11Business Services for Oracle Policy Automation

Business Services for Oracle Policy Automation

This chapter includes information about the business services for Oracle Policy Automation. It includes the following topics:

OPA Interview Framework Service

This business service includes methods that accomplish the following actions:

  • Make outbound Web service calls to interact with OPA (Oracle Policy Automation).

  • Maintain the ID of an interview session.

  • Handle the OPA response.

  • Prepare a flat control property set that the dynamic frame class needs.

  • Prepare responses to OPA by populating user data from the frame.

  • Prepare any messages for errors, such as validation errors, screen-level errors, and generic errors, and transfers the messages to the client.

The CSSOPAInterfaceFrameWorkService class and the ssopasvc.dll file are associated with the OPA Interview Framework Service business service.

This business service includes the following methods:

    AddPropertiesToPropertySet Method

    This method takes the ApplicationIntegrationObject (SiebelMessage), application row id, application status, application submitted by, and PropertySetPath as input arguments. It adds any number of properties to property set at the property set path, and returns the updated property set as the UpdatedApplicationIntegrationObject (SiebelMessage).

    The property set path determines the hierarchy or level under to add the property and update the property set. An example path follows: SiebelMessage/ListOfPUB Intake Application/PUB Intake Application.

      AddSoapHdrFilter Method

      This method adds a custom Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) header to the Oracle Policy Automation request. A custom SOAP header includes the user credentials and locale. This method is used in to administer outbound web services.

        CacheSessionId Method

        This method stores the session ID in one of the member variables. This session ID is used for subsequent requests.

          ChangePropertysetType Method

          This method takes the InputData integration object (GetInputDataDefinitionResponse:GetInputDataDefinitionResponse), PropertySetPath, and PropertySetType as input arguments. The OPA Process Submit Data workflow and OPA Get Preseed Data Workflow call this method.

            Clearflags Method

            This method clears all the flags and information from the global session.

              ConvertSiebelIntObjToStartInterviewReqIntObj Method

              This method converts the integration object for Siebel data to the start-interview-request integration object for Oracle Policy Automation (OPA).The OPA Get Preseed Data workflow calls this method.

                ErrorHandling Method

                This method handles Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) fault exceptions during Oracle Policy Automation (OPA) outbound proxy calls applicable to start-interview, investigate, snapshot-session, restore-session, end-interview. It takes the fault code and fault string as input arguments, and prepares an error message string. The SetErrors method uses this string to propagate error messages to the client, and the ShowErrors method uses this string to display error messages to users. The OPA Interview Service Main workflow, OPA Interview Service Sub workflow, and OPA End Interview workflow call this method.

                  Get Action Method

                  This method reads the user action from the global session and returns the appropriate action type. Action types include: Start Interview, Investigate or End Interview.

                    GetAdminMappingInfo Method

                    This method reads the properties from OPA Integration Mapping View, and adds them to the Siebel Message property set.

                    The MappingName field is optional, but if this field is defined, then the mapping parameters must be defined. The BusObjName, BusCompName, and ActiveRowId fields are required to evaluate expressions for business components. These fields must be inactivated to continue to evaluate generic expressions that do not involve business components.

                    This method reads all of the mapping parameters. These parameters can be passed as input parameters when invoking a workflow or as a process property. If a parameter value is defined as a workflow input or process property and also defined in the OPA Integration Mapping view, then the value in the OPA Integration Mapping view is considered.

                      GetAdminMappingInfoAndCache Method

                      This method reads the properties from OPA Integration Mapping View, adds them to the Siebel Message property set, and caches the property set. This method calls the GetAdminMappingInfo method to read the mapping parameters.

                        GetCachedIO Method

                        This method takes the rule base name as an input argument, and reruns a value of true if the seed integration object is available in cache and a value of false if the seed integration object is not available in the cache.

                          GetPropertySet Method

                          This method takes the property set and property set type as input arguments, and returns the child property set. It parses through the property set path, iterates the property set to last child level in the path, and returns the child property set.

                            HasRequestSent Method

                            This method determines whether the request must be sent to the OPA Server and updates the HasRequestSentFlg output parameter accordingly.

                              InvokeWorkflow Method

                              This method calls the OPA Interview Service Main workflow. The workflow is configured for multiple synthetic events. Synthetic events work on the primary business component. Consequently, the dynamic applet is associated with an OPA Integration virtual business component. A dummy record is created in the virtual business component with the PRIMARY ROW ID needed for the synthetic events to work. In this method, the virtual business component is instantiated, the dummy record ID is passed to the ROW_ID property of the workflow input, and the workflow is invoked.

                              You configure the required input parameters to the workflow in the OPA Integration Mapping view. This method reads all of the mapping parameters. These parameters can be passed as input parameters when invoking a workflow or as a process property. If a parameter value is defined as a workflow input or process property and also defined in the OPA Integration Mapping view, then the value in the OPA Integration Mapping view is considered.

                                PopulateOutPutProperties Method

                                This method returns the session ID and the snapshot data that is required for the OPA Interview Service Main Workflow when the Has Request Sent step returns a value of true.

                                  Prepare Request Method

                                  This method prepares the request integration object for the Oracle Policy Automation outbound web service for the following actions:

                                  • Start interview (StartInterviewRequest:StartInterviewRequest)

                                  • Investigate for next screen (InvestigateRequest:InvestigateRequest)

                                  • Snapshot interview (SnapshotSessionRequest:SnapshotSessionRequest)

                                  • Restore interview (RestoreSessionRequest:RestoreSessionRequest)

                                  • End interview (EndInterviewRequest:EndInterviewRequest)

                                  This method reads operation type from the global session and makes the appropriate call. The frame determines the operation type.

                                    PrepareRequestAfterSubmit Method

                                    This method prepares the Investigate Request integration object (InvestigateRequest:InvestigateRequest) when the user clicks the Submit button. This step determines whether to show a screen to the user after the user clicks the Submit button.

                                      PrepareRequestGetInputData Method

                                      This method prepares the Oracle Policy Automation request for the GetInputDataDefinition action for the Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) if the seed integration object is not present in the cache. It prepares the GetInputDataDefinition Request integration object (GetInputDataDefinitionRequest:GetInputDataDefinitionRequest). The OPA Answer Service workflow calls this method.

                                        PrepareRequestGetSeedData Method

                                        This method prepares the Oracle Policy Automation request for the GetInputDataDefinition action for the Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) if the seed integration object is not present in the cache. It prepares the GetInputDataDefinition Request integration object (GetInputDataDefinitionRequest:GetInputDataDefinitionRequest).The OPA Get PreSeed Data workflow calls this method.

                                          PrepareRequestInvestigateWithPrevScreen Method

                                          This method prepares the Investigate Request integration object (InvestigateRequest:InvestigateRequest) for the previous screen when the user clicks the Back button.

                                            PrepareRequestStartInterview Method

                                            This method prepares to start the interview request with seed data. It takes Siebel message as the input argument, and prepares the Start Interview Request integration object (StartInterviewRequest:StartInterviewRequest).

                                              ProcessResponse Method

                                              This method processes the response from Oracle Policy Automation (OPA). It prepares the flat property set and extra property set, and updates these property sets into the global session. It also checks for errors, such as validation errors, screen-level errors, and generic errors, in the OPA response, and updates the Has Errors In Response and the ErrorDetails output parameters. If the OPA response has no errors, then it sets the Has Errors In Response output parameter to FALSE.

                                                SetErrors Method

                                                This method sets the ErrorDetails property set with errors, such as validation errors, screen-level errors, and generic errors. The client or the application specific workflow uses this property set to display the errors.

                                                  SetSearchSpecToSiebelMsg Method

                                                  This method takes the custom search specification as an input argument, and sets the search specification to the integration object. It parses the search specification, and sets the search specification for corresponding integration component in the Siebel Message.

                                                    ShowErrors Method

                                                    This method displays error messages for Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) fault exceptions and errors that occur when starting or resuming an interview session. The OPA Interview Service Main workflow calls this method.

                                                      PUB OPA Utilities Service

                                                      This business service performs add, update, and query operations on a business object and business component. For example, this service adds or updates an application record when a citizen saves or submits an application, and this service queries for an application record when a citizen resumes completing a saved application.

                                                      The CSSPUBOPAUtilService class and the SSCAHSSV.dll file are associated with the PUB OPA Utilities Service business service.

                                                      This business service includes the UpsertRecord method.

                                                        UpsertRecord Method

                                                        This method performs add, update, and query operations on a business object and business component. It requires the following input arguments:

                                                        • BO Name. The value for this input argument is the business object name for the application.

                                                        • BC Name. The value for this input argument is the business component name for the application associated with the business object.

                                                        • Method. The value for this input argument is the operation (for example, Upsert or Query).

                                                        • Search Spec. The value for this input argument is the search specification to apply when performing the operation.

                                                        You can pass an input field and output field to this method in the following format:

                                                        InputField:Input parameter name
                                                        OutputField:Output parameter name

                                                        You can pass any number of input fields and get any number of output fields using this method. Consequently, any input and output field on any business object and business component can use this method.

                                                          Metadata Filter Service

                                                          This business service is a filter service for the OPA Metadata Service for PUB Sample Intake Contact Web service.

                                                          The OPA Metadata Service for PUB Sample Intake Contact Web service exposes the PUB Sample Intake Contact integration object, which is used for mapping in the Oracle Policy Modeling tool. In Siebel Public Sector, you can navigate to the Inbound Web Services view of the Administration - Web Services screen to see details about this Web service, including its service ports and operations.

                                                          This business service includes the following methods:

                                                            Request Filter Method

                                                            When Oracle Policy Automation invokes the CheckAlive operation or GetMetadata operation in the OPA Metadata Service for PUB Sample Intake Contact Web service, it does not send the CheckAlive_Input element or the GetMetaData_Input element in the Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) body. Because the Siebel application expects this element from the SOAP body, it cannot process the request message. This method reads the SiebelMsgIn input argument, adds the CheckAlive_Input element or the GetMetaData_Input element to it (the SOAP body), and returns the modified message to the SiebelMsgOut output argument.

                                                            You must set the ReqOperNamespace user property to TRUE so that the operation for the OPA Metadata Service for PUB Sample Intake Web service is sent to the Metadata Filter Service business service.

                                                              Response Filter Method

                                                              When the Siebel application responds to an Oracle Policy Automation (OPA) request, it adds the CheckAlive_Output element or the GetMetaData_Output element in the Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) body. Because OPA does not expect this element in the SOAP body, it cannot process the response message. This method reads the SiebelMsgIn input argument, removes the CheckAlive_Output element or the GetMetaData_Output element from it (the SOAP body), and returns the modified message to the SiebelMsgOut output argument.

                                                              You must set the ReqOperNamespace user property to TRUE so that the operation for the OPA Metadata Service for PUB Sample Intake Web service is sent to the Metadata Filter Service business service.