7Synchronizing the Remote Client

Synchronizing the Remote Client

This chapter describes how to synchronize and start the remote client. It includes the following topics:

Synchronizing the Remote Client

This task is a step in Roadmap for Implementing Siebel Remote.

This topic includes the following information:

To get and view updates that exist in the server database, the user must synchronize. These updates might include CRM data, such as accounts and contacts, and other information that exists in the file system, such as documentation, marketing literature, and sales brochure. This topic describes how to synchronize while using a Siebel application. To synchronize in stand-alone mode, the user can also use the Siebel Remote icon.

To synchronize the remote client

  1. Access the remote client.

  2. Navigate to the Siebel program group, and then start the Siebel application, such as Siebel Sales.

  3. Set synchronization parameters:

    1. Navigate to the User Preferences screen, and then the DB Synchronization view.

    2. In the DB Synchronization form, set the synchronization parameters.

      For more information, see User Preferences for Synchronization.

  4. To open the Siebel Remote dialog box, do one of the following:

    • Choose the File menu in a Siebel application, and then the Synchronize Database menu item.

    • Run the stand-alone synchronizer. For more information, see Using the Stand-Alone Synchronizer.

  5. Place a check mark next to each synchronization action that you must run.

    For more information, see Synchronization Actions.

  6. Click Synchronize.

    Siebel Remote displays a progress indicator. If a synchronization includes upload, download, or apply operations, then the indicator initially displays the progress of the upload and download operation. If upload and download finishes, then the indicator displays the progress of the apply operation.

    User Preferences for Synchronization

    The following table describes parameters of the DB Synchronization view of the User Preferences screen. You can modify these parameters while synchronization runs.

    Table Synchronization Parameters

    Parameter Description


    Allows the user to choose a networking connection. Leaving the box empty configures the synchronization to use an existing network connection. Modifications to networking options take effect the next time synchronization makes a connection to the Siebel Server.

    Retrieve Published Files

    Synchronization gets files that are recently added to the Siebel File System, provided that the user possesses visibility to those files.

    Retrieve Auto Update Files

    Synchronization gets updates to local files that are marked for automatic update. Siebel Remote does not get any automatic update files that are not local or that are not requested. For more information, see Retrieving Auto Update Files.

    Auto Start Synchronization

    Synchronization begins as soon as you call synchronization. Siebel Remote does not display the synchronization dialog box. To display the dialog box throughout your session, you can press SHIFT when you click Start.

      Retrieving Auto Update Files

      The automatic update flag is local to each node. The user can choose to update files automatically without affecting other users. If you do not choose the Retrieve Auto Update Files option during this synchronization, then synchronization marks the files that must be updated. If Retrieve Auto Update Files is enabled, then synchronization makes all automatic update files current during the next session.

      If the remote client receives a transaction on a file table, then synchronization determines if it must get the file locally. The default behavior is not to download files to the remote client unless the user requests the file. If the Retrieve Requested Files action is enabled, then file screens typically contain a request field that the user can choose. This field allows the user to download the file during the next docking session. If the user docks, then files are also uploaded to the Siebel Server.

      If you modify a file, then you must upload the new file with the transaction to make the corporate database consistent. Siebel Remote stores these files near the corporate database on a file server. It is recommended that you name files carefully to avoid conflicts, such as two users attempting to modify a file at the same time.

        About the Siebel Remote Dialog Box

        The Siebel Remote dialog box contains a list of synchronization actions that the user can set.

          Synchronization Actions

          The following table describes the synchronization actions that are available in the Siebel Remote synchronization dialog box. Depending on the database options, the list of actions in the table might be different from the list in the example in this topic. For instance, if you do not use a local database, then the dialog box might contain only the Connect to Server action.

          Table Synchronization Actions in the Siebel Remote Dialog Box

          Action Description

          Connect to server

          Connects to the Siebel Server and then examines the version, schema, and database initialization. If a Local Database Initialization or an upgrade is pending, then this action downloads and applies the pending Local Database Initialization or upgrade.

          This action must run successfully to start the following actions:

          • Send database modifications

          • Get database modifications

          • Get requested files

          Send database modifications

          To send the local transactions to the Siebel Server, it sends one or more DX files and associated file attachments to the server. This action displays the number of transactions that Siebel Remote must still send.

          Retrieve database modifications

          To get transactions from the Siebel Server, it gets one or more DX transaction files and associated file attachments from the server. The Transaction Router server component on the Siebel Server creates these files. This action displays the number of transactions that Siebel Remote must still get.

          Retrieve requested files

          Gets file attachments from the Siebel Server that the user requests. This action displays the number of files that Siebel Remote must still get.

          Apply database modifications

          Applies database modifications that Siebel Remote gets from the Siebel Server to the local database. This action displays the number of transactions that Siebel Remote must still apply.

          States of the Synchronization Action

          The following table describes how the check box indicates the current state of a synchronization action. To enable or disable each action, you can make sure the check box next to the action contains a check mark.

          Table States of the Synchronization Actions

          Appearance of Check Box Description

          Enabled. The action runs when it becomes the current action in the queue of actions that Siebel Remote runs.

          Not enabled

          Not enabled. The action runs when it becomes the current action in the queue of actions that Siebel Remote runs.

          Cannot run

          Cannot run. The action cannot run because an action on which it depends did not or will not run.


          Finished. The action is finished.


          Skipped. Siebel Remote skipped the action.

          While an action runs, you can click the check box for the action to disable it before the it finishes. If an action is running when you disable it, then the actions stops as soon as possible and synchronization continues to the next action.

          The action status check boxes persist throughout the session. For example, if you start synchronization with the Apply Database Changes action disabled, then it remains disabled throughout the synchronization. If you restart the Siebel application, then the action status check boxes return to their default, enabled states.

            Item Status Notice

            An action consists of one or more items and subitems. The item status notice displays updated status information about the current action that Siebel Remote is running. For example, the following notice displays information about an item of the Connect To Server action:

            Initializing. . .(counting requested files)

            The items and subitems that display in this notice provide updated information about the synchronization for the user. On occasion, the Item Status notice might display the word Pausing for an instant, and then replace it with a static message, such as the following:

            Press Synchronize to begin.

              Progress Indicator for Transfer Time Remaining

              The progress indicator for transfer time remaining is located below the item status notice. It indicates the processing time for the item that Siebel Remote is currently processing. The progress indicator provides a reasonably accurate time estimate for an action that requires a long time to finish, such as transferring files or merging transactions. It provides less accurate estimates for an action that requires less time to finish, such as connecting to the Siebel Server or server database.

                Skip File Button

                The Skip File button is active when Siebel Remote synchronizes an item or subitem that is not critical to the current action. Retrieving an optional attachment file is the only item that can be skipped. Clicking this button skips the current item or subitem and the current action continues. Double clicking this button creates a prompt and skips all remaining optional items for this action.

                  Progress Indicator for Overall Transfer Progress

                  This indicator monitors communication with the Siebel Server. It displays the progress toward completing the actions that require the communications connection.

                    Transfer Time Remaining Notice

                    This notice contains the estimated time for completing the actions. If Siebel Remote transfers large file attachments, then the estimated time might be inaccurate.

                      Synchronize Button

                      The Synchronize button starts synchronization. You can click this button even while Siebel Remote is doing something that might not be visible to the user, such as connecting to the local database or extracting local database modifications.

                      If you click Synchronize, then Siebel Remote hides the synchronization dialog box and sets the label on the button to Stop. If you click Stop, then Siebel Remote stops the synchronization. If synchronization finishes, then Siebel Remote sets the label for the button to OK. Clicking the button again hides the synchronization dialog box.

                      Cancel and Hide Labels on the Synchronize Button

                      Clicking Synchronize automatically hides the synchronization dialog box unless you hold down the SHIFT key when you click Synchronize. To display a hidden dialog box, you can click the corresponding icon in the tray.

                      If the synchronization dialog box is displayed:

                      • And if synchronization has not started, then clicking Cancel closes the synchronization dialog box and aborts synchronization.

                      • And if synchronization has started, then Siebel Remote sets the label on this button to Hide. Clicking Hide hides the synchronization dialog box. If the dialog box is hidden while synchronization is running, then starting synchronization redisplays the dialog box. If synchronization is finished, then starting synchronization resets and redisplays the dialog box.

                        Options for Synchronizing and Starting the Remote Client

                        This topic describes options for synchronizing and starting the remote client. It includes the following information:

                        You can also configure TrickleSync. For more information, see Configuring TrickleSync.

                          Configuring the Remote Client to Automatically Synchronize

                          This topic describes how to configure Siebel Remote to synchronize without requiring the user to manually enter credentials. To automatically provide credentials, you can use either of the following topics:

                            Situations Where the User Must Manually Enter Credentials

                            If any of the following situations is true, then Siebel Remote prompts the user to manually enter synchronization credentials:

                            • The user has not configured the remote client to remember the synchronization password or to use the local database password to synchronize.

                            • The user has configured the local database credentials to synchronize but those credentials are not valid synchronization credentials.

                            • You modify the synchronization credentials on the Siebel Server. Siebel Remote prompts the user regardless of how the user provides synchronization credentials.

                            If you configure authentication for synchronization, then the user must provide credentials to synchronize. The user can manually enter credentials at each synchronization or you can configure the remote client to automatically synchronize.

                            Depending on the type of authentication, the user might not be able to modify the valid user name and password for synchronization from a Siebel application, although the user can do this task from outside of the Siebel application. The user can modify the local database password in the remote client. For more information, see Format That Siebel Remote Uses for the Remote Client Name, Database Name, Login ID, and Windows Password.

                              Using Local Database Credentials to Automatically Synchronize

                              The user can use local database credentials that Siebel Remote sends automatically as part of a synchronization request. The local database password must be identical to the valid synchronization password. If synchronization uses the local database credentials, and if these credentials are valid synchronization credentials, then Siebel Remote does not prompt the user to enter credentials during synchronization.

                              For more information about:

                              To use local database credentials to automatically synchronize
                              1. Log in to the remote client.

                              2. Navigate to the User Preferences screen, and then the DB Synchronization view.

                              3. In the DB Synchronization form, make sure the Use Local Credentials check box contains a check mark, and then click Save.

                                If entries exist in the User ID field, Password field, or the Remember Credentials field, then Siebel Remote removes them.

                              To discontinue use of the local database credentials to automatically synchronize, make sure the Use Local Credentials check box in the DB Synchronization form does not contain a check mark.

                                Using the Remember Credentials Feature to Automatically Synchronize

                                The user can configure Siebel Remote to remember the synchronization credentials. For example, if the user modifies the local database password so that it is different from the valid synchronization password, then it is useful to remember the synchronization credentials. If the user sets synchronization to use the local database credentials, then the option to remember the synchronization credentials is not available.

                                If Siebel Remote remembers synchronization credentials, then it does not prompt the user for credentials during synchronization.

                                Caution: If the user does not configure Siebel Remote to remember the synchronization password, or if you do not configure Siebel Remote to automatically use the local database credentials to synchronize, then Siebel Remote prompts the user to manually enter credentials during each synchronization.
                                To use the remember credentials feature to automatically synchronize
                                1. Log in to the remote client.

                                2. Navigate to the User Preferences screen, and then the DB Synchronization view.

                                3. In the DB Synchronization form, make sure the Remember Credentials check box contains a check mark.

                                4. Enter the User ID.

                                5. In the Password field, enter the synchronization password that you assign on the Siebel Server.

                                6. Make sure the Use Local Credentials check box does not contain a check mark.

                                7. Click Save.

                                  Using the Stand-Alone Synchronizer

                                  To control a synchronization, the user can run the remote client in a third-party scheduling program that does a standalone synchronization. To choose the most convenient timing for the following actions, the user can use command line options:

                                  • Download and upload transactions

                                  • Apply downloaded transactions to the local database

                                  The command line options allow the user to do these actions separately rather than requiring the user to do them together.

                                  Note: You must use the stand-alone synchronizer only when the remote client is not in use. If a local connection to the remote client is open, and if the user uses the Siebel Remote icon to synchronize, then synchronization works successfully. However, if a new database extract exists for that user, then synchronization fails.

                                    Downloading and Uploading Transactions Without Applying Them to the Local Database

                                    You can download and upload transactions without applying them to the local database.

                                    To download and upload transactions without applying them to the local database
                                    1. Make sure the remote client is not in use.

                                    2. Enter the following command in a command line on the remote client:

                                      siebsync.exe /n ClientName /u UserName /p Password /p2 Password /ApplyTxns N

                                      Applying Downloaded Transactions to the Local Database

                                      You can apply transactions that were downloaded to the remote client during an earlier synchronization.

                                      To apply downloaded transactions to the local database
                                      1. Make sure the remote client is not in use.

                                      2. Enter the following command in a command line on the remote client:

                                        siebsync.exe /n ClientName /u UserName /p Password /p2 Password /SendTxns N /RecvTxns N /RecvFiles N

                                        Command Line Options of the Stand-Alone Synchronizer

                                        The following table describes the command line options for the stand-alone synchronizer.

                                        Table Stand-Alone Synchronizer Command Line Options

                                        Option Definition Required Description




                                        Provides online help for usage.


                                        Autostart mode


                                        Available modes are Y or N.


                                        Apply transactions during this synchronization


                                        Determines whether Siebel Remote applies transactions to the local database during the current synchronization. Available modes are Y or N. The default value is Y. A value of N directs transactions that are downloaded and uploaded, but not applied.


                                        Configuration file


                                        The default value is siebel.cfg.


                                        Communication parameters


                                        Used for low-bandwidth connections.


                                        Data source


                                        The default value is local.




                                        Provides online help for usage.




                                        Sets the number of iterations.




                                        Language to use for the docking session.


                                        Client name


                                        Name of the remote client. You must use uppercase letters.


                                        User password


                                        Password for the server database connection. You must use uppercase letters.


                                        Confirmation password


                                        Required when initializing.


                                        Apply transactions in parallel with data transfers


                                        You can use one of the following values:

                                        • Y. Apply transactions to the local database while Siebel Remote transfers other transactions between the remote client and the Siebel Server.

                                        • N. Apply all transactions after Siebel Remote finishes data transfer.

                                        The default value is Y.

                                        If the ApplyTxns option is N, then Siebel Remote ignores the ParallelApply option.


                                        Receive auto updates to files


                                        You can use one of the following values:

                                        • Y. The remote client downloads updates to requested files.

                                        • N. The remote client does not download updates to requested files.


                                        Receive files


                                        You can use one of the following values:

                                        • Y. The remote client downloads files from the Siebel Server.

                                        • N. The remote client does not download files from the Siebel Server.


                                        Receive published files


                                        You can use one of the following values:

                                        • Y. The remote client downloads published files.

                                        • N. The remote client does not download published files.


                                        Receive transactions


                                        You can use one of the following values:

                                        • Y. The remote client downloads transactions from the Siebel Server.

                                        • N. The remote client does not download transactions from the Siebel Server.


                                        Send transactions


                                        You can use one of the following values:

                                        • Y. The remote client sends transactions to the Siebel Server.

                                        • N. The remote client does not send transactions to the Siebel Server.


                                        Sleep time


                                        Number of seconds to sleep between iterations.


                                        User name


                                        Database connection user name. You must use uppercase letters.


                                        Verbose mode


                                        Available modes are Y or N. It might be necessary to run the Stand-Alone Synchronizer unattended by setting verbose mode to N. After synchronization, the Stand-Alone Synchronizer returns one of the following values:

                                        • 0. The process succeeded.

                                        • A Siebel error code other than zero. The process failed.

                                          Deploying a Predefined Routing Model

                                          You must determine if it is feasible to deploy the predefined routing models that are described in Predefined Routing Models.

                                          To deploy a predefined routing model

                                          1. Analyze the usage patterns for the user.

                                            Identify the data that the user requires and does not require when using Siebel Remote locally.

                                          2. Compare the usage pattern with the definition of each routing model.

                                            Each routing model meets the requirements for a usage pattern.

                                          3. Examine your Siebel installation and consider the following:

                                            1. Did you modify any of the views that are assigned to the Siebel Responsibilities?

                                              For more information, see Example of How Modifying a View Might Compromise Data Integrity.

                                            2. Did you modify any of the Siebel Responsibilities by adding new views that are accessible in local mode?

                                              For more information, see What Happens If a View Does Not Reference a Routing Rule.

                                            3. Has a custom foreign key been exposed in a Siebel view and business component?

                                              Siebel Remote might not support a custom foreign key. As a result, it does not route data to support the foreign key. If the user modifies or even views any base record that contains this foreign key in the local database, then Siebel Remote might inadvertently reset the reference to null, and then synchronize this modification to the Siebel Server.

                                          4. If the answer to any question in Step 3 is yes, then you do not use the predefined routing models.

                                          5. If the answer to the questions in Step 3 is no, then you can conduct a field test with a small group of representative users:

                                            1. Use predefined routing models.

                                              For more information, see Predefined Routing Models

                                            2. Assess how the predefined routing models affect the Transaction Router server component.

                                              For more information, see Expected Results from the Field Test of a Predefined Routing Model.

                                          6. If the results from the field test are acceptable, then you can deploy the routing models to users.

                                            Example of How Modifying a View Might Compromise Data Integrity

                                            If you add an MVG field to an existing view, and if the user modifies any fields in the row or even chooses the MVG field, then Siebel Remote might set the value of that MVG field to a No Match row id. This situation exists because Siebel Remote does not synchronize any data for the MVG to the remote client. This action implicitly creates an update transaction that Siebel Remote synchronizes to the Siebel Server during the next synchronization. If Siebel Remote synchronizes this transaction on the server, then it compromises database integrity.

                                              What Happens If a View Does Not Reference a Routing Rule

                                              A view typically references a routing rule that supports an object that possesses limited visibility. If you add a view that does not reference a corresponding routing rule, then Siebel Remote does not synchronize any data for that view. If you add this view to a responsibility, and if your implementation uses Client Wins to resolve an update conflict, then the following undesirable situation might occur:

                                              1. A user uses the new view on the remote client to create a new record.

                                              2. The user synchronizes with the Siebel Server.

                                              3. The user of a Web client modifies the same record on the Siebel Server.

                                              4. The user synchronizes but does not see the updates that the user of the Web client made to the record.

                                              5. The user modifies the record in the remote client.

                                              6. The user synchronizes and overwrites the content of the record that resides on the Siebel Server.

                                                In this situation, the user unintentionally overwrites the updates that another user makes to a same record.

                                                Expected Results from the Field Test of a Predefined Routing Model

                                                The following table describes the results that you can expect from a successful field test.

                                                Table Expected Results from the Field Test of a Predefined Routing Model

                                                Expected Result Description

                                                The size of the local database and the amount of data that Siebel Remote synchronizes decreases.

                                                These metrics must be smaller if you use a predefined routing model when compared to your previous routing model.

                                                The user can still do business tasks.

                                                Data must not be missing that prevents the user from completing a critical business process.

                                                Synchronization times decrease.

                                                The predefined routing model must result in a shorter synchronization time than the synchronization time that Siebel Remote experiences if you use the previous routing model.

                                                Siebel Remote routes every server transaction to the remote client except for those transactions that the routing models explicitly exclude.

                                                If Siebel Remote does not route every transaction, then the user responsibility might not match the routing model.

                                                Every view that accesses data on the Siebel Server displays the same data on the remote client.

                                                If every view that accesses data on the Siebel Server does not display the same data on the remote client, then there is a strong possibility that you included incorrect views in the user responsibility.

                                                  Opening Multiple Remote Client Sessions

                                                  It is recommended that you instruct the user not to open multiple remote client sessions that run simultaneously. Opening multiple sessions can cause unexpected results because the user might circumvent a critical validation. For example, if multiple sessions are open, then the user can do the following undesirable actions:

                                                  • Add a product to a call after the user saves the signature.

                                                  • Delete an activity that includes a signature.

                                                  • Create a sample adjustment that does not include a reason code.

                                                  These actions are not desirable because they allow the user to violate compliance requirements that exist in the Siebel application.

                                                    Using Synchronization Manager to Manage the Cache

                                                    The multithreaded Synchronization Manager maintains a collection of open database connections, or context cache, that it can parcel out to the active task threads and reuse. Each server creates two connections during start-up, by default. Synchronization Manager might create more contexts dynamically, but the Siebel Server maintains a maximum of only 10 context caches, by default.

                                                    To specify the minimum cache size, you can use the Minimum Number of Cached Thread Contexts parameter (MinCtxCache). To specify the maximum cache size, you can use the Maximum Number of Cached Thread Contexts parameter (MaxCtxCache). A larger cache might be helpful for a configuration where multiple remote clients synchronize. An excessive number of inactive database connections can degrade system performance.

                                                    The Synchronization Manager creates the number of cached contexts that the MinCtxCache parameter specifies at start-up. A cached context decreases the time that Siebel Remote requires to start a new synchronization. If a large number of remote clients synchronize simultaneously, then you can increase the cache size.

                                                    The Synchronization Manager can simultaneously service up to the number of synchronizations that the MaxTasks parameter specifies. Synchronization Manager only keeps in memory, at most, the number of cached contexts that the MaxCtxCache parameter specifies.

                                                    For more information, see Parameters of the Synchronization Manager Server Component.

                                                      Configuring TrickleSync

                                                      This topic describes how to configure TrickleSync on the Siebel Server or on the remote client. It includes the following information:

                                                      For information about the synchronization credentials that relate to TrickleSync, see Configuring the Remote Client to Automatically Synchronize. For more information, see How Siebel Remote Uses TrickleSync to Manage Synchronization Frequency.

                                                        Configuring TrickleSync from the Siebel Server

                                                        You can configure TrickleSync for one or more users from the Siebel Server.

                                                          Configuring TrickleSync from the Siebel Server for Multiple Users

                                                          This topic describes how to configure TrickleSync for multiple users from the Siebel Server.

                                                          To configure TrickleSync from the Siebel Server for multiple users
                                                          1. Log in to the Siebel Server with administrator privileges.

                                                            For more information, see Logging in to the Siebel Database as an Administrator.

                                                          2. Navigate to the Administration - Siebel Remote screen, and then the TrickleSync view.

                                                          3. In the TrickleSync list, choose multiple users who require TrickleSync.

                                                          4. Choose the Edit menu, and then the Change Records menu item.

                                                          5. In the Change Records dialog box, in the first Field to Change section, choose TrickleSync Enabled from the Field list.

                                                          6. In the accompanying Value field, enter Y.

                                                          7. In the second Field to Change section, choose TrickleSync Frequency from the Field list.

                                                          8. In the accompanying Value field, enter the synchronization frequency.

                                                            For more information, see Options for Configuring How Frequently Siebel Remote Uses TrickleSync.

                                                          9. In the third Field to Change section, choose TrickleSync Schedule from the Field list.

                                                          10. In the accompanying Value field, enter a date and time, such as 11/19/2018 4:10 PM.

                                                            For more information, see Options for Date and Time Scheduling of TrickleSync.

                                                          11. Click OK.

                                                          12. Notify users to do a manual synchronization.

                                                            For more information, see How Siebel Remote Synchronizes TrickleSync Modifications from the Siebel Server.

                                                            Configuring TrickleSync from the Siebel Server for One User

                                                            This topic describes how to configure TrickleSync for one user from the Siebel Server.

                                                            To configure TrickleSync from the Siebel Server for one user
                                                            1. Log in to the Siebel Server with administrator privileges.

                                                              For more information, see Logging in to the Siebel Database as an Administrator.

                                                            2. Navigate to the Administration - Siebel Remote screen, and then the TrickleSync view.

                                                            3. In the TrickleSync list, query the Name field for the user who requires TrickleSync.

                                                            4. In the TrickleSync form, make sure the Enable TrickleSync check box contains a check mark.

                                                            5. In the Synchronization Frequency field, choose the synchronization frequency.

                                                              For more information, see Options for Configuring How Frequently Siebel Remote Uses TrickleSync.

                                                            6. In the corresponding time units field, choose the time interval to use between TrickleSync operations for the user.

                                                              For example, if you set Synchronization Frequency to Minutes, then in the Minutes field, choose a value that is between 10 minutes and 55 minutes.

                                                            7. Optional. Complete more fields in the form.

                                                              For more information, see TrickleSync Options That You Can Specify.

                                                            8. Save the record.

                                                            9. Notify the user to do a manual synchronization.

                                                              For more information, see How Siebel Remote Synchronizes TrickleSync Modifications from the Siebel Server.

                                                              How Siebel Remote Synchronizes TrickleSync Modifications from the Siebel Server

                                                              The Transaction Processor and Transaction Router server components make sure that Siebel Remote places your TrickleSync configuration modifications in the user outbox on the Siebel Server. The user must do one manual synchronization to send these modifications to the remote client. The user finishes this manual synchronization, and then Siebel Remote runs TrickleSync at the times you specify.

                                                                Configuring TrickleSync from the Remote Client

                                                                You can configure TrickleSync from a remote client that is initialized.

                                                                To configure TrickleSync from the remote client

                                                                1. Log in to the remote client.

                                                                2. Verify that the local database is initialized.

                                                                3. Verify that Siebel Remote added the Siebel TrickleSync program to the Windows Startup Group during installation.

                                                                  If not, copy it from the Siebel Program group. This allows the TrickleSync agent to start when the Windows session starts.

                                                                4. Log in to the local database.

                                                                  For more information, see Logging in to the Local Database.

                                                                5. Navigate to the User Preferences screen, and then the DB Synchronization view.

                                                                6. In the TrickleSync section of the TrickleSync form, define the TrickleSync options.

                                                                  For more information, see TrickleSync Options That You Can Specify.

                                                                7. In the Synchronization Frequency section of the TrickleSync form, choose a frequency from the Synchronization Frequency list, and then use the other fields to further define the frequency.

                                                                  For more information, see Options for Configuring How Frequently Siebel Remote Uses TrickleSync.

                                                                8. Optional. Configure a reminder:

                                                                  1. In the Synchronization Reminder section of the TrickleSync form, make sure the Enable Synchronization Reminder check box contains a check mark.

                                                                  2. In the Max Days Between Sync Sessions field, choose the number of days to wait before displaying the Synchronization Reminder dialog box, assuming that the remote client is running and no synchronization has occurred during the specified number of days.

                                                                    The reminder displays the following message:

                                                                    Do database synchronization now? 

                                                                    The user can reply accordingly.

                                                                  Options for Configuring TrickleSync

                                                                  This topic describes configuration options you can set when you configure TrickleSync.

                                                                    TrickleSync Options That You Can Specify

                                                                    The following table describes options you can specify for TrickleSync.

                                                                    Table TrickleSync Options That You Can Specify

                                                                    Option Description

                                                                    Enable TrickleSync

                                                                    Required. Make sure the Enable TrickleSync check box contains a check mark.

                                                                    User Confirmation

                                                                    Optional. If the User Confirmation check box contains a check mark, then the TrickleSync agent notifies the user before it begins a synchronization and it waits for the user to click OK before proceeding.

                                                                    Maximum Network Latency

                                                                    Required. Sets a network latency that prevents the TrickleSync agent from starting a synchronization. For example, at a connection speed of 56K, the threshold can be 200 to 300 milliseconds. You can create a policy for a value to use, but the individual user can modify the value for synchronization.

                                                                    There is no limit to the number of times that TrickleSync attempts to complete a scheduled synchronization.

                                                                      Options for Configuring How Frequently Siebel Remote Uses TrickleSync

                                                                      Siebel Remote describes options you can specify to configure how frequently Siebel Remote uses TrickleSync.

                                                                      Table Options for or Configuring How Frequently Siebel Remote Uses TrickleSync

                                                                      Option Description Retry

                                                                      System boot up

                                                                      Do the next synchronization after the computer starts and is operational.

                                                                      If a network connection is not available, then try again the next time the computer reboots.

                                                                      Mobile Client Startup

                                                                      Synchronize after the remote client starts.

                                                                      If a network connection is not available, try again the next time the remote client starts.


                                                                      Synchronize at the interval in minutes that the Minutes picklist specifies. You can configure a TrickleSync synchronization to occur as frequently as every 10 minutes.

                                                                      Not applicable.


                                                                      Synchronize every hour at the minute after the hour that the Hourly At field specifies. For example, if the Hourly At field is 25, then Siebel Remote synchronizes at a 1 to 25 ratio, a 2 to 25 ratio, and so on.

                                                                      If the computer is not operational at the specified time, then Siebel Remote synchronizes at the earliest time when the computer is operational.


                                                                      Synchronize every day at the time that the Daily At field specifies. For example, to specify synchronization to occur every day at 10:00 in the evening, you can enter 10:00 PM. It is not necessary to enter periods in PM.


                                                                      Synchronize every week on the day that you choose in the Weekly On picklist, and at the time that you enter in the Weekly At field.

                                                                        Options for Date and Time Scheduling of TrickleSync

                                                                        The following table describes how Siebel Remote uses the value in the TrickleSync Schedule field according to the value that you enter in the Synchronization Frequency field.

                                                                        Table How Siebel Remote Uses the TrickleSync Schedule According to the Synchronization Frequency

                                                                        Synchronization Frequency How Siebel Remote Interprets the Value in the TrickleSync Schedule Field


                                                                        The absolute value of the minutes in the date and time value determines the number of minutes between synchronization attempts. For example, if TrickleSync Schedule is 11/19/2018 4:10 PM, then synchronization attempts occur every 10 minutes.


                                                                        The absolute value of the minutes in the date and time value determines the number of minutes after the hour when each synchronization attempt occurs. For example, if TrickleSync Schedule is 11/19/2018 4:10 PM, then synchronization attempts occur at 10 minutes after every hour.


                                                                        The absolute values of the hour and minutes in the date and time value determines the hour and minute of the day when each synchronization attempt occurs. For example, if TrickleSync Schedule is 11/19/2018 4:10 PM, then synchronization attempts occur at 4:10 PM each day.


                                                                        The day of the week for the date that the TrickleSync Schedule field contains determines the day of the week when weekly synchronizations occur. The absolute values of the hour and minutes in the TrickleSync Schedule value determines the hour and minute of the day when each synchronization attempt occurs. For example, if TrickleSync Schedule is 11/19/2018 4:10 PM, and if 11/19/2018 is a Monday, then synchronization attempts occur every Monday at 4:10 PM.

                                                                        System boot up

                                                                        TrickleSync does not use Date and Time information for the System frequency value. The user starts the computer, the computer establishes a network connection, and then Siebel Remote synchronizes.

                                                                        Mobile Client startup

                                                                        TrickleSync does not use Date and Time information for the Mobile frequency value. The user starts the computer, the computer establishes a network connection, and then Siebel Remote synchronizes.