20Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) Data Model Tables

Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) Data Model Tables

This chapter contains information about Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) data model tables. It includes the following topic: About Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) Data Model Tables.

About Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) Data Model Tables

The Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) data model defines how data used by Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) is stored in a database. The following figure displays the data model.

Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) Data Model

Each table type in the Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) data model is listed as follows:

    Best Version Tables

    Base tables store the mastered version of the customer record. Base tables have the following characteristics.

    • Base table schemas are exact replicas of those in Siebel CRM.

    • Cross-referencing and privacy data are stored as child records to the records in the base tables.

    • Entities mastered in the base table can undergo merge and unmerge operations.

    • Records undergo data-quality processes, such as cleansing, matching, and survivorship.

    • Mastered records are continuously monitored by the batch-data quality processes to ensure high-quality data standards.

      Source Data History (SDH) Tables

      Source data history (SDH) tables hold incoming, best version, and historical data records. They have the following characteristics:

      • Provide a mechanism to trace the life-cycle properties of records.

      • Help maintain versioning of the base table records.

      • Provide a staging area for data-quality processes before records move into base tables.

      • Store the versioning for records going through the merge and unmerge process.

      Note: External systems must integrate with these SDH tables. Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) integration revolves around integrating these SDH tables.

        Survivorship Tables

        Survivorship tables have the following characteristics:

        • They contain customer data that originates in multiple systems.

          Different sources might contain conflicting data for the same attribute. For example, two subscribing systems might have the same customer name, but each might have a different address for the customer. Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) resolves these conflicts, ensuring the survival of the best-version record.

        • The surviving record is that with the best available value for each attribute.

        • Survivorship rules are an automated mechanism for consolidating customer data to produce a best-version record.

          Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) Survivorship Engine evaluates updates from each registered system, and applies rules to determine which value is best for each attribute.

        • Survivorship rules can be created by a system integrator or a data steward.

          Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) allows two thresholds to be set depending on the scores from the matching process:

          • Records with high-match scores can be automerged by applying survivorship rules.

          • Records with match scores in the middle will be sent to the data steward for review and resolution.

          • Records with low-match scores will be left as separate records.

          System Registration Tables

          System registration tables have the following characteristics:

          • Every operational application that connects to Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) must register with Oracle Customer Hub (UCM). After registration, a system’s privileges and accessibility can be defined as: Query, Insert, Update, and Delete.

          • The tables must define grant access to Oracle Customer Hub (UCM).

            Privileges are granted at the business object layer, in other words, a set of business objects are specified as accessible.

            Cross-Reference Tables

            Cross-referencing provides consistency by maintaining an external unique identifier for data from different systems to ensure universal uniqueness of records in the enterprise. Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) stores identification information about external systems that are registered to it.

            Cross-reference tables have the following characteristics:

            • A single Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) record maps to one or many records in any registered application.

            • Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) supports cross-referencing for the following objects: Contact, Account, Household, and Financial Account, as well as account-address, account-financial accounts, contact-address, contact-financial accounts, contact-emails, contact-phones, and contact-names.

            • Cross-reference entries are created automatically for the supported objects in SOAP and batch processes.

            • External systems send requests to insert a record. If there is an existing cross-reference entry, then the entry is updated. If there is no existing cross-reference entry, then a new record is inserted. The system ID is the value assigned when the system was registered and system name is the associated name. There are multiple possible external IDs to account for situations where multiple records in an operational application map to a single record in Oracle Customer Hub (UCM). Only the first is stored in the ID tag in a message request, by default.

              Privacy Tables

              Privacy tables allow the enforcement of prebuilt rules to meet some U.S. regulations, such as Gramm-Leach Bliley Act, FCRA, FACTA, CA SB1. Privacy tables have the capability to capture historical versions of the privacy information for the master entities. Additionally, privacy tables have the following characteristics:

              • Extended data model to capture communication preferences, track current and past privacy sharing statuses for various entities, such as affiliates, nonaffiliated third parties, brand, channels and telemarketing.

              • The Privacy views are preconfigured with Contact, Account, Household, and Financial Account objects.

              • Prebuilt workflows respond to customer life-cycle events and update privacy preferences proactively.

              • Prebuilt, modular privacy framework and contents to create, maintain and deploy policies for each geography, federal, state or internal laws.

              • Real-time or batch integration to receive and publish updated customer privacy sharing status to target systems, such as Siebel CRM, Marketing Campaigns, and so on.

                Merge and Unmerge Tables

                Merge and unmerge tables are populated during the merge process. Information stored in these tables is used for the Unmerge process. Additionally, merge and unmerge tables store the relationship information for the child entitles of the victim record during a merge.

                  Data Quality Tables

                  Data quality consists of data cleansing and data matching. Data cleansing standardizes data within Oracle Customer Hub (UCM). The typical functions are:

                  • Address validation and standardization.

                  • Capitalization.

                  • Abbreviations.

                  • Data matching identifies possible duplicate records for account, contact, and prospect records.

                  • Deduplication to describe matching in user properties and system parameters.