12Configuring Oracle Higher Education Constituent Hub

About Oracle Higher Education Constituent Hub

Oracle Higher Education Constituent Hub provides for the needs of higher education institutions, which typically have a large number of systems where a wide variety of personal, biographical and demographic data is captured. Oracle Higher Education Constituent Hub provides a means to maintain accurate, single source control of all these disparate data across your enterprise. Oracle Higher Education Constituent Hub enables you to capture, standardize and correct constituent names and addresses; identify and merge duplicate records; enrich constituent profiles; enforce compliance and risk policies; and distribute a best version record to all subscribing systems. For a list of schema changes for this release of Oracle Higher Education Constituent Hub, see Schema Changes for Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) Version 8.2.

    What Is a Constituent?

    A constituent is record that is analogous to a contact in Oracle Customer Hub (UCM). For example, in Oracle Higher Education Constituent Hub, constituents are defined as applicants, students, alumni, faculty, donors, and staff.

      Viewing Constituent Data in Oracle Higher Education Constituent Hub

      The Constituents screen displays all constituent views grouped under one parent category. The primary view is the Higher Education Constituent screen. It displays all relevant constituent information within your system. Use the following task to view data in Oracle Higher Education Constituent Hub.

      To view data in Oracle Higher Education Constituent Hub

      1. Log in to Oracle Customer Hub (UCM).

      2. Navigate to the Administration - Universal Customer Master screen, then the Constituents view.

      3. Select any constituent record to view basic biographical data, such as personal address, city, and so on.

      4. Click the view tabs to access more information, such as other addresses, affiliations, other phone numbers, and so on.

      Scenarios for Using Oracle Higher Education Constituent Hub

      This topic gives the following example of how Oracle Higher Education Constituent Hub might be used. You might use Oracle Higher Education Constituent Hub differently, depending on your business model.

        Adding a New Constituent in Oracle Higher Education Constituent Hub

        An administrator using a source application, such as Oracle’s PeopleSoft Campus Solutions, adds a new constituent record. The constituent has different names, addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses. At the time the record is saved, a create message is published to Oracle Higher Education Constituent Hub. Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) accepts the create message and processes it through the matching and survivorship rules, resulting in either the creation of a new constituent or a link and update of an existing constituent. The response message is sent synchronously to the requester. In parallel, a create-and-update person message is published to the subscribing systems.

          Updating a Constituent Record in Oracle Higher Education Constituent Hub

          A campus solutions user updates a constituent record. The updated record is then sent to Oracle Higher Education Constituent Hub. It evaluates the update and applies the survivorship rules prior to updating the constituent's best version record. The updated record is then sent back to the requesting system. In parallel, the update person message is published to all other subscribing systems.

            Searching a Constituent Record in Oracle Higher Education Constituent Hub

            Prior to creating a new constituent record in campus solutions, an administrator searches Oracle Higher Education Constituent Hub to avoid creating a duplicate ID. The search results return information from the Name, Address, Phone, Email types, or Effective Start Date fields. The match request is sent to the Higher Education Constituent Hub with the search parameters. Oracle Higher Education Constituent Hub returns a list of candidates with the matching scores for the user to select. A query request is then sent to Oracle Higher Education Constituent Hub for selected candidates, and the candidate details are returned. If the candidate already exists in the requesting system, the cross-ref ID (for Campus Solutions, the ID is EMPLID) is returned. If the candidate does not exist in the system, the user can choose to import the data from Oracle Higher Education Constituent Hub in to the requesting system (Campus Solutions) and continue working on the new constituent.

              Configuring Oracle Higher Education Constituent Hub

              This topic describes how to configure Oracle Higher Education Constituent Hub.

              To activate the constituent address functionality in Oracle Higher Education Constituent Hub

              1. In the Siebel Tools object explorer, choose Integration Object.

              2. In the Integration Objects screen, query for UCMContactSourceDataAndHistory.

              3. In the Object Explorer, click Integration Component.

              4. In the Integration Components view, query for UCM HE Constituent Address.

              5. Deselect the Inactive field, recompile the project, and redeploy the integration object.

                For information on deploying integration objects, see Integration Platform Technologies: Siebel Enterprise Application Integration.

              Creating New Constituent Records

              Use this task to create constituent records directly in Oracle Higher Education Constituent Hub.

              To create a new constituent record

              1. Navigate to the Administration - Universal Customer Master screen, then the Constituents view.

              2. In the Constituents screen, click New to create a new record, or query for the record and make the changes.

              3. From the application level menu, choose Save Record.

                Editing Constituent Records

                Use this task to edit constituent records in the Oracle Higher Education Constituent Hub Constituent screen.

                To edit a constituent record

                1. Navigate to the Administration - Universal Customer Master screen, then the Constituents view.

                2. In the Constituents screen, query for the record, then click the More Info tab.

                3. Add any new data or make any changes in the More Info view.

                4. Some fields are defined in the following table.

                  Field Comments


                  Click the Select button, and choose or create alternate names for the constituent.

                  ID #

                  Click the Select button, and choose a form of ID, such as Passport, Social Security Number, and so on. If you are creating a new record, indicate whether the ID form you are entering is primary, then choose an ID type from the list, and complete the remaining fields, then click OK.

                  Veteran Benefit

                  Select the check box if the constituent is eligible for veteran’s benefits.

                  Class Year

                  Click the Select button, and enter a numeric year.


                  From the list, select the degree that the constituent has attained.

                5. After entering information, choose Save Record from the application-level menu.

                  Adding Additional Constituent Addresses

                  You add additional constituent addresses in the Address View tab in the Constituent screen. An additional address might be home, business, permanent, dormitory, campus, billing, mailing, and so on. Use the following task to add additional constituent addresses.

                  To add additional constituent addresses

                  1. From the Constituents screen, choose the constituent record, then click the Address tab.

                  2. Click New, and enter the new address information.

                  3. Select the Primary check box to designate a primary address.

                  4. Enter the remaining information, then choose Save Record from the application-level menu.

                    Adding Affiliations to Constituent Records

                    Affiliations indicate a person’s status at an institution. Affiliation types are: student, staff, faculty, or alumnae. You can create all required affiliation records for a constituent. Use the following task to create affiliations for constituents.

                    To create affiliations for constituents

                    1. From the Constituents screen, choose the constituent record, then click the Affiliation tab.

                    2. Click New and enter the new affiliation information.

                    3. Click the Primary check box to designate a primary affiliation.

                    4. Enter the remaining information, then choose Save Record from the application-level menu.

                      Creating Email Addresses for Constituents

                      You enter email addresses, either primary or secondary, to a constituent record in the Email view.

                      To create email records for constituents

                      1. From the Constituents screen, choose the constituent record, then click the Email tab.

                      2. Click New, and enter the required information, some of which is shown in the following table.

                        Field Description


                        Select this field to designate the email address as primary for the constituent record.


                        Enter the email address.

                        Use Type

                        Click the list to designate the email address type. The values include: Home, Business, Campus, and so on.

                        Effective Start Date and Effective End Date

                        Click the Select button to choose an effective start and end date for the email record.


                        Enter a description in this field.

                      3. From the Application-level menu, choose Save Record.

                        Any changes you make to a constituent’s email address are tracked in the Source Data History table. You can view these constituent email address history records in the Email history view.

                        Entering Constituent Identification Numbers

                        Constituent identification types can be: driver’s license numbers, birth certificate numbers, social security numbers, any state, country or campus ID, and so on. You can enter all constituent identification numbers and types in the Identification view from the Constituent screen. Use the following task to enter constituent identification information.

                        To enter constituent identification

                        1. From the Constituents screen, choose the constituent record, then click the Identification tab.

                        2. Click New, and enter the required information, some of which is shown in the following table.

                          Field Description


                          Select this field to designate the identification as primary for the constituent record.

                          ID Type

                          Click the list to select an identification type. Values are: Passport, SSN (Social Security Number), and Birth Number.

                          ID #

                          Enter the identification number.


                          Click the list, and select a country.

                          Effective Start Date, and Effective End Date

                          Click the Select button to choose an effective start and end date for the email record.


                          Enter a description in this field.

                        3. From the Application-level menu, choose Save Record.

                          Entering Constituent Names

                          Constituent names can be primary or alternate names, such as Given, Maiden, Married, Legal, Degree, Diploma names, and so on. Use the following task to enter constituent name information.

                          To enter constituent name information

                          1. From the Constituents screen, choose the constituent record, then click the Name tab.

                          2. Click New, and enter the required information, some of which is shown in the following table.

                            Field Description


                            Select this field to designate the Name record as primary for the constituent’s record.

                            Preferred First Name

                            Enter the constituent’s preferred first name, such as nickname or diminutive.

                            Name Type

                            Click the list to designate a type for the name record, such as Given, Preferred, Alias, and so on.

                          3. From the Application-level menu, choose Save Record.

                            Creating Constituent Phone Numbers

                            You can create phone numbers, either primary or secondary, for a constituent record in the Phone view. Use the following task to create phone records for constituents.

                            To create phone records for constituents

                            1. From the Constituents screen, choose the constituent record, then click the Phone tab.

                            2. Click New, and enter the required information, some of which is shown in the following table.

                              Field Description


                              Select this field to designate the phone number as primary for the constituent record.

                              Phone #

                              Enter the phone number.

                              Use Type

                              Click the list to designate the email address type. The values include: Home, Business, Campus, and so on.

                              Effective Start Date, and Effective End Date

                              Click the Select button to choose an effective start, and end date for the phone record.


                              Enter a description in this field.

                            3. From the Application-level menu, choose Save Record.

                              Viewing All Constituent Data

                              You view all data collected from a constituent in the Summary view on the Constituent screen. This view enables you to view and edit all constituent data in one summary. Use the following task to view all constituent data.

                              To view all constituent data

                              1. From the Constituents screen, choose the constituent record, then click the Summary tab.

                                The constituent record is displayed in the applets next to the main record.

                              2. Add any additional information about the constituent in the Address, Identification, Affiliation, Name, E-Mail, or Phone applet.

                                About External ID Records

                                Systems that are subscribed to Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) create records with their own record IDs. When messages are sent to Oracle Customer Hub (UCM), the external system ID is retained as well as the external record ID information, which is cross-referenced with the Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) record ID. The External ID View shows this cross-reference information of constituent records with different subscribing systems.

                                  Viewing a Constituent’s Historical Record

                                  You can view the historical records of a constituent. Use the following task to view constituent historical data.

                                  To view all constituent historical data

                                  • From the Constituents screen, choose the constituent record, then click the Historical Version View tab.

                                    The constituent record is displayed with a list of all the historical records that has been added to the constituent record.