11Implementing Siebel Replication Manager

Installing Servers and File Systems on the Headquarters Node

To implement Replication Manager, you begin by installing servers and file systems on the headquarters (HQ) node.

To install servers and file systems on the headquarters node

  • Install and test the following on the headquarters node:

    • Siebel Server

    • Database Configuration Utilities

    • Siebel database

    • Siebel File System

For more information, see the Siebel Installation Guide for the operating system you are using.

Caution: Do not delete the Siebel Server of the headquarters node under any circumstances.

If you use the Administration - Replication Server view, then you must not delete the Siebel Server of the headquarters node. If you delete the Siebel Server of the headquarters node, then the following occurs:

  • The processes abort.

  • You must restore the Siebel Server that you deleted, from a backup, or you must run SQL to rebuild the record for the Siebel Server of the headquarters node and the remote clients.

Installing Servers and File Systems on the Regional Node

To install the regional node, you must configure a new Siebel Enterprise Server on the regional node that contains a name that is different from the name that the headquarters node uses. For more information, see About the Siebel Enterprise and the Siebel Enterprise Server.

To install servers and file systems on the regional node

  1. Install the Siebel Gateway.

    For more information, see the following items:

  2. Install the ODBC driver that the RDBMS vendor uses for your implementation.

    For more information, see Requirements for the ODBC Driver.

  3. Install the Siebel Server and the Database Configuration Utilities.

  4. Start the Database Configuration Wizard and install the Siebel database.

    Note: Installing the Siebel database on the regional node is very different from installing it on the headquarters node. For more information, see Installing the Database Configuration Utilities and the Regional Siebel Database on the Regional Node. See also the Siebel Installation Guide for the operating system you are using.
  5. Start the Siebel Management Console and configure your Siebel installations.

    As the Siebel Management Console prompts you, specify valid connectivity information for all of the components in your regional Siebel environment. Each regional node must be associated with a unique Siebel Enterprise Server name. For more information, see Requirements for Installing the Siebel Server on the Regional Node. See also the Siebel Installation Guide for the operating system you are using.

  6. Create the Siebel File System.

    For more information, see Creating the Siebel File System on the Regional Node.

For more information on installing these components, see the Siebel Server installation guide for your operating system.

    Requirements for Connectivity with the Siebel Gateway

    You must install and make sure the Siebel Gateway is running before you install the regional node. The Siebel Gateway includes a persistent store that includes configuration parameters and run-time information. Each Siebel Server accesses the Siebel Gateway at start up and periodically while the Siebel Server runs. A reliable network connection to the Siebel Gateway must exist. It is strongly recommended that you install a Siebel Gateway that is local to your regional node.

      Requirements for the ODBC Driver

      If your implementation uses Oracle Database, then it is not necessary to install an ODBC driver. For other supported RDBMS vendors, you must install an ODBC driver. For more information about the name of the required ODBC driver and version information, see the Certifications tab on My Oracle Support.

        Requirements for Installing the Siebel Server on the Regional Node

        Note the following requirements for installing a Siebel Server on the regional node:

        • Each regional node must contain at least one Siebel Server that synchronizes the regional node with the parent node. This Siebel Server might also support users. Your implementation might require more Siebel Servers, depending on the number of users and applications.

        • The Siebel Server on the regional node can be at the same version and installed on the same operating system as the parent server. For example, if you run the headquarters node on Windows 2016, then the regional node can use Windows 2016.

        • In a heterogeneous server environment, the Siebel Server and the Siebel database that you install on the regional node can be deployed to a different operating system. The version and patching level of the Siebel database that you install on the regional node must be the same as the version and patching level of the Siebel database that you install on the headquarters node.

        • The Siebel databases on the headquarters node and the regional node must use the same RDBMS. For example, if the RDBMS in the headquarters node is Oracle Database, then the RDBMS on the regional node must also be Oracle Database.

        • The regional database can be on the same computer or on a separate computer in the same regional location, according to the following requirements:

          • The number of users

          • The number of connected Siebel Web Clients

          • Database sizing requirements

          • Computer performance requirements

        • It is recommended that you set the NLS_LANG environment variable to the same value for the headquarters node and for the regional nodes. This configuration makes sure that the language environments of the Siebel database and the client application are the same. The NLS_LANG variable sets the language and territory environment that the server session uses and the client application. The language and territory sections of the NLS_LANG variable determine the default values for other parameters, such as date format, numeric characters, and linguistic sorting. For more information, see the Siebel Installation Guide for the operating system you are using.

        For more information about the Siebel Enterprise Server, see About the Siebel Enterprise and the Siebel Enterprise Server.

          Installing the Database Configuration Utilities and the Regional Siebel Database on the Regional Node

          You can install the Database Configuration Utilities and the regional Siebel database on the regional node. The Database Configuration Utilities is a set of utilities that you install when you install a Siebel Server, using the Siebel Enterprise Server installer. When you install the Siebel database on the RDBMS, you access these files when you run the Database Configuration Wizard and the Siebel Upgrade Wizard. For more information about these tasks, see the Siebel Installation Guide for the operating system you are using.

          To install the Database Configuration Utilities on the regional node

          1. Have an Oracle database administrator set storage parameters.

            The Regional Database Initialization program uses the default storage parameters for the data and index tablespaces. For larger tables, you can modify the storage parameters after you create the tables.

          2. Install the RDBMS software on the regional Siebel Server.

            To create an empty database that contains adequate space for data and index storage, you must install the RDBMS software. Do this in accordance with the documentation of the RDBMS vendor and the guidelines for configuration and space allocation.

          3. Create the Siebel database accounts for the Siebel Table Owner and Siebel Administrator, and then grant them the necessary privileges.

            To create these users and to grant their privileges, you can use the application RDBMS tool. For example:

            • For an Oracle Database, you can grant connect, resource, and database administrator privileges for each account.

            • For Microsoft SQL Server, you can grant the Table Owner Security Administrator privilege on regional nodes.

            • For IBM DB2, you can grant the Table Owner database administrator privilege.

              For more information, see Implementing Srvrinit on the Regional Node.

            Implementing Srvrinit on the Regional Node

            To successfully implement srvrinit on an Oracle Database regional node, the table owner must possess the required privileges. You can grant these privileges without granting database administrator privileges to the table owner. This topic describes how to enable srvrinit to work in Oracle Database without granting database administrator privileges to the table owner.

            To implement srvrinit on the regional node
            1. Start SQL*Plus.

            2. Log in as the system user, sys, or a database administrator user.

            3. Run the following command:

              grant sse_role, connect, alter user, create user, create table, create session to table owner with admin option

              If you only grant sse_role, then SQL*Plus displays an error message.

              Options for Installing the Siebel Database on the Regional Node

              For a regional node that supports a smaller number of remote or connected users, you can install the Siebel database on the regional node on the same physical server that supports the Siebel Server on the regional node. You must use the same version on the regional Siebel Server and on the parent of the regional Siebel Server.

                Creating the Siebel File System on the Regional Node

                Each regional node requires a local Siebel File System. If Replication Manager replicates the data rows that exist in file attachments in Siebel File Systems, then it copies these file attachments to Siebel File Systems on the regional nodes.

                The File System Manager (FSM) server component manages the file system and handles requests for files that reside in the Siebel File System. To make requests for access to files, the File System Manager interacts directly with the Siebel File System. To access files, most server components send a request to Server Request Manager to use the File System Manager. Server components for Siebel Remote do not use File System Manager to access the file system, but instead use Synchronization Manager.

                To create the Siebel File System, see the Siebel Installation Guide for the operating system you are using.

                  Defining the Regional Node

                  To define each regional node, you register the regional Siebel database and then add users for this database.

                  To define the regional node

                  1. Make sure the requirements for the parent node are met.

                    For more information, see Requirements for the Parent Node.

                  2. Make sure the requirements for the organization, territory, and Assignment Manager are met.

                    For more information, see Requirements for Organization, Territory and Assignment Manager.

                  3. Log in to the Siebel Server with administrator privileges.

                    For more information, see Logging in to the Siebel Database as an Administrator.

                  4. Navigate to the Administration - Siebel Remote screen, and then the Replication Servers view.

                  5. In the Parent Server form, choose a node as the parent.

                    The Parent Server form displays the registered databases and indicates whether the Siebel database resides on a headquarters or on a regional node. You typically choose the headquarters node. The Regional Databases list displays regional nodes that are children of a parent database that is currently chosen in the Parent Server form. Only the headquarters database or a regional database can be the parent of another database. A local database cannot be a parent.

                  6. Right-click in the Regional Databases list, and then choose the Columns Displayed menu item.

                  7. In the Columns Displayed dialog box, move Description from the Available Columns window to the Selected Columns window, and then click Save.

                  8. In the Regional Databases list, click New.

                  9. In the Server Name field, enter a name for the regional database.

                    For example, you can enter SIEBEL_EUROPE. For more information, see Requirements for the Siebel Server Name and Local Database Names.

                  10. In the Description field, type in a description of the regional database.

                    For example, you can type in European Regional Database.

                  11. Specify the Routing Group where the regional database belongs:

                    1. In the Routing Group field, click the select icon.

                    2. In the Pick Routing Group dialog box, choose one of the following items:

                    3. Click OK.
                  12. Save the record.

                  13. Add the users.

                    For more information, see Requirements for Adding a User to a Regional Node.

                    Requirements for the Parent Node

                    You must configure the parent node before you can define a child of the parent node:

                    • If you implement a single tier of regional nodes, then the headquarters node is the parent node.

                    • If you implement two or more tiers of regional nodes, then the lower tier references a regional node as the parent node. Two or more tiers of regional nodes is a hierarchy of regional nodes.

                      If you implement a regional node whose parent node is another regional node, then you must synchronize the parent node with the headquarters node so that the parent node contains current data. This configuration reduces the amount of data that Replication Manager must replicate after you initialize the regional node.

                    For more information, see Regional Node.

                      Requirements for Organization, Territory and Assignment Manager

                      Before you define a regional node, you must make sure your organization setup and territory is finished, and that Assignment Manager runs on the headquarters node. If you modify the organization and territory after you extract and initialize the regional database, then it might be necessary for you to reextract the regional database on the parent node, and then reinitialize it. If you do not reextract and reinitialize in this situation, then Replication Manager might overload the Transaction Routers.

                        Requirements for the Siebel Server Name and Local Database Names

                        Note the following requirements for the Siebel Server name and local database names:

                          Requirements for Adding a User to a Regional Node

                          Note the following requirements for adding a user to a regional node:

                          • When defining a regional node, you must add users. These users must be connected to the regional database.

                          • You must specify at least one connected user for the regional node before you extract the regional database.

                          For more information, see Adding a User to a Regional Node.

                            Extracting the Regional Database

                            You must extract each regional database. The regional database synchronizes with the same Siebel Server where you extract it. Replication Manager automatically creates the regional database objects, such as tables and indexes, when you extract and initialize the regional database. You can continue to add remote clients to a regional node after you extract the regional database.

                            Caution: You must specify at least one connected user for the regional node before you extract the regional database or the extraction will fail. For more information, see Defining the Regional Node.

                            Extract the regional database, you can do one of the following:

                              Extracting the Regional Database by Using the Single Thread Option

                              To extract a regional database by using the single thread option, you can use the administrative interface or the command line interface.

                                Extracting the Regional Database by Using the Single Thread Option in the Administrative Interface

                                You can extract the regional database by using the single thread option in the administrative interface.

                                To extract the regional database by using the single thread option in the administrative interface
                                1. Make sure that the required server components are synchronized.

                                  For more information, see Server Components That Siebel Replication Manager Uses, and Siebel System Administration Guide.

                                2. Log in to the Siebel Server with administrator privileges.

                                  For more information, see Logging in to the Siebel Database as an Administrator.

                                3. Navigate to the Administration - Server Management screen, and then the Jobs view.

                                4. In the Jobs list, click New.

                                5. In the Component/Job field, choose Database Extract.

                                6. In the Requested Server field, enter the name of the Siebel Server where Siebel Remote must run the extract job.

                                  After the job finishes, the read-only Execution Server field displays the name of the Siebel Server that ran the job. For a database extract job, this server is the same as the Requested Server.

                                7. Complete the remaining fields in the record, as necessary.

                                8. In the Job Parameters list, click New.

                                  The Job Parameters list is located below the Jobs list and the Job Detail form:

                                  1. In the Name field, click the select icon to display the Job Parameters dialog box.

                                  2. Choose Client Name, and then click OK to return to the main window.

                                  3. In the Value field of the Client Name job parameter record, enter the name of the regional node.

                                  4. To create another new job parameter record, click New.

                                  5. In the Name field, click the select icon to display the Job Parameters dialog box.

                                  6. Choose Database Init Method, and then click OK to return to the main window.

                                  7. In the Value field of the Database Init Method job parameter record, replace the default value with the following value:


                                9. Add other job parameters.

                                  For more information, see Parameters That You Can Specify When Extracting a Regional Database.

                                10. In the Jobs list, make sure the correct database extract job is chosen, and then click Start.

                                  The Siebel Server modifies the Status field from Creating to Queued.

                                  Extracting a Regional Database by Using the Single Thread Option in the Server Manager Command Line Interface

                                  You can extract a regional database by using the single thread option in the Server Manager command line interface.

                                  To extract a regional database by using the single thread option in the Server Manager command line interface

                                    Extracting Regional Databases in Parallel

                                    Parallel Database Extract is a version of the Database Extract server component that starts extractions in parallel. The Parallel Database Extract server component improves performance when Replication Manager extracts a large database for one or more regional nodes. It is an interactive component, using server infrastructure features to do data extractions in parallel for a large regional node. It uses multithreaded components to do this work more quickly than a single thread operation. Parallel Database Extract requires more hardware, but it can significantly reduce the time that Replication Manager requires to do a database extract.

                                    To extract a regional database by using the Parallel Database Extract option, you can use the administrative interface or the command line interface.

                                      Extracting Regional Databases in Parallel by Using the Administrative Interface

                                      You can extract regional databases in parallel by using the administrative interface.

                                      To extract regional databases in parallel by using the administrative interface
                                      1. Make sure advanced parameters are visible.

                                        For more information, see Making Advanced Server Parameters Visible.

                                      2. Adjust the shared pool size.

                                        For more information, see Adjusting the Shared Pool Size for Parallel Database Extract.

                                      3. Locate the record for the Parallel Database Extract server component.

                                        For more information, see Locating the Record for a Server Component.

                                      4. Use Columns Displayed to expose the Max Tasks field of the Components list.

                                      5. In the bottom applet, click the Parameters tab, click Advanced, and then query the Parameter field for the following value:

                                        Maximum Number of Work Queue Threads

                                        The Max Tasks field for the Parallel Database Extract server component displays the maximum number of worker threads for each work queue. The Maximum Number of Work Queue Threads parameter determines the degree of parallelism.

                                      6. Complete the procedure for using the administrative interface that is described in Extracting the Regional Database by Using the Single Thread Option, with the following modifications:

                                        • In the Component/Job field, choose Parallel Database Extract.

                                        • To specify more than one regional node, you can create a text file and then enter the name of each regional node on a single line in this file. When you specify the Value for the Client Name parameter, you enter the path and file name, preceded by the at sign (@). For example, a Windows client might specify the following value as the Value for the Client Name:


                                        Extracting Regional Databases in Parallel by Using the Command Line Interface

                                        You can extract regional databases in parallel by using the command line interface.

                                        To extract regional databases in parallel by using the command line interface
                                        • From the Server Manager command line, enter the following command, all on one line:

                                          start task for comp pdbxtract server server_name with client=regional_node_name, initmethod=ddl

                                          For more information, see Opening the Command Line Interface for Server Manager.

                                          To specify more than one regional node, you can use a command to separate each regional node name. For example, if RN1, RN2, and RN3 are the names of three regional nodes, then you enter the following command:

                                          start task for comp pdbxtract server server_name with client=RN1,RN2,RN3, initmethod=ddl

                                          Adjusting the Shared Pool Size for Parallel Database Extract

                                          To meet the cache requirements for a parallel database extract, the init.ora file contains a parameter named SHARED_POOL_SIZE that you can adjust. The number of temporary tables that you use depends on the size of the shared pool that the Siebel Server can access. If the size of the shared pool is less than 300 MB, it is recommended that you use one temporary table and run one instance of the Database Extract component. If the size of the shared pool is greater than 600 MB, then using one temporary table for each instance of the Database Extract component might increase throughput.

                                          The following table describes some examples for setting the shared pool size.

                                          Table Example Shared Pool Sizes for Parallel Database Extract

                                          Number of Databases Extracted in Parallel Table Usage


                                          One database extract assigned to each S_DOCK_INITM_X table.


                                          One database extract assigned to each S_DOCK_INITM_X table.


                                          Two database extracts assigned to each S_DOCK_INITM_X table.

                                          For more about:

                                          • Sizing the shared pool, see Siebel Performance Tuning Guide.

                                          • The init.ora file and the SHARED_POOL_SIZE parameter, see the Siebel Installation Guide for the operating system you are using.

                                            Options for Extracting the Regional Database

                                            This topic describes options for extracting the regional database.

                                              Concurrently Extracting Multiple Regional Nodes

                                              If you use Parallel Database Extract for concurrent extraction of two or more regional node databases, then make sure you specify all of the applicable regional nodes as clients in a single Parallel Database Extract job or Server Manager command. This configuration produces better performance than starting multiple Parallel Database Extract component requests or tasks that attempt to run concurrently.

                                                Using Parallel Database Extract with Local Databases

                                                Although it is possible to use Parallel Database Extract when extracting local databases, Parallel Database Extract might not improve performance significantly during remote client extractions, so this configuration is not recommended.

                                                  Parameters That You Can Specify When Extracting a Regional Database

                                                  The following table lists parameters you can specify when extracting a regional database.

                                                  Table Parameters You Can Specify When Extracting a Regional Database

                                                  Parameter Name Required Description

                                                  CD Directory



                                                  The folder on the computer of the parent node where the Replication Manager writes the extract files.

                                                  Client Name



                                                  The name of the regional database that you enter when you register the regional node. See Defining the Regional Node.

                                                  Database Init Method



                                                  You must set the Database Init Method parameter to DDL. If you do not set the Database Init Method parameter to DDL, then the regional database initialization will fail.

                                                  Maximum data file size



                                                  Sets the maximum size of a data file in megabytes:

                                                  • The minimum size is 1.

                                                  • The maximum size is 1,000.

                                                  • The default value is 500.

                                                  For Parallel Database Extract, the recommend Minimum size is 100 MB.

                                                  Language Code



                                                  Extract messages for the specified language. The default value is ENU, for U.S. English.

                                                  (Specify the remote client version of Siebel)



                                                  Specifies the software version of the remote client. The default value is 2000.

                                                    Example Folder Tree of the Parent Node

                                                    This following folder tree is an example of part of the server folder on the parent node after a Database Extract runs for regional nodes named SIEBEL_EUROPE and SIEBEL_PACIFIC:


                                                    After you initialize a regional database, the folder structure on the regional node includes similar folders with more regional nodes and it includes users.

                                                      Initializing the Regional Database

                                                      This topic describes how to initialize the regional database. Replication Manager loads the regional database extract that you create in Extracting the Regional Database in the regional database. It creates database objects and populates them with data. You can initialize the regional database from the administrative interface or the command line interface.

                                                        Initializing the Regional Database from the Administrative Interface

                                                        You can initialize the regional database from the administrative interface.

                                                        To initialize the regional database from the administrative interface

                                                        1. Make sure your environment meets the requirements for running the Regional Database Initialization program.

                                                          For more information, see Requirements for Running the Regional Database Initialization Program.

                                                        2. On the regional server, stop the Siebel Server.

                                                          You run the srvrinit command on the regional server. You must stop only the Siebel Server. Do not stop the Siebel Gateway.

                                                        3. Open a command line on the regional server.

                                                        4. If the regional server runs on Windows, then navigate to the SIEBEL_ROOT folder, and then run the siebenv.bat batch file, where SIEBEL_ROOT is the folder where you installed the Siebel Server.

                                                          The siebenv.bat batch file sets the environment variables that srvrinit.exe requires. Make sure you run siebenv.bat in the same command shell where you run srvrinit.exe.

                                                        5. Navigate to the SIEBSRVR_ROOT/bin folder.

                                                        6. Run the srvrinit program:

                                                          • In Windows, the Regional Database Initialization program is named srvrinit.exe. You must run srvrinit.exe from the DOS command prompt in the same window where you run siebenv.bat in Step 4.

                                                          • In UNIX, the Regional Database Initialization program is named srvrinit. You must run srvrinit from the command line interface.

                                                            The srvrinit program runs the Regional Database Initialization program and displays the Regional Database Initialization dialog box.

                                                        7. In the Siebel Remote Parameters fields, specify the values for each of the parameters that the regional server uses to connect to the parent node.

                                                          For more information, see Parameters of the Regional Database Initialization Program.

                                                        8. In the Regional Database Parameters fields, specify the values for each of the parameters that the regional server uses to connect to the regional database.

                                                          For more information, see Parameters of the Regional Database Initialization Program.

                                                        9. Click the following item:

                                                          Start Initialization

                                                          The Siebel Upgrade Wizard starts automatically and completes the work that Replication Manager requires to initialize the regional database. If a dialog box does not display while the utility runs, then something is wrong. If this situation occurs, or if the wizard fails, then see Recovering from a Failure While Initializing a Regional Database. For more information, see Error Messages That You Can Ignore.

                                                        10. Wait for the initialization to finish.

                                                        11. Enable the required server components, such as Siebel Remote and the required object managers.

                                                          For more information, see Administering Server Components for Siebel Remote. For information about enabling object managers and other components, see Siebel System Administration Guide.

                                                        12. Install the Siebel Application Interface, and then configure it using Siebel Management Console.

                                                        13. If necessary, create user accounts.

                                                          Srvrinit does not create user accounts. You must create users for database accounts for all users who access the regional node.

                                                          Initializing the Regional Database from the Command Line Interface

                                                          You can initialize the regional database from the command line interface.

                                                          To initialize the regional database from the command line interface

                                                            Requirements for Running the Regional Database Initialization Program

                                                            To initialize the regional database from the Siebel Server, you use the Regional Database Initialization (srvrinit) program. Srvrinit does the following work:

                                                            • Connects to the parent Siebel Server, and then downloads the regional database extract for the regional node.

                                                            • To initialize the database, it starts the Siebel Upgrade Wizard.

                                                            Note the following requirements:

                                                            • You must do this work on the Siebel Server on the regional node.

                                                            • You must make sure that sufficient transaction space, known as the Rollback Segment, is available on the regional database. To determine if you must increase or modify the existing rollback segment, you can work with your database administrator.

                                                            • You must make sure that the database user ID and password that you use to run srvrinit exists on the Siebel Server of the headquarters node and the regional node. Srvrinit only allows you to specify one set of credentials. It must use those credentials for these computers. If credentials on the two computers are different, then the process might not start, or it might fail before it finishes.

                                                              Error Messages That You Can Ignore

                                                              You can ignore the following error messages:

                                                              • ORA-01921: role name 'SSE_ROLE' conflicts with another user or role name

                                                              • ORA-01017: invalid username/password, or logon denied

                                                              • ORA-00942: table or view does not exist

                                                              These messages might display while you initiate a regional database.

                                                                Options for Initializing the Regional Database

                                                                This topic describes options for initializing the regional database.

                                                                Running Srvrinit in Parallel to Improving Performance

                                                                If the Siebel Server includes multiple CPUs and disk arrays, then you can run srvrinit in parallel to significantly improve performance.

                                                                Reducing the Rollback Segment

                                                                To reduce the size of the rollback segment that srvrinit requires, you can reduce the following extract parameter for the regional database:

                                                                Maximum data file size (DatFileSize)

                                                                The srvrinit task sends commits for each file. The smaller the file, the smaller the rollback segment. For more information, see Parameters of the Database Extract Server Component.

                                                                Reinitializing a Regional Node

                                                                If you reinitialize a regional node with remote clients, then you must verify that the remote clients who synchronized with this node can reinitialize without having to delete their local databases.

                                                                  Recovering from a Failure While Initializing a Regional Database

                                                                  If the regional database initialization fails, then you must recover from this failure before you restart Replication Manager. An example cause for failure is insufficient storage space on the regional database.

                                                                  To recover from a failure while initializing a regional database

                                                                  1. Restart the Regional Database Initialization program.

                                                                  2. Examine the log files.

                                                                    The log files include srvrinit.log and upgwiz.log on Windows or srvrupgwiz1.log on UNIX.

                                                                  3. Do the required corrective actions.

                                                                  4. To resume the procedure for initializing a regional database, restart the Siebel Upgrade Wizard.

                                                                    To restart the executable for this wizard on Windows, you type siebupg.exe. On UNIX, you type srvrupgwiz.

                                                                    The state logging feature of the Siebel Upgrade Wizard allows you to restart the Siebel Upgrade Wizard. The Siebel Upgrade Wizard remembers the progress of the initialization process and resumes from the same location where it stopped.

                                                                  If necessary, you can restart the entire procedure. For more information, see Restarting the Procedure to Initialize a Regional Database.

                                                                    Restarting the Procedure to Initialize a Regional Database

                                                                    This topic describes how to restart an interrupted initialization procedure.

                                                                    To restart the procedure to initialize a regional database
                                                                    1. On the regional node, navigate to the SIEBEL_ROOT/bin folder.

                                                                    2. If you are working in Windows, then do the following steps:

                                                                      1. Run the Siebel Upgrade Wizard.

                                                                      2. Click Cancel when this wizard prompts you to choose Yes to retry, No to abort, or Cancel to abort and clean up.

                                                                    3. If you are working in UNIX, then do the following steps:

                                                                      1. Locate the upgwiz.ucf file, and then delete it.

                                                                      2. Navigate to the SIEBEL_ROOT/upgrade folder, and then delete all files that contain state.log in the file name.

                                                                    4. Rerun the initialization procedure, starting with Step 1 in the topic Initializing the Regional Database from the Administrative Interface.

                                                                      Configuring the Regional Node to Support Remote Clients

                                                                      If the Siebel Server of a regional node includes remote clients, then you must start and configure the server components that Siebel Remote uses on that Siebel Server.

                                                                      To configure the regional node to support remote clients

                                                                      1. Open the Server Manager command line.

                                                                        For more information, see Opening the Command Line Interface for Server Manager.

                                                                      2. To create database templates on the Siebel Server on the regional node, use the Generate New Database server component.

                                                                        For more information, see Running the Generate New Database Server Component.

                                                                      3. To extract remote clients, run Database Extract.

                                                                        For more information, see Extracting the Server Database.

                                                                      4. Start the Transaction Processor, Transaction Merger, and Transaction Router server components.

                                                                        For more information, see Administering Server Components for Siebel Remote.

                                                                      Configuring the Replication Agent Server Component

                                                                      This topic describes how to configure the Replication Agent server component. It includes the following information:

                                                                      For more information, see:

                                                                      • Replication Agent in the topic Regional Node

                                                                      • Siebel System Administration Guide

                                                                        Starting and Stopping the Replication Agent Server Component

                                                                        To synchronize the regional database, the Replication Agent server component must be in an Online state. This topic describes how to start and stop Replication Agent while the Siebel Server is running.

                                                                          Starting Replication Agent in the Administrative Interface

                                                                          You can start Replication Agent in the administrative interface.

                                                                          To start Replication Agent in the administrative interface
                                                                          1. Locate the record for the Replication Agent server component.

                                                                            For more information, see Locating the Record for a Server Component.

                                                                          2. Set the HQ Application Server Name parameter:

                                                                            1. In the bottom applet, click the Parameters tab, and then query the Parameter field for the following value:

                                                                              HQ Application Server Name

                                                                            2. In the Value On Restart field, enter a value for the dock connect string.

                                                                              For more information, see Setting the HQ Application Server Name Parameter.

                                                                          3. Optional. Configure tasks for Replication Agent to start automatically when the Siebel Server starts.

                                                                            For more information, see Setting Tasks to Start Automatically for the Replication Agent When the Siebel Server Starts.

                                                                          4. Navigate to the Administration - Server Management screen, and then the Components view.

                                                                          5. Start Replication Agent.

                                                                            Starting or Stopping Replication Agent in the Server Manager Command Line Interface

                                                                            You can start or stop Replication Agent in the Server Manager command line interface.

                                                                            To start or stop Replication Agent in the Server Manager command line interface
                                                                            1. Open the Server Manager command line.

                                                                              For more information, see Opening the Command Line Interface for Server Manager.

                                                                            2. If necessary, to start Replication Agent, enter the following command all on one line:

                                                                              start task for comp repagent server server_name with HQ=DockConnString, sleeptime=number_of_seconds_to_sleep

                                                                              Siebel CRM sets the sleeptime to 60 seconds, by default. It is not necessary for you to configure sleeptime. For more information, see Using Replication Agent to Control Synchronization.

                                                                            3. If necessary, to stop Replication Agent, enter the following command:

                                                                              stop task for comp repagent server server_name

                                                                              Setting the HQ Application Server Name Parameter

                                                                              You must set the HQ Application Server Name parameter for Replication Agent, which identifies the dock connect string of the parent Siebel Server. The parameter uses the following format:



                                                                              • server_name identifies the name of the headquarters server

                                                                              • TCPIP is the network protocol

                                                                              • port_number identifies the port number for the Replication Agent. You can use one of the following values. 40400 is the default value:

                                                                                • 40400

                                                                                • Any

                                                                              • SMI is the encryption service

                                                                              • encryption identifies the encryption type. You can use one of the following values. None is the default value:

                                                                                • RSA

                                                                                • None

                                                                                Setting Tasks to Start Automatically for the Replication Agent When the Siebel Server Starts

                                                                                Although Replication Agent starts automatically when the Siebel Server starts, it starts with zero tasks, by default. To cause the Siebel Server to automatically start tasks for Replication Agent when the Siebel Server starts, you can modify the Default Tasks parameter to 1. For more information, see Siebel System Administration Guide.

                                                                                To set tasks to start automatically for Replication Agent when the Siebel Server starts

                                                                                1. Make sure advanced parameters are visible.

                                                                                  For more information, see Making Advanced Server Parameters Visible.

                                                                                2. Verify that the external resources that the current tasks access are running on the existing Replication Agent server component.

                                                                                3. Verify that the external resources that future tasks access that run on the reconfigured Replication Agent server component are available.

                                                                                  Examples of external resources include the configuration files that you specify for the Replication Agent server component. For more information, see Modifying the Siebel Configuration File for Siebel Remote.

                                                                                4. Make sure the Default Tasks parameter is visible.

                                                                                  For more information, see Making Advanced Server Parameters Visible. For an alternative, see Using Server Manager to Set the Default Tasks Parameter.

                                                                                5. Locate the record for the Replication Agent server component.

                                                                                  For more information, see Locating the Record for a Server Component.

                                                                                6. In the bottom applet, click the Parameters tab, click Advanced, and then query the Parameters field for Default Tasks.

                                                                                7. Set the value in the Value field to 1.

                                                                                  The Replication Agent starts automatically when the Siebel Server restarts.

                                                                                  Using Server Manager to Set the Default Tasks Parameter

                                                                                  To set the Default Tasks parameter, you can use the Server Manager instead of the administrative interface.

                                                                                  To use Server Manager to set the default tasks parameter

                                                                                    Using Replication Agent to Control Synchronization

                                                                                    To control synchronization, you can modify the parameters of the Replication Agent server component.

                                                                                    To use Replication Agent to control synchronization

                                                                                    • Modify parameters of the Replication Agent server component.

                                                                                      You can modify the following generic format to start Replication Agent from the Server Manager:

                                                                                      start task for comp repagent server server_name with parameter_1= value_1, parameter_2= value_2,...

                                                                                      For more information, see Parameters of the Replication Agent Server Component.

                                                                                      Resolving Synchronization Conflicts

                                                                                      To resolve data conflicts or corrupted transactions that Replication Manager encounters, you can use resolution rules. No log file is currently available. For more information, see How Siebel Remote Resolves Conflicts in Data It Synchronizes.

                                                                                        Installing Another Siebel Server on the Regional Node

                                                                                        Replication Manager can call Srvrinit only one time. Only one Siebel Server receives the dictionary files when srvrinit runs. It places these files in the bin folder of the Siebel Server. An additional Siebel Server is not functional because it does not contain a dictionary datafile. The Siebel Server of a regional node does not contain repository rows. Replication Manager gets the dictionary information from this data file. The additional server requires an operational copy of the dictionary.

                                                                                        To install another Siebel Server on the regional node

                                                                                        1. Install the additional Siebel Server.

                                                                                          For more information, see the Siebel Installation Guide for the operating system you are using.

                                                                                        2. Copy the dicdata.dat from the bin folder of the Siebel Server where you ran srvrinit to the bin folder of the new application.

                                                                                          The dictionary data files are specific to a character set. You must use a codepage dictionary cache.