11Configuring the MDM Foundation and Workflows

About Oracle Master Data Management Applications Integration Services

Oracle Master Data Management Applications provide objects called business services, which you can reuse in multiple applications. These business services perform the insert, update, query, and delete operations on data in Oracle Master Data Management Applications. You can use these business services together in the prebuilt workflow processes or build your own workflow processes or business services.

The Siebel Connector for the Master Data Applications provides the following prebuilt business services that you can configure to meet your business requirements:

You can configure business services by manipulating their user properties, or you can create your own business service in Siebel Tools. For information on using Siebel Tools to configure your application, see Configuring Siebel Business Applications.

Note: After you have configured your business services to accomplish the tasks required for your business, you must compile the business service to include the new information in your Siebel Repository file (.srf). Then copy the .srf file to the directory where your Siebel Servers can access it.

For more information on the integration services and Oracle Master Data Applications architecture, see About Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) Architecture and other topics in Architecture and Framework of Oracle Customer Hub (UCM).

    UCM Transaction Manager Business Service

    You can extend this business service by manipulating its Operational user property. The following information lists the user properties examples for the UCM Transaction Manager. Use the following basic format to enter values for each operation.


    CIFOperation_Query user properties use the following format:

    Service/Method/Argument;Argument; or /Method/Argument;Argument;


    • Service, Method, and Argument are separated by a slash mark (/).

    • Each argument ends with a semicolon (;).


    CIFOperation_XMLQuery user properties use the following format:

    EAI Siebel Adapter/Query/#XMLHierarchy;


    • The default service name is EAI Siebel Adapter, and the default argument name is SiebelMessage.

    • SiebelMessage indicates turning off the SiebelMessage.

    • XMLHierarchy indicates replacing SiebelMessage with XMLHierarchy.


    CIFOperation_GetValue user properties use the following format:

    FINS Industry/BC Facility Service/HierarchySearchSpec/!SiebelMessage;A=>B;


    • A=>B means getting argument value of A from argument value of B where argument B is an argument of the Connector Integration Object Instance.

    The following table lists the user properties examples for the UCM Transaction Manager.

    Table User Properties for UCM Transaction Manager

    UCM Transaction Manager User Property Name Value

    Account Address Field 1

    Street Address;Street Address

    Account Address Field 2


    Account Address Field 3


    Account Address Field 4

    Postal Code;Postal Code

    Account Address Field 5


    Account Address Primary CUT Address

    Primary Address Id;Account_Business Address

    Contact Address Field 1

    INS Personal Street Address;Street Address

    Contact Address Field 2

    INS Personal City;City

    Contact Address Field 3

    INS Personal State;State

    Contact Address Field 4

    INS Personal Postal Code;Postal Code

    Contact Address Field 5

    INS Personal Country;Country

    Contact Address Primary Personal Address

    Primary Personal Id;Contact_INS Personal Address







    Enable Updating SDH Type on Error






    Household Address Field 1

    Street Address;Street Address

    Household Address Field 2


    Household Address Field 3


    Household Address Field 4

    Postal Code;Postal Code

    Household Address Field 5


    Household Address Primary CUT Address

    Primary Household Address Id;Household_Household Address





    Insert_IOandOp_FINCORP Account








    IONameForQueryBV_FINCORP Account





    EAI Siebel Adapter/Insert/


    EAI Siebel Adapter/Delete/


    EAI Siebel Adapter/Query/


    EAI Siebel Adapter/Query/PrimaryRowId;!SiebelMessage;


    EAI Siebel Adapter/QueryPage/NewQuery=>IXML_NewQuery;SearchSpec=>SearchSpec;StartRowNum =>IXML_StartRowNum;PageSize=>IXML_PageSize;SERVICE_VALUE_RETURN;$LastPage=>IXML_LastPage;$NumOutputObjects=>IXML_NumOutputObjects;


    EAI Siebel Adapter/Synchronize/


    EAI Siebel Adapter/Update


    EAI Siebel Adapter/Upsert/



    Operation Delete


    Operation Insert


    Operation Query


    Operation Update


    Operation Upsert


    Primary Object 1











    EAI Siebel Adapter/Delete/


    EAI Siebel Adapter/Insert/


    EAI Siebel Adapter/Query/


    EAI Siebel Adapter/Update/


    EAI Siebel Adapter/Upsert/





    Update_IOandOp_FINCORP Account








    Upsert_IOandOp_FINCORP Account




      UCM Converter Business Service

      The following table displays the only user property you can configure for this business service. This value appears in the preheader section of your Customer Relationship Management Markup Language (CRMML) message.

      Table User Property for UCM Converter

      UCM Converter User Property Name Value


      The seed data name of the envelope integration object or the name you chose.

      The UCM Converter uses the hierarchy represented in the UCM integration object to guide the message through the conversion process. The conversion process iterates through the requests and responses in the message, and if the integration object instance receives elements that do not have a definition defined in the integration object definition, the UCM Converter generates an error. If you expect such a situation, you can set the Ignore Undefined XML Tag parameter on the user property of the corresponding integration object.

      Note: This user property is created by the wizard and is set to Y. You can turn the setting off if you want the UCM Converter to error out.

        UCM Cross Reference Business Service

        The user properties for this business service appear in the following table.

        Table User Property for UCM Cross Reference Service

        UCM Cross Reference Property Names Value

        CompFieldMap Account_Business Address

        CIF Account Address Reference:Address Id;;Address Id

        CompFieldMap Contact_Alternate Phone

        CIF Alternate Phone Reference:Alternate Phone Id;;Alternate Phone Id

        CompFieldMap Contact_Communication Address

        CIF Communication Address Reference:Communication Address Id;;Communication Address Id

        CompFieldMap Contact_INS Personal Address

        CIF Contact Address Reference:Address Id;;INS Personal Address Id

        CompFieldMap FINCORP Account

        CIF FINCORP Account Reference:FINCORP Account Id;;Id

        CompFieldMap FINCORP Deposit Account

        CIF FINCORP Deposit Account Reference:FINCORP Deposit Account Id;;Id

        CompFieldMap FINCORP Loan Account

        CIF FINCORP Loan Account Reference:FINCORP Loan Account Id;;Id

        CompFieldMap UCM HE Constituent Name

        CIF Contact Name Reference:Contact Name Id;;Id



        Generate UID Service Method


        Generate UID Service Method Arg 1


        Generate UID Service Name

        FINS Teller Converter Extensions



          UCM Dispatcher Business Service

          You can modify both user properties for this business service as shown in the following table.

          Table User Properties for UCM Dispatcher

          UCM Dispatcher User Property Name Value


          The name of the dispatcher map shipped or that you customized.


          The name of the envelope integration object shipped or that you customized.

            UCM Security Manager Business Service

            You can modify or extend this business service by manipulating its user properties. The following table displays these user properties.

            Table User Properties for UCM Security Manager

            UCM Security Manager User Property Name Value













              UCM Data Quality Manager

              The user properties for this business service appear in the following table.

              Table User Properties for UCM Data Quality Manager

              UCM Data Quality Manager User Property Name Value

              Account Account Cleansing Field 1


              Account Account Matching Field 1

              Name:Name;DUNS Number:DUNS Number;

              Account Account_Business Address Cleansing Field 1

              Street Address:Street Address;City:City;State:State;Postal Code:Postal Code;Country:Country;

              Account Account_Business Address Matching Field 1

              Street Address:Primary Account Street Address;City:Primary Account City;State:Primary Account State;Postal Code:Primary Account Postal Code;Country:Primary Account Country;

              Account Auto Threshold


              Account Cleansing Component 1

              Account:Account;Account_Business Address:CUT Address;

              Account Manual Threshold


              Account Matching Component 1

              Account:Account;Primary Account_Business Address;

              Contact Auto Threshold


              Contact Cleansing Component 1

              Contact:Contact;Contact_INS Personal Address:Personal Address;Contact_Account:Account;

              Contact Contact Cleansing Field 1

              Last Name:Last Name;First Name:First Name;Middle Name:Middle Name;Job Title:Job Title;

              Contact Contact Matching Field 1

              Last Name:Last Name;First Name:First Name;Middle Name:Middle Name;Work Phone #:Work Phone #;Cellular Phone #:Cellular Phone #;Home Phone #:Home Phone #;

              Contact Contact Matching Field 2

              Email Address:Email Address;Social Security Number:Social Security Number;Birth Date:Birth Date;

              Contact Contact_Account Cleansing Field 1

              Account:Name;Account Location:Location;

              Contact Contact_Account Matching Field 1


              Contact Contact_INS Personal Address Cleansing Field 1

              INS Personal Street Address:Street Address;INS Personal City:City;INS Personal State:State;INS Personal Postal Code:Postal Code;INS Personal Country:Country;

              Contact Contact_INS Personal Address Matching Field 1

              INS Personal Street Address:Primary Personal Street Address;INS Personal City:Primary Personal City;INS Personal State:Primary Personal State;INS Personal Postal Code:Primary Personal Postal Code;INS Personal Country:Primary Personal Country;

              Contact Manual Threshold


              Contact Matching Component 1

              Contact:Contact;Primary Contact_INS Personal Address;Contact_Account;

              Enable XRef Match


              ExactMatch Object 1


                UCM Batch Manager Business Service

                The user properties for this business service appear in the following table.

                Table User Properties for UCM Batch Manager

                UCM Batch Manager User Property Name Value

                Account AutoMatch


                Note: IXMLOperation_UPDATE is also supported.

                Account NoMatch


                Contact AutoMatch


                Contact NoMatch


                FINCORP Account NoMatch


                Household AutoMatch


                Household NoMatch


                  UCM Survivorship Engine

                  The user properties for this business service appear in the following table.

                  Table User Properties for UCM Survivorship Engine

                  UCM Survivorship Engine User Property Name Value


                  Income:Income Currency Code,Income Exchange Date


                  Default Account Attribute Group


                  Default Contact Attribute Group


                  Default Household Attribute Group


                  Party UId;Id


                  Party UId;Person UId;Id


                  Party UId;Id

















                    UCM Account Source Data and History Service

                    The user properties for this business service appear in the following table.

                    Table User Properties for UCM Account Source Data and History Service

                    UCM Account Source Data and History User Property Name Value

                    Application Services Interface


                    Internal Integration Object


                      UCM Contact Source Data and History Service

                      The user properties for this business service appear in the following table.

                      Table User Properties for UCM Contact Source Data and History Service

                      UCM Contact Source Data and History User Property Name Value

                      Application Services Interface


                      Internal Integration Object


                        UCM FINCORP Account Source Data and History Service

                        The user properties for this business service appear in the following table.

                        Table User Properties for UCM FINCORP Account Source Data and History Service

                        UCM FINCORP Account Source Data and History User Property Name Value

                        Application Services Interface


                        Internal Integration Object


                          UCM Household Source Data and History Service

                          The user properties for this business service appear in the following table.

                          Table User Properties for UCM Household Source Data and History Service

                          UCM Household Source Data and History User Property Name Value

                          Application Services Interface


                          Internal Integration Object


                            Configuring UCM Server Components for Data Management and Survivorship

                            Configure the UCM server components UCM Batch Manager and UCM Batch Publish Subscribe for data management and survivorship functionality by setting the parameter values for these components. Parameter values can be set in the Server Manager GUI or at the command-line interface. For more information on setting the server component parameters, see Siebel System Administration Guide. For information on these UCM server components, see About Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) Server Components. Use the following task to configure UCM server components for data management and survivorship.

                            To configure UCM server components for data management and survivorship

                            • Configure the following parameters for the appropriate UCM server component.

                              Parameter Alias Default Value Description

                              UCM Batch Object Type



                              Object Type for UCM Batch Publish Subscribe or UCM Batch Manager

                              UCM Batch Size



                              Page Size for UCM Batch Publish Subscribe or UCM Batch Manager

                              UCM Data Management Cleanse Flag



                              Enables UCM Data Management Cleanse Capability

                              UCM Data Management Exact Match Flag



                              Enables the UCM Data Management Exact Match Capability

                              UCM Data Management Match Flag



                              Enables the UCM Data Management Match Capability

                              UCM Publish/Subscribe Flag



                              Enables the UCM Publish/Subscribe Capability

                              UCM Search Specification


                              Not applicable

                              Search Specification

                              UCM Sleep Time



                              Sleep Time (seconds)

                              UCM Sort Specification


                              Not applicable

                              Sort specification

                              UCM Survivorship Engine Flag



                              Enables the UCM Survivorship Engine Capability

                              Configuring Run-Time Events for UI Interaction

                              This topic describes how to configure run-time events for UI interaction. For background information on run-time events and on how to create them, see Siebel Personalization Administration Guide. Use the following task to configure run-time events for UI interaction.

                              To configure run-time events for UI interaction

                              1. Navigate to Administration - Runtime Events, Action Sets view, and create the following action sets.

                                Action Set Name Activate Enable Export

                                UCM WriteRecord



                                UCM PreWriteRecord



                                UCM PreDeleteRecord



                                UCM RecordDeleted



                              2. For each action set defined, create one new record in the Action Set’s More Info view with the following information, which corresponds with the action set name. For example, the WriteRecord business service method is the record for the UCM WriteRecord action set.

                                Name Business Service Name Business Service Method Action Type Sequence

                                UCM WriteRecord

                                UCM UI Interaction Service




                                UCM PreWriteRecord

                                UCM UI Interaction Service




                                UCM PreDeleteRecord

                                UCM UI Interaction Service




                                UCM RecordDeleted

                                UCM UI Interaction Service




                              3. Navigate to Administration - Runtime Events, Events view, and create four events with the following field information.

                                Object Type Object Name Event Subevent Action Set Name Sequence


                                Contact List Applet



                                UCM WriteRecord



                                Contact List Applet



                                UCM PreWriteRecord



                                Contact List Applet



                                UCM DeleteRecord



                                Contact List Applet



                                UCM PreDeleteRecord


                              4. Create the same four events described in Step 3 for the following additional screen views (objects):

                                • SIS Account Entry Applet

                                • SIS Account List Applet

                                • Contact Form Applet

                                Configuring Default System for UI Interaction

                                A default system must be registered in the System Registration view to enable UI interaction. The default system is necessary to capture the registered system that last modified the data so that Oracle Customer Hub Survivorship Engine can evaluate the data. Use the following task to configure a default system for UI interaction.

                                To configure a default system for UI interaction

                                  Configuring UCM Inbound Server Communication

                                  Configuring inbound UCM Siebel Server communications depends on the registered system protocol type for the Siebel Connector for Master Data Applications, which is one of the following:

                                  • Siebel EAI MQSeries Transport. It enables you to integrate data between Siebel Business Applications and external applications that can communicate with the IBM MQSeries.

                                  • Siebel EAI JMS Transport. It transports messages to and from IBM MQSeries queues. To configure Siebel EAI MQSeries Transport, see Process of Configuring Inbound Communication Using Siebel EAI MQSeries Transport.

                                  • Siebel EAI HTTP Transport. It enables you to send XML messages over HTTP to a target URL. The Siebel Web Engine (SWE) serves as the transport to receive XML messages sent over the HTTP protocol to a Siebel application. To configure Siebel EAI HTTP Transport, see Process of Configuring Siebel EAI HTTP Transport.

                                    For more information on the Siebel Connector for Master Data Applications, see Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) Prebuilt Business Services. For background information and details on configuring Siebel EAI MQSeries Transport and Siebel EAI HTTP Transport, see Transports and Interfaces: Siebel Enterprise Application Integration.

                                    Process of Configuring Inbound Communication Using Siebel EAI MQSeries Transport

                                    To configure Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) inbound communication using the Siebel EAI MQSeries Transport, perform the following tasks:

                                    Note: Make sure Siebel EAI MQSeries Transport is enabled prior to configuring inbound communication. For more information on enabling Siebel EAI MQSeries Transport, see Transports and Interfaces: Siebel Enterprise Application Integration.

                                    For background information on these Siebel Server administrative tasks, see Siebel System Administration Guide.

                                      Configuring Named Subsystems

                                      This task is a step in Process of Configuring Inbound Communication Using Siebel EAI MQSeries Transport. Use the following task to configure the named subsystems.

                                      To configure named subsystems

                                      1. Navigate to the Administration-Server Configuration screen.

                                      2. From the link bar, click Enterprises.

                                      3. Click the Profile Configuration View tab.

                                      4. Create two new records in the Profile Configuration list and provide the following information.

                                        Field Record 1 Record 2


                                        Use any name, for example, CIFMQConnSubsy.

                                        Use any name, for example, CIFMQDataSubsys for example


                                        This field is required for creating this record.

                                        This field is required for creating this record.

                                        Subsystem Type



                                        Note: The subsystem type that you select must have a check mark in the Is Named Enabled field.
                                      5. For each record, modify the following parameters in the Profile Parameters list:

                                        Parameter Name Record 1 Record 2

                                        MQSeries Physical Queue Name

                                        The queue name where the inbound request message will be received.

                                        Not applicable

                                        MQSeries Queue Manager Name

                                        The Queue manager name.

                                        Not applicable

                                        MQSeries Response Physical Queue Name

                                        The queue name where response messages will be sent.

                                        Not applicable

                                        MQSeries Sleep Time

                                        Set to 100 (or longer if required).

                                        Not applicable

                                        Workflow Process to Execute

                                        Not applicable.

                                        UCM Customer Profile Integration Process

                                      6. Save both records.

                                        For information on this procedure and the named subsystems, see Siebel System Administration Guide.

                                        Configuring MQSeries Server Receiver of Siebel Server Component

                                        This task is a step in Process of Configuring Inbound Communication Using Siebel EAI MQSeries Transport. Use this task to configure an MQSeries Server Receiver of the Siebel Server component.

                                        To configure an MQSeries Server Receiver of the Siebel Server component
                                        1. Navigate to the Administration-Server Configuration screen.

                                        2. From the link bar, click Servers.

                                        3. In the Siebel Servers list, select the Siebel Server of interest.

                                        4. Click the Components View tab.

                                        5. In the Components list, select MQSeries Server Receiver (alias: MqSeriesSrvRcvr).

                                        6. Click the Parameters View tab under the Components list.

                                        7. Set the parameters listed in the following table.

                                          Parameter Name Alias Value

                                          Receiver Connection Subsystem


                                          The subsystem name (for example, CIFMQConnSubsys or CIFMQDataSubsys) that you created already. For more information, see Configuring Named Subsystems.

                                          Receiver Method Name


                                          ReceiveDispatch or ReceiveDispatchSend.

                                          Default Tasks


                                          The value must be at least one (1) or the number of tasks that you want performed.

                                        8. Restart the Siebel Server and make sure the MQSeries Server Receiver server component is running.

                                          Process of Configuring Siebel EAI JMS Transport to Integrate Data

                                          Use the Siebel EAI JMS Transport to integrate data between Siebel Business Applications and external applications that can communicate using the Java Message Service (JMS) Protocol. The EAI JMS Transport transfers messages to and from the JMS queues.

                                          To configure inbound communication using the Siebel EAI JMS Transport, you must perform the following tasks:

                                          Note: Make sure Siebel EAI JMS Transport is enabled prior to configuring for UCM. For more information on enabling Siebel EAI JMS Transport, see Transports and Interfaces: Siebel Enterprise Application Integration.

                                          For background information on these Siebel Server administrative tasks, see Siebel System Administration Guide.

                                            Configuring Named Subsystems

                                            This task is a step in Process of Configuring Siebel EAI JMS Transport to Integrate Data. Use this task to configure the named subsystems.

                                            To configure named subsystems

                                            1. Navigate to the Administration-Server Configuration screen.

                                            2. From the link bar, click Enterprises.

                                            3. Click the Profile Configuration View tab.

                                            4. Create two new records in the Profile Configuration list and provide the following information.

                                              Field Record 1 Record 2


                                              Any name, for example, CIFJMSConnSubsy.



                                              This field is required for creating this record.

                                              This field is required for creating this record.

                                              Subsystem Type



                                              Note: The subsystem type that you select must have a check mark in the Is Named Enabled field.
                                            5. For each record, modify the following parameters in the Profile Parameters list.

                                              Parameter Name Record 1 Record 2

                                              ConnectionFactory name

                                              Name of Connection Factory

                                              Not applicable


                                              User Name for the connection

                                              Not applicable


                                              User Password for the connection

                                              Not applicable

                                              ReceiveQueue name

                                              Queue name to receive inbound request message from

                                              Not applicable

                                              SendQueue name

                                              Queue name to send response message to

                                              Not applicable

                                              JVM Subsystem name


                                              Not applicable


                                              Not applicable

                                              UCM Customer Profile Integration Process

                                              Note: Make sure that you have created a named subsystem called JAVA for the subsystem called JVMSubSys with defined parameters for the DLL, Classpath, and VMOPTIONS parameters.

                                              For information on how to create this subsystem, see Business Processes and Rules: Siebel Enterprise Application Integration.

                                            6. Save both records.

                                              For information on this procedure and the named subsystems, see Siebel System Administration Guide.

                                              Configuring JMS Receiver Siebel Server Component

                                              This task is a step in Process of Configuring Siebel EAI JMS Transport to Integrate Data. Use this task to configure the JMS receiver Siebel Server component.

                                              To configure JMS Receiver Siebel Server component

                                              1. Navigate to the Administration-Server Configuration screen.

                                              2. From the link bar, click Servers.

                                              3. In the Siebel Servers list, choose a Siebel Server.

                                              4. Click the Components View tab.

                                              5. In the Components list, choose JMS Receiver (alias: JMSReceiver).

                                              6. Click the Parameters View tab under the Components list.

                                              7. Set the parameters in the following table.

                                                Parameter Name Alias Value

                                                Receiver Connection Subsystem


                                                Subsystem name created previously, for example, CIFJMSConnSubsy

                                                Receiver Method Name


                                                ReceiveDispatch or ReceiveDispatchSend

                                              8. Restart the Siebel Server and make sure the JMS Receiver server component is running.

                                                Process of Configuring Siebel EAI HTTP Transport

                                                To configure UCM inbound communication using the Siebel EAI HTTP Transport, you must perform the following tasks:

                                                Note: Make sure Siebel EAI HTTP Transport is enabled before configuring.

                                                For more information on enabling Siebel EAI HTTP Transport, see Transports and Interfaces: Siebel Enterprise Application Integration. For background information on these Siebel Server administrative tasks, see Siebel System Administration Guide.

                                                  Configuring the Siebel Web Engine to Run Inbound HTTP Transport

                                                  This task is a step in Process of Configuring Siebel EAI HTTP Transport. Use this task to configure the Siebel Web Engine to run the Inbound HTTP Transport.

                                                  To configure the Siebel Web Engine to run the Inbound HTTP Transport

                                                  1. Open eapps_sia.cfg file in the \bin subdirectory in the installation directory.

                                                  2. Find the section [/ucm_%language%], for example [/ucm_enu].

                                                  3. Add the EnableExtServiceOnly configuration parameter. Or, set it as follows, if it already exists:

                                                    ConnectString = <Connect String>
                                                    EnableExtServiceOnly = TRUE
                                                  4. Save and close the configuration file.

                                                  After creating and configuring the SWE, configure the required named subsystem. For more information on this procedure, see Transports and Interfaces: Siebel Enterprise Application Integration.

                                                    Configuring Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) to Run the Extension Service

                                                    This task is a step in Process of Configuring Siebel EAI HTTP Transport. Use this topic to configure Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) to run the extension service.

                                                    To configure Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) to run the extension service

                                                    1. Open ucm.cfg file in the \bin subdirectory in the installation directory.

                                                    2. Find the section [/HTTP Services]. Or, add this section if it is not found.

                                                    3. Add the services and corresponding named subsystems, for example:

                                                          [/HTTP Services] 
                                                      SiebelCIFContact = CIFInboundHTTPDispatch

                                                      The name, SiebelCIFContact, in the query string matches the name, CIFInboundHTTPDispatch, which in turn looks up the named subsystem list and executes the dispatch as required.

                                                    4. Save and close the configuration file.

                                                      About the Integration of Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) with Siebel Business Applications

                                                      Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) is preconfigured to support integration with a combined instance of Siebel Business Applications and Oracle Customer Hub (UCM). When enabled, the integration allows Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) to apply history, cross-reference, and data quality processes to Siebel CRM contact and account data.

                                                      The integration uses Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) CRMML interface to deliver and receive data messages. It includes the following preconfigured workflows to facilitate the integration:

                                                      • CRM-UCM-Account-WF
                                                      • CRM-UCM-Contact-WF
                                                      • UCM-CRM-Account-WF
                                                      • UCM-CRM-Contact-WF

                                                      For information on extending the integration of Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) with Siebel Business Applications, see Extending the Integration of Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) with Siebel Business Applications.

                                                      To enable the preconfigured integration of Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) with Siebel Business Applications, make sure the system preference, Enable UCM Processes, is set to True. For more information on UCM System Preferences, see About System Preferences for Oracle Customer Hub (UCM).

                                                      Extending the Integration of Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) with Siebel Business Applications

                                                      Extending the preconfigured integration of Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) with Siebel Business Applications requires the following high-level configurations:

                                                      • Updating the appropriate Integration Object

                                                      • Generating a new XSD

                                                      • Updating the Transformation XSLT

                                                      • Updating the Validation XSLT if required

                                                      For more information on these tasks, see XML Reference: Siebel Enterprise Application Integration.

                                                      About Siebel Master Data Application Integration Objects

                                                      There are three types of Oracle Master Data Management Applications integration objects:

                                                      For background information on integration objects, see Integration Platform Technologies: Siebel Enterprise Application Integration.

                                                        UCM Integration Objects

                                                        The UCM integration objects contain the data hierarchy that is a subset of the data in a Siebel application business object. The UCM Integration objects map to the different UCM business objects in the Siebel application. Many preconfigured integration objects are provided, which you can extend and modify as necessary.

                                                        These integration objects can be found in the Siebel Repository, and their names start with CIF. In addition, you can create your own integration objects, using Integration Object Builder in Siebel Tools. For more information about this task, see Integration Platform Technologies: Siebel Enterprise Application Integration.

                                                        This internal integration object is required so that the UCM business services, such as the UCM Transaction Manager, can receive and package the data from XML (as a CRMML message) to a format understood by Siebel Application Object Manager (as business component data).

                                                          UCM Envelope Integration Objects

                                                          The envelope integration object stores system information about where the data originated and the destination of the data. It stores information about the message (such as its ID) rather than the message contents.

                                                          The envelope integration object is required for all integration business processes. If your integration process requires a slightly different envelope integration object, customize it for your needs. Otherwise, use the envelope integration object named UCM Envelope. For information on customizing the envelope integration object, see Modifying UCM Envelope Integration Objects.

                                                            UCM Dispatcher Map Integration Objects

                                                            The UCM dispatcher map integration object contains the rule sets used by the UCM Dispatcher. The default UCM dispatcher map is CIFDispMap. Siebel Master Data Applications use the following predefined dispatcher maps:

                                                            • CIFDispMap. Indicates the default dispatcher map used

                                                            • CIFDispMapAccount. Indicates the dispatcher map containing only CIFAccount messages

                                                            • CIFDispMapContact. Indicates the dispatcher map containing only CIFContact messages

                                                            • CIFDispMapFINCORPAccount. Indicates the dispatcher map containing only CIFFINCORPAccount messages

                                                            • CIFDispMapHHMisc. Indicates the dispatcher map containing the CIFHousehold, CIFFINCORP Account, and CIFPersonal Address messages

                                                            • CIFDispMapPerf. Indicates the dispatcher map containing a subset of CIFContact messages for improving system performance

                                                            For performance reasons in a production environment, deactivate the business processes that you are not supporting. You can do so by deactivating the user property name corresponding to the business processes that are not applicable.

                                                              Modifying Siebel Master Data Application Integration Objects

                                                              This topic describes the task of modifying Siebel Master Data Application integration objects. For background information on Siebel Master Data Application integration objects, see About Siebel Master Data Application Integration Objects.

                                                              To modify Siebel Master Data Application integration objects

                                                              1. Determine whether or not you want to customize any integration objects listed in the table in asis-and-messages-for-oracle-master-data-management-applications.html#c_Application_Services_Interfaces_for_Oracle_Master_Data_Management_Applications_qw1109171. Use Siebel Tools to select the Integration Object tab.

                                                              2. Query for the name of the integration objects that require modification.

                                                              3. Select the components that you want to modify in your integration object, and enter the proper information for each of the applicable columns.

                                                              Note: Modify the UCM integration objects by activating or deactivating only the integration component fields and integration components. A large customization is difficult to upgrade. For a list of the integration objects, see ASIs and Messages for Oracle Master Data Management Applications.

                                                                Modifying UCM Envelope Integration Objects

                                                                This topic describes the task of modifying Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) envelope integration objects. For background information on Siebel Master Data Application integration objects, see About Siebel Master Data Application Integration Objects.

                                                                To modify UCM envelope integration objects

                                                                1. Determine whether or not you need a customized envelope integration object. If yes, select the Integration Object tab.

                                                                2. Query for the name, CIF Envelope.

                                                                3. Select the components that you want to modify in your integration object, and enter the proper information for each of the applicable columns.

                                                                4. After configuring the envelope integration object, deploy changes to Siebel Runtime Repository.

                                                                Note: If you have created a new envelope integration object, make sure to reflect the new configuration when configuring the Siebel Connector components for Oracle Customer Hub (UCM). Configure a new envelope integration object only if additional integration component fields are required. For information, see the section about CRMML Message in the topic Siebel Industry EAI Architecture.

                                                                  Extending UCM Integration Objects

                                                                  This topic describes the task of extending integration objects to include other data, such as assets, service requests, and so on. Extending the UCM integration objects to include other data requires the creation of a new integration object that is based on either the account, contact, or household business object. Only objects that are based on the party data model are supported by UCM specific services. For background information on Siebel Master Data Application integration objects, see About Siebel Master Data Application Integration Objects.

                                                                  To modify UCM integration objects to include other data

                                                                  1. From Siebel Tools, choose Object Explorer, then Integration Object.

                                                                  2. Create an integration object with integration components based on either the Account, Contact, or Household business object.

                                                                    For example, create an integration object with integration components Account and Assets based on the Account business object. For background information on integration objects and how to create them, see Integration Platform Technologies: Siebel Enterprise Application Integration.

                                                                    Modifying the Map Property of Siebel Master Data Application Integration Objects

                                                                    This topic describes the task of modifying the map property of Siebel Master Data Application dispatcher map integration objects. For background information on Siebel Master Data Application integration objects, see About Siebel Master Data Application Integration Objects.

                                                                    To modify the dispatcher map user properties

                                                                    1. From Siebel Tools, choose Object Explorer, then Integration Object.

                                                                    2. Query for the dispatcher map name, for example, CIFDispMap.

                                                                    3. Navigate to the user properties of the dispatcher map to see its user properties, and modify the properties as appropriate.

                                                                      The name of the user property represents the rule the dispatcher tries to match, for example:


                                                                      The dispatcher tries to find the user property name in the message received. If it finds the match, it then uses the information in the value column to determine the values it requires. The value for the previous example name follows:


                                                                      Each value is made up of six tokens that are separated by a semicolon (;), and each token represents specific information as outlined in the following table.

                                                                      Table Dispatcher Map Value User Property

                                                                      Token Description Example


                                                                      Indicates the location to insert the remaining five tokens at run time.

                                                                      Note: The message must start with the CRMML/ PartyPackage because the UCM Dispatcher uses it to inspect the incoming XML data; that is, the first token is an XML Path Language search expression.



                                                                      System reserved token



                                                                      System reserved token



                                                                      The request integration object



                                                                      The response integration object



                                                                      The operation corresponding to the DeleteContact business process. This is configured in the user property of the UCM Transaction Manager.


                                                                      The name column of the map user property must be unique and represents the business process name that you want to support. You must modify the dispatcher map entries to reflect the new business process name. The same principle applies to all the tokens.

                                                                      Note: Deploy the integration objects and the dispatcher map created by the wizard into your Siebel Runtime Repository. Make sure you migrate your new integration objects to the same database used by your client. You also must deploy Siebel Runtime Repository to the correct servers in use.

                                                                      Adding the Status Key Property to Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) Integration Objects

                                                                      This topic describes the task of adding the Status Key property to Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) integration objects. For background information on Siebel Master Data Application integration objects, see About Siebel Master Data Application Integration Objects.

                                                                      To add the status key property to Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) integration object

                                                                      1. Make sure that there is no active status object user property in the UCM Transaction Manager business service.

                                                                        For background information on UCM Transaction Manager, see UCM Transaction Manager.

                                                                      2. Modify the input integration object to reflect the status key that you require at each integration component level.

                                                                        For more information on this task, see Integration Platform Technologies: Siebel Enterprise Application Integration.

                                                                      3. Set the Siebel Adapter user property, StatusObject, to True, using Siebel Tools, and deploy to Siebel Runtime Repository.

                                                                        Configuring Exact Match Functionality in Oracle Customer Hub (UCM)

                                                                        You configure Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) exact match functionality by configuring user properties in the UCM Data Quality Manager business service. For information on configuring business service user properties using Siebel Tools, see Integration Platform Technologies: Siebel Enterprise Application Integration. Use the following task to configure exact match functionality.

                                                                        To configure exact match functionality in Oracle Customer Hub (UCM)

                                                                        • Configure the following user properties for the UCM Data Quality Manager business service.

                                                                          User Property Value

                                                                          ExactMatch Object

                                                                          {Name + “:" + IntObjName + “;"}

                                                                          Name ExactMatch Field

                                                                          {ICFieldName + “:" + BCFieldName + “;"}


                                                                          • Name must be unique. It might be an integration object name, root component name, or supported objects, for example, account, contact.

                                                                          • IntObjName is the integration object name. Use it for querying by user key.

                                                                          • ICFieldName is the integration component field name.

                                                                          • BCFieldName is the business component field name. Use it for querying by example.

                                                                          Configuring Siebel Data Quality Cleansing for Oracle Customer Hub (UCM)

                                                                          Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) supports data cleansing, using the Siebel Data Quality module. To configure data cleansing for Oracle Customer Hub (UCM), see see 1515881.1 (Doc ID) Siebel Data Quality Administration Guide on My Oracle Support.

                                                                          Configuring Data Matching for Oracle Customer Hub (UCM)

                                                                          Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) supports data matching using Oracle Data Quality Matching Server. To configure this functionality for Oracle Customer Hub (UCM), see Siebel Data Quality Administration Guide.

                                                                            Flags for Controlling Cleansing and Survivorship in Workflows

                                                                            The following information lists the flags that enable you to control cleansing, matching and survivorship functionality in the UCM Person Customer Profile Integration SOAP Process and the UCM Organization Customer Profile Integration SOAP Process workflows.

                                                                            Table UCM Person Customer Profile Integration SOAP Process and the UCM Organization Customer Profile Integration SOAP Process Workflow Flags

                                                                            Flag Description


                                                                            Enables or disables publish and subscribe at the workflow level.

                                                                            Turn on CDM Cleanse

                                                                            Enables or disables Cleansing at the workflow level.

                                                                            Turn on CDM Exact Match

                                                                            Enables or disables Exact Match at the workflow level.

                                                                            Turn on CDM Match

                                                                            Enables or disables Matching at the workflow level.

                                                                            Turn on CDM Survivorship

                                                                            Enables or disables Survivorship at the workflow level.

                                                                              Cleansing Batch Data and Matching Data

                                                                              Batch processing provides a means to cleanse and match a large number of records from your base tables at one time. You can run batch jobs as stand-alone tasks or schedule batch tasks to run on a recurring basis. After the Data Quality Manager server component (DQMgr) is enabled and you have restarted the Siebel Server, you can start your data quality tasks.

                                                                              You can start and monitor tasks for the Data Quality Manager server component by:

                                                                              • Using the Siebel Server Manager command-line interface; that is, the srvrmgr program.

                                                                              • Running Data Quality Manager component jobs from the Administration - Server Management screen, Jobs view in the application.

                                                                              You can specify a data quality rule in the batch job parameters, which is a convenient way of consolidating and reusing batch job parameters and also of overriding vendor parameters. For more information about using the Siebel Server Manager and administering component jobs, see Siebel System Administration Guide. In particular, see the chapters about the Siebel Enterprise Server architecture, using the Siebel Server Manager user interface, and using the Siebel Server Manager command-line interface.

                                                                              Caution: If you have written custom Siebel scripting for data matching on business components, such as Account, Contact, List Mgmt Prospective Contact, then the modifications of the fields that the script executes occur in the background, and they might not activate user interface features. A potential problem might be a script not triggering a UI feature, such as a window that shows a potential matching record.

                                                                                Parameters in Data Quality Batch Jobs

                                                                                The following table shows the parameters used in data quality batch jobs. The names of the parameters for both Data Quality Manager component jobs and srvrmgr commands are given.

                                                                                Table Data Quality Batch Job Parameters

                                                                                Job Parameter or Server Manager Parameter Required Description

                                                                                Business component name (Bcname)


                                                                                The name of the business component. The values include:

                                                                                • Account

                                                                                • Contact

                                                                                • List Mgmt Prospective Contact

                                                                                • Business Address. Applicable only to data cleansing operations.

                                                                                • For Siebel Industry Applications, the CUT Address designation is used instead of Business Address.

                                                                                Business object name (bobjname)


                                                                                The name of the business object. The values include:

                                                                                • Account

                                                                                • Contact

                                                                                • List Mgmt

                                                                                • Business Address. Applicable only to data cleansing operations.

                                                                                Operation type (opType)


                                                                                The type of operation. The values include:

                                                                                • Data Cleansing. Cleanses data.

                                                                                • Key Generate. Generates match keys.

                                                                                • Key Refresh. Updates match keys.

                                                                                • DeDuplication. Performs data matching.

                                                                                Object Sorting Clause (objsortclause)


                                                                                Applicable to data-matching operations only. Indicates how candidate records are sorted for optimal processing by the data-matching software. The default value is Dedup Token.

                                                                                Object Where Clause (Objwhereclause)


                                                                                Limits the number of records processed by a data quality task. Typically, you use the account's name or the contact's first name to split large, data quality batch tasks, using the first letter of the name. For example, the following object WHERE clause selects only French account records where the account name begins with A:

                                                                                [Name] like 'A*' AND [Country] = 'France'

                                                                                For example, the following object WHERE clause selects all records where Name begins with Paris or ends with London:

                                                                                [Name] like 'Paris*' or [Name] like '*london'

                                                                                Data Quality Setting



                                                                                Specifies data quality settings for data cleansing and data matching jobs. This parameter has three values separated by commas:

                                                                                • First value. Applicable to Search Software America (SSA) only. Search Software America (SSA) is a data quality vendor which may be used. If this value is set to Delete, the existing duplicate records are deleted. Otherwise, the existing duplicate records are not deleted. This is the only usage for this value.

                                                                                • Second value. Applicable to the Universal Connector only. It specifies whether the job is a full or incremental data matching job.

                                                                                • Third value. Applicable to Firstlogic data quality software only. Firstlogic is a data quality vendor which may be used. It specifies the name of a dataflow file.

                                                                                For more information about the use of the data quality setting, see Data Quality Guide for Oracle Customer Hub (UCM).

                                                                                Key Type


                                                                                Specifies a value for the key type data quality parameter. It is applicable to SSA only. For more information about this parameter, see Data Quality Guide for Oracle Customer Hub (UCM).

                                                                                Search Type


                                                                                Specifies a value for the search type data quality parameter. It is applicable to SSA only. For more information about this parameter, see Data Quality Guide for Oracle Customer Hub (UCM).



                                                                                Specifies a value for the Threshold data quality parameter. It is applicable to SSA only. For more information, see Data Quality Guide for Oracle Customer Hub (UCM).

                                                                                Rule Name


                                                                                Specifies the name of a data quality rule. A rule with the specified name must have been created in the Administration - Data Quality screen, for example:


                                                                                For more information, see Data Quality Administration Guide.

                                                                                  Cleansing Data Using Batch Jobs

                                                                                  The following procedure describes how to use a batch job to perform data cleansing on records in a selected business component. To effectively exclude selected records when running data cleansing tasks, you must add the following command to your object WHERE clause:

                                                                                  [Disable DataCleansing] <> 'Y'
                                                                                  Note: When you run a process in batch mode, any visibility limitation against your targeted data set is ignored. It is recommended that you allow a limited number of resources to access the Siebel Server Manager to run your data quality tasks, otherwise you run the risk of corrupting data.

                                                                                  Use the following task to perform data cleansing using batch jobs.

                                                                                  To perform data cleansing using batch jobs

                                                                                  1. Start the Server Manager program.

                                                                                  2. At the srvrmgr prompt, enter of the commands in the following table to perform data cleansing tasks.

                                                                                  Table Server Manager Commands for Data Cleansing Batch Jobs

                                                                                  Business Component Example of Server Manager Command


                                                                                  run task for comp DQMgr with bcname=Account, bobjname = 
                                                                                  Account, opType="Data Cleansing", 
                                                                                  objwhereclause="[field_name] LIKE 'search_string*'", 

                                                                                  Business Address

                                                                                  run task for comp DQMgr with bcname = "Business Address", 
                                                                                  bobjname="Business Address", opType="Data Cleansing", 
                                                                                  objwhereclause = "[field_name] LIKE 'search_string*'", 
                                                                                  DqSetting="'','', 'business_address_datacleanse.xml'"


                                                                                  run task for comp DQMgr with bcname=Contact, 
                                                                                  bobjname=Contact, opType="Data Cleansing", objwhereclause 
                                                                                  LIKE "[field_name]='search_string*'", 

                                                                                  List Mgmt Prospective Contact

                                                                                  run task for comp DQMgr with bcname= "List Mgmt Prospective 
                                                                                  Contact", bobjname="List Mgmt", opType="Data Cleansing", 
                                                                                  objwhereclause LIKE "[field_name]='search_string*'", 