10Using Siebel Public Sector Self Service

About Siebel Public Sector Self Service

Citizens can perform the following tasks, which are available in both Siebel Self Service and Siebel Public Sector Self Service:

  • Manage their user profiles.

  • Obtain information about agency programs.

  • Contact the Web site host.

  • Access Twitter to discuss agency programs and with other people.

    For information about performing these tasks, see Using Siebel Self Service

Also, citizens can perform the following tasks, which are available in only Siebel Public Sector Self Service:

  • Determine benefits that might apply to them.

  • Apply for benefits.

  • View information about their cases and update those cases with additional information.

  • Request appointments and appeals for their cases.

This chapter applies to the Siebel Public Sector Self Service which uses the Public Sector Self Service object manager (PSSServiceObjMgr alias) in the Siebel Public Sector component group.

    About National Identification Numbers

    The home page for Siebel Self Service and Siebel Public Sector Self Service enables new users to register and provides both anonymous and registered users with links to more information. However, when users register in Siebel Public Sector Self Service, they must provide a national identification number, such as a U.S. social security number (SSN), as part of the registration process.

    By default, Siebel Public Sector Self Service uses the U.S. social security number as the national identification number in the user registration process. You can use Siebel Tools to configure Siebel Public Sector Self Service to use a different national identification number for user registration and identification.

      About Contacts in Siebel Public Sector

      When users complete the registration process in Siebel Public Sector Self Service, a contact record is automatically created for them in the Siebel Public Sector application. When users are registering, if the value that they select in the User ID field already exists in the Siebel Public Sector application, then an error message appears. They must select a different value to complete the registration process.

      Siebel Public Sector Self Service uses only the User ID field to uniquely identify a contact. Consequently, a user can register multiple times using different values in the User ID field and the same values in other fields, such as First Name, Last Name, and SSN. In this case, multiple contact records for the same user are created in the Siebel Public Sector application. Agents can manually delete these duplicate records. You can use tools for master data management, such as Oracle’s Siebel Universal Customer Master (UCM), to automatically identify and display duplicate contact records. For more information about tools for master data management, see Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) Master Data Management Reference.

        Determining Benefits Eligibility on Siebel Public Sector Self Service

        Both registered citizens who enter a user name and password to access the Siebel Public Sector Self Service Web site and anonymous citizens who do not register on the Web site can determine the benefits that might apply to them.

        Before they apply for benefits, citizens can supply some preliminary information about themselves to determine the benefits that might apply to them. They can complete this screening task as many times as they like, and change the information that they supply to determine if their changes affect the benefits that apply to them. They cannot determine the specifics of their actual benefits until after they apply for those benefits. For more information, see Applying for Benefits.

        To determine benefits eligibility

        1. On the home page of the Siebel Public Sector Self Service Web site, click the SCREEN FOR SERVICES link.

          A message with introductory information about screening for services appears.

        2. After reading the message, click Next.

          A form in which you can supply preliminary information about yourself appears.

        3. Complete the appropriate fields in the form, and click Next.

          In the applet that appears, the names of the benefit programs that might apply to you appear, and information about the next steps to apply for those programs appears.

        4. Complete one of the followings steps:

          • If you want to change the preliminary information that you supplied, click Back and go to Step 3.

          • If you do not want to retain the preliminary information that you supplied, click Close.

            The home page of the Siebel Public Sector Self Service Web site appears.

        Process of Preparing Oracle Policy Automation Integration

        This process consists of prerequisite tasks that you must perform before you can integrate Oracle Policy Automation (OPA) with Siebel Public Sector Self Service.

        Before you integrate OPA with Siebel Self Service, you must complete the following tasks:

          Activating the Appropriate Workflows

          Before you can integrate OPA with Siebel Public Sector Self Service, you must perform the following tasks:

          • For implementations applicable to releases before Innovation Pack 2015, Patchset 5, activate the following workflows:

            • OPA Integration Workflow. You must also reload the runtime events for this workflow. For more information about this workflow, see OPA Integration Workflow.

            • OPA Integration Sub Workflow. For more information about this workflow, see OPA Integration Sub Workflow.

            Setting the Application Level User Property

            If you want to integrate Oracle Policy Automation (OPA) with Siebel Public Sector Self Service, you must first set up the application level user property for new applications. This allows the OPA Interview Screen on the Siebel Open UI client to invoke the Siebel Business Service to post the Interview data.

            To set the application level user property
            • Add the following application level user property to the Application object in the repository:

              • User Property Name. Enter ClientBusinessService.

              • Value. Enter the name of the business service.

            Note: For the Siebel Citizen Service Portal application, the ClientBusinessService business service is already set to OPA Interview Framework Service.

              Configuring the Inbound Web Service for OPA Metadata Web Service

              If you want to integrate Oracle Policy Automation (OPA) with Siebel Public Sector Self Service, you must first configure the inbound Web service for OPA Metadata Web service.

              Note: To work with inbound Web services you must be in the Siebel Call Center client.
              To configure the Inbound Web service for OPA Metadata Web Service
              1. In Siebel Call Center, choose Site Map and locate Inbound Web Services.

              2. Create the required Web service records in the Inbound Web Services list.

                Note: For more information on working with Inbound Web services and service ports, see Siebel CRM Web Services Reference.
              3. Create a new service port for each Web service record in the Service Ports list.

              4. Create an operation record for each newly created service port in the Operations list, using the following parameter values:

                • Name. Enter the operation name in the correct format. For example, if the CheckAlive method has the prefix Sample, then the operation Name is SampleCheckAlive.

                • Request Filter Service Display. Enter Metadata Filter Service.

                • Request Filter Method Display. Enter Request Filter Method.

                • Response Filter Service Display. Enter Metadata Filter Service.

                • Response Filter Method Display. Enter Response Filter Method.

                Exposing the Siebel Metadata to OPA

                This task is required if you need to expose the Siebel OPA integration objects (other than contacts) to OPA for metadata mapping.

                Note: The Contacts integration object is available as standard in Siebel OPA integration.

                The OPA metadata service is implemented based on OPA-defined XSD schema. In the request message description, the Siebel server expects the OperationName_Input element, but it is unavailable. Also, the Siebel server adds the OperationName_Output element in the response message description. To overcome this issue, the Siebel server uses a filter service to add the OperationName_Input element and to remove the OperationName_Output element.

                To expose the Siebel metadata to OPA
                1. Do one of the following:

                  Setting Up the OPA Hub Connection

                  This procedure is mandatory if a metadata service is used.

                  To set up an OPA Hub Connection
                  1. Set up a connection to a Web service data source.

                    For more information, see the Oracle Policy Automation Documentation Library.

                  2. Update the connection details in the OPA hub as follows:

                    • Name. Enter the name of the new connection.

                    • URL. Enter the URL, which is available in the Address field of the Service Port view located in the Administration View for Inbound Web Services.

                    • Version. Enter the correct Web services version. For example:


                    • SOAP Action Pattern. Enter a pattern in the following format:

                      document/version:prefix of operation name{0}

                      For example:


                      Note: Use the same version that you used in the Version field. You must also use the same operation prefix name as described in Step 4 in Configuring the Inbound Web Service for OPA Metadata Web Service.
                    • Requires WS-Security Username token in SOAP actions. Enter your Siebel user login details.

                    Process of Integrating Oracle Policy Automation in Siebel

                      Configuring Oracle Policy Automation Interview Service URL in Siebel

                      To configure the Oracle Policy Automation (OPA) with Siebel Public Sector Self Service, you must configure an Oracle Policy Automation Interview Service URL.

                      To configure an Oracle Policy Automation Interview Service URL
                      1. To create a symbolic URL, complete the following steps:

                        1. In Siebel Public Sector, navigate to the Administration - Integration screen, then the WI Symbolic URL List view.

                        2. Select Symbolic URL Administration in the visibility filter.

                        3. Create a new record, and complete the Name and URL fields as follows:

                          • Name. Symbolic URL name, for example, OPA Interview Service Host URL.

                          • URL. The OPA Web Service URL, for example, http://<hostname>/<domain name>/determinations-server/interview/soap/12.2/

                        Creating SSO Name Using the Interview Service URL

                        To configure the Oracle Policy Automation (OPA) with Siebel Public Sector Self Service, you must create a SSO name using the Interview Service URL.

                        To create a SSO name using the Interview Service URL

                        1. In Siebel Public Sector, navigate to the Administration - Integration screen, then the SSO Systems Admin List view.

                        2. Create a new record, and complete the fields as appropriate.

                          Some fields are described in the following table.

                          Field Comments

                          System Name

                          Type the system name (for example, OPA_INT).

                          Symbolic URL Name

                          Select the symbolic URL that you create in Step 1 in Configuring Oracle Policy Automation Interview Service URL in Siebel.

                          Configuring Parameters for Interview Sessions

                          In Siebel Public Sector, you can navigate to the OPA Integration Mapping View of the Administration - Integration screen to configure parameters that control the behavior and appearance of the user interface for interview sessions. These parameters also control security features of interview sessions.

                          The following table describes the parameters you can use to configure interview sessions.

                          Table Parameters for Configuring Interview Sessions

                          Parameter Default Value Description

                          Close Button LIC


                          Designates the language independent code used to translate the Close button.



                          Designates a custom button ID in the HTML template. An interview session can have multiple custom buttons.

                          CustomButtonInvoke Method1

                          FrameEventMethod WFMyApplications

                          Designates the method to invoke when a citizen clicks a custom button, such as Go to View.



                          Designates the language independent code used to translate the custom button.



                          Designates the default visual mode for the Oracle Policy Automation (OPA) layout.



                          Designates whether the OPA layout can be rendered in different visual modes, such as tile mode or grid mode.

                          Is Support Preseed


                          Designates whether the Siebel seed data is needed in OPA when starting an interview session.



                          Designates whether the Close button is required for an interview session. If this parameter is set to TRUE, then configure the Close Button LIC parameter.



                          Designates whether the Save button is required for an interview session. If this parameter is set to TRUE, then configure the Save Button LIC parameter.

                          IsSnapshotRequired AfterSubmit


                          Designates whether the Save operation is needed when submitting an application.

                          Preseed Search Spec

                          “[Contact.Id]= �?�?+Loginid()+�?�?

                          Designates the search specifications needed to get the Siebel data to seed the interview session.



                          Designates the rulebase deployment name.

                          Note: This parameter is mandatory.

                          SSO System Name

                          OPA Interview Service

                          Designates the system name associated with the symbolic URL that specifies the OPA HUB URL. This value must match the name value used in Managing Applications on Siebel Public Sector Self Service, for example OPA Interview Service.

                          Note: This parameter is mandatory.

                          Save Button LIC


                          Designates the language independent code used to translate the Save button.

                          Save Current Screen Data


                          Designates whether the Save operation saves the data in the current screen. By default, OPA saves the data on the previous screen and the screens before the previous screen, and not the data on the current screen.

                          Secure Connection


                          Designates whether the OPA connection is secure through an authenticated user.

                          Siebel Login Id


                          Designates the Siebel login ID that is mapped to the OPA user name and password in the SSO System Admin List view.


                          OPA Interview Service List Applet

                          Designates the name of the static applet in the Siebel repository.


                          OPA Interview Service Main Workflow

                          Designates the name of the workflow in the Siebel repository.

                          Note: This parameter is mandatory.



                          Used for internalization.



                          Establishes a secure connection.



                          Passes user credentials in the Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) header.

                            Configuring Parameters for Resuming Interviews

                            By default, if you start an interview in Siebel Public Sector, you can resume it and complete it at a later stage. However, you can modify the default configuration so that you can specify at which point of the application an interview can be resumed in Siebel Public Sector.

                            The OPA Interview Framework Service business includes the InvokeWorkflow method, which calls the OPA Interview Service Main workflow. This workflow enables you to resume the saved interview. For more information on the OPA Interview Framework Service business service, see OPA Interview Framework Service.

                            To configure parameters for resuming interviews
                            1. Launch Siebel Tools.

                            2. From the Object Explorer window, select Applet.

                              The Applets window appears.

                            3. From the Object Explorer pane, select Applet User Prop.

                            4. Ensure that the following applet user property is configured:

                              • Property Name. CanInvokeMethod: Resume

                              • Property Value. [IsResumeAllowed]=�?TRUE�?

                            5. From the Object Explorer pane, select Business User Component Prop.

                            6. Locate and select the Named Method business component property.

                              Named Method has the following setting by default:

                              "Resume", "INVOKESVC", business_component_name, "OPA Interview Framework Service", "InvokeWorkflow", "Action", "RestoreSession", "ApplicationRowID", row_ID, "IsStartWithFirstScreenAfterResume", TRUE_or_FALSE_expression, "MappingName", mapping_name_provided_for_OPA Mappings_interview

                              The following table describes the parameters and values you can use for the Named Method business component property:

                              Parameter Value Description


                              PUB Application

                              You must pass this business component name for CanInvokeMethod:Resume.


                              OPA Interview Framework Service

                              You must pass this business service name for CanInvokeMethod:Resume.



                              You must pass this business service method name for CanInvokeMethod:Resume.



                              This parameter determines which action is performed when you click the Resume button.



                              This is the row ID of the saved record and is a business component field.


                              "IIF ([Status] = LookupValue ('PUB_APP_STATUS', 'Saved'), 'FALSE', 'TRUE')"

                              This parameter determines whether the interview resumes from the first screen of the application or whether it resumes from the the screen on which it was saved. See Step 7



                              The mapping name that is created for the rule base.

                              In this example, Pub Application is the sample business component in the default configuration, and Named Method is configured as follows:

                              "Resume", "INVOKESVC", "PUB Application", "OPA Interview Framework Service", "InvokeWorkflow", "Action", "RestoreSession", "ApplicationRowID", "[Id]", "IsStartWithFirstScreenAfterResume", "IIF ([Status] = LookupValue ('PUB_APP_STATUS', 'Saved'), 'FALSE', 'TRUE')", "MappingName", "ApplyForBenefitsMappings"

                            7. To configure the IsStartWithFirstScreenAfterResume parameter so that the interview resumes from the first application screen, update the parameter value to the following:

                              "IIF ([Status] = LookupValue ('PUB_APP_STATUS', 'FirstScreen'), 'FALSE', 'TRUE')"

                            Authenticating Web Service Communications with Oracle Policy Automation

                            In the preconfigured Siebel Public Sector Self Service application, Web service communications with Oracle Policy Automation are anonymous. User credentials are not required for such communications. You can complete the task in this topic so that user credentials are required for such communications.

                            Before you complete this task, you must secure the policy model that is deployed as a Web service. For more information about completing this task, see Oracle Policy Modeling User’s Guide on Oracle Technology Network.

                            1. In Siebel Public Sector, navigate to the Administration - Integration screen, then, SSO Systems Admin List View.

                            2. Locate the System Name described in the following.

                            3. In the SSO System Users list, create a new record, and complete the fields as appropriate.

                            4. Some fields are described in the following table.

                              Field Comments

                              Siebel Login Name

                              Select the existing Siebel login name (for example SADMIN), or create a new Siebel login name.

                              Login Name

                              Type the login name for OPA.


                              Type the password for OPA.

                            5. Change the following:

                              • Secure Connection. Change to YES or TRUE.

                              • SSO System Name. Change to the system name that you designate in Step 1 (for example, OPA Interview Service).

                              • Siebel Login Id. Change to the login name that you designate in Step 1 (for example, SADMIN).

                            For implementations applicable to releases before Innovation Pack 2015, Patchset 5, these values are process properties in the OPA Integration Sub Workflow. For implementations applicable to release Innovation Pack 2015, Patchset 5 or later, these values are parameters in the OPA Integration Mapping View of the Administration - Integration screen.

                            Note: The Secure Connection field is valid only if OPA Hub where a rule base is deployed is secured with settings "Allow access to users only with the Web Service API role" enabled under "Change Web Service API Access Control" for Users in OPA HUB. If the value in the Secure Connection field is False, then the security settings for anonymous access, that is the Allow Anonymous Access field, must be set to true the OPA HUB. For more information about HUB security settings, see the OPA Policy Automation Document.
                            • The Invoke WorkFlow method is used to invoke the application-specific driver workflow, for example, the OPA Interview Service Main Workflow. This method uses all the mapping parameters configured for the OPA Interview Service Main Workflow as described in Process of Integrating Oracle Policy Automation in Siebel.

                              • For implementations applicable to releases before Innovation Pack 2015, Patchset 5, the Invoke Workflow method in the OPA Interface Service business service calls the OPA Integration Workflow. For information about other methods in this business service, see OPA Integration Workflow and OPA Integration Sub Workflow.

                              • For implementations applicable to release Innovation Pack 2015, Patchset 5 or later, the Invoke Workflow method in the OPA Interview Framework Service business service calls the OPA Interview Service Main Workflow. For more information about the methods in this business service, see Business Services for Oracle Policy Automation.

                              Showing the Oracle Policy Automation Interview in Siebel Public Sector Self Service

                              To show the Oracle Policy Automation Interview in Siebel Public Sector Self Service, you create a runtime event.

                              To show details of Oracle Policy Automation in Siebel Public Sector Self Service

                              1. In Siebel Public Sector, navigate to the Administration - Runtime Events screen, then the Action Sets view.

                              2. In the Action Sets list, create a new record, and complete the fields as appropriate.

                                An action set with a name of OPA_BusSvc is available in the preconfigured Siebel application.

                              3. In the Actions list for the new action set, create a new record, and complete the fields as appropriate.

                                Some fields are described in the following table.

                                Field Comments


                                Type the name of the action. An action with a name of OPA_Action is available in the preconfigured Siebel application.

                                Action Type

                                Select an action type of BusService.


                                Type a sequence of 1.

                                Business Service Name

                                Type the following name: Dyna Frame UI Service.

                                Business Service Method

                                Type the following method: BuildDynaFrame

                              4. Navigate to the Events view.

                              5. In the Events list, create a new record, and complete the fields as appropriate.

                                Some fields are described in the following table.

                                Field Comments


                                Type a sequence of 1.

                                Object Type

                                Select an object type of Applet.

                                Object Name

                                Select the applet that is used to render the Oracle Policy Automation interview session (for example, OPA Interview Service List Applet).


                                Select an event of DisplayApplet.

                                Action Set Name

                                Type the action set name that you create in Step 2.

                                Control Types for Integrating Oracle Policy Automation

                                The following table compares the control types in Oracle Policy Modeling (OPM), in Siebel Public Sector Self Service, and in HTML files for Web pages in Siebel Public Sector Self Service.

                                Table Control Types in OPM, Siebel Public Sector Self Service Web Sites, and HTML Files

                                Attribute Type in Oracle Policy Modeling Control Type in Oracle Policy Modeling Control Type in Siebel Public Sector Self Service Control Type in HTML Files for Web Pages










                                Check box

                                Check box

                                Check box


                                Radio button

                                Radio button


                                Text, Number, Currency, Date, Date and Time

                                Text box

                                Text, Date time




                                Combo box




                                Combo box



                                Multiline text box

                                Text area

                                Text area

                                  Custom Properties for Control Types

                                  In a rulebase in Oracle Policy Modeling (OPM), you define custom properties for the control types by entering values for keys. Do not change keys. For more information about setting up a rulebase in Oracle Policy Modeling, see Oracle Policy Modeling User’s Guide on Oracle Technology Network.

                                  You use the values for keys when you configure the HTML files for Web pages. Sample HTML files are available for the Web server in the following directory: public/lang/htmltemplates/samples/ps. In this directory,lang is the three-letter code for the applicable language, such as ENU for U.S. English.

                                    Custom Properties for Labels

                                    In the custom properties for a label, you enter a unique value for the SBL_LBL_ID key.

                                    You use the value for this key when you designate the attribute ID value of a label control in an HTML file for a Web page. An example follows:

                                    <label id="Label1" style="display: none;"></label>


                                    Label1 is the value for this key.

                                    For accessibility support and aria labels, add the tabindex property to the code. An example follows:

                                    <label id="Label1" tabindex = "0" style="display: none;"></label>


                                    Label1 is the value for this key.

                                      Custom Properties for Images

                                      In the custom properties for an image, you enter a unique value for the SBL_LBL_ID key.

                                      You use the value for this key when you designate the attribute ID value of a label control in an HTML file for a Web page. An example follows:

                                      <label id="SBL_IMG_ID" style="display: none;"></label>


                                      SBL_IMG_ID is the value for this key.

                                      When you select an image in OPM, the Browse button is not supported for this integration. You can enter the relative path to the image (for example, images/sample.png, if the image is available in the images directory of the Siebel Web server). Also, you can enter the complete URL for the image.

                                      For accessibility support and aria labels, define the image in the HTML file, not in OPA. An example follows:

                                      <img src="images/sample.png" alt="sample image"></img>

                                        Custom Properties for Additional Controls

                                        In the custom properties for a check box, radio button, text, date time, combo box, or text area in Siebel Public Sector Self Service, you enter a unique value for the SBL_LBL_LD key and the SBL_CTRL_ID key.

                                        You use the value for these 2 keys when you designate the attribute ID value of the control in an HTML file for a Web page. An example for the control type of text box in OPM (or the control types of text and date time in Siebel Public Sector Self Service) follows:

                                        	<label id="SBL_LBL_1" style="display: none;"></label>
                                        	<input id="SBL_CTRL_1" type="text" name="SBL_CTRL_1" aria-labelledby="SBL_LBL_1" 
                                        	style="display: none;"/>


                                        SBL_LBL_1 is the value for the SBL_LBL_ID key.

                                        SBL_CTRL_1 is the value for the SBL_CTRL_ID key.

                                        This example uses <input type="text"> code for a control type of text box in OPM (or the control types of text and date time in Siebel Public Sector Self Service). For additional control types, note the following code:

                                        • For a control type of check box in OPM (or the control type of check box in Siebel Public Sector Self Service), use <input type="check"> code.

                                        • For the control types of radio button, list, and drop-down in OPM (or the control types of radio button and combo box in Siebel Public Sector Self Service), use <select> code.

                                        • For a control type of multiline text box in OPM (or the control type of text area in Siebel Public Sector Self Service), use <textarea> code.

                                        Note: You must include the aria-labelledby="SBL_LBL_1" code for these additional control types, where SBL_LBL_1 is the value for the SBL_LBL_ID key. Also, this code supports accessibility and aria labels.

                                          Custom Properties for Screens

                                          In a rulebase in Oracle Policy Modeling (OPM), you define custom properties for screens by entering values for keys. Do not change keys. For more information about setting up a rulebase in Oracle Policy Modeling, see Oracle Policy Modeling User’s Guide on Oracle Technology Network.

                                          You use the values for keys when you configure the HTML files for Web pages. Sample HTML files are available for the Web server in the following directory: public/lang/htmltemplates/samples/ps. In this directory,lang is the three-letter code for the applicable language, such as ENU for U.S. English.

                                          In the custom properties for a screen, you enter a unique value for the following keys:

                                          • SBL_TEMPLATE_NAME. Specifies the template name for the screen.

                                            You use the value for this key when you designate the name of the HTML file for a Web page.

                                          • SBL_TITLE_ID. Specifies the ID of the title for the screen.

                                            You use the value for this key when you designate the attribute ID value of the title for a screen in the HTML file for a Web page. An example follows:

                                            <label id="SBL_TITLE" style="display: none;"></label>


                                            SBL_TITLE is the value for this key.

                                          • SBL_BTN_NEXT. Specifies the ID of the Next button.

                                            You use the value for this key when you designate the attribute ID value of the Next button for a screen in the HTML file for a Web page. An example follows:

                                            <button id="SBL_BTN_NEXT" style="display: none;"></button>


                                            SBL_BTN_NEXT is the value for this key.

                                          • SBL_BTN_BACK. Specifies the ID of the Back button.

                                            You use the value for this key when you designate the attribute ID value of the Back button for a screen in the HTML file for a Web page. An example follows:

                                            <button id="SBL_BTN_BACK" style="display: none;"></button>


                                            SBL_BTN_BACK is the value for this key.

                                          • SBL_IS_LAST_SCREEN. Specifies whether the screen is the last screen in a series of screens.

                                            For the last screen in a series of screens, enter a value of YES for this key. For other screens in the series, enter a value of NO for this key.

                                            Custom Properties for Entities

                                            Custom properties for entities allow you to render them in the user interface. This functionality is supported for implementations applicable to release Innovation Pack 2015, Patchset 5 or later.

                                            In the Oracle Policy Modeling tool, you can define the following custom properties for entities, and provide a value for each custom property:

                                            • SBL_ENTITY_ID

                                              You use the this custom property in the HTML file to design the layout for the entity data capture. AssetId indicates the entity in the user interface in Example HTML file for Entity Custom Properties.

                                              Entity control can be rendered as a list applet (or Grid) or tile applet (or Card). For a list applet, you create a div element with an ID attribute that contains the value in the SBL_ENTITY_ID custom property and a data-mode attribute of Grid. The first 3 lines of the example HTML code apply to a grid.

                                              For a tile applet, you create a div element with ID attribute that contains the value in the SBL_ENTITY_ID custom property and a data-mode attribute of Tile. Include the layout showing how the fields are rendered in the tile record. The div id has a value such as #tile_1. The lines after the first 3 lines of example HTML code apply to a tile.

                                            • SBL_ENTITY_TITLE

                                              You can use this optional custom property if you want to have a custom label for the entity in the Siebel user interface. This custom property refers to a label control, and uses the text in that label control. For example, if the value for this custom property is CON_ASSET_LABEL for the financial asset entity, the label control in the entity must have a SBL_LBL_ID custom property with a value of CON_ASSET_LABEL.

                                              Example HTML file for Entity Custom Properties

                                              If you want to provide the Grid and Card toggle button in the user interface, then your HTML file must include both the Grid and Tile layout configuration in the following example:

                                              <div id="AssetId" class="siebui-span-xs-12 siebui-span-sm-12 siebui-span-md-12 
                                              siebui-span-lg-12 siebui-span-xl-12" data-mode="Grid">
                                              <div class="siebui-applet-fg siebui-span-xs-12 siebui-span-sm-12 siebui-span-md-12 
                                              siebui-span-lg-12 siebui-span-xl-12">
                                                  <div id="AssetId" data-mode="Tile">
                                                      <div id="#tile_1">
                                                <div class="siebui-span-xs-12 siebui-span-sm-12 siebui-span-md-6 
                                                siebui-span-lg-6 siebui-span-xl-6">
                                                   <div class="siebui-label">
                                                         <span id="AssetType_Lbl"  style="display: none;"></span>
                                                     <div class="siebui-value">
                                              						<input id="AssetType_Ctrl" style="display: none;" type="text" 
                                              						name="AssetType_Ctrl" aria-labelledby="AssetType_Lbl"/>
                                              		<div class="siebui-span-xs-12 siebui-span-sm-12 siebui-span-md-6 
                                              				siebui-span-lg-6 siebui-span-xl-6">
                                              									<div class="siebui-label">
                                              										<span id="Amount_Lbl"  style="display: none;"></span>
                                              								<div class="siebui-value">
                                              												<input id="Amount_Ctrl" style="display: none;" type="text" 
                                              											name="Amount_Ctrl" aria-labelledby="Amount_Lbl"/>

                                                Manifest Files for View and Applet of OPA Interview Service

                                                In Siebel Public Sector, you can navigate to the Manifest Administration view of the Administration - Application screen to access the manifest files for the following objects:

                                                • OPA Interview Service View (Usage Type field of Presentation Model).

                                                  This object includes the opaviewpm.js file. This JavaScript file processes user actions, such as Next, Back, Close, Save, and Submit. It also processes error responses from Oracle Policy Automation (OPA), and shows the appropriate error message to the user.

                                                • OPA Interview Service View (Usage Type field of Physical Renderer).

                                                  This object includes the opaviewpr.js file. This JavaScript file loads the HTML templates and associates them with the DOM (Document Object Model). It binds the runtime events with the view buttons. User actions, such as Next, Back, Close, Save, and Submit, are associated with runtime events.

                                                • OPA Interview Service List Applet (Usage Type field of Presentation Model).

                                                  This object includes the dynacontrollistpm.js file. This JavaScript file processes the data that the server forwards, and relays this data to the listpmodal.js file.

                                                • OPA Interview Service List Applet (Usage Type field of Physical Renderer).

                                                  This object includes the following files:

                                                  • dynacontrolgridpr.js. This JavaScript file renders the interview screen in tabular format, inherited from the jqgridrenderer.js file.

                                                  • dynacontrolformpr.js. This JavaScript file renders the interview session in form format.

                                                  • dynacontrolportraitpr.js. This JavaScript file renders the interview session in tile format.

                                                  Create and deploy the Sample rulebases in OPA

                                                  Sample rulebase projects are packaged in Siebel Tools, and you can extract the rulebase projects from the following directories:


                                                  When you deploy the sample rulebase for screening, you must change its deployment name to Screening so that it functions with the preconfigured OPA integration. Similarly, when you deploy the sample rulebase applicable to applying for benefits, its deployment name must be ApplyForBenefits so that it functions with the preconfigured OPA integration.

                                                  The required input parameters for the InvokeWorkflow method are Rulebase and WorkflowName. If you want to add other input parameters to this method, then you must define these parameters in the process properties of the workflow so that the workflow can receive these parameters.

                                                  To configure the text for the Close button on the last screen of the interview session, you pass the CloseBtnLOV input parameter to the InvokeWorkflow method. The value for this parameter is a Type field value that you set up in the List of Values view of the Administration - Data screen in Siebel Public Sector. In this view, specify a value for the Type field (for example, OPA_CLOSE), for the Language-Independent Code field (for example, close) and for the Display Value field (for example, Apply).

                                                  For implementations applicable to release Innovation Pack 2015, Patchset 5 or later, you can use the Close Button LIC parameter and the IsCloseButtonRequired parameter to configure the Close button. For more information about these parameters, see Managing Applications on Siebel Public Sector Self Service.

                                                    Managing Applications on Siebel Public Sector Self Service

                                                      Applying for Benefits

                                                      Citizens can apply for benefits by completing and then submitting applications in the Siebel Public Sector Self Service Web site.

                                                      To apply for benefits, citizens can enter information in an Oracle Policy Automation interview session that they access in the Siebel Public Sector Self Service Web site. This information includes data about themselves (such as their name, social security number, date of birth, contact information, and address), about their finances (such as income, financial assets, and expenses) and about their households (such as other people living with them and their finances). You can start an interview and resume it at a later time, for more information, see Control Types for Integrating Oracle Policy Automation.

                                                      Generally, the citizen who creates an application is the primary contact for that application. However, if another user creates an application for a citizen, then that user is not the primary contact for the application. Only the user who creates an application can access that application in the Siebel Public Sector Self Service Web site.

                                                      Note: The described behavior of the Oracle Policy Automation interview session in this topic applies to the preconfigured, sample rulebase for Oracle Policy Automation. If customers use a different rulebase, then this behavior does not apply. For more information about the sample rulebase, see Siebel Public Sector Guide.

                                                      The sample Oracle Policy Automation rulebase that is shipped with the product is meant to only illustrate the capabilities of the integration between Oracle Policy Automation and a self-service Web site for Siebel Public Sector Self Service.

                                                      The following guidelines apply to the user interface in the interview session:

                                                      • You must enter a value in fields that have a star icon.

                                                      • If you enter an invalid value in a field, then an error message appears when you attempt to continue to the next screen, and you must correct the field value before you can continue to the next screen.

                                                      • A numbered progress bar at the start of the screen depicts your progress in completing the application. Each step of the progress bar with a number and a description represents a screen of the interview session. The steps that are inconsistent with the information that you provide, and that you cannot access, are unavailable to you. For example, if you indicate that you have no income, then you cannot access the step to provide details about your income.

                                                        The numbers each side of the progress bar show the number of steps that do not appear in the progress bar for the current screen of the interview session. You can click these numbers to display the hidden steps.

                                                      • If you close the interview session before clicking the Save button, then the data that you entered in the interview session is not saved. If you click the Save button to save an application, but you do not submit that application to the agency, then agents can see, but not process, the application record in the Siebel Public Sector application.

                                                      To apply for benefits

                                                      1. On the home page of the Siebel Public Sector Self Service Web site, click the APPLY FOR BENEFITS link.

                                                        The first screen of the Oracle Policy Automation interview session appears. Information from your user profile is automatically populated in some of the fields on this first screen. You enter additional information on each screen of the interview session that applies to you.

                                                      2. Perform the following actions to navigate in the interview session:

                                                        • To navigate to the next screen, click Next.

                                                        • To navigate to the previous screen, click Back.

                                                        • To save an incomplete application or to later submit a completed application, click Save, and then click Close.

                                                          A record for the saved application appears in the My Applications applet. For more information about completing saved applications, see Custom Properties for Images.

                                                      3. Perform the following actions to manage records in the interview session, such as records for household members, income, expenses, and assets:

                                                        • Select the display mode of the records as follows:

                                                          • If you want the records to appear in forms, then click Card.

                                                          • If you want the records to appear in a list, then click List.

                                                            • To add a record, click the plus icon, and enter data in the fields of the record that appears.

                                                            • To edit a record, select the record, and change the field data in the record.

                                                            • To delete a record, select the record, and click the trash can icon.

                                                              Although the record no longer appears in the user interface after you click the trash can icon, the record is not actually deleted until you navigate to the next screen of the interview session.

                                                      4. On the last screen of the interview session, complete the following steps:

                                                        1. To review and correct the application information, click Back, click Back again as many times as necessary, and click Next as many times as necessary to return to the last screen of the interview session.

                                                        2. If the application information is correct, click Submit.

                                                          After you click Submit, either a confirmation screen appears with a message indicating that the application submission was successful, or an error message appears indicating why the application submission was unsuccessful. You cannot change the application information on a submitted application unless an agent rejects the application. For more information, see Revising Rejected Applications.

                                                      5. On the confirmation screen, complete one of the following steps:

                                                        • If you want to view a list of your applications, click View Applications.

                                                          The My Applications applet appears.

                                                        • If you do not want to view a list of your applications, click Close.

                                                          The home page of the Siebel Public Sector Self Service Web site appears.

                                                        Resuming a Saved Interview

                                                        When conducting an interview in the Apply For Benefits screen, you can save and resume the interview at a later stage.

                                                        To resume a saved interview

                                                        1. In Siebel Public Sector Self Service, click My Applications.

                                                        2. Select the interview you want to resume, then click Resume.

                                                          Note: You can configure interviews to resume on the screen on which they are saved, or from the first application screen. For more information, see Configuring Parameters for Resuming Interviews.

                                                          Resuming the Submission of Applications

                                                          Citizens can access their saved applications to finish entering data and to submit the applications to an agency for processing. These applications have a Status field value of Saved.

                                                          To resume the submission of an application

                                                          1. If a record for the application appears in the My Applications applet on the home page of the Siebel Public Sector Self Service Web site, then click the hyperlink in the Application Id field of the record.

                                                            Records for the applications that are most recently created, submitted, and updated appear in the My Applications applet.

                                                          2. If a record for the application does not appear in the My Applications applet on the home page of the Siebel Public Sector Self Service Web site, then complete the following steps:

                                                            1. Click the Side Menu icon, and select My Applications.

                                                            2. (Optional) Query to find a specific application.

                                                            3. In the My Applications applet, select the application for which you want to resume submission.

                                                          3. Click Resume.

                                                            The Resume button is disabled if the application has a Status field value of Submitted, Processed, or Cancelled.

                                                            The first incomplete screen of the interview session appears for the saved application.

                                                          4. Enter information on the appropriate screens of the interview session.

                                                            For more information about completing the saved application, see Applying for Benefits.

                                                            Viewing the Status of Submitted Applications

                                                            An agent can accept or reject a submitted application in the Siebel Public Sector application. To accept the submitted application for further processing, the agent finds matching contact records for the application, and then uploads the application into the Siebel Public Sector application. After upload, the Status field for the application record changes from Submitted to Processed.

                                                            Also after upload, a case record for the application is automatically created in the Siebel Public Sector application. The citizen who is the primary contact for the application can view this case record in the Siebel Public Sector Self Service Web site. For more information, see Viewing Cases.

                                                            To reject the submitted application because it contains incomplete or incorrect data, the agent changes the Status field for the application record from Submitted to Rejected. Also, the agent selects a value in the Reason Rejected field for the application record, and might enter additional comments about the rejection in the Comments field for the application record. For more information about accepting or rejecting submitted applications, see Siebel Public Sector Guide.

                                                            To view the status of a submitted application

                                                            1. To access the application, complete the following steps:

                                                              1. Click the Side Menu icon, and select My Applications.

                                                              2. (Optional) Query to find a specific application.

                                                              3. In the My Applications applet, select the application that you want to view.

                                                            2. To review the application details, complete the following steps:

                                                              1. Note the value in the Status field of the application.

                                                                • If the value is Processed, then an agent accepted the application for further processing.

                                                                • If the value is Rejected, then an agent rejected the application because it contains incomplete or incorrect data.

                                                                • If the value is Submitted, then an agent has not yet accepted or rejected the application.

                                                              2. If the Status field value is Rejected, then note the value in the Reason Rejected field.
                                                            3. Click the hyperlink in the Application Id field for the application, and note any additional information about rejecting the application that the agent entered in the Comments field.

                                                              Revising Rejected Applications

                                                              To revise rejected applications, citizens can access applications with a Status field value of Rejected if the Reason Rejected field value is Incomplete Information. After they revise a rejected application, they can resubmit the application to the agency.

                                                              To revise a rejected application

                                                              1. If a record for the application appears in the My Applications applet on the home page of the Siebel Public Sector Self Service Web site, then click the hyperlink in the Application Id field of the record.

                                                                Records for the applications that are most recently created, submitted, and updated appear in the My Applications applet.

                                                              2. If a record for the application does not appear in the My Applications applet on the home page of the Siebel Public Sector Self Service Web site, then complete the following steps:

                                                                1. Click the Side Menu icon, and select My Applications.

                                                                2. (Optional) Query to find a specific application.

                                                                3. In the My Applications applet, select the application that you want to revise.

                                                              3. Click Resume.

                                                                The interview session appears for the rejected application.

                                                              4. Enter the necessary information in the application.

                                                                For more information about completing the rejected application, see Applying for Benefits.

                                                                Adding Attachments to Applications

                                                                To support the information that citizens include in applications, they can add attachments to the applications. The attachments that citizens add also appear in the Application Attachments view of the Applications screen in the Siebel Public Sector application.

                                                                In the Siebel Public Sector application, an agent can add attachment records to an application. If a citizen has access to the application in the Siebel Public Sector Self Service Web site, then the citizen can view the attachment records.

                                                                Citizens can add attachments to applications with a Status field value of Saved, Submitted, or Rejected. You cannot add attachments to applications with a Status field value of Cancelled or Processed. If you want to add an attachment after an application is processed, then add the attachment to the appropriate case record. For more information, see Updating Cases.

                                                                To add an attachment to an application

                                                                1. If a record for the application appears in the My Applications applet on the home page of the Siebel Public Sector Self Service Web site, then click the hyperlink in the Application Id field of the record.

                                                                  Records for the applications that are most recently created, submitted, and updated appear in the My Applications applet.

                                                                2. If a record for the application does not appear in the My Applications applet on the home page of the Siebel Public Sector Self Service Web site, then complete the following steps:

                                                                  1. Click the Side Menu icon, and select My Applications.

                                                                  2. (Optional) Query to find a specific application.

                                                                  3. In the My Applications applet, click the hyperlink in the Application Id field for the application to which you want to add an attachment.

                                                                3. Select the display mode of records in the Attachments applet as follows:

                                                                  • If you want the attachment records to appear as tiles in forms, then click Card.

                                                                  • If you want the attachment records to appear in a list, then click List.

                                                                4. If you want to add a file attachment to the application, then complete the following steps:

                                                                  1. In the Attachments applet, click New File.

                                                                    A dialog box appears.

                                                                  2. Locate and select the file that you want to attach to the application, and then click Open.

                                                                    The dialog box closes, and the file record appears in the Attachments applet.

                                                                  3. (Optional) Enter a description of the attachment in the Comments field.

                                                                    After this attachment is saved, you cannot change or delete it.

                                                                5. If you want to add a URL attachment to the application, then complete the following steps:

                                                                  1. In the Attachments applet, click New URL.

                                                                    The Add URL dialog box appears.

                                                                  2. Enter the URL in the URL field, or copy and paste the URL from a Web page into the URL field, and then click Add.

                                                                    The Add URL dialog box closes, and the URL record appears in the Attachments applet. You can click the hyperlink in the Attachment Name field to access the corresponding Web site.

                                                                  3. (Optional) Enter a description of the attachment in the Comments field.

                                                                    After this attachment is saved, you cannot change or delete it.

                                                                  Cancelling Applications

                                                                  Citizens might decide to not apply for benefits after starting an application, or they might want to discard an existing application, and create a new application. Citizens can cancel applications with a Status field value of Saved, Submitted, or Rejected. When they cancel an application, the Status field value changes to Cancelled.

                                                                  To cancel an application

                                                                  1. If a record for the application appears in the My Applications applet on the home page of the Siebel Public Sector Self Service Web site, then click the hyperlink in the Application Id field of the record.

                                                                    Records for the applications that are most recently created, submitted, and updated appear in the My Applications applet.

                                                                  2. If a record for the application does not appear in the My Applications applet on the home page of the Siebel Public Sector Self Service Web site, then complete the following steps:

                                                                    1. Click the Side Menu icon, and select My Applications.

                                                                    2. (Optional) Query to find a specific application.

                                                                    3. In the My Applications applet, select the application that you want to cancel.

                                                                  3. Click Cancel Application.

                                                                    The Status field value for the application record changes to Cancelled.

                                                                    Deleting Applications

                                                                    To clear unneeded records from the My Applications applet, citizens can delete application records with a Status field value of Saved, Rejected, or Cancelled. Although agents can view applications with any Status field value in the Siebel Public Sector application, they cannot view applications after citizens delete them.

                                                                    To delete an application

                                                                    1. If a record for the application appears in the My Applications applet on the home page of the Siebel Public Sector Self Service Web site, then click the hyperlink in the Application Id field of the record.

                                                                      Records for the applications that are most recently created, submitted, and updated appear in the My Applications applet.

                                                                    2. If a record for the application does not appear in the My Applications applet on the home page of the Siebel Public Sector Self Service Web site, then complete the following steps:

                                                                      1. Click the Side Menu icon, and select My Applications.

                                                                      2. (Optional) Query to find a specific application.

                                                                      3. In the My Applications applet, select the application that you want to delete

                                                                    3. Click the trash can icon.

                                                                      Managing Cases on Siebel Public Sector Self Service

                                                                      Only registered citizens who enter a user name and password to access the Siebel Public Sector Self Service Web site can manage cases. To manage cases on Siebel Public Sector Self Service, citizens perform the following tasks:

                                                                        Viewing Cases

                                                                        By default, the citizen who creates an application (the primary contact) is automatically granted access to the case that is created when an agent uploads the application into the Siebel Public Sector application, and other household contacts in the application are not automatically granted access to this case. If another user creates an application for a citizen, then that user and the citizen (the primary contact) are automatically granted access to this case. Administrators can configure this default behavior to automatically grant case access to all of the application contacts or to none of the application contacts.

                                                                        In addition to automatically creating cases by uploading applications that citizens submit, an agent can manually create cases in the Siebel Public Sector application. An agent can select the Web Access field in any contact record for an automatically-created case or a manually-created case to grant case access to that contact. Likewise, an agent can clear this Web Access field to deny case access to that contact. Thus, citizens who do not complete and submit applications in the Siebel Public Sector Self Service Web site can still view cases for applications that include them as household contacts. For more information about flagging cases for Web access, see the information about adding contact information to cases in Siebel Public Sector Guide.

                                                                        To view a case

                                                                        1. If a record for the case appears in the My Cases applet on the home page of the Siebel Public Sector Self Service Web site, then click the hyperlink in the Case Number field of the record.

                                                                          Records for the cases that are most recently created and updated appear in the My Cases applet on the home page.

                                                                          Details about the case appear in an applet for the case and in applets for additional case information, such as attachments, activities, benefit plans, benefits, and benefit payments.

                                                                        2. If a record for the case does not appear in the My Cases applet on the home page of the Siebel Public Sector Self Service Web site, then complete the following steps:

                                                                          1. Click the Side Menu icon, and select My Cases.

                                                                          2. (Optional) Query to find a specific case.

                                                                          3. In the My Cases applet, click the hyperlink in the Case Number field for the case that you want to view.

                                                                            Details about the case appear in an applet for the case and in applets for additional case information, such as attachments, activities, benefit plans, benefits, and benefit payments.

                                                                          Updating Cases

                                                                          A citizen can update cases by adding attachments to cases and by adding information about activities that are associated with cases. The attachments and activities that citizens add also appear in the Attachments view of the Cases screen and the Activities view of the Cases screen in the Siebel Public Sector application.

                                                                          In the Siebel Public Sector application, an agent can add attachment records and activity records to a case. If a citizen has access to the case in the Siebel Public Sector Self Service Web site, then the citizen can view only the attachment records and activity records for which the agent selects the Web Access field.

                                                                          Note: If the Status field for the case is Submitted, then citizens cannot add attachments and activities to the case.

                                                                          To update a case

                                                                          1. If a record for the case appears in the My Cases applet on the home page of the Siebel Public Sector Self Service Web site, then click the hyperlink in the Case Number field of the record.

                                                                            Records for the cases that are most recently created and updated appear in the My Cases applet on the home page.

                                                                          2. If a record for the case does not appear in the My Cases applet on the home page of the Siebel Public Sector Self Service Web site, then complete the following steps:

                                                                            1. Click the Side Menu icon, and select My Cases.

                                                                            2. (Optional) Query to find a specific case.

                                                                            3. In the My Cases applet, click the hyperlink in the Case Number field for the case that you want to update.

                                                                          3. If you want to add an attachment to the case, then select the display mode of records in the Attachments applet as follows:

                                                                            • If you want the attachment records to appear in forms, then click Card.

                                                                            • If you want the attachment records to appear in a list, then click List.

                                                                          4. If you want to add a file attachment to the case, then complete the following steps:

                                                                            1. In the Attachments applet, click New File.

                                                                              A dialog box appears.

                                                                            2. Locate and select the file that you want to attach to the case, and then click Open.

                                                                              The dialog box closes, and the file record appears in the Attachments applet.

                                                                            3. (Optional) Enter a description of the attachment in the Comments field.

                                                                              After this attachment is saved, you cannot change or delete it.

                                                                          5. If you want to add a URL attachment to the case, then complete the following steps:

                                                                            1. In the Attachments applet, click New URL.

                                                                              The Add URL dialog box appears.

                                                                            2. Enter the URL in the URL field, or copy and paste the URL from a Web page into the URL field, and then click Add.

                                                                              The Add URL dialog box closes, and the URL record appears in the Attachments applet. You can click the hyperlink in the Attachment Name field to access the corresponding Web site.

                                                                            3. (Optional) Enter a description of the attachment in the Comments field.

                                                                              After this attachment is saved, you cannot change or delete it.

                                                                          6. If you want to add information about an activity that is associated with the case, then complete the following steps:

                                                                            1. In the Activities applet, click the plus (+) icon.

                                                                              To create an activity that is an appointment request, see Requesting Appointments for Cases.

                                                                            2. Complete the appropriate fields for the activity, and select Web Update in the Type field.

                                                                            3. Click the arrow-pointing-to-a-box icon to save the activity record.

                                                                              The new activity record is added to the Activities applet. You cannot change or delete this activity, but an agent can change (but not delete) this activity in the Siebel Public Sector application.

                                                                            Requesting Appointments for Cases

                                                                            To request appointments for their cases, citizens can create activity records for appointment requests.

                                                                            To request an appointment for a case

                                                                            1. If a record for the case appears in the My Cases applet on the home page of the Siebel Public Sector Self Service Web site, then click the hyperlink in the Case Number field of the record.

                                                                              Records for the cases that are most recently created and updated appear in the My Cases applet on the home page.

                                                                            2. If a record for the case does not appear in the My Cases applet on the home page of the Siebel Public Sector Self Service Web site, then complete the following steps:

                                                                              1. Click the Side Menu icon, and select My Cases.

                                                                              2. (Optional) Query to find a specific case.

                                                                              3. In the My Cases applet, click the hyperlink in the Case Number field for the case for which you want to request an appointment.

                                                                            3. In the Activities applet, complete the following steps:

                                                                              1. Click the plus (+) icon.

                                                                              2. Complete the appropriate fields for the activity, and select Appointment in the Type field.

                                                                              3. Click the arrow-pointing-to-a-box icon to save the activity record.

                                                                                The new activity record for the appointment is added to the Activities applet.The Type field value of the activity record is Appointment, and the Status field value of the activity record is Active. You cannot change or delete this activity, but an agent can change (but not delete) this activity in the Siebel Public Sector application.

                                                                            4. If you want to include in the case a document that supports the appointment request, then add an attachment to the case for which you request the appointment.

                                                                              For information about adding a file attachment to a case, see Step 4 in the topic Updating Cases.

                                                                              Viewing the Status of Appointment Requests

                                                                              An agent can accept or reject an appointment request in the Siebel Public Sector application. To accept the appointment request, the agent changes the Status field for the activity record associated with the appointment request from Active to Confirmed, and the agent might enter text in the Description field of the activity record to explain the reason for accepting the appointment request. After the agent completes these acceptance tasks, the following changes occur in the Siebel Public Sector Self Service Web site:

                                                                              • The Status field for the activity record associated with the appointment request changes from Active to Confirmed.

                                                                              • The Summary field for the activity record associated with the appointment request changes to include text that the agent enters to explain the reason for accepting the appointment request.

                                                                              To reject the appointment request in the Public Sector application, the agent changes the Status field for the activity record associated with the appointment request from Active to Declined. The agent also enters text in the Description field of this activity record to explain the reason for rejecting the appointment request. If the agent rejects the appointment request because of a scheduling conflict, then the agent can suggest other appointment times when entering this text. The citizen can request another appointment for a rejected appointment request. For more information about accepting or rejecting appointment requests for cases, see Siebel Public Sector Guide.

                                                                              To view the status of an appointment request

                                                                              1. If a record for the case appears in the My Cases applet on the home page of the Siebel Public Sector Self Service Web site, then click the hyperlink in the Case Number field of the record.

                                                                                Records for the cases that are most recently created and updated appear in the My Cases applet on the home page.

                                                                              2. If a record for the case does not appear in the My Cases applet on the home page of the Siebel Public Sector Self Service Web site, then complete the following steps:

                                                                                1. Click the Side Menu icon, and select My Cases.

                                                                                2. (Optional) Query to find a specific case.

                                                                                3. In the My Cases applet, click the hyperlink in the Case Number field of the case for which you want to view more information about an appointment request.

                                                                              3. In the Activities applet, complete the following steps:

                                                                                1. Note the value in the Status field of the appointment request.

                                                                                  • If the value is Confirmed, then an agent accepted the appointment request.

                                                                                  • If the value is Declined, then an agent rejected the appointment request.

                                                                                  • If the value is Active, then an agent has not yet accepted or rejected the appointment request.

                                                                                2. If the Status field value is Confirmed or Declined, then note any additional text the agent entered in the Summary field to explain the reason for acceptance or rejection.

                                                                                Requesting Appeals for Cases

                                                                                If citizens are not satisfied with the benefits that they receive, then they can notify an agency that they want to appeal their case. When a citizen requests an appeal for a case, an activity record for the appeal request is automatically created.

                                                                                Note: In the Siebel Public Sector Self Service Web site, the Appeal Request button is enabled only for cases that have a Category field of Benefit in the Siebel Public Sector application. Administrators can enable this button for additional case categories. For more information about configuring case categories for appeal cases, see Siebel Public Sector Guide.

                                                                                To request an appeal for a case

                                                                                1. To access the case, complete the following steps:

                                                                                  1. Click the Side Menu icon, and select My Cases in the Siebel Public Sector Self Service Web site.

                                                                                  2. (Optional) Query to find a specific case.

                                                                                  3. In the My Cases applet, select the case for which you want to request an appeal.

                                                                                2. Click Appeal Request.

                                                                                  The Appeal Request button is disabled if the Status field value of the case is Inactive or Submitted.

                                                                                3. In the Request Appeal applet, enter the reason for the appeal, and click Submit.

                                                                                  In the Activities applet for the case, an activity record for the appeal request appears. The Type field value of the activity record is Appeal Request, and the Status field value of the activity record is Active. You cannot change or delete this activity, but an agent can change (but not delete) this activity in the Siebel Public Sector application.

                                                                                4. If you want to include in the case a document that supports the appeal request, then add an attachment to the case for which you request the appeal.

                                                                                  Alternatively, you can wait until an agent accepts your appeal request, and then include the document with the new appeal case that the agent creates. For information about adding a file attachment to a case, see in Step 4 in Updating Cases.

                                                                                  Viewing the Status of Appeal Requests

                                                                                  An agent can accept or reject an appeal request in the Siebel Public Sector application. To accept the appeal request, the agent changes the Status field for the activity record associated with the appeal request from Active to Approved, the agent might enter text in the Description field of the activity record to explain the reason for accepting the appeal request, and the agent creates an appeal case for the citizen’s original case. After the agent completes these acceptance tasks, the following changes occur in the Siebel Public Sector Self Service Web site:

                                                                                  • A new appeal case appears in the My Cases applet.

                                                                                  • The Status field for the activity record associated with the appeal request changes from Active to Approved.

                                                                                  • The Summary field for the activity record associated with the appeal request changes to include text that the agent enters to explain the reason for accepting the appeal request.

                                                                                  To reject the appeal request in the Public Sector application, the agent changes the Status field for the activity record associated with the appeal request from Active to Declined. The agent also enters text in the Description field of this activity record to explain the reason for rejecting the appeal request. If the agent rejects the appeal request, then the citizen can request another appeal for the case. For more information about accepting or rejecting appeal requests for cases, see Siebel Public Sector Guide.

                                                                                  To view the status of an appeal request

                                                                                  1. If a record for the case appears in the My Cases applet on the home page of the Siebel Public Sector Self Service Web site, then click the hyperlink in the Case Number field of the record.

                                                                                    Records for the cases that are most recently created and updated appear in the My Cases applet on the home page.

                                                                                  2. If a record for the case does not appear in the My Cases applet on the home page of the Siebel Public Sector Self Service Web site, then complete the following steps:

                                                                                    • Click the Side Menu icon, and select My Cases.

                                                                                    • (Optional) Query to find a specific case.

                                                                                    • In the My Cases applet, click the hyperlink in the Case Number field of the case for which you want to view more information about an appeal request.

                                                                                  3. In the Activities applet, complete the following steps:

                                                                                    1. Note the value in the Status field of the appeal request.

                                                                                      • If the value is Approved, then an agent accepted the appeal request.

                                                                                      • If the value is Declined, then an agent rejected the appeal request.

                                                                                      • If the value is Active, then an agent has not yet accepted or rejected the appeal request.

                                                                                    2. If the Status field value is Approved or Declined, then note any additional text the agent entered in the Summary field to explain the reason for acceptance or rejection.