21Additional License Restrictions

Additional License Restrictions

This chapter describes the license restrictions that apply to Oracle Master Data Management Applications. These restrictions supersede all other grants and restrictions. This chapter includes the following topic:

Additional License Grants and Restrictions Regarding Oracle Master Data Management Applications

Oracle Master Data Management Applications are licensed to Customer under the terms of the Agreement applicable to Programs, subject to the following additional grants and restrictions:

  • Customer shall have no right to use the user interface layer of Oracle Master Data Management Applications without purchase of the Customer Data Steward or Product Data Steward modules;

  • Customer shall have the right to access the database containing the Siebel Data Model in any way required including direct SQL access through an external application;

  • Customer shall have the right to use the Siebel Data Model solely as a source of customer, product, activity, sales, service, marketing, or field service information and any extensions made through the use of Siebel Tools;

  • Customer shall have the right to use the Siebel Tools to configure Oracle Master Data Management Applications solely in accordance with the Documentation to configure only those Business Objects and Business Components (BusComps) included with the licensed Oracle Master Data Management Applications (as set forth in Appendix 1) through the Object Manager and Enterprise Application Integration (EAI), Application Services Interfaces (ASIs), Enterprise Integration Manager (EIM), and Business Process Designer.

  • Customer shall have the right to use System Administration solely in accordance with the Documentation including Business Process Designer and EIM administration and EAI configuration;

  • Customer shall have the right to have programmatic access only to those Business Objects and BusComps included with the licensed Oracle Master Data Management Applications, solely through Object Manager and EAI, EIM, and Business Process Designer.

  • Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, Customer shall have no right to (i) extend or modify the Siebel Data Model other than through Siebel Tools; (ii) use the tables in the Siebel Data Model for any Siebel Programs not licensed by Customer (for example, Siebel Partner Relationship Manager); (iii) use the Siebel Tools for general application development purposes, or (iv) use or access Oracle Master Data Management Applications (including the Siebel Data Model) for non-Siebel CRM (Customer Relationship Management) applications.

  • Customer will not use this Oracle Master Data Management Applications licensing model to avoid paying Program License Fees for (1) full use of the functionality contained in other Siebel programs other than Oracle Master Data Management Applications, or (2) the ability to use Oracle Master Data Management Applications Programs outside of the specific license grants as listed.

  • Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) licensing provides unlimited read-only user access. If you require UI access to create or update data, then you must license the Data Steward product.

The following table sets forth the Business Components included in Oracle Master Data Applications.

Table Business Components Included in Oracle MasterData Applications

Master Data Module Business Components

Oracle Customer Hub (UCM)


Party Contact

Party Relationship To



Contact Relationship


CUT Address

Personal Address

Channel Partner

Partnership Contact





Communications Address

Alternate Phone

Oracle Activity Hub


Contact Note

Contact Private Note

Personal Payment Profile

Account Profile Attributes

Account Credit Profile

Account Note

Account Private Note

Account External Product

Asset Mgmt (Asset)

Sub Account

Entitlement Account

Entitlement Contact

Service Agreement

Coverage Attributes

Partner Certification

Action Copy

Coverage Attributes

Household Action (Read Only)

Household Contact Note (Read Only)

Household Service Agreement (Read Only)

Partner Certification Criteria

Partner Product

Product Line

FINCORP Client Contact Management

FIN Contact Income

FIN Contact Employment

FINS Financial Statement Contact

FINS Financial Accounts for Contacts


FINCORP Account Contact

Oracle Activity Hub (continued)

FINCORP Contact Education

FINCORP Contact Experience

UCM FINCORP Account Source Data and History

UCM FINCORP Account Contact Source Data History

UCM FINCORP Account Contact Garage Address Source Data and History

FINCORP Investor

FINCORP Transaction

FINS AG Agency's Contracts

FINS AG Agency's Errors And Omissions

FINS AG Agency's Licenses And Appointments

FINS AG Agent's Contracts

FINS AG Agent's Errors And Omissions

FINS AG Agent's Licenses And Appointments

FINS AG Agent's NASD Registration

FINS Billing Accounts

FINS Billing Accounts (No Contact Copy)

FINS Contact Household Contact

FINS Household Billing Accounts (Read Only)

Comm Invoice Profile

Oracle Activity Hub (Hospitality Business Components)

Accounts: Accounts

Accounts: TNT SHM Account Travel Profile

Contacts: Contact (B2B Contacts)

Contacts: TNT SHM Contact Travel Profile

Property: SHM

Function Spaces: Internal Product

Functions: TNT SHM Function

Cluster: TNT SHM Cluster Employee

Cluster: TNT SHM Cluster

Function Space Inventory: TNT SHM FSI Bookings

Function Space Inventory: TNT SHM FSI Auth Lvl

Oracle Sales Hub

Complex Product

Internal Product

Internal Product Attributes

Internal Product Attachment

Internal Product Image

Internal Product Translation

Component Product

Price List

Price List Item

Price Book

Price Book Attributes

Price Book Attribute Values

Price Book Groups

Admin Product Line

Admin Product Line Fee

Consumer Product

Catalog Category

Product Entitlement Details

Key Feature

Admin Product Comparison

Sales Tool by Product

XA Attribute Value

Cost List Item

Product Defect

Partner Product



Opportunity (Orders)


Competitor 2


Oracle Sales Hub (continued)

Quote Attachment

Quote Item

Key Feature

Admin Product Comparison

Sales Tool by Product

XA Attribute Value

Cost List Item

Product Defect

Partner Product



Order Entry (Orders)

Order Entry (Line Items)

Order Entry (Order Terms)

Decision Issue

Decision Issue Attachment

Opportunity Forecast

Opportunity Forecast Detail (Wide)

Opportunity Forecast Line

Opportunity Person Forecast

Opportunity Product Forecast

Oracle Service Hub

Service Request

Related Service Request


Related Solution

Resolution Activity

SR Resolution Item


Service Agreement Account

Service Agreement

Service Agreement Contact

Oracle Service Hub (continued)

Service Agreement Product

Service Agreement Attachment

Product Defect

Decision Issue

Customer Survey

Customer Product

Activity Plan

Related Service Request

FIN Service Request

Oracle Marketing Hub


Campaign Achievement

Campaign Contact

Campaign Groups

Campaign List Contact

Campaign Lists

Campaign Occurrence Offer

Campaign Recipient


Contact-Prospect Campaigns

Prospect Partner

Prospect Recipients

Oracle Marketing Hub (continued)

Prospect Substitution

List Management

List Mgmt List Member Prospect

List Mgmt Prospective Contact

List Mgmt Prospective Contact Mkt Segment

List Mgmt Prospective Contact (Attributes)

LOY Attribute Definition

LOY Household

LOY Loan Repayment

LOY Member

LOY Member Tier

LOY Membership Card

LOY Point Block

LOY Product Points

LOY Program

LOY Promotion

LOY Promotion Bucket

LOY Statement

LOY Tier

LOY Tier Class

LOY Transaction

LOY Transaction Accrual Item

LOY Transaction Redemption Item

LOY Voucher





Program Container

Program Container Occurrences

Program Occurrences

Oracle Field Service Hub

FS Activities (Time, Expense, Material, Skills, Steps, Instructions)

Service Agreement



Asset Management

Asset Measurement

Preventive Maintenance



Order entry

Cycle Counting





FS Price List

FS Product


Oracle Privacy Hub

UCM FINCORP Account Privacy

UCM FINCORP Account Privacy Source Data and History

UCM FINCORP Account Contact Privacy

UCM FINCORP Account Contact Privacy Source Data and History

UCM FINCORP Account Contact Address

UCM Account Privacy

UCM Account Privacy Source Data and History

UCM Contact Privacy

UCM Contact Privacy Source Data and History

Oracle Higher Education Constituent Hub

UCM HE Constituent Name

UCM HE Constituent Identification

UCM HE Constituent Address

UCM HE Constituent Affiliation

UCM HE Constituent Name Source Data and History

UCM HE Constituent Identification Source Data and History

UCM HE Constituent Address Source Data and History

UCM HE Constituent Affiliation Source Data and History

UCM Alternate Phone Source Data and History

UCM Communication Address Source Data and History

Contact (for Constituent)

UCM Contact Source Data and History (for Constituent SDH)

UCM Account Source Data and History (Added Search Specification to differentiate between Account SDH and Affiliation SDH which are configured on the same SDH table.)

Alternate Phone (for Constituent Phone)

Communication Address (for Constituent Email)