaign as a Campaign Template

                                  The following procedure shows how to save a campaign as a campaign template.

                                  To save a campaign as a campaign template
                                  1. Navigate to the Campaigns screen.

                                  2. In the Campaigns list, select a campaign to use as a template.

                                  3. In the Campaign form, click the menu button, and choose Save as Template.

                                    This menu option is active only if your administrator has given you permission to use this action (using the Marketing access groups).

                                  4. In the Save As Template dialog box, enter a name, and click OK.

                                    Making Changes to a Template

                                    The following procedure shows how to make changes to the new template.

                                    To make changes to the new template
                                    1. Navigate to the Marketing Templates screen, then the Campaign Templates view.

                                    2. Query for the template you created in Step 4 of the previous procedure.

                                    3. In the template list or form, make the necessary changes.

                                      Applying a Campaign Template to a Campaign

                                      The following procedure shows how to apply a campaign template to a campaign.

                                      To apply a campaign template to a campaign
                                      1. Navigate to the Campaigns screen.

                                      2. In the Campaigns list, create a new campaign, or select a campaign to which to apply the template.

                                      3. In the Campaign form, click the menu button, and choose Apply Template.

                                      4. In the Apply Template dialog box, select a template to apply, and click OK.

                                      5. When asked if you want to continue, click OK.

                                        The Message dialog box, appears, confirming that the template was applied.

                                      6. In the Message dialog box, click OK.

                                        Process of Setting Up Teams and Groups

                                        Many organizations assign groups of agents to particular campaigns based on skill or territory.

                                        The most direct way to provide access to the campaign is by assigning positions to a team. However, if you have a large call center where agents are organized by predefined groups of agents, then you can set up assignments one time and then assign the group to each campaign. Setting up campaign groups lets you add the key positions to a campaign group, without having to remember individual employees.

                                        Some call centers do not have predefined groups, or the groups change often. In this case you can assign positions directly to the campaign team. Every employee position in the team has access to the campaign. To work with campaign teams and groups, perform the following tasks:

                                        1. Assigning Teams to Campaigns. (Used by Siebel Marketing and Siebel Campaigns)

                                        2. Setting Up Campaign Groups. (Used by Siebel Campaigns)

                                        3. Associating Groups with Campaigns. (Used by Siebel Campaigns)

                                        This process is a step in Roadmap for Setting Up Campaigns.

                                          Assigning Teams to Campaigns

                                          Campaign teams are used by Siebel Marketing and Siebel Campaigns. Campaign teams are set up by assigning individual employees to a team that is associated with the campaign. Each employee position on the campaign team has access to the campaign in the Campaigns screen.

                                          If you are working with partners in developing the campaign, then you can also include a partner as a team member by adding that partner’s position. The partner can then view the campaign in the Partner Portal, in the Campaign Management screen.

                                          The following procedure shows how to assign a team to a campaign.

                                          To assign a team to a campaign

                                          1. Navigate to the Campaigns screen.

                                          2. In the Campaigns list, click the campaign name.

                                          3. In the Team field, click the select button.

                                            The creator of the campaign is assigned as the primary member of the Campaign Team. This position can be removed from the team only after you select a different member of the team to be the Primary.

                                          4. In the Team Members dialog box, select employees from the Available list, and click Add.

                                            To select multiple consecutive employees, hold down SHIFT as you select each name. To select multiple nonconsecutive employees, hold down CTRL as you select names.

                                          5. Click the Primary field to select the primary team member, and click OK.

                                            The default primary team member is the position that created the campaign.

                                            Setting Up Campaign Groups

                                            Campaign groups are positions within your company, not individual employees. After you add a group to a campaign, anyone occupying a position listed in the group has access to the campaign. Campaign groups are used by Siebel Campaigns and can be associated with a campaign in Siebel Marketing.

                                            The following procedure shows how to create a campaign group and add group members.

                                            To create a campaign group and add group members

                                            1. Navigate to the Campaigns screen.

                                            2. In the Campaigns link bar, click Campaigns Groups.

                                            3. In the Campaign Groups list, add a new record.

                                            4. Enter a name and description for the group.

                                            5. In the Campaign Groups list, select the group.

                                            6. In the Positions list, add a new record.

                                            7. In the Add Positions dialog box, select the positions for the group, and click OK.

                                              Associating Groups with Campaigns

                                              After you have created the campaign group, you can associate the group with your campaign. Campaign groups are used by Siebel Campaigns.

                                              The following procedure shows how to add a group to a campaign.

                                              To add a group to a campaign

                                              1. Navigate to the Campaigns screen.

                                              2. In the Campaigns link bar, click Campaigns Groups.

                                              3. In the Groups list, create a new record.

                                              4. Enter a name and description for the group.

                                              5. In the Campaigns link bar, click Campaigns List.

                                              6. Select the campaign.

                                              7. In the Group field, click the select view button.

                                              8. In the Add Groups dialog box, select the group from the available list, and click Add.

                                              9. Click OK.

                                                Process of Setting Up Campaign Execution Options

                                                Campaign execution options are available in Siebel Marketing and Siebel Campaigns. Use the campaign execution options to specify campaign contact ownership and control the user’s ability to edit campaign contacts and prospects. You specify the ownership type and complete the default owners (organization and position). In addition, you can apply assignment rule groups (optional) that perform owner assignment.

                                                Campaign contact ownership is a feature to control team members’ visibility into the campaign contacts. Team members accessing the Campaign Contacts view can display only those campaign contacts and prospects that they own.

                                                You create these assignment rules in the Assignment Rules view in the Assignment Administration screen. For more information, see Siebel Assignment Manager Administration Guide. You select a rule group for a campaign in the Campaigns screen.

                                                To establish execution options and apply Siebel Assignment Manager rules to campaign contacts, perform the following tasks:

                                                1. Setting Up Execution Options for Campaigns

                                                2. Using Siebel Assignment Manager with Campaign Contacts

                                                This process is a step in Roadmap for Setting Up Campaigns.

                                                  Setting Up Execution Options for Campaigns

                                                  You can select the default execution options for each campaign when you set up the campaign. After the campaign is loaded, you can modify the execution options for the associated campaign at any time.

                                                  To assign contact ownership, make sure that you select the appropriate Campaign Contact Ownership value, your default owners, the Contact editing flags, and an Siebel Assignment Manager rule group.

                                                  The following procedure shows how to set execution options for a campaign.

                                                  To set execution options for a campaign

                                                  1. Navigate to the Campaigns screen.

                                                  2. In the Campaigns list, click a campaign name.

                                                  3. Click the Design view tab.

                                                  4. In the Design link bar, click Execution Options or Execution Options - Advanced and complete the fields.

                                                    Note: Some fields exist only in the Execution Options - Advanced link. The Email Campaign fields exist only in the Execution options link.

                                                    Execution options fields are described in the following tables:

                                                  • Assignment options. (See the following table.)

                                                  • Collaboration options. (See second table in this topic.)

                                                  • Delivery options. (See the third table in this topic.)

                                                  • Load options (See the fourth table in this topic.)

                                                  • Email campaign options (See the fifth table in this topic.)

                                                  The following table describes the assignment options for each Execution option field.

                                                  Table Execution Options - Assignment Option Fields

                                                  Field Action

                                                  Assignment Rule Group

                                                  Required if you select Yes - Assignment Manager in the Campaign Member Ownership field. Use if you want Siebel Assignment Manager to assign the organization owner and position owner to contacts and prospects in the campaign. Select a rule group to apply to contacts in the campaign.

                                                  Campaign Member Ownership

                                                  Controls assignment of position owner and organization owner during the load process. Values are:

                                                  • No. You do not want to assign ownership. When you select this option, the Organization Owner and Position Owner fields remain empty on the campaign contacts and prospect records.

                                                  • Yes - Manually. When you select this option, the load process populates the Default Position Owner and Default Organization Owner to the Campaign History table (S_CAMP_CON) for the contacts and prospects in the load. After the load process, you can manually assign organization and position owners on the campaign contacts and prospect records.

                                                  • Yes - Assignment Manager. You want Siebel Assignment Manager to assign ownership based on Siebel Assignment Manager rule groups. The load process invokes the Siebel Assignment Manager engine at the end of the process to assign the campaign members based on the rules in the selected Assignment Rule Group.

                                                  Default Organization Owner

                                                  (Optional) Default value that is populated into the Default Organization Owner field during the load process when assignment is enabled (Yes - Assignment Manager or Yes - Manually).

                                                  The list of organizations is restricted to the organizations associated with the campaign. After the value is populated, it can be updated if the assignment engine reassigns names. For more information, see Siebel Assignment Manager Administration Guide.

                                                  Default Position Owner

                                                  (Optional) Default value that is populated into the Default Position Owner fields during the load process when assignment is enabled (Yes - Assignment Manager or Yes - Manually).

                                                  The list of positions is restricted to the Default Organization Owner organizations associated with the campaign. After the value is populated, it can be updated if the assignment engine reassigns names. For more information, see Siebel Assignment Manager Administration Guide.

                                                  Lock Campaign Team Assignment

                                                  Campaign managers sometimes create assignment rules that assign additional positions to the campaign team. This lock flag excludes this campaign from the rules, so that new team members would not be assigned.

                                                  The following table describes the collaboration options for each Execution option field.

                                                  Table Execution Options - Collaboration Options

                                                  Field Action

                                                  Enable Contact Editing

                                                  Default is on (True). Clear the check box to prevent anyone from changing the owner fields and adding and deleting contacts. This flag controls the ability to edit the following fields on the campaign contact or prospect record:

                                                  • Contact Last Name

                                                  • Done Flag

                                                  • Organization Owner

                                                  • Prospect Last Name

                                                  • Position Owner

                                                  In addition, when this value is True, the New and Delete buttons are available.

                                                  Note: A contact can only be deleted by the Position Owner to whom it is assigned. The Delete button is unavailable to other users.

                                                  Enable Partner Editing of Contacts

                                                  Default is on (True). Clear the check box to prevent partners from editing the fields and using the buttons controlled by the Enable Contact Editing check box.

                                                  Enable Followup Actions

                                                  This value controls which buttons (Create Oppty, Create Order, Create Response, Script) are active in the Campaign agent views (Campaign Members). The following list describes the values:

                                                  • Create Opportunities. The Create Response and Create Oppty buttons are active.

                                                  • Create Orders. The Create Response and Create Order buttons are active.

                                                  • Create Responses. The Create Responses button is active.

                                                  • All. All buttons are active.

                                                  Enforce Approvals

                                                  When this option is active, the campaign cannot be launched unless the Approval Status for the campaign and its associated offers is Approved. You receive an error if you try to launch a campaign and the conditions are not met.

                                                  Control Campaign

                                                  This flag denotes that this campaign is meant to be used as a control group for a test and control program. Control campaigns are hidden from the outbound call center agent views (Campaign Members - Outbound), because control groups do not receive offer messages. Control Campaigns do appear in the Inbound version the Campaign Members view, because you want to be able to capture unsolicited responses.

                                                  The following describes the delivery options for each Execution option field.

                                                  Table Execution Options - Delivery Options

                                                  Field Action

                                                  Route Contacts

                                                  This flag controls whether or not campaign contacts are routed to mobile clients. By default all routing rules for campaign contacts are disabled.

                                                  Use Pregenerated Files

                                                  When this option is checked, the launch option uses the most recent list export file for the wave being launched. This option is useful if you have a short time to deliver all of your email, and you want to regenerate the list file before you launch the campaign.

                                                  To generate an email list file or a list export file for other channels, navigate to the Campaigns screen, Execute, and then the List Distribution view.

                                                  Route Prospects

                                                  This flag controls whether campaign prospects are routed to mobile clients. By default all routing rules for campaign prospects are disabled.

                                                  The following table describes the load options for each Execution option field.

                                                  Table Execution Options - Load Options

                                                  Field Action

                                                  Load Behavior

                                                  Controls what happens to the previous wave or load when the user opts to load the campaign again. The following is a list of choices:

                                                  • Overwrite Campaign History. Purges entire existing campaign history and creates a new load.

                                                  • Create New Wave. Creates an additional load or wave for the latest load.

                                                  • Add to Existing Wave. Finds the most recent good wave (not purged or suspended) and adds the campaign load members to the existing wave.

                                                  Allow Repeated Contacts with Load

                                                  Controls whether a specific contact or prospect ID can appear more than one time in the same load in the campaign for the same treatment.

                                                  The unique index in S_CAMP_CON (campaign members or contacts table) is based on Campaign ID, Load Number, Contact/Prospect ID, Token Number and Treatment ID. By default the application always populates a value of 1 in the column, so that uniqueness is driven by the contact and campaign. However, if you turn off this option, then the token number becomes a running number so there is no uniqueness enforced at the table level. This scenario is typical in certain industries such as Life Sciences where there is a many-to-many relationship between contacts and accounts. For example, in the pharmaceutical industry, doctors are affiliated with multiple hospitals and the pharmaceutical companies send offers to all of their active addresses in the same campaign.

                                                  Source Code Format

                                                  The source code format to be used to generate source codes for the campaign. If the format is also associated with the program level, then the value is carried over when a campaign is created on the program flow.

                                                  Generate Source Codes during Load

                                                  Generates source codes for waves that have not been launched at the completion of the campaign load. If the option is disabled, then you must manually generate the source codes using the Generate Source Codes menu option in the campaign screen.

                                                  Capacity Limit per Load

                                                  If this value is set to a value greater than 0 (zero), then the campaign load stops inserting campaign members as soon as the capacity is reached. For example, you could limit the campaign size to no more than 1000 people for each load.

                                                  Max Errors

                                                  This setting controls when the campaign load (EAI) process aborts. The load process tabulates the number of rejected records that were not inserted due to errors (bad data and so on). After the Max Errors value is passed, the campaign load process aborts. When this value is 0 (zero), all inserts and updates for the batch are backed out.

                                                  Pre-Load Task

                                                  A workflow can be associated that executes prior to Campaign Load. This can be used to execute dependent segments, create associated saved result sets, or call a third-party engine to modify existing data prior to segment execution. Available workflows in the picklist are drawn from a workflow group called Marketing Custom Workflows. You can customize these workflows to add your own validation or business logic.

                                                  Post-Load Task

                                                  If you are manually executing a campaign, then you can create a post-load task that executes a custom workflow immediately after loading the campaign if, for example, you want to employ an optimization engine to optimize the loaded target audience for the launch process. Available workflows in the picklist are drawn from a workflow group called Marketing Custom Workflows. You can customize these workflows to add your own validation or business logic.

                                                  If a campaign is scheduled to execute automatically, then you cannot run post-load tasks.

                                                  Post-launch Task

                                                  A workflow can be executed immediately after launching a campaign. This can be used to allow a custom process to transpose the final data set before the vendor picks up the file. Available workflows in the picklist are drawn from a workflow group called Marketing Custom Workflows. You can customize these workflows to add your own validation or business logic.

                                                  The following table describes the execution options for email campaigns.

                                                  Table Execution Options - Email Campaigns

                                                  Field Action

                                                  Save and Send

                                                  For email campaigns, this flag controls whether or not a copy of each email sent to a campaign contact as part of the campaign is saved to a file.

                                                  If you select the Save and Send option, then a copy of each email is saved as a .txt file and is assigned a name, using the format SEMA-CR-recipient_id_email.txt, where recipient_id is the contact Id.

                                                  By default, copies of emails sent to contacts as part of a campaign are not saved.

                                                  Destination Directory

                                                  If you select the Save and Send option, then enter the full path to the directory where you want to save copies of the emails sent to campaign contacts, for example, D:\esd.

                                                  The Email Sending Daemon creates a unique subdirectory within the directory you specify that contains all the emails sent for an individual campaign, and it assigns a name to the subdirectory by combining the campaign task Id and Wave Id with the time the email-send request was submitted (in nanoseconds). For example:

                                                  Note: To use the Save and Send functionality, you must install Email Marketing Server build [610] - EMS[625] or later. Email Marketing Server can be downloaded from My Oracle Support.

                                                    Using Siebel Assignment Manager with Campaign Contacts

                                                    After setting execution options, you can load and launch the campaign. If you chose to automatically assign an owner and associate an assignment rule group with the campaign, then Siebel Assignment Manager runs against the contacts in S_CAMP_CON at the end of the campaign loading process.

                                                    Before launching a campaign, you can add or delete campaign contacts and prospects or change the organization and position owners associated with a contact or prospect.

                                                    When this editing process is complete, you can run Siebel Assignment Manager against the campaign contacts and prospects to make sure ownership and visibility are correct.

                                                      Running Siebel Assignment Manager

                                                      The following procedure describes how to run Siebel Assignment Manager.

                                                      To run Siebel Assignment Manager
                                                      1. Navigate to the Campaigns screen.

                                                      2. In the Campaigns list, click a campaign name.

                                                      3. Click the Design view tab.

                                                      4. In the Design link bar, click the Execution Options view tab.

                                                      5. Click the Run Assignment Manager button.

                                                      6. Select a campaign.

                                                        Siebel Assignment Manager runs using the campaign history table (S_CAMP_CON) for that campaign’s contacts and prospects. For example, partners or employees might add new contacts to the campaign during the review process. Because these new leads might not have the correct owner, you can rerun Siebel Assignment Manager to assign these new records.

                                                      Note: You cannot run Siebel Assignment Manager until the campaign has successfully loaded.

                                                        Automatically Assigning Owners to Campaign Contacts

                                                        The following procedure shows how to automatically assign owners to campaign contacts.

                                                        To automatically assign owners to campaign contacts
                                                        1. Navigate to the Campaigns screen.

                                                        2. Click the campaign name.

                                                        3. Click the Design view tab.

                                                        4. In the Design link bar, click Execution Options.

                                                        5. Verify that the values in the following fields are correct:

                                                          • Default Organization Owner

                                                          • Default Position Owner

                                                          • Assignment Rule Group

                                                        6. Load and Launch the campaign.

                                                          When the Campaign is loaded, Siebel Assignment Manager assigns owners to the campaign contacts.

                                                        7. To run Siebel Assignment Manager again, click the Run Assignment Manager button and select a campaign to load and launch.

                                                        8. Click Run Assignment Manager.

                                                          The Run Assignment Manager button is only available if you choose Yes - Assignment Manager in the Campaign Contact Ownership field.

                                                        9. In the Pick Campaign dialog box, select a campaign, and click OK.

                                                          Process of Setting Up Campaign Quotas

                                                          Quotas are used by Siebel Marketing and Siebel Campaigns and can be set up for a campaign as an incentive for agents to meet target goals. A quota is a goal, such as a monetary goal for generating a certain amount of revenue for a campaign, or it might be a nonmonetary goal such as making a certain number of calls within a time period.

                                                          To develop a quota plan with measurable objectives and rewards for success, use the following process and the quota view tabs to define details. To set up campaign quotas, perform the following tasks:

                                                          1. Creating Campaign Quota Plans

                                                          2. Defining Quotas for the Plan

                                                          3. Assigning Awards to the Campaign Quota Objective

                                                          4. Assigning Campaign Quota Plan Participants

                                                          This process is a step in Roadmap for Setting Up Campaigns.

                                                            Creating Campaign Quota Plans

                                                            Use the following procedure to set up a quota plan for your campaign.

                                                            To create a quota plan

                                                            1. Navigate to the Campaigns screen.

                                                            2. Click the campaign name.

                                                            3. Click the Design view tab.

                                                            4. In the Design link bar, click Quotas.

                                                            5. In the Quotas list, create a new record.

                                                            6. Complete the fields for the quota plan.

                                                              The following table describes some of the fields.

                                                              Field Comment

                                                              Active Flag

                                                              Set to True when you create the quota.


                                                              Description of the quota plan.


                                                              Populated when the Period field is completed.

                                                              Internal Division Name

                                                              The name of the internal division associated with this quota.


                                                              (Required) The time period for which the quota is active.

                                                              Plan Name

                                                              (Required) Enter a relevant name for the Quota Plan.


                                                              Populated when the Period field is completed.

                                                              Defining Quotas for the Plan

                                                              After you define the quota plan, add quota objectives that participants must meet to receive incentives. Before adding new quotas, add the appropriate Quotas, Awards, and Plan Participants.

                                                                Adding Quota Objectives to the Quote Plan

                                                                The following procedure describes how to add quote objectives to a quote plan.

                                                                To add quota objectives to the quota plan
                                                                1. Navigate to the Campaigns screen.

                                                                2. Click the campaign name.

                                                                3. Click the Design tab.

                                                                4. In the Design link bar, click Quotas.

                                                                5. In the Quotas list, click the plan name.

                                                                  The quota plan details appear in the Plan form, and quota objectives appear in the Quotas list.

                                                                6. In the Quotas list, create a new record.

                                                                7. In the Add Quota Objectives dialog box, select an objective, and click OK.

                                                                  Repeat Step 6 and Step 7 to add additional quota objectives to the quota plan.

                                                                  Editing Quota Objective Values

                                                                  The following procedure shows how to edit quota objective values.

                                                                  To edit quota objective values
                                                                  1. Navigate to the Campaigns screen.

                                                                  2. In the Campaign list, click the campaign name.

                                                                  3. Click the Design tab.

                                                                  4. In the Design link bar, click Quotas.

                                                                  5. In the Quotas list, click the plan name.

                                                                    The quota plan details appear in the form, and quota objectives appear in the Quotas list.

                                                                  6. Select the quota objective record and change values in the appropriate fields.

                                                                    Information about some fields in the quota objective record is described in the following table.

                                                                    Field Comment


                                                                    Contains a detailed summary of the quota objective. You can edit this field.


                                                                    (Read only) Values are Revenue and Units. You typically add a Target Amount quota for a revenue measure and a Target Quantity quota for a units measure.

                                                                    Quota Type

                                                                    (Read only) Values are Amount and Quantity.

                                                                    The next time you select the quota record, your modifications appear.

                                                                    Assigning Awards to the Campaign Quota Objective

                                                                    Quota plan participants might receive awards for meeting campaign objective goals. A number of awards for different performance achievements can be set up using the Awards view tab list.

                                                                      Assigning Awards to Quota Objectives

                                                                      Use the following procedure to assign awards to quota objectives.

                                                                      To assign predefined awards to a quota objective
                                                                      1. Navigate to the Campaigns screen.

                                                                      2. In the Campaigns list, click the campaign name.

                                                                      3. Click the Design tab.

                                                                      4. In the Design link bar, click Quotas.

                                                                      5. In the Quotas list, click the plan name.

                                                                        The quota plan details are displayed in the form, and quota objectives appear in the Quotas list.

                                                                      6. Click the Award select button and, in the Pick Quota Incentive dialog box, select the award for meeting the quota.

                                                                        After you click OK, the selection appears in the Award field.

                                                                      7. In the Target Quantity field, click the calculator button, and use the calculator to enter the number of units that represents the quota target.

                                                                        Creating New Awards

                                                                        The following procedure shows how to create new awards.

                                                                        To create new awards
                                                                        1. Navigate to the Campaigns screen.

                                                                        2. Click the campaign name.

                                                                        3. Click the Design tab.

                                                                        4. In the Design link bar, click Quotas.

                                                                        5. In the Quotas list, click the plan name.

                                                                          The quota plan details are displayed in the form, and quota objectives appear in the Quotas list.

                                                                        6. In the Administration - Sales Quota link bar, click Awards.

                                                                        7. In the Awards list, create a new record.

                                                                        8. Complete the necessary fields for the award.

                                                                          Some fields are described in the following table.

                                                                          Field Comment


                                                                          In the field, click the arrow, and use the calculator controls to enter the dollar amount for the award. If the type is cash, then this value is the amount of cash given with the award.

                                                                          Award Date

                                                                          In the field, click the arrow, and use the calendar controls to specify the date the reward is given.


                                                                          Enter a description of the award.


                                                                          Enter a reference name for the award.


                                                                          Select the award type from the drop-down list. Options are Dinner, Cash, Trip, and Other. Your administrator can change these values to reflect your company’s requirements.

                                                                          Assigning Campaign Quota Plan Participants

                                                                          Use the following procedure to assign eligible participants to your quota plan using the Participants view tab.

                                                                          To add participants to the campaign quota plan

                                                                          1. Navigate to the Campaigns screen.

                                                                          2. Click the campaign name.

                                                                          3. Click the Design tab.

                                                                          4. In the Design link bar, click Quotas.

                                                                          5. In the Quotas list, click the plan name.

                                                                            Quota objectives appear in the Quotas list.

                                                                          6. Click the Quota Plan Participants view tab.

                                                                          7. In the Participants list, create a new record.

                                                                          8. In the Participants list, create a new record, and complete the fields.

                                                                            This field updates if you change the participant’s start or end date. You can also edit the Prorate field directly. For each plan participant, quotas are calculated by multiplying the prorate by the target amount or quantity.

                                                                            For example:

                                                                            Prorate=((Participant’s End Date – Participant’s Start Date) + 1) / ((Period End Date – Period Start Date) + 1)

                                                                          Repeat this procedure to add other participants.

                                                                            Process of Setting Up Campaign Assignment Skills

                                                                            Campaign assignment skills are set up only in Siebel Campaigns. Setting up campaign assignment skills is a way to identify which employees have certain skills and define the attributes of each skill.

                                                                            Siebel Assignment Manager uses assignment skill rules to assign telesales agents to a campaign. Assignment skills are categories, such as Product or Language. Campaign Skill Items are subsets of campaign skills. For example, a skill item for the product campaign skill might be 486 Laptop or Pentium Desktop. A skill item for the language campaign skill might be French or English.

                                                                            When associating skills with a campaign, first define the assignment skill, and then assign properties to the skill using the Campaign Skill Item list. Fields in the Campaign Skill Item list vary according to the skill. Repeat these procedures to add as many skills as needed to the campaign.

                                                                            To set up assignment skills for a campaign, perform the following tasks:

                                                                            1. Associating Assignment Skills with Campaigns

                                                                            2. (Optional) Defining Campaign Skill Items

                                                                            3. (Optional) Deleting Assignment Skills and Campaign Skill Items

                                                                            This process is a step in Roadmap for Setting Up Campaigns.

                                                                              Associating Assignment Skills with Campaigns

                                                                              Use the following procedure to define and associate assignment skills required for your campaign.

                                                                              To associate multiple assignment skills with a campaign

                                                                              1. Navigate to the Campaigns screen.

                                                                              2. In the Campaigns list, click the campaign name.

                                                                              3. Click the Design tab.

                                                                              4. In the Design link bar, click Assignment Skills.

                                                                              5. In the Assignment Skills list, create a new record.

                                                                              6. Complete the fields, typing comments that describe the skill and how it is used in the campaign.

                                                                                Defining Campaign Skill Items

                                                                                Use the following procedure to define items for each campaign skill associated with your campaign.

                                                                                To associate skill items with a skill

                                                                                1. Navigate to the Campaigns screen.

                                                                                2. In the Campaigns list, click the campaign name.

                                                                                3. Click the Design tab.

                                                                                4. In the Design link bar, click Assignment Skills.

                                                                                5. In the Assignment Skills list, select a skill.

                                                                                6. Scroll down to the Campaign Skill Item list, and create a new record.

                                                                                7. In the Campaign Skill Item list, complete the fields defining the properties for each skill item.

                                                                                  Deleting Assignment Skills and Campaign Skill Items

                                                                                  You can delete assignment skills and campaign skill items by using the following procedures. When you delete an assignment skill, its campaign skill items are deleted.

                                                                                    Deleting an Assignment Skill and its Campaign Skill Items

                                                                                    The following procedure describes how to delete an assignment skill and associated campaign skill items.

                                                                                    To delete an assignment skill and its campaign skill items
                                                                                    1. Navigate to the Campaigns screen.

                                                                                    2. Click the campaign name.

                                                                                    3. Click the Design tab.

                                                                                    4. In the Design link bar, click Assignment Skills.

                                                                                    5. In the Assignment Skills list, select the skill, and delete the record.

                                                                                      You have deleted the assignment skill and the campaign skill items that were associated with it.

                                                                                      Deleting a Campaign Skill Item

                                                                                      The following procedure shows how to delete a campaign skill item.

                                                                                      To delete a campaign skill item
                                                                                      1. Navigate to the Campaigns screen.

                                                                                      2. Click the campaign name.

                                                                                      3. Click the Design tab.

                                                                                      4. In the Design link bar, click Assignment Skills.

                                                                                      5. In the Assignment Skills list, select the skill.

                                                                                      6. Scroll down to the Campaign Skill Item list, and select an item to delete from the assignment skill.

                                                                                      7. Delete the skill record.

                                                                                        Using Siebel Marketing with Siebel Events Management

                                                                                        Sales and marketing professionals can use the Siebel Events Management module to create, coordinate, and manage events for the enterprise, resulting in improved client interaction and expansion of the marketing message.

                                                                                        Siebel Events Manager is integrated with Siebel Marketing, so you can create complex, multistage event marketing programs. Marketing administrators can use the Program Flow view to associate events with marketing campaigns. Upon execution of the campaign, attendees are invited to the event and populated in the event attendee list. Siebel Marketing tracks responses when the attendees decide to accept the invitation and begin the registration process. As a result, event managers can track each attendee through the life of the event, from invitation, to confirmation, and to attendance.

                                                                                        Customers who have purchased the required license options for both Siebel Marketing and Siebel Events Management, can invite contacts or prospects to an event through an email marketing campaign. Sending this kind of invitation involves creating a target segment or list of invites, associating a related event to a campaign and email offer, and launching the campaign to send out email invitations with an embedded Event Web site URL. During execution, campaigns that have a related event automatically add the campaign contacts or prospects to the event as attendees, with a Registration Status of Invited.

                                                                                        Unlike contacts, prospects are not required to log in to the events Web site to register for an event. Therefore, this method for inviting prospects can be particularly useful in the case where third-party prospect lists are imported and not promoted to contacts. Invited prospects appear in the Events screen, Attendees subview.

                                                                                          Promoting an Event Using a Campaign

                                                                                          This task assumes that you have already created an Event and Offer. In most cases, you would invite contacts or prospects by using an email offer. Siebel Marketing also supports other types of offers, such as Direct Mail, Fax, or SMS. However, the automatic embedding of the Siebel Events Web site URL only works with an email offer.

                                                                                          The following procedure shows how to promote an event using a campaign.

                                                                                          To promote an event using a campaign

                                                                                          1. Create a campaign and add a Related Event.

                                                                                            For more information, see Creating Campaigns and Associating Related Events with Campaigns.

                                                                                          2. Launch the campaign.

                                                                                            For more information, see Launching Programs and Campaigns.

                                                                                          3. To display the invited contacts or prospects after the campaign launch, navigate to the Events screen, Participants, then the Attendees view tab.

                                                                                            Promoting an Event Using a Program

                                                                                            This task assumes that you have already created the events, campaigns and offers and that these entities are associated (such as associating an offer to a campaign and an event to a campaign). In most cases, users invite contacts or prospects using an email offer. Siebel Marketing also supports other types of offers, such as Direct Mail, Fax, or SMS. However, the automatic embedding of the Siebel Events Web site URL only works with an email offer.

                                                                                            The following procedure shows how to promote an event using a program.

                                                                                            To promote an event using a program

                                                                                            1. Create a program.

                                                                                              For more information, see Creating Programs.

                                                                                            2. Navigate to the Programs screen, and click the program name.

                                                                                            3. In the Program Flow workspace, select the campaign used to promote the event.

                                                                                            4. In the Objects palette, click to select the event icon and move it to the program flow workspace.

                                                                                            5. Select the event from the Pick Event dialog box.

                                                                                            6. Launch or schedule the program as you normally would.

                                                                                              For more information, see Executing Programs.

                                                                                            7. After each campaign launch, display the invited contacts or prospects by navigating to the Events screen, Participants, then the Attendees view tab.

                                                                                              Testing Campaigns

                                                                                              You can test outbound email and fax campaigns in Siebel Marketing and Siebel Campaigns before actually sending them to target recipients. You can preview the offer delivery distribution and then launch the email campaign using the Send functionality.

                                                                                              When you use the test offer feature, a sample of the offer is sent to you. To test campaigns and offers, see the following topics:

                                                                                                Scenario for Testing Campaigns

                                                                                                The marketing manager of a telecommunications company plans to roll out a campaign that targets mobile communications customers whose service agreements expire in the next quarter. The campaign features an email containing information on the latest offers. The business goal is to retain the accounts of those customers by offering incentives for signing a new service agreement.

                                                                                                The marketing manager uses Test Offer to view the content and format of the email before it is sent to targeted customers.

                                                                                                  Testing Campaigns That Have Email and Fax Treatments

                                                                                                  Test Treatment sends you samples of email or fax treatments associated with a particular campaign. Before testing email treatments, make sure you complete the following tasks:

                                                                                                  • Make sure the treatment is active. The date in the Activation Date field for the email treatment must have arrived, and the date in the Expiration Date field must be current or in the future for the Test Treatment command to be enabled.

                                                                                                  • Associate the treatment with a campaign. Associate the treatment with an active campaign. For more information, see Associating Offers and Segments with Campaigns.

                                                                                                  The following procedure shows how to test email and fax campaign treatments.

                                                                                                  To test email and fax campaign treatments

                                                                                                  1. Navigate to the Campaigns screen.

                                                                                                  2. In the Campaigns list, click the campaign name.

                                                                                                  3. Click the Design view tab.

                                                                                                  4. In the Design link bar, click Offers.

                                                                                                  5. In the Treatments list, select an email treatment.

                                                                                                  6. Click the Edit Email tab and manually enter the required information for the values in the merge fields.

                                                                                                  7. Click the Treatment Details tab.

                                                                                                  8. Click the menu button, and choose Test Treatment.

                                                                                                  9. For email treatments, choose a merge field from the Merge Fields list.

                                                                                                  10. For fax treatments, choose from the list of available team members in the Campaign Team dialog box.

                                                                                                  11. Verify the email treatment has been sent to the specified email address.

                                                                                                    Using Seed Lists for Testing Email Treatments

                                                                                                    A seed list is an internal list that contains prospects or contact records. You can use a seed list of email accounts to test both HTML and text versions of an email. For example, the contacts or prospects in a seed list could have email accounts with several ISPs to allow testing for deliverability to each ISP. To create a seed list, navigate to the List Management screen, then the Lists view and add a new list with Seed List as the List Type. For more information on list management, see Managing Lists.

                                                                                                      About Using Response Management

                                                                                                      Siebel Marketing and Siebel Campaigns use Response Management. Whenever prospects or contacts respond to an offer through any channel (by inbound email, the Web, a call center, or sales representative), their responses can be captured in detail using the Responses screen. Using Response views, you can determine which contacts to pursue as opportunities.

                                                                                                      Campaign media can be different from response media. Recipients of an Internet campaign can respond through a call center, and recipients of a direct mail offer might respond by going to a Web offer URL. A Web site can capture response details, while phone calls or direct mail responses must be recorded manually.

                                                                                                      Note: In Siebel Marketing, inbound email replies are not automatically captured as responses. You must configure your email response product to support inbound email processing. For Siebel Email Response set-up instructions, see Siebel Email Administration Guide.

                                                                                                      There are several response types and each response type has several parameters that store details about a given response. You can modify an automatically captured response if you have permission. Responses are tracked for an offer and for a campaign.

                                                                                                      To use Response Management, you might perform some or all the following optional tasks:

                                                                                                        About Response Definitions

                                                                                                        The Response definitions view shows all the response definitions within the current program. It provides a consolidated view of trees and segments associated with the responses. To access the view, navigate to Program screen, Design, and then the Response Definitions view, or double click on a Responses shape in the Program Designer flow, as described in Adding Responses to Programs.

                                                                                                        Note: Deleting a Response definition in the Response definitions view also deletes the shape from the Program Flow designer view.

                                                                                                        The following table describes some of the fields in the Response Definitions applet.

                                                                                                        Table Fields in the Response Definitions Applet

                                                                                                        Field Comment

                                                                                                        Stage Name

                                                                                                        Name of the stage associated with the response. Clicking this field navigates to the Program screen, Schedule, then the Details View, which displays the stage details, including its schedule.

                                                                                                        Stage Status

                                                                                                        The default is the record identifier for the stage. Change the identifier for the stage source code if desired, but make sure the value is unique.


                                                                                                        Name of the response definition.

                                                                                                        Folder Location

                                                                                                        Folder location where the response definition is to be saved.

                                                                                                        Max Errors

                                                                                                        If the response generation process exceeds this number of errors, then the entire process is aborted.

                                                                                                        The following table describes some of the fields in the Response Values list applet.

                                                                                                        Table Fields in the Response Values List Applet

                                                                                                        Field Comment


                                                                                                        Priority of the Tree Node.

                                                                                                        Net Count

                                                                                                        The most recent Net count retrieved from the segmentation engine.

                                                                                                        Create Response

                                                                                                        A response will only be created if this box is checked. It is checked by default.


                                                                                                        (Optional) A pick applet to associate a treatment with the inferred response. This field is used to track and report effectiveness of treatments. Constrained to campaigns in the program.


                                                                                                        (Optional) A pick applet to associate a campaign with the inferred response. This field is added only for richer reporting. Constrained to campaigns in the program.


                                                                                                        Description of the response.

                                                                                                        Response Type

                                                                                                        Each response stream can capture responses in a specified LOV category. For more information on response types, see Response Types.






                                                                                                        High, Low, or Medium.

                                                                                                          Adding Response Information to Prospect or Contact Records

                                                                                                          The All Responses list displays responses to selected campaigns and offers. Use this view to add response information to existing prospect or contact records, to promote a contact to an opportunity, to specify the response type and channel, and to score the response. Use an optional Details form to enter more information about the response.

                                                                                                          The following procedure shows how to add response information to prospect or contact records.

                                                                                                          To add response information to prospect or contact records

                                                                                                          1. Navigate to the Responses screen.

                                                                                                          2. In the Responses list, create a new record.

                                                                                                          3. In the Responses list or form, complete the fields, using the following table as a guide.

                                                                                                            Fields Comment

                                                                                                            Last Name

                                                                                                            Select the Last Name for a prospect or contact.

                                                                                                            Some fields are populated based on this selection. These include:

                                                                                                            • The first name of the respondent.

                                                                                                            • The account associated with the respondent. If no account is associated, then use the Account select button to choose one.

                                                                                                            • The account address (city, state, country, telephone number, and so on), that are associated with the respondent are automatically filled in the form.

                                                                                                            Lead Partner

                                                                                                            Choose a partner organization to associate with the response. If a lead partner was assigned at the program level or campaign level, then that partner appears in this field. If you do choose to change the Lead Partner value, then the drop-down list shows only those partners associated with the campaign source.

                                                                                                            Response Method

                                                                                                            (Optional) The method used to capture the response.

                                                                                                            Campaign Name

                                                                                                            (Optional) Choose which campaign the customer is responding to. If the customer is not responding to a specific campaign, then you can select only the treatment.

                                                                                                            Treatment Name

                                                                                                            (Required) Only treatments associated with the selected campaign appear in the list.


                                                                                                            Enter a numeric value that represents a score for the response.

                                                                                                            Source Code

                                                                                                            In Siebel Marketing and Siebel Campaigns, source codes are assigned to each campaign contact according to the source code format associated with the program stage. If the source code is included in offer materials, then it can be accessed by the recipients in their responses.

                                                                                                            Treatment Code

                                                                                                            Each treatment has an unique treatment code. If the treatment code is included in the offer materials, then it can be accessed by the recipients in their responses.

                                                                                                            Using Automatic Source Code and Treatment Code Lookups

                                                                                                            Behind each Responses view is an automatic business service that looks up and decodes information based on any source codes or treatment codes added in a response.

                                                                                                              Source Code Lookups

                                                                                                              To perform a source code lookup, enter the campaign contact’s source code into the Source Code field on the response form and leave the field. You do not have to save the record to perform the lookup. As soon as you click or step off the field, the lookup service determines whether the campaign is recognized and whether the contact name can be uniquely determined. If the source code is recognized, then the correct campaign name is defaulted. If the contact name can be uniquely determined within a campaign, then the contact name is also defaulted. The source code value is stored in the campaign history table (S_CAMP_CON) for each contact record.

                                                                                                                Treatment Code Lookups

                                                                                                                To perform an treatment code lookup, enter the treatment code in the response form. When you save the record, if the lookup service recognizes the treatment code, then it defaults the correct treatment name.

                                                                                                                Note: If the source code or the treatment code is not recognized by the application or if the two codes conflict, then neither values is saved and the response record is not committed to the database.

                                                                                                                If your deployment does not require source code lookups, then you can disable the Response Lookup business service using Siebel Tools.

                                                                                                                  Adding Products to Responses

                                                                                                                  This view tab displays a list of products associated with the response, for example, products for which a respondent requested information using a product link in an email or Web treatment.

                                                                                                                  The following procedure shows how to add products to a response.

                                                                                                                  To add products to a response

                                                                                                                  1. Navigate to the Responses screen, then the Responses view.

                                                                                                                  2. In the Responses list, click the description.

                                                                                                                  3. Click the Products view tab.

                                                                                                                  4. In the Products list, create a new record.

                                                                                                                  5. In the Add Products dialog box, select the product from the list, and click Add.

                                                                                                                    The list contains products that have been associated with the treatment.

                                                                                                                    Adding Orders to Responses

                                                                                                                    This view tab displays a list of the respondent’s product orders. An order record contains information on the order status, the order number, type, account associated with the order, the date, priority, and description of the order.

                                                                                                                    The following procedure shows how to add orders to a response.

                                                                                                                    To add orders to a response

                                                                                                                    1. Navigate to the Responses screen, then the Responses view.

                                                                                                                    2. In the Responses list, click the description.

                                                                                                                    3. Click the Orders view tab.

                                                                                                                    4. In the Orders list, create a new record.

                                                                                                                    5. In the Add Orders dialog box, select the order from the list, and click Add.

                                                                                                                      Adding Opportunities to Responses

                                                                                                                      This view tab displays a list of opportunities associated with the response.

                                                                                                                      The following procedure shows how to add opportunities to a response.

                                                                                                                      To add opportunities to a response

                                                                                                                      1. Navigate to the Responses screen, then the Responses view.

                                                                                                                      2. In the Responses list, click the description.

                                                                                                                      3. Click the Opportunities view tab.

                                                                                                                      4. In the Opportunities list, create a new record.

                                                                                                                      5. In the Add Opportunities dialog box, select the opportunity from the list, and click Add.

                                                                                                                        Adding Attachments to Responses

                                                                                                                        This view tab displays a list of documents and other items that are associated with the response record.

                                                                                                                        The following procedure shows how to add attachments to a response.

                                                                                                                        To add attachments to a response

                                                                                                                        1. Navigate to the Responses screen.

                                                                                                                        2. In the Responses list, click the description.

                                                                                                                        3. Click the Attachments view tab.

                                                                                                                        4. To add a URL, in the Attachments list, perform the following steps:

                                                                                                                          1. Click New URL.

                                                                                                                          2. In the URL field, enter the URL, and click Add.

                                                                                                                        5. To attach a file, in the Attachments list, perform the following steps:

                                                                                                                          1. Click New File.

                                                                                                                          2. In the Choose File dialog box, select the file, and click Open.

                                                                                                                          Response Types

                                                                                                                          The information captured and stored in the Response Details view depends on the response type that you select in the Response Type field of the response record. For each response type value, The following table identifies some of the field names in which information is captured and describes the captured information.

                                                                                                                          Note: A Response is not automatically created when you click a Related Events link in an email or Web treatment. Siebel Marketing and Siebel Campaigns do not provide responses for Clicked on Related Event.

                                                                                                                          Table Response Type Field Values in the Response Details Form

                                                                                                                          Response Type Field Name Captured Information and Description

                                                                                                                          Accepted Invitation


                                                                                                                          Indicates user accepted invitation.



                                                                                                                          Contains Attendee Status and Event Name. Indicates that the contact or prospect attended the event.



                                                                                                                          Contains Attendee Status and Event Name. Indicates that the contact or prospect canceled.

                                                                                                                          Clicked on event URL


                                                                                                                          Contains Event Name. Indicated that the contact or prospect clicked on the URL in the invitation email.

                                                                                                                          Clicked on Product URL


                                                                                                                          Name of the product. The list of product URLs the respondent clicked appears in the Responses screen, Products view.

                                                                                                                          Clicked on Web Treatment


                                                                                                                          Name of the Web treatment that the treatment recipient clicked.

                                                                                                                          Completed Web Survey


                                                                                                                          Name of the Web survey that the treatment recipient clicked.

                                                                                                                          Confirm Subscribe to List


                                                                                                                          Indicates that the user's request to subscribe has been processed. An email is sent to confirm this status.

                                                                                                                          Confirm Unsubscribe to List


                                                                                                                          Indicates that the user's request to unsubscribe has been processed. An email is sent to confirm this status.



                                                                                                                          Contains Attendee Status and Event Name. Indicates that the contact or prospect confirmed his or her attendance.

                                                                                                                          Declined Engagement


                                                                                                                          Indicates that the user declined participation in the topic.

                                                                                                                          Declined Invitation


                                                                                                                          Indicates that the user declined the invitation.

                                                                                                                          Downloaded Info/File(s)

                                                                                                                          Downloaded File

                                                                                                                          Name of the downloaded file.


                                                                                                                          Subject of the file.


                                                                                                                          Optional comment.

                                                                                                                          Forward to a Friend


                                                                                                                          Allows user to include personal note to friend who is receiving the forwarded message.

                                                                                                                          Email Address

                                                                                                                          Input area for Email address of friend who is receiving the message.

                                                                                                                          First Name

                                                                                                                          Input area for First Name of the friend who is receiving the message.

                                                                                                                          Last Name

                                                                                                                          Input area for Last Name of the friend who is receiving the message.

                                                                                                                          Gave Referral


                                                                                                                          Indicates user provided a referral.



                                                                                                                          Contains Attendee Status and Event Name. Indicates that the contact or prospect was invited.

                                                                                                                          No Interest


                                                                                                                          Indicates the user was not interested in topic.



                                                                                                                          Contains Attendee Status and Event Name. Indicates that the contact or prospect did not arrive at the event.

                                                                                                                          One Click Unsub


                                                                                                                          Indicates that the user's request to unsubscribe has been processed.



                                                                                                                          Contains Attendee Status and Event Name. Indicates that the contact or prospect is currently in the process of registering.

                                                                                                                          Read Receipt

                                                                                                                          Not applicable

                                                                                                                          An optional response type that requires additional configuration to support automatic creation.

                                                                                                                          Marketers can embed an HTML tag in HTML emails that Siebel Marketing can use to count each time the email is opened (read). The read receipt tag contains an image request. When that image is requested it is interpreted as an opened email. The tag must be placed on its own line at the end of the message.


                                                                                                                          Not applicable

                                                                                                                          Not applicable.

                                                                                                                          Requested Unsubscribe Response


                                                                                                                          Can store the subject line of an inbound email or be edited manually.


                                                                                                                          Contents of the email. Applies only to campaign responses.

                                                                                                                          Time of Day (Subscribe by phone)

                                                                                                                          Indicates the respondent’s preference for a time if the respondent wants to subscribe by telephone. Choices are Morning, Afternoon, and Evening.

                                                                                                                          Requested call back

                                                                                                                          Phone #

                                                                                                                          Respondent’s phone number.


                                                                                                                          Priority level of the callback request. Choices are Urgent, High, Medium, and Low.


                                                                                                                          Stores the comments for a Web-generated response or can be edited manually.

                                                                                                                          Time of day

                                                                                                                          Indicates the respondent’s preference for the time of callback. Choices are Morning, Afternoon, and Evening.


                                                                                                                          Can store the subject line of an inbound email or be edited manually. The list of products for which the respondent requested a callback appears in the Responses screen, Products list.

                                                                                                                          Requested Further Engagement


                                                                                                                          Indicates that the user has requested further discussion.

                                                                                                                          Requested more info


                                                                                                                          Stores the comments for a Web-generated response. Other comments can be entered manually.

                                                                                                                          Requested more info


                                                                                                                          Email address, if the delivery method is email.

                                                                                                                          Requested more info


                                                                                                                          Fax number, if the delivery method is fax.

                                                                                                                          Requested more info


                                                                                                                          Phone number, if the delivery method is phone.

                                                                                                                          Requested more info

                                                                                                                          Ship Method

                                                                                                                          The preferred method of delivery (direct mail, email, fax, or phone) that the customer has specified be used for delivery of information.

                                                                                                                          Requested more info

                                                                                                                          Street Address, City, State, ZIP, Country

                                                                                                                          The address to which the information is mailed if the preferred delivery method is direct mail.

                                                                                                                          The list of products for which the respondent requested information appears in the Responses screen, Products list.

                                                                                                                          Requested more info


                                                                                                                          Can store the subject line of an inbound email or be edited manually.

                                                                                                                          Requested Unsubscribe

                                                                                                                          Email, Fax, Phone, Direct Mail

                                                                                                                          The choices are subscribe and unsubscribe.

                                                                                                                          Respondent Interested


                                                                                                                          Indicates that the responder has shown interest in topic.

                                                                                                                          Respondent Purchased

                                                                                                                          Not applicable

                                                                                                                          This response is not created automatically. You must use Siebel Business Process Designer to capture responses of this type.

                                                                                                                          The orders for this purchase are displayed in the Responses screen’s Orders view.

                                                                                                                          Respondent unreachable


                                                                                                                          Optional comment.

                                                                                                                          Response created opportunity


                                                                                                                          The list of opportunities can be accessed by selecting the Responses Opportunities view.

                                                                                                                          Submitted Source Code

                                                                                                                          Not applicable

                                                                                                                          Not applicable.

                                                                                                                          Subscribe to List


                                                                                                                          Indicates that the user's request to subscribe has been processed.

                                                                                                                          Unclassified Response

                                                                                                                          Not applicable

                                                                                                                          The response does not fall into one of the main response type categories or is a campaign response that requires manual processing.


                                                                                                                          Subject of the email. Applies only to campaign responses.


                                                                                                                          Contents of the email. Applies only to campaign responses.

                                                                                                                          Unsubscribe to List


                                                                                                                          Indicates that the user's request to unsubscribe has been processed.



                                                                                                                          Contains Attendee Status and Event Name. Indicates that the contact or prospect has been waitlisted due to exceeded capacity.



                                                                                                                          Contains Attendee Status and Event Name. Indicates that the contact or prospect arrived at the event without registration.

                                                                                                                            Promoting Responses to Opportunities

                                                                                                                            If the customer is interested in the product offered by the campaign, then you can promote the response to an opportunity. If the customer is an existing contact, then the account is associated with the opportunity. If the customer is a prospect, then the customer is promoted to a contact, and then associated with an account.

                                                                                                                            The following procedure shows how to promote a response to an opportunity.

                                                                                                                            To promote a response to an opportunity

                                                                                                                            1. Navigate to the Responses screen.

                                                                                                                            2. In the Responses list, click the Description name.

                                                                                                                            3. In the Response form, click Create Opportunity button.

                                                                                                                              The Opportunity form appears, with the response information in the form, and the contact information in the Campaign Leads Contacts list.

                                                                                                                              Creating Automatic Responses from Opportunities and Orders

                                                                                                                              When you create an opportunity in the All Contacts/Prospects view using the Create Opty button, Siebel Marketing and Siebel Campaigns create a response record using the Create Auto Response business service.

                                                                                                                              For opportunities, the response is created for each contact added to an opportunity after a campaign is associated as an opportunity source. To create the response, associate a campaign with the opportunity using the Source field MVG (multivalue group) and then add a contact to the opportunity. All responses default to a type of Created Opportunity.

                                                                                                                              For orders, the response is created whenever a campaign is associated with a sales order. To create the response, you associate a campaign with the Sales Order using the Campaign field. All responses default to a Type of Respondent Purchased.

                                                                                                                                Associating an Opportunity with a Campaign

                                                                                                                                To associate an opportunity with a campaign, you use the Source field on the Opportunity form to select the campaign name. Each opportunity can be associated with multiple sources, if appropriate, but only one can be designated as the primary source.

                                                                                                                                When this association is made, the opportunity appears under the Campaign Track Results tab in the Opportunities view with the Sourced from Marketing flag checked.

                                                                                                                                  Associating an Order with a Campaign

                                                                                                                                  To associate an order with a campaign, you use the Campaign field on the order form to select the campaign name.

                                                                                                                                    Reviewing and Adding Campaign Elements in Campaign Explorer

                                                                                                                                    You can use the Campaign Explorer view in Siebel Marketing and Siebel Campaigns to review subcampaigns, contacts, activities, and offers for each campaign. The side pane of this view contains an explorer, and the main pane shows the details of the selected campaign.

                                                                                                                                    You can use the detail list to add folder items. For example, to add an activity, you select the Activity folder in the side pane, and the Activities list appears in the main pane. Then, from the list, you add a new activity record.

                                                                                                                                      Adding Items to Campaign Folders

                                                                                                                                      The following procedure shows how to add items to campaign folders.

                                                                                                                                      To add items to campaign folders

                                                                                                                                      1. Navigate to the Campaigns screen, then the Explorer view.

                                                                                                                                      2. In the Campaign Explorer, expand the campaign item to show its folders.

                                                                                                                                      3. Click the folder.

                                                                                                                                      4. In the details list, add a new record and complete the fields.

                                                                                                                                        Reviewing Campaign Elements

                                                                                                                                        The following procedure shows how to review campaign elements.

                                                                                                                                        To review campaign elements

                                                                                                                                        1. Navigate to the Campaigns screen, then the Explorer view.

                                                                                                                                        2. In the Campaign Explorer, expand the folders for each campaign to display subfolders of campaign elements.

                                                                                                                                        3. Click a folder to display detail of the subcampaign, contacts, activities, and offers in the list in the main pane.

                                                                                                                                          Process of Loading Customers in Campaigns

                                                                                                                                          When you load a campaign, the campaign members are added to the campaign history by loading segments and lists (as well as any names added manually using the user interface). For more information about segments, see Oracle Marketing Segmentation Guide.

                                                                                                                                          The following types of lists are used by Siebel Marketing and Siebel Campaigns:

                                                                                                                                          • External lists. You can import purchased or rented lists into your application using List Management. When you use List Management with Siebel Data Quality you can scrub lists for duplicates during the import process. For more information, see About Importing External Data.

                                                                                                                                          • Internal lists. You can also use List Management to maintain lists created from records that already exist in your contacts or prospects databases. For more information, see Process of Creating and Managing Internal Lists and Subscription Lists.

                                                                                                                                          • D&B lists. D&B lists are generated from D&B libraries of companies based on criteria you define. The D&B module provides a library of incorporated businesses that you can market to. Using the D&B screen you can create a list of D&B contacts to use in your campaign. For more information, see the chapter about D&B in Siebel Applications Administration Guide.

                                                                                                                                          • Reviewing and Adding Campaign Elements in Campaign Explorer. For more information on integrating List Management with D&B, see Integrating List Management with D&B.

                                                                                                                                          Note: When a campaign has both segments and lists, the segments load before the lists.

                                                                                                                                          To load customers in a campaign, you perform the following tasks:

                                                                                                                                          1. Associating Lists of Prospects or Contacts with Campaigns

                                                                                                                                          2. Adding Contacts and Prospects to Campaigns Individually

                                                                                                                                          3. Viewing Campaign Contacts and Prospects

                                                                                                                                          4. Loading Campaigns

                                                                                                                                            Associating Lists of Prospects or Contacts with Campaigns

                                                                                                                                            This topic discusses associating an imported (or purchased) list and an internal list of prospects or contacts with a campaign.

                                                                                                                                            When you associate a purchased list with a campaign, you import the list, and then associate the list with a campaign. Prospects are only visible in the Campaign Contacts list if you successfully import the purchased list before associating it with a campaign. If contacts or prospects are added to a list after you associate that list with a campaign, then you must suspend the wave that did not include the new customers and load the campaign again.

                                                                                                                                            Caution: If you associate an empty list (a list prepared for import but not yet imported) with a campaign and then import the list, then the prospects are not associated with the campaign and are not visible in the Campaign Prospects list.

                                                                                                                                            After you associate a list with a campaign, the Contact/Prospect List does not immediately display data. You must load the campaign before the members are added to the campaign history. The list is populated after the Marketing Campaign Load workflow process runs, and you might have to refresh the browser view to display the newly associated names. For more information, see Siebel Marketing Installation and Administration Guide.

                                                                                                                                            Use the following procedure to associate available imported or internal lists of contacts and prospects with your campaigns. Before you associate a list with a campaign, make sure that the Siebel Server, the Object Manager component, and Workflow Process Manager component are running.

                                                                                                                                            This task is a step in Roadmap for Setting Up Campaigns.

                                                                                                                                            Note: You can only associate active campaign lists with a campaign.

                                                                                                                                            To associate a list of prospects or contacts with a campaign

                                                                                                                                            1. Navigate to the Campaigns screen.
                                                                                                                                            2. In the Campaign list, click the campaign name.
                                                                                                                                            3. Select the Design view tab.
                                                                                                                                            4. In the Design link bar, click Segments\Lists.
                                                                                                                                            5. Click the Add List button.
                                                                                                                                            6. In the Add Lists dialog box, select a list, and click OK.
                                                                                                                                              Note: When you associate a campaign list with a campaign, contacts in that list are associated with the campaign. If you change the campaign list to be inactive or if you delete it, then the contacts still appear in the Contacts/Prospects list for that campaign.

                                                                                                                                              Troubleshooting the Contact and Prospect List

                                                                                                                                              The Contact/Prospect list might not show contacts or prospects that have been recently associated with the list. To resolve the problem, look for it in the following table.

                                                                                                                                              Table Contact/Prospect List Troubleshooting

                                                                                                                                              Symptom Diagnostic Steps and Cause Solution

                                                                                                                                              The newly associated contacts or prospects do not appear in the Contact/Prospect List

                                                                                                                                              Marketing Campaign load is not yet complete or the browser display has not yet been refreshed.

                                                                                                                                              Wait for the Marketing Campaign Load workflow process to complete and then refresh the browser.

                                                                                                                                              After waiting for the Marketing Campaign Load workflow process to complete and after refreshing the browser, the newly associated prospects or contacts do not appear in the Contact/Prospect List

                                                                                                                                              None of the campaign waves have been launched.

                                                                                                                                              Launch one or more waves, or launch the campaign.

                                                                                                                                              None of the customers in the campaign meet the search specification for the view.

                                                                                                                                              Modify the search specification. Consider the following possibilities:

                                                                                                                                              • Campaigns that are Launched or Completed

                                                                                                                                              • Campaign Wave that is launched

                                                                                                                                              • The campaign contact record that is assigned to the position of the user

                                                                                                                                              • The campaign contact records that is not Marked for Deletion

                                                                                                                                              • Control Campaign flag is set to N

                                                                                                                                              • Contact and Prospect Do Not Call Flag is set to N

                                                                                                                                              The campaign contacts and prospects have been assigned to a different organization or position.

                                                                                                                                              Navigate to the Campaigns screen, Design, and then the Execution Options view, and check the values for Campaign Member Ownership, Default Organization Owner, and Default Position Owner.

                                                                                                                                                Adding Contacts and Prospects to Campaigns Individually

                                                                                                                                                In addition to loading a campaign from segments, lists, or both, you can add individual contacts and prospects to a campaign. The ability to add or delete contacts and prospects can be controlled in the Execution Options view by using two flags (Enable Contact Editing and Enable Partner Editing of Contacts). If these flags are checked, then the New and Delete buttons are available. The buttons are available in Siebel Campaigns in the Campaign Administration views, but not the other Campaign views. For more information, see Process of Setting Up Campaign Execution Options.

                                                                                                                                                After you add a list of contacts and prospects to a campaign and then load the campaign, these contacts and prospects appear in the All Contacts/Prospects view and in the All Contacts/Prospects Across Organizations view. You can also add contacts and prospects one at a time. For more information, see Managing Lists.

                                                                                                                                                The following procedure shows how to add a contact or prospect to a campaign.

                                                                                                                                                This task is a step in Roadmap for Setting Up Campaigns.

                                                                                                                                                To add a contact or prospect to a campaign

                                                                                                                                                1. Navigate to the Campaigns screen.

                                                                                                                                                2. In the Campaigns list, click the campaign name.

                                                                                                                                                3. Click the Execute view tab.

                                                                                                                                                4. In the Execute link bar, click All Contacts/Prospects.

                                                                                                                                                  The list of available contacts or prospects appears, with information on the selected contact or prospect record displayed in the Contact or Prospect Details form.

                                                                                                                                                5. To add a contact, click Pick Contacts.

                                                                                                                                                6. To add a prospect, click Pick Prospects.

                                                                                                                                                7. In the Pick dialog box, perform one of the following actions:

                                                                                                                                                  1. Select one or more existing records, and click OK.

                                                                                                                                                  2. Click New to create a new contact or prospect, then enter the information, and click OK.

                                                                                                                                                8. In the Contacts and Prospects Detail form, complete the fields.

                                                                                                                                                  Viewing Campaign Contacts and Prospects

                                                                                                                                                  If you have access to the campaign, then you can view the assigned contacts and prospects using the following procedure.

                                                                                                                                                  To view marketing contacts and prospects

                                                                                                                                                  1. Navigate to the Campaigns screen, then the Campaigns List view.

                                                                                                                                                  2. In the Campaigns list, click the campaign name.

                                                                                                                                                  3. In the Execute link bar, click All Contacts/Prospects.

                                                                                                                                                    The Contacts/Prospects list appears, showing only the assigned contacts and prospects for that campaign.

                                                                                                                                                    Loading Campaigns

                                                                                                                                                    After you associate your lists, segments, and segment tree cells with your campaign, you can load the campaign. Campaigns can be loaded from the Campaign form in any of the Campaign Management views or from the Campaigns list.

                                                                                                                                                    The following procedure shows how to load a campaign from the Campaigns screen.

                                                                                                                                                    To load a campaign from the Campaigns screen

                                                                                                                                                    1. Navigate to the Campaigns screen.

                                                                                                                                                    2. From the Campaigns list, click the campaign name.

                                                                                                                                                      Note: Make sure you have allocated your segments, lists or segment tree nodes to treatments before you load the campaign.
                                                                                                                                                    3. In the Campaign or Campaign Details form, click the menu button, and choose Load Campaign.

                                                                                                                                                      Note: The Load Campaign option is active only if your administrator has given you this privilege using the Marketing access groups.
                                                                                                                                                    4. In the Load Campaign dialog box, assign the date and time for the load to start, and then click OK.

                                                                                                                                                    5. Click the Execute view tab to review the load status.

                                                                                                                                                    6. In the Execute link bar, perform the following steps:

                                                                                                                                                      1. To display the history of each wave that has been loaded, click Execution Status.

                                                                                                                                                      2. To display details of the load process, click System Tasks.

                                                                                                                                                    7. Click Refresh to update the load status.

                                                                                                                                                      About Reviewing Contacts and Prospects in Active Campaigns

                                                                                                                                                      Sales people and call center employees can use the Campaign Members dashboard to review the contacts and prospects in active campaigns. The Campaign Member views display a queue of active campaign contacts and prospects and a campaign summary, contact, and prospect summary.

                                                                                                                                                      Campaign Members screen displays the active campaign members according to several levels of visibility. The following table shows the levels of visibility available.

                                                                                                                                                      Table Levels of Visibility in the Campaign Members Screen

                                                                                                                                                      Level of Visibility Description

                                                                                                                                                      My Campaign Members

                                                                                                                                                      Displays campaign contacts and prospects that are specifically assigned to the employee's position.

                                                                                                                                                      All Campaign Members - Outbound

                                                                                                                                                      Displays campaign contacts and prospects in active, launched campaign waves and the campaign members that are assigned to the employee's organization. This view does not display any members of control campaigns.

                                                                                                                                                      All Campaign Members - Inbound

                                                                                                                                                      Displays campaign contacts and prospects in active, launched campaign waves and the campaign members that are assigned to the employee's organization. This view includes members of control campaigns.

                                                                                                                                                      The Campaign agent views only display campaign members (contacts and prospects) that are in active campaigns and for which campaign waves have been launched to the call center. Any waves that have not been launched by a member of the campaign team or administrator do not appear.

                                                                                                                                                        Using Waves with Campaigns

                                                                                                                                                        When you create a campaign, a default wave record is also created. The default record allocates 100% of the contacts in wave A. If the campaign is part of a marketing program, then you set up the waves in the Programs screen. For more information, see Setting Up Waves for Campaign Loads.

                                                                                                                                                        For stand-alone campaigns, you create waves in the Campaign screen. The delay between waves can be defined as hours or days.

                                                                                                                                                        This task is a step in Roadmap for Setting Up Campaigns.

                                                                                                                                                        The following procedure shows how to set up multiple waves for a stand-alone campaign.

                                                                                                                                                        To set up multiple waves for a stand-alone campaign

                                                                                                                                                        1. Navigate to the Campaigns screen.

                                                                                                                                                        2. Click the campaign name.

                                                                                                                                                        3. Click the Design view tab.

                                                                                                                                                        4. In the link bar, click Wave Settings.

                                                                                                                                                        5. Add new wave records, and save the wave records.

                                                                                                                                                          Use the following table as a guide.

                                                                                                                                                          Field Comment

                                                                                                                                                          Wave Code

                                                                                                                                                          Enter a wave code, up to 10 characters. You cannot save the record without a wave code. The wave code appears as part of the source code for the campaign member if you set up the source code format to include it. The wave code for the default wave is A.


                                                                                                                                                          Describe the characteristics of the wave.


                                                                                                                                                          The default is 0. Enter the amount of time the wave is delayed after loading a campaign. The maximum lag for the waves cannot be greater than number of days between the start date and end date of the campaign.

                                                                                                                                                          The wave is launched when the server processes the Launch Campaign request.

                                                                                                                                                          This server process can be scheduled or can be manually started using the right-click menu in the Program Flow workspace.

                                                                                                                                                          Lag Unit

                                                                                                                                                          Choose either Hours or Days.


                                                                                                                                                          The default percentage is 100 for a single wave. If you are planning multiple waves, then first reduce the percentage number in the first wave and enter the percentage of contacts who are included in the second wave. The total percent values cannot exceed 100%.

                                                                                                                                                        About Previewing and Generating Lists

                                                                                                                                                        You can create output lists of contacts for export to a fulfillment partner or another application. Direct mail vendors often require specific formatting of campaign lists. When a campaign is ready for launching, the target list can be exported according to a flexible list format and distributed using FTP or email. You can define, manage, and preview the list format without the intervention of an administrator. Default formats can be assigned for each vendor.

                                                                                                                                                        You can preview a sample of the list to determine whether the output file layout is what you want and then generate the actual distribution list that is sent to vendors.

                                                                                                                                                        After a list has been generated, the records in it do not change even when the contacts and prospects who meet the segmentation criteria change. If you modify the members of the campaign, then you must regenerate the list files using the latest data.

                                                                                                                                                        Lists can be generated manually using the List Distribution view in the Campaign screen or scheduled as part of a scheduled launch of a program stage or stand-alone campaign.

                                                                                                                                                          Previewing Lists

                                                                                                                                                          Prior to launching a campaign, check that the list generation works properly. To do this, preview the list and inspect how the list data appears in the fields. The preview uses the first 500 rows of contact data, and these 500 contacts might or might not be in your final generated lists. These contacts are used only to model how the list format looks with actual data.

                                                                                                                                                          To generate this preview file, your Export List Format must be built so that it exports data from the data source where the campaign load data is extracted. Typically, this data source is the Siebel Data Warehouse or another data mart or data warehouse where the segment members are extracted during campaign load.

                                                                                                                                                          This task is a step in Roadmap for Setting Up Campaigns.

                                                                                                                                                          The following procedure shows how to generate a preview list.

                                                                                                                                                          To generate a preview list

                                                                                                                                                          1. Navigate to the Campaigns screen.

                                                                                                                                                          2. From the Campaigns list, click the campaign name.

                                                                                                                                                          3. Click the Execute view tab, and in the Execute link bar, click List Distribution.

                                                                                                                                                          4. Select either List Export or Email Personalization as the type of list format.

                                                                                                                                                          5. If you selected Email Personalization, then select an email offer in the Offer field.

                                                                                                                                                          6. If you select List Export, then create a new record in the Vendor list:

                                                                                                                                                            1. Using the Vendor select button, select a vendor.

                                                                                                                                                            2. Using the Export List Format select button, select one or more export list formats. Be sure to select an appropriate list format type for the type of channel (direct mail, email, and so on).

                                                                                                                                                          7. Click Generate Output Lists to generate the preview file.

                                                                                                                                                          8. In the dialog box, select one or more waves, and then click OK:

                                                                                                                                                            1. Give the server a few minutes to process the job, and then click the Refresh button in the Generated Lists applet.

                                                                                                                                                            2. (Optional) To monitor the job, click System Tasks in the Execute link bar.

                                                                                                                                                          When the file is created, it appears in the Generated Lists list. If the list format has splits set up in the formatting, then multiple files appear in the list. Refer the Content Description column to view details about the file contents. Drill on the list name to open it, or save it to your computer.

                                                                                                                                                            Manually Generating Campaign Lists

                                                                                                                                                            The following procedure explains how to manually generate a list for a campaign.

                                                                                                                                                            This task is a step in Roadmap for Setting Up Campaigns.

                                                                                                                                                            To generate a list for a campaign

                                                                                                                                                            1. Navigate to the Campaigns screen, and in the Campaign list, click the campaign name.

                                                                                                                                                            2. Click the Execute view tab, and in the Execute link bar, click List Distribution.

                                                                                                                                                            3. Click New to create a new list distribution entry.

                                                                                                                                                            4. Select a vendor.

                                                                                                                                                              If the vendor has a default list format, then that format name appears in the Export List Format field.

                                                                                                                                                            5. Click the Export List Format select button.

                                                                                                                                                            6. In the Pick Export List Format dialog box, select your list format from the folders.

                                                                                                                                                            7. Click Generate Output Lists to generate the file.

                                                                                                                                                            8. Give the server a few seconds or minutes to process, and then click the Refresh button in the Generated Lists applet.

                                                                                                                                                              If desired, use the System Tasks view under Execute tab to monitor the job.

                                                                                                                                                              When the file is created, it appears in the Generated Lists list. If the list format has splits set up in the formatting, then multiple files appear in the list. See the Content Description column to view details about the file contents. You can click the list name to open it, or save it to your computer.

                                                                                                                                                              Integrating Contact Planning Rules in Marketing Campaigns

                                                                                                                                                              Contact planning rules are enterprise-wide rules that allow recency, frequency, volume and channel constraints for customer, channel, and program dimensions. Contact planning rules can be set up by adding input parameters to the Get List Format System Data step of the Marketing Campaign Load workflow. Parameter names must match those specified in the webexpression.xml file in Oracle Business Intelligence. For more information on contact planning rules, see Oracle Marketing Segmentation Guide.

                                                                                                                                                              Note: Contact planning rules are supported only in Oracle Business Intelligence or later.