9Administering Siebel Remote

Doing Basic Configuration and Administrative Tasks

    Logging in to the Siebel Database as an Administrator

    This topic describes how to log in to the Siebel database as an administrator, using the Siebel Developer Web Client.

    Logging in to the Siebel database as an administrator

    1. From the Windows Start menu, choose Programs.

    2. Choose the folder where you installed the Siebel application, such as Siebel17_home1, and then choose Siebel Web Client version, where version is the original installed version of Siebel CRM, such as 17.0.

    3. In the Siebel Web Client program group, choose a Siebel application, such as Siebel Sales - ENU.

      The Siebel application starts and a splash screen displays that prompts you for log in information.

    4. In the User ID and Password windows of the splash screen, enter log in information that provides administrator privileges, such as SADMIN.

      Administrator privileges provide access to administrative screens from the Site Map, such as the ability to manage server components, and so on.

    5. In the Connect to window, choose Server, and then click OK.

      Logging in to the Local Database

      To log in to the local database, you can use Oracle SQL Developer or SQL*Plus.

        Making Advanced Server Parameters Visible

        To modify a setting for an advanced server parameter, you must make sure that the Show Advanced Objects parameter of the Server Manager server component is set to True. The Show Advanced Objects parameter controls whether or not advanced objects are visible when you click Advanced in the Component Parameters list of the server component. The following are some of the advanced objects you can modify that Siebel Remote uses:

        • The Id Db Recreate parameter of the Transaction Router server component

        • The Static Port Number parameter of the Synchronization Manager server component

        • The Default Tasks parameter of the Replication Agent server component

        To make advanced parameters visible

        1. Locate the record for the Server Manager server component.

          For more information, see Locating the Record for a Server Component.

        2. In the bottom applet, click the Parameters tab, and then query the Parameter field for Show Advanced Objects.

        3. Set the Value field to True.

        4. Restart the Siebel Server.

          Locating the Siebel Application Configuration File

          This topic describes how to locate the Siebel application configuration file. For more information, see Modifying the Siebel Configuration File for Siebel Remote.

          To locate the Siebel application configuration file

          1. Log in to the Siebel Server computer or the Mobile Web Client computer.

          2. Open Windows explorer.

          3. Navigate to the language folder.

            • On the Siebel Server, navigate to the SIEBEL_ROOT\bin\language directory.

              In this path, language is the language code, such as ENU.

            • On the remote client (Mobile Web Client), navigate to the root directory. For example, C:\Siebel\Client\BIN\ENU.

          4. Locate the configuration file.

            For example, uagent.cfg or siebel.cfg.

            Locating the Record for a Server Component

            This topic describes how to locate the record of a server component on the Siebel Server or the Siebel Enterprise Server.

            To locate the record for a server component on the Siebel Server

            1. Log in to the Siebel Server with administrator privileges.

              For more information, see Logging in to the Siebel Database as an Administrator.

            2. Navigate to the Administration - Server Configuration screen, and then the Servers view.

            3. In the Siebel Servers list, query the Siebel Server field for the Siebel Server that you are configuring.

            4. In the Components list, query the Component field for the server component that you must modify or examine.

              After you locate the record, you can use the Events list and the Parameters list to view events and parameters that are configured for the server component. These lists are located at the bottom of the screen.

            To locate the record for a server component on the Siebel Enterprise Server

            1. Log in to the Siebel Server with administrator privileges.

              For more information, see Logging in to the Siebel Database as an Administrator.

            2. Navigate to the Administration - Server Configuration screen, and then the Enterprises view.

            3. In the Enterprise Servers list, query the Enterprise Server field for the Siebel Server that you are configuring.

            4. In the Component Definition list, query the component field for the server component that you must modify or examine.

              Process of Administering Siebel Remote

              This process is a step in Roadmap for Implementing Siebel Remote.

              To administer Siebel Remote, you do the following:

              1. Administering Server Components for Siebel Remote

              2. Managing Synchronization

              3. Administering the Remote Client

              4. Maintaining Siebel Remote

              The order you use to do these steps vary according to your requirements.

              Administering Server Components for Siebel Remote

              This task is a step in Process of Administering Siebel Remote.

              This topic describes how to administer server components that Siebel Remote uses.

                Using the Administrative Interface to Administer Server Components

                This topic describes how to use the administrative interface to administer server components for Siebel Remote. Components in the following component groups start automatically when you start the Siebel Server, where the component groups mentioned have been enabled:

                • The Siebel Remote component group (alias Remote) includes server components that Siebel Remote requires. For a list of these components, see Server Components That Siebel Remote Uses.

                • The Disconnected Mobile Synchronization component group (alias MobileSync) includes server components that Siebel Remote requires. For a list of these components, see Server Components That Siebel Remote Uses.

                  Note: If the Status of the Transaction Router or Transaction Merger component is Enabled, then the component automatically starts one task when the Siebel Server starts. If the Status of the Transaction Processor component is Enabled, then the component automatically starts one task after the first DBXtract task has completed and you have restarted the server (unless you start the task manually). To examine the Status, you can navigate to the Components view of the Administration - Server Configuration, and then the Servers screen. If necessary, use Columns Displayed to expose the Status field. For more information, see Siebel System Administration Guide.

                To use the administrative interface to administer server components

                1. Make sure the Siebel Server is up and running.

                  You cannot manually start the Transaction Processor, Transaction Router, or Transaction Merger server components through the GUI Server Manager unless the Siebel Server is running.

                2. Optional. Turn on event logging.

                  For more information, see Using Event Logging with Server Components.

                3. Navigate to the Administration - Server Management screen, Servers, and then the Component Groups view.

                4. In the Component Groups list, query the Name field for Siebel Remote or Disconnected Mobile Synchronization.

                5. To determine the state of the server component you must administer, examine the following field in the Components list:

                  State (Icon)

                  The State (Icon) field indicates whether the component is Online, Paused, or Shutdown.

                6. To administer the server component, click a button in the Components list.

                  You can resume, pause, startup, or shutdown the server component. If you click Startup, then a new task for the server component starts.

                7. Optional. Configure start-up parameters for the server component.

                  For more information, see Configuring Server Components for Synchronization and Transactions.

                8. To administer more server components, repeat Step 5 through Step 7 for each component.

                  Using the Command Line Interface to Administer Server Components

                  This topic describes how to use the Server Manager command line interface to administer server components. It includes the following information:

                  Some of the commands in this topic reference the alias for the server component. For a list of these aliases, see Server Components That Siebel Remote Uses.

                    Opening the Command Line Interface for Server Manager

                    To manage server components, you can use the Server Manager command line of the Server Manager. If you open a Server Manager command line, then make sure you indicate the Siebel Server name. If you do not, then the Server Manager is set to the Siebel Enterprise Server, by default. For more information, see About the Siebel Enterprise and the Siebel Enterprise Server.

                    To open the command line interface for Server Manager
                    1. On the Siebel Server, choose Start, and then choose Run.

                    2. Type cmd in the Open window, and then click OK.

                      The command line interface opens.

                    3. At the command line prompt, type srvrmgr server_name .


                      • server_name is the name of the Siebel Server where you must enter a command.

                      The Server Manager command line opens, and displays as follows:

                      srvrmgr server_name

                      Using the Command Line to Administer Server Components

                      To administer the Siebel Remote or MobileSync component group and individual server components, you can use the Server Manager command line.

                      To use the command line to administer server components
                      1. Open the Server Manager command line.

                        For more information, see Opening the Command Line Interface for Server Manager.

                      2. Optional. Turn on event logging.

                        For more information, see Using Event Logging with Server Components.

                      3. Navigate to the SIEBEL_ROOT\bin folder.

                      4. Enter the following command:

                        srvrmgr /e enterprise_server_name /g gateway_server_name /u username /p password


                        • username is the username of the Siebel administrator.

                        • password is the password of the Siebel administrator.

                        For more information, see About the Siebel Enterprise and the Siebel Enterprise Server.

                      5. From the Server Manager command line, enter the following commands:

                        enable compgrp remote
                        enable compgrp mobilesync

                        These commands start the Siebel Remote and the MobileSync component groups. The applicable server components in these groups are described in Server Components That Siebel Remote Uses.

                      6. Optional. Start more tasks for individual server components.

                        For more information, see Using the Command Line to Start Multiple Tasks for a Server Component.

                      7. Log in to the Siebel Server with administrator privileges.

                        For more information, see Logging in to the Siebel Database as an Administrator.

                      8. Navigate to the Administration - Server Configuration screen, Enterprises, and then the Synchronize view.

                      9. Click Synchronize.

                        For more information, see About the Siebel Enterprise and the Siebel Enterprise Server.

                        Using the Command Line to Stop or Start the Siebel Remote or Disconnected Mobile Synchronization Component Group

                        This topic describes how to use the command line to stop or start the Siebel Remote component group (alias Remote) or the Disconnected Mobile Synchronization component group (alias MobileSync).

                        To use the command line to stop or start the Siebel Remote or MobileSync component group
                        • To stop the Siebel Remote or MobileSync component group, from the Server Manager command line, enter one of the following commands:

                          disable compgrp remote
                          disable compgrp mobilesync
                        • To start the Siebel Remote or MobileSync component group for a Siebel Server, from the Server Manager command line, enter one of the following commands:

                          enable compgrp remote for server server_name
                          enable compgrp mobilesync for server server_name

                          This command enables the applicable component group only on some Siebel Servers in the Siebel Enterprise, rather than on every Siebel Server. For more information, see About the Siebel Enterprise and the Siebel Enterprise Server.

                        • To use the command line to start or stop an individual server component of the Siebel Remote or MobileSync component group, from the Server Manager command line, enter the following command:

                          command compdef component_alias_name


                          • command is enable or disable. It starts or stops the server component.

                          • component_alias_name is the name of the alias for the server component.

                          You can use the comp or compdef command. For more information, see Siebel System Administration Guide.

                          Using the Command Line to Start a Task for a Server Component

                          You can use the Server Manager command line to start a task for a server component for Siebel Remote. To automatically start Synchronization Manager, the Siebel Server uses the default configuration. An explicit configuration is typically not required.

                          To use the command line to start a task for a server component
                          1. Open the Server Manager command line.

                            For more information, see Opening the Command Line Interface for Server Manager.

                          2. To start a task for a server component, enter the following command in a single line:

                            start task for comp component_alias_name server server_name with parameter_1=value_1, parameter_2=value_2,...


                            • component_alias_name is the name of the alias for the server component

                            • server_name is the name of the Siebel Server where the server component runs

                            • parameter_1 is a parameter of the server component

                            • value_1 is the value for parameter_1

                            For example:

                            start task for comp dbxtract server sdchs20n512 with client=regional_node_1, initmethod=ddl

                            For more information, see Server Component Parameters.

                          3. To administer another server components, repeat Step 2.

                            Using the Command Line to Start Multiple Tasks for a Server Component

                            To start multiple tasks for a server component, you must use the start task command. For information about how many tasks to start for a server component, see Options for Configuring the Siebel Server.

                            To use the command line to start multiple tasks for a server component
                            • From the Server Manager command line, enter the following command:

                              start task for comp component_alias_name


                              • component_alias_name is the alias name of the server component

                            For information about:

                              Managing Synchronization

                                Determining How Frequently to Synchronize

                                It is recommended that you develop guidelines for how frequently your users synchronize. Make sure you recommend an appropriate interval between synchronizations, taking into consideration the requirements and activities of your organization. You must also consider the frequency and schedule that you specify for the Transaction Router.

                                Initially, you might recommend that users synchronize one time a day. You can then use the factors described in this topic to evaluate your synchronization traffic and determine if your synchronization schedule must be refined.

                                To determine how frequently to synchronize

                                • Consider the connection time.

                                  Frequent synchronization reduces the number of transactions that Siebel Remote sends during a synchronization, and it reduces the connection time for this session. You can evaluate the difference in connection time and cost between the following items:

                                  • Less frequent but longer synchronizations

                                  • More frequent but shorter sessions

                                • Consider the disk space requirements.

                                  Frequent synchronization reduces the number of transactions that accumulate between sessions, and it reduces the amount of disk space required on the Siebel Server and the remote client. Evaluate the amount of disk space that is available and determine the trade off between increasing disk space and increasing synchronization frequency.

                                • Consider database volatility.

                                  Your synchronization schedule determines when Siebel Remote synchronizes modifications in the server database to the local databases. In an industry with high sales volatility, frequent synchronization can provide a significant advantage.

                                  The Transaction Router detects and routes database modifications to the remote client outbox for routing during the next synchronization. The operating status of the Transaction Router on each Siebel Server affects data availability for users. In a volatile environment, it be might necessary for you to run multiple Transaction Routers for each Siebel Server. You can also stop monitoring the Transaction Router.

                                • Consider user productivity.

                                  Frequent synchronization can affect user productivity. Consider the environment where the user operates and the convenience of completing a synchronization.

                                • Consider the Siebel Server connections.

                                  The ratio of remote clients to server connections influences your synchronization schedule. If the ratio is high, then it might be necessary for you to assign synchronization times to your users.

                                  Optimizing Transaction Routing by Extracting All Remote Clients

                                  A remote client that is extracted receives the latest transactions. It is not necessary for the routers to route transactions that were created before the extract started. For details regarding the synchronization process, see How Siebel Remote Flows Data Through the Architecture and How Siebel Remote Synchronizes Local Databases.

                                  To optimize transaction routing by extracting all remote clients

                                  • Extract all remote clients.

                                    Extracting all remote clients enables the Transaction Processor to delete transactions that Siebel Remote created before the extraction from the transaction log.

                                    Sending a Message to a User During Synchronization

                                    The message-of-the-day feature allows you to send a message to a user. When a user synchronizes with the Siebel Server, the remote client displays the message of the day to the user each time docking occurs.

                                    To send a message to a user during synchronization

                                    • Place the motd.txt file in the siebsrvr\admin folder.

                                      For example, if the Siebel Server is installed in the C:\siebel\ses folder, then place the motd.txt file in the following folder:


                                      The user will see the message the next time the user synchronizes.

                                      Adding a New Remote Client

                                      This topic describes how to add a new remote client.

                                      To add a new remote client

                                      1. Create and register a remote client.

                                        For more information, see Configuring the Remote Client to Automatically Synchronize.

                                      2. Do a database extract for the new remote client.

                                        For more information, see Extracting the Server Database.

                                      3. Initialize the local database for the remote client.

                                        For more information, see Initializing the Local Database.

                                        Deactivating a Remote Client

                                        This topic describes how to deactivate a remote client.

                                        To deactivate a remote client

                                        1. Locate the record for the remote client.

                                          For more information, see Locating the Record of a Remote Client.

                                        2. In the End Date field, set a new effective end date that is the current date or an earlier date.

                                          This step configures the Transaction Router, Transaction Merger, and Synchronization Manager server components to stop processing requests for the remote client. For more information, see Deactivating a Large Number of Remote Clients.

                                        3. Click Menu, and then click Save Record.

                                        4. Delete the docking folder for the remote client from the Siebel Remote folder on the Siebel Server.

                                          This step prevents the user from starting a synchronization with the Siebel Server. The docking folder is located in the SIEBEL_ROOT\Docking folder of the Siebel Server. For more information, see Server Folders That Siebel Remote Uses for Remote Clients.

                                        5. To clear out any cached user information, stop the Transaction Processor and any Transaction Router tasks that are running.

                                          Deactivating a Large Number of Remote Clients

                                          You can stop the Transaction Processor and Transaction Router before you deactivate a large number of remote clients.

                                          Caution: It is recommended that you stop the Transaction Processor and Transaction Router before you deactivate a large number of remote clients. If a large number of remote clients are end dated, and if the Transaction Processor and Transaction Router are still running, then a very large backlog might result in the docking\txnproc folder.

                                            Reactivating a Remote Client

                                            This topic describes how to reactivate remote clients.

                                            To reactivate a remote client

                                            1. Locate the record for the remote client.

                                              For more information, see Locating the Record of a Remote Client.

                                            2. Clear the End Date field so that it does not contain a date.

                                            3. Click Menu, and then click Save Record.

                                            4. Reextract and reinitialize the remote client.

                                              Even if the date is in the future when you clear the End Date, it is still necessary to reextract and reinitialize.

                                              Locating the Record of a Remote Client

                                              This topic describes how to locate the record of a remote client in the Mobile Clients view.

                                              1. Log in to the Siebel Server with administrator privileges.

                                                For more information, see Logging in to the Siebel Database as an Administrator.

                                              2. Navigate to the Administration - Siebel Remote screen, and then the Mobile Clients view.

                                              3. In the Parent Server form, locate the Siebel Server where the remote client connects.

                                              4. In the Mobile Clients list, query the Mobile Client field for the remote client you must administer.

                                                Deleting a Remote Client

                                                This topic describes how to delete a remote client.

                                                To delete a remote client

                                                1. Deactivate the remote client.

                                                  For more information, see Deactivating a Remote Client.

                                                2. Shut down the server components of the Siebel Enterprise Server.

                                                  If the server components of the Siebel Enterprise Server must be kept running, then wait several hours to make sure Siebel Remote updates these components. Before you delete a remote client, you must make sure the user status of the remote client is updated across the server components of the Siebel Enterprise. For more information, see About the Siebel Enterprise and the Siebel Enterprise Server.

                                                3. Make sure the remote client record that you deactivated in Step 1 is still chosen.

                                                4. Click Menu, and then choose the Delete Record menu item.

                                                5. Repeat Step 1 through Step 4 for each remote client you must delete.

                                                  Resetting the Password of a Remote Client

                                                  If the user forgets the user password, or if the user is locked out of the Siebel application due to too many unsuccessful login attempts, then you can reset the remote client password.

                                                  To reset the password of a remote client

                                                  1. Locate the record for the remote client.

                                                    For more information, see Locating the Record of a Remote Client.

                                                  2. To display the Preferences dialog box, in the Additional Information field, click the select icon.

                                                  3. In the Preferences dialog box, click Query, leave all fields empty, and then click Go to display a list of settings.

                                                  4. Note the value that displays for the SECADMIN password.

                                                    You will use this value later in this procedure.

                                                  5. Access the remote client.

                                                    You can use collaborative software, such as NetMeeting. You can also physically log in to the remote client.

                                                  6. Start the remote client.

                                                  7. Log in to the Local database as the SECADMIN user, using the password that you noted in Step 4.

                                                    Siebel Remote displays the Reset Password dialog box. The password automatically resets when you use the SECADMIN password to log in. If the remote client is not connected to the network, then Siebel Remote does not send the password to the Siebel Server until the next successful synchronization. For more information, see Logging in to the Local Database.

                                                  8. In the Reset Password dialog box, enter the User ID and a new password for the remote client, and then click OK.

                                                    A message displays to inform you that the password is successfully reset. The user can now use the new password to log in. For more information, see Restoring Password Reset Privileges.

                                                    Restoring Password Reset Privileges

                                                    If the user incorrectly enters the SECADMIN password on three consecutive attempts, then Siebel Remote suspends the password reset privileges of the SECADMIN account. This topic describes how to restore the password setting privileges. Siebel Remote does not reset the SECADMIN password during this procedure.

                                                    To restore password reset privileges
                                                    1. Locate the record for the remote client.

                                                      For more information, see Locating the Record of a Remote Client.

                                                    2. Make sure the Enable Password Reset check box contains a check mark, and then save the record.

                                                    3. Make sure the remote client is connected to the Siebel Server that Siebel Remote typically uses to synchronize this client.

                                                    4. Start the remote client.

                                                    5. Log in as SECADMIN:

                                                      1. When prompted to reset the user password, click Yes.

                                                      2. In the Synchronization Credentials dialog box, supply your User ID, synchronization password, and remote client node name.

                                                      3. Click OK.

                                                        The Password Reset dialog box displays.

                                                      4. In the Password Reset dialog box, supply a new password for the remote client, and then click OK.

                                                        The user can now use the new password to log in.

                                                      Refreshing the Local Database of a Remote Client

                                                      Occasionally, it might be necessary for you to refresh the local database for a remote client. For example, if you modify a system preference parameter on the Siebel Server, then you must do a refresh or reextract to make sure Siebel Remote uses the new settings. For more information, see Process of Configuring System Preferences for the Siebel Server.

                                                      To refresh the local database of a remote client

                                                      1. If transactions are ready for loading to the remote client, then inform the user to synchronize.

                                                      2. Make sure Transaction Merger successfully applied transactions to the server database.

                                                        To determine when transactions from a remote client are processed, you can do any of the following:

                                                        • To determine if Transaction Merger successfully applied transactions for the remote client, use the Server Manager or the Siebel Client Status screen.

                                                        • Examine the inbox folder of the remote client on the Siebel Server. There must not be any files that contain the .dx extension in the inbox folder.

                                                      3. Run Database Extract for the remote client.

                                                        Make sure the Save Transactions parameter is TRUE.

                                                        For more information, see Extracting the Server Database.

                                                      4. Notify the user to reinitialize the local database on the remote client.

                                                        For more information, see Initializing the Local Database.

                                                        Moving Remote Clients to a Different Siebel Server

                                                        You can move one or more remote clients from one server to another server without reextracting the user or restarting server. Moving a remote client from one server to another server occurs in the same enterprise server.

                                                        To move a remote client, you do the following:

                                                        • Run the movehelper.exe utility on the source server. This Siebel Server currently serves the remote client.

                                                        • Run the nodemove.exe utility on the target server. This Siebel Server serves the remote client after you finish the move.

                                                        These utilities move the following types of information:

                                                        • Attributes of the remote client

                                                        • Docking status of the remote client

                                                        • Files and folders that exist in the docking folder for the remote client

                                                        To move remote clients to a different Siebel Server

                                                        1. Initialize the remote client with the source server.

                                                        2. Shut down the transaction processor on the source server and enable the transaction router to route all DX files.

                                                          Shutting down the source transaction processor makes sure that the destination transaction processor or node is synchronized with the remote client node. If this node and client are not synchronized, then you might encounter an error that is similar to the following:

                                                          Warning: can't move nodes because the node's last routed transactions cannot be found in current txnproc dx files.
                                                        3. Make sure the destination server and the source server reference the same Siebel Gateway and use the same Siebel database.

                                                        4. Start the destination server with the Remote and MobileSync component groups running.

                                                        5. Open a command window on the source server.

                                                        6. Navigate to the SIEBEL_ROOT/bin folder.


                                                          • SIEBEL_ROOT is the root folder of your Siebel Server installation

                                                        7. Run the movehelper.exe utility using values from the following table.

                                                          Parameter Description

                                                          N node_name

                                                          The name of the remote client that you are moving.


                                                          Optional. If you must move multiple remote clients between two servers, then use the @file_name parameter instead of the node_name parameter.


                                                          • file_name is the name of a text file that contains a list of clients to move. Each line in the text file must include only the name of a single remote client.

                                                          W option

                                                          Optional. You can set the option for the W parameter to Y or N. You use Y to instruct the Movehelper utility to wait for other processes to release their locks on the relevant folders before proceeding. This parameter is set to the following value, by default:

                                                          not used

                                                          This value configures the Movehelper utility to exit if another process locked the relevant folders. It exits with a message that indicates that the remote client is processing another component.

                                                          M option

                                                          Required. You can set the option for the M parameter to P or C. You can choose one of the following:

                                                          • To prepare to move one or more remote clients between two servers, use M P.

                                                          • To cancel a move that is already in progress, use M C. The specified client or clients return to full functionality on the source server.

                                                          For more information, see Example Movehelper Commands.

                                                        8. Open a command window on the target server.

                                                        9. Navigate to the SIEBEL_ROOT/bin folder.

                                                        10. Make sure the destination server can access the file system of the source server.

                                                        11. Run the nodemove.exe utility using values from the following table.

                                                          Parameter Description

                                                          C odbc_data_source

                                                          ODBC data source of the source server.

                                                          D tableowner

                                                          Owner of the S_NODE table in the server database.

                                                          U username

                                                          User name of the Siebel administrator on the source server.

                                                          P password

                                                          Password of the Siebel administrator that you specify for the username parameter.

                                                          n node_name

                                                          Name of the remote client that you are moving.


                                                          Optional. To move multiple remote clients between two servers, use the @file_name parameter instead of the /N node_name parameter.


                                                          • file_name is the name of a text file that contains a list of clients to move. Each line in the text file must include only the name of a single remote client.

                                                          A target_server_name

                                                          The name of the Siebel Server where you are running nodemove and that Siebel Remote uses to communicate with the remote client.

                                                          S source_docking_folder

                                                          The path to the folder on the source server that holds the docking folders for the remote clients.

                                                          For more information, see Example Nodemove Commands.

                                                        12. Use a text editor to open the configuration file on the remote client.

                                                          For more information, see Locating the Siebel Application Configuration File.

                                                        13. To specify how the remote client connects to the new server, modify the value of the DockConnString parameter.

                                                        14. Repeat Step 5 through Step 13 for each combination of source server and target server.

                                                          This procedure assumes that the same source server serves all the remote clients that you must move, and that you must move all these clients to the same target server. If this situation is not true, then you must repeat this procedure for each combination of source server and target server.

                                                          Example Movehelper Commands

                                                          The following example commands for the Movehelper utility renames the docking folders for the specified users to names of the format node_name_MOVING:

                                                          movehelper /N jsmith /W Y /M P
                                                          movehelper @d:\tmp\mwcs_to_move.txt /W Y /M P
                                                          movehelper /N jsmith /M C (for canceling a move that is already in progress)

                                                            Example Nodemove Commands

                                                            The following example commands for the Nodemove utility copies the docking folder of the node from the source server to the destination server, and then redirects the node to communicate with the destination server for future synchronizations:

                                                            nodemove /C Siebel /D SADMIN /U username /p password /n jsmith /A Siebel2 /S SIEBEL_ROOT\DOCKING
                                                            nodemove /C Siebel /D SADMIN /U username /p password @d:\tmp\mwcs_to_move.txt /A Siebel2 /S SIEBEL_ROOT\DOCKING

                                                              Reversing the Outcome of a Nodemove Operation

                                                              The Nodemove utility does not provide cancel or roll back functionality. This topic describes how to reverse the outcome of a Nodemove utility.

                                                              To reverse the outcome of a nodemove operation
                                                              1. Allow the nodemove operation to successfully finish.

                                                              2. Run a new nodemove operation.

                                                                This new operation copies the docking folder of the node back to the source server and redirects the node to use this source server for future transactions.

                                                                Modifying the Routing Model for a Remote Client

                                                                This topic describes how to modify the routing model for a remote client.

                                                                To modify the routing model for a remote client

                                                                1. Instruct the user to synchronize with the Siebel Server and not to make any local database modifications until after the next synchronization.

                                                                2. Locate the record for the remote client.

                                                                  For more information, see Locating the Record of a Remote Client.

                                                                3. Modify the Routing Model field, as necessary.

                                                                  For more information, see Controlling the Data That Siebel Remote Routes to Clients.

                                                                4. Step off the record to save your modifications.

                                                                5. Make sure the user responsibilities do not provide access to views that contain data that the new Routing Model does not route.

                                                                  A routing model is not related to a responsibility.

                                                                6. Do a database extract.

                                                                  For more information, see Extracting the Server Database.

                                                                7. Notify the user to synchronize again.

                                                                  The user can download the new extract at the beginning of the synchronization, and then resume operation. This procedure reinitializes the local database. For more information, see Initializing the Local Database.

                                                                  Maintaining Siebel Remote

                                                                  This task is a step in Process of Administering Siebel Remote.

                                                                  This topic describes some of the management activities you can periodically do to keep your implementation of Siebel Remote running efficiently.

                                                                  To maintain Siebel Remote

                                                                    Cleaning the Cache of the Dispatch Board

                                                                    You might notice significant activity in the S_DSP_BRD_LOG table (Dispatch Board Log) that the dispatch board cache uses. Siebel Remote uses this cache to help meet the performance requirements of the dispatch board. It is recommended that you do not modify the S_DSP_BRD_LOG table or directly modify how Siebel Remote uses it. To clean up this table, you can periodically use the FS Activity Cache business service. To have this work done automatically, you can configure a repeating server component job. For more information, see Siebel Field Service Guide.

                                                                    To clean the cache of the dispatch board

                                                                    1. Log in to the Siebel Server with administrator privileges.

                                                                      For more information, see Logging in to the Siebel Database as an Administrator.

                                                                    2. Navigate to the Administration - Business Service screen, and then the Simulator view.

                                                                    3. In the Simulator list, create a new record.

                                                                    4. In the Service Name field, click the select icon, and then choose FS Activity Cache.

                                                                      The display name for this service is Field Service Activity Cache Service.

                                                                    5. In the Method Name field, click the select icon, and then choose CleanUpCacheTable.

                                                                    6. Click Run.

                                                                      The business service method runs. It clears the data from the cache table of the Dispatch Board.