10Troubleshooting Siebel Reports

Enabling and Disabling Logging for Siebel Reports

    Enabling Logging for Siebel Reports in the Siebel Application

    You can configure Siebel CRM to create log files that capture detailed information about errors that occur while running reports. The reports administrator can use the log files to investigate why the error occurred.

    You set the log level for the XMLP Report server component by using the Server Manager UI or the Server Manager command-line interface program (srvrmgr program).

    You can adjust the log levels at any time.

    Oracle BI Publisher logs all exceptions and debug level information.

      Setting the Log Level for the XMLP Report Server Component

      This topic describes how to set the log level for the XMLP Report server component.

      To set the log level for the XMLP Report server component
      1. Log in to the Siebel client with administrator privileges.

      2. Navigate to the Administration-Server Configuration screen, Servers, and then the Components view.

      3. In the Component field, query for XMLP Report Server, and then click the Events tab.

      4. In Events list, query for XMLP Report Log, and then set the value for the log level to 5.

        Note: Setting logging levels to a high value for all components in report generation, such as the requesting Object Manager, the XMLP Report Server component, the EAI Object Manager, the File System Manager and the BI Publisher Server affects performance. The higher the logging-level value, the slower the performance.
      5. Click the Component tab.

      6. In the Component field, query for the Application Object Manager, and then click the Events tab.

        For example, query for the following Application Object Manager:

        Call Center Object Manager (ENU)
      7. In the Events list, query for XMLP Report Log, and then set the value for the log level to 5.

      8. Stop, and then restart the XMLP Report Server and Siebel Application Object Manager server components.

        For more information about restarting the Siebel Server, see Siebel System Administration Guide.

      Using the Server Manager Command-Line Interface to Set Log Levels for the XMLP Report Server Component

      This topic describes how to use the Server Manager command-line interface to set the log level for the XMLP Report server component.

      To use the Server Manager command-line interface to set log levels for the XMLP Report server component
      1. Run the following command to connect to the Siebel Server Manager:

        msrvrmgr /g gateway computer name:port number /s xmlp siebel server name/e enterprise /u user name /p password


        • gateway computer name is the name of the computer where the Siebel Gateway.

        • port number identifies the port number where the Siebel Gateway is listening.

          The colon and the port number are optional if using an optional default port.

        • xmlp siebel server name is the name of the server where the XMLP Report server component is enabled.

        • user name is the login name of the administrator.

        • password is the password for the administrator.

          srvrmgr /g gateway computer name:2330 /s xmlp siebel server name/e Siebel /u SADMIN /p MSSQL

          For example:

      2. Run the following command to change the event log level:

        change evtloglvl XMLPReportLog=5 for comp xmlpreportserver
        • where 5 is the event log level that you must change.

        For example, to get details for a call to a business service, run the following command:

        change evtloglvl ObjMgrBusServiceLog=5 for comp xmlpreportserver
      3. Shut down, and then restart the XMLP Report server component.

        Enabling Logging and Debugging on the Oracle BI Publisher Server

        This topic describes how to enable logging and debugging on the Oracle BI Publisher Server.

          Enabling Logging on the Oracle BI Publisher Server

          You can configure the Oracle BI Publisher Server to create log files that collect detailed information about errors that occur when the user runs a report in a connected client. You can use these log files to determine how much time Siebel CRM requires to run a report, and so on. For information about enabling logging for the Oracle BI Publisher Server, see the Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher and Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher available on Oracle Technology Network (http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/indexes/documentation/index.html).

            Enabling Debugging on the Oracle BI Publisher Server

            You can configure Oracle BI Publisher Server to capture detailed information about errors that occur while working with Siebel Reports in the Siebel Web Client. This debugging is in addition to the typical debugging capabilities that are available in Siebel CRM. For information on enabling debugging on the Oracle BI Publisher Server, see 1628945.1 (Article ID) on My Oracle Support.

              Enabling and Disabling Debugging in Disconnected Clients

              You can configure the Oracle BI Publisher XDO Engine to create log files that collect detailed information about errors that occur when the user runs a report in a disconnected client. You can use the log files to identify problems that occur with the JAR (Java ARchive) files or the Oracle BI Publisher report template files.

                Enabling Debugging in Disconnected Clients

                Use the following procedure to enable debugging for the Oracle BI Publisher XDO Engine.

                To enable debugging in disconnected clients
                1. Use a text editor to create a file named xdodebug.cfg.

                2. Add the following code to the file you created in Step 1:

                  LogDir=path to logging folder
                3. Place the file you created in Step 1 in the jre\lib folder that the Siebel client uses.

                  For example:

                  C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0_07\lib
                4. Make sure the folder that the LogDir parameter specifies exists.

                  Siebel CRM saves the log files that it creates in this folder. If an error occurs when the user runs a report in a disconnected client, then Siebel CRM creates an xdo.log file and saves it in the directory that the .cfg file specifies. You can use this log file to troubleshoot the problem.

                  Disabling Debugging in Disconnected Clients

                  You can disable debugging for the Oracle BI Publisher XDO Engine to optimize Siebel Reports performance in a disconnected client.

                  To disable debugging in disconnected clients
                  1. Back up the xdo.cfg file:

                    1. Access the computer where the Siebel Developer Web Client is installed.

                    2. Copy the xdo.cfg that resides in the jre\lib installation folder to another computer.

                  2. Remove or rename the xdo.cfg that resides in the jre\lib folder.

                    Fixing Class Not Found Errors

                    This topic describes how to fix a class not found error when you preview a report in Microsoft Word.

                      Guidelines for Fixing Class Not Found Errors When Previewing Reports in Microsoft Word

                      You can use the following guidelines to fix a class not found error when you preview a report in Microsoft Word:

                      • Make sure no spaces or new line characters exist after the following string:


                        For example:

                      • To examine the syntax, turn off word wrapping in the editor you are using so that the editor displays the following code on a single line:


                        If you turn off word wrapping, then you must include three separate lines in your batch file.

                      • Make sure the path to Microsoft Word that the batch file references is correct. You can search for winword.exe from C:\Program Files to locate the path.

                      • The %1 in the batch file is an argument that represents a document that you typically open in Microsoft Word (RTF files).

                      • The following system environment variable prevents you from previewing reports in the Siebel client. Do not use it:

                        set _JAVA_OPTIONS

                        Fixing Class Not Found Errors When Previewing Reportsin Microsoft Word

                        This topic describes how to fix an error that might occur when you preview a report in Microsoft Word that uses a predefined report template file. To fix this error, you create a custom batch file that loads the required template libraries before Microsoft Word opens the report template file. You replace the explicit drive and folder locations in this batch file with the drive and locations that your computer uses according to where you installed the Siebel Web Client. You are not required to associate a .doc extension with this batch file.

                        To fix class not found errors when previewing reports in Microsoft Word

                        1. Navigate to the following directory on the computer where you installed the Siebel client:

                          C:\Program Files
                        2. Create a new file named MSWordForBIPub.bat.

                        3. Add the following code to the file you created in Step 2:

                          echo %1
                          set _JAVA_OPTIONS=-Xbootclasspath/a:
                          "C:\Program Files\microsoft office\Office\Winword.exe" %1

                          This code sets the _JAVA_OPTIONS environment variable and then opens Microsoft Word.

                        4. Create a shortcut to the MSWordForBIPub.bat batch file and move it to your desktop.

                        5. If you must make sure this batch file always runs when you open a predefined report template file, then associate the RTF files with the .bat file:

                          1. Navigate to the folder that contains the template files in your Siebel client environment.

                            For example, navigate to the following folder:

                          2. Sort the templates files according to Type.

                          3. Right-click on an RTF file, choose Open With, and then choose a text editor.

                          4. Click Browse to find the .bat file, and then open it.

                          5. Make sure the following check box contains a check mark, and then click OK:

                            Always Use the Selected Program to Open This Kind of File

                            This step associates the RTF file with the batch file you created in Step 2. The batch file sets an environment variable that Oracle BI Publisher requires to publish a report in Microsoft Word.

                          If you double-click the RTF file, then a command prompt window displays. You can also use the desktop shortcut and run the shortcut to the .bat file to test the report preview.

                        Some RTF files in the following folder are set to read only:


                        To avoid a run-time error, you can right-click the template file, and then remove the check mark from the Read-only attribute.

                          Troubleshooting Error Messages for Siebel Reports

                          This topic describes guidelines for fixing error messages that occur with Siebel Reports. To fix one of these problems, look for it in the Symptom or Error Message column in the following table.

                          Table Problems with Siebel Reports

                          Symptom or Error Message Solution

                          SBL-OMS-00203: Error <?> invoking method "<?>" for Business Service "<?>"

                          This error might occur if you fail to upload the template to the Oracle BI Publisher Server. It might occur in a connected or disconnected client.

                          To fix this problem, see Fixing Errors That Occur When Running Siebel Reports(SBL-OMS-00203).

                          Siebel CRM displays the following message if you click Submit in the Run Report pane"

                          "Unable to find definition 
                          for component 

                          This error might occur after you click Submit to run a report. It might occur in a connected or disconnected client.

                          To fix this problem, see Fixing Errors That Occur After Clicking Submit in the Run Report Pane (SBL-SRQ-00103).

                          The specialized method 'GetFileToDir' is not supported on Business Component 'Report Template BC' used by Business Object 'Report Administration'. (SBL-DAT-00322)

                          This error might occur if the path settings in the configuration files are not correct. It might occur in a connected or disconnected client.

                          To fix this problem, see Fixing Errors That Occur Due to Incorrect Configuration File Settings (SBL-DAT-00322).

                          SBL-RPT-50504: Error occurred while saving the record. No data file provided for XLIFF generation.

                          This error might occur if you do not provide a sample XML data file for creating an XLIFF file. It occurs only in a disconnected client.

                          To fix this problem, see Fixing XLIFF File Errors.

                          Siebel CRM displays the following message if you run a report:

                          Class name incorrect

                          This error might occur if Oracle BI Publisher or the JAR files are not loaded. It occurs only in a disconnected client.

                          To fix this problem, you set the classpath. For more information, see Fixing the CLASSPATH Settings.

                          SBL-EAI-04116 BIP: Server connection is lost

                          This error might occur with a very large or complex report. It occurs only in a connected client.

                          You can increase the HTTPSleepTime method argument to fix this problem. For more information, see Modifying the HTTP Sleep Time.

                          Siebel CRM displays one of the following messages in the XMLP log file:

                          • Verify the BIP Server Userid and Password. (SBL-RPT-50529)

                          • Failed to log into BI Publisher: invalidusername or password.

                          This error message displays if you do not provide the correct user ID and password for the Oracle BI Publisher Server in the XMLP Report server component parameters. This problem occurs only in a connected client.

                          To fix this problem, see Fixing Oracle BI Publisher Server Login Errors.

                          Generic Error in Compression Routine (SBL-UIF-00227)

                          Make sure the temp\xmlp folder exists in the SIEBSRVR_ROOT folder. If it does not, then add it. For more information, see Directory Structure That Siebel Reports Uses.

                          Also, make sure the Siebel File System is set correctly. For information about setting the Siebel File System, see Siebel System Administration Guide.

                          This problem might occur in a connected or disconnected client.

                          PublicReportService::executeCreateReport Failure: due to Report Name contains special characters for report

                          Make sure the report name does not contain the following special characters:

                          • Forward slash (/)

                          • Backslash (\)

                          • Double quote (")

                          • Single quote (')

                          • Tilde (~)

                          • Ampersand (&)

                          • Asterisk (*)

                          • Plus sign (+)

                          • Left angle bracket (<)

                          • Right angle bracket (>)

                          • Percent sign (%)

                          This problem occurs only in a connected client.

                          SBL-EAI-04308: Operation 'runReport' of Web Service 'http://xmlns.oracle.com/oxp/service/PublicReportService.PublicReportServiceService' at port 'PublicReportService' failed with the following explanation: "oracle.apps.xdo.webservice. exception.OperationFailedException: PublicReportService:: generateReport failed: due to oracle.apps.xdo.servlet. CreateException: Report definition not found:/SiebelCRMReports/<Report Name>/<Report Name>.xdo".

                          This error might occur if you run a report that includes missing information on the Oracle BI Publisher Server. A missing .xdo file is an example of missing information.

                          To fix this problem, upload the report template from Oracle BI Publisher. For more information about uploading report templates, see Registering Report Templates.

                          This problem occurs only in a connected client.

                          • An column alignment problem occurs in HTML report output.

                          This problem might occur if the table header row and the data row reside in two different tables, but Siebel CRM displays them as a single table because no space exists between these tables. HTML or EXCEL might create this output.

                          This problem might occur in a connected or disconnected client.

                          To fix this problem, see Fixing Alignment Problems in HTML.

                          One of the following problems occur:

                          • An alignment problem occurs in report that runs in Japanese or PSJ.

                          • The PPT output type for Japanese (JPN) is distorted in a report.

                          To fix this problem, you can create the font mappings for the Oracle BI Publisher Server to make sure that the HTML output displays correctly. This problem occurs only in a connected client.

                          To fix this problem, see Fixing Japanese Font Errors.

                          Siebel CRM displays one of the following message when you upload files to Oracle BI Publisher:

                          • SBL-EAI-05010: Class name incorrect or does not extend SiebelBusinessService : com/siebel/data/SiebelPropertySet -- JVM Exception:java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/siebel/data/SiebelPropertySetObjMgrBusServiceLog

                          • Object manager error: ([0] Class name incorrect or does not extend SiebelBusinessService : <?>

                          To fix this problem, verify the following:

                          • JAVA_HOME variable is set correctly.

                          • The following JAR files are copied from the siebelroot\ classes\original folder to the ORACLE_HOME\ j2ee\home\applications\xmlpserver\xmlpserve\WEB-INF\lib folder:

                            • Siebel.JAR

                            • SiebelXMLP.JAR

                            • XSLFunctions.JAR

                            • SiebelCustomXMLP.JAR

                            • SiebelCustomXMLP_SIA.JAR

                          • The CLASSPATH variable is set correctly in the JVMSubSys profile.

                          • The JVM SubSystem Name parameter for XMLPReportServer is set to XMLPJvmSubsys. If this value is JAVA, then set it to XMLPJvmSubsys.

                          Siebel CRM displays the following message when you upload files to Oracle BI Publisher:

                          SBL-EAI-04308: Operation 
                          'uploadReport' of Web Service 
                          portServiceService' at port 
                          failed with the following 
                          UploadReport Failure: Due to 
                          Report with Path [/
                          Activity.xdo] already 

                          This error indicates that the Oracle BI Publisher Server already includes a copy of the file that you are uploading. The uploadReport method does not support uploading a new version of an existing file.

                          To fix this problem, you must rename or delete the folder for the existing instance of the report on the Oracle BI Publisher Server. The Oracle BI Publisher Server stores the report template files in the following directory:


                            Fixing Errors That Occur When Running Siebel Reports(SBL-OMS-00203)

                            This topic describes how to fix an error that occurs while running Siebel Reports.

                            To fix errors that occur when running Siebel Reports

                            1. Make sure the XMLP Report server component is enabled.

                            2. Increase the XMLP Report server component log level to 5 to create a more detailed log file.

                            3. Copy the xdodebug.log file to the jre\lib folder.

                              For information about doing these tasks, see Enabling Logging for Siebel Reports in the Siebel Application and Enabling and Disabling Debugging in Disconnected Clients.

                            Regenerating XML and Running the Report

                            If you create a report template with a database, but then register it with a different database, then the report might fail. This topic describes how to fix this problem.

                            To regenerate XML and run the report

                            1. Regenerate the XML data.

                            2. Reregister the report template.

                              For more information, see Registering Report Templates.

                            3. Rerun the report.

                              Fixing Errors That Occur After Clicking Submit in the Run Report Pane (SBL-SRQ-00103)

                              This topic describes how to fix an error that occurs after you click Submit in the Run Report pane.

                              To fix errors that occur after clicking Submit in the Run Report pane

                              1. Enable and synchronize the XMLP Report server component.

                                For information about enabling this component, see Siebel System Administration Guide.

                              2. Restart the Siebel Server.

                                For information about restarting the Siebel Server, see Siebel System Administration Guide.

                                Fixing Errors That Occur Due to Incorrect Configuration File Settings (SBL-DAT-00322)

                                This topic describes how to fix an error that occurs due to incorrect configuration file settings.

                                To fix errors that occur due to incorrect configuration file settings

                                1. Make sure Siebel File System path is correct:

                                  1. Navigate to the Administration - Server Configuration screen, Servers, and then the Components view.

                                  2. Query for the object manager that your Siebel application uses.

                                    For example, Call Center, Siebel Sales, or Siebel Service.

                                  3. Click the Parameters tab, query for FileSystemManager, and then click Advanced.

                                  4. In Siebel File System field, enter the following path:

                                    \\computer name\fs
                                  5. Make sure that the fs folder exists in the D drive and that it is shared.

                                2. Restart the Siebel Server.

                                3. Verify that the File System component is running.

                                4. Verify that CLASSPATH is set in the JVMSubSys profile parameter.

                                5. Verify that all the required JAR files are included and available in the CLASSPATH.

                                6. Verify that the CLASSPATH separator is in the correct format for Windows or UNIX.

                                  In Windows, the CLASSPATH separator is a semicolon (;). In UNIX, the CLASSPATH separator is a colon (:).

                                Fixing Errors in Disconnected Clients

                                This topic describes how to fix an error that occurs in a disconnected client.

                                To fix errors in disconnected clients

                                1. In the application .cfg file, set the following value for the FileSystem parameter:

                                  FileSystem \\computer name\fs\att
                                2. Make sure the fs folder in the path that you added in Step 1 is shared.

                                3. In the XMLPReports section of the .cfg file, make sure the following section is defined:

                                  XdoDir = /xmlp/templates/
                                  ReportOutputDir = /xmlp/reports/
                                  ReportDataDir = /xmlp/data/
                                4. To determine if the path to the file system is set properly, try to register the report template.

                                  If you can successfully register the report template, then you can drill down on the XLIFF file. If you cannot browse the report template, or if you cannot drill down on the XLIFF file, then you must make sure the path to the file system is set correctly.

                                  Fixing XLIFF File Errors

                                  This topic describes how to fix an error that occurs if you do not provide a sample XML data file when you create the XLIFF files.

                                  To fix XLIFF errors

                                  1. Log in to the Siebel client with administrator privileges.

                                  2. For more information about this view, see Creating XML Files from Integration Objects.
                                  3. Navigate to the Administration - BI Reports screen, and then the Sample Data File Generation view.

                                  4. Choose the integration object associated with the report, and then click Generate Sample XML.

                                    Fixing the CLASSPATH Settings

                                    This topic describes how to fix the CLASSPATH parameter.

                                    To fix the CLASSPATH parameter

                                    1. Log in to the Server Manager command-line interface.

                                      For information about how to use the srvrmgr program, see Siebel System Administration Guide.

                                    2. Run the following command to change the CLASSPATH:

                                      Change param CLASSPATH = 
                                      :\sba81\siebsrvr\classes\xdo-core.jar  for named subsystem XMLPJvmSubsys 

                                      Fixing Oracle BI Publisher Server Login Errors

                                      This topic describes how to fix Oracle BI Publisher Server login errors.

                                      To fix Oracle BI Publisher Server login errors

                                      1. Log in to the Siebel client with administrator privileges.

                                      2. Navigate to the Administration - Server Configuration screen, and then the Servers view.

                                      3. Click the Component tab, and then query for XMLP Report Server.

                                      4. Click the Parameters tab, query for BIP Server Login, and then enter the correct login information for the Oracle BI Publisher Server.

                                      5. Query for the BIP Server Password, and then enter the correct password for the Oracle BI Publisher Server.

                                        Fixing Alignment Problems in HTML

                                        This topic describes how to fix alignment problems that occur in the HTML output of a report.

                                        To fixing alignment problems in HTML

                                        1. Add a row to the Table Header.

                                        2. Copy the Form fields from the data row in the added row.

                                        3. Delete the previous table that contained the data row.

                                          The single table now contains header and data row.

                                          Fixing Japanese Font Errors

                                          Fixing Japanese Font Errors that occur with Oracle’s Siebel Reports.

                                          To fix Japanese font errors

                                          1. Locate the msgothic.ttc file.

                                          2. Copy the file you located in Step 1 to the following folders on the computer where you installed the Oracle BI Publisher Server:

                                            • $JAVA_HOME\jre\lib\fonts

                                            • ORACLE_HOME\common\fonts

                                          3. Log in to Oracle’s BI Publisher Server.

                                          4. Navigate to Admin, Runtime configuration, and then Font Mappings.

                                          5. Create the following font mappings:

                                            • Arial, Normal, msgothic.ttc

                                            • Arial, Bold, msgothic.ttc