10Using Oracle Data Goverance Manager

About Oracle Data Governance Manager

Oracle Data Governance Manager is a tool that works with Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) to allow a data steward to manage data through five major functional modules. It helps the data steward operate and monitor the different Oracle Master Data Management Applications functions, such as data consolidation, master record creation, data cleansing, and data sharing between subscribing applications.

Note: Oracle Data Governance Manager runs with Oracle WebLogic server and includes a restricted use license for all Oracle Data Governance Manager related implementations. For more information, see Siebel System Requirements and Supported Platforms on Oracle Technology Network.

For details of the Web services used to perform operations for Oracle Data Governance Manager modules, see Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) and Data Governance Manager Web Services Reference.

    Logging into Oracle Data Governance Manager

    The following procedure describes how to launch Oracle Data Governance Manager.

    To log in to Oracle Data Governance Manager

    1. Start Oracle Data Governance Manager.

    2. Select the correct language from the Language list.

    3. Enter your username and password.

    4. In the From and To fields, select the date range for the data that you want to view.

    5. In the Hub list, select UCM.

    6. Click Login.

      Overview of Data Governance Manager Modules

      Oracle Data Governance Manager has the following modules to manage the data lifecycle:

        Master Module

        The Master module displays the number of records that has been created and or updated within a configurable period. The Master screen displays the results for Contact records and Account records, or both. Data stewards can view details of individual accounts or contacts. For information on using the Master module, see Viewing Mastered Records.

          Consolidate Module

          The Consolidate module enables the data steward to manage batch import activities. From this screen, the data steward can start data batch jobs, view completed and pending jobs, and perform corrections on any records rejected from a batch job. For information on using the Consolidate module, see Administering Batch Imports.

            Cleanse Module

            The Cleanse module enables the data steward to continually monitor data quality through configurable metrics. The screen also displays registered external systems to allow data stewards to identify problems. For information on using the Cleanse module, see Viewing Incomplete Records.

              Govern Module

              The Govern module enables data stewards to track and define enterprise-wide definitions of data, metadata, and rules that dictate how the enterprise is run. Monitoring and fixing functions allow the data steward to enforce the rules. Additionally, from this module, the data steward can set up links to reference documents that contain data contract and definitions within the enterprise. For information on using the Govern module, see Viewing the Suspect Queue and Performing a Merge.

                Share Module

                The Share module allows data stewards to view Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) activity in real-time. They can view updates, merge and unmerge operations. Additionally, they can track how many publish operations are being sent to subscribing systems and how many queries are being requested from Oracle Customer Hub (UCM). For information on using the Share module, see Viewing Merge Activity.

                  Using Data Governance Home Page

                  A data steward logs in to Oracle Data Governance Manager and views the home page. From the home page, the data steward can choose from five modules: Master, Govern, Share, Cleanse, and Consolidate. The data steward drills down on the details of the five modules to perform data governance tasks. A login screen validates the user ID and password. Data access is determined by the views already set up in Oracle Customer Hub (UCM).

                    Using Data Governance Master Data Module (Data Steward)

                    From the home page, the data steward clicks the Master section to view the activity records on mastered records in Oracle Customer Hub (UCM). The Master Data section displays a summary of the mastered account and contact records for each day, week, month, and all options, which query against all data in Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) Server. The results are displayed graphically.

                      Consolidating Records in Oracle Data Governance Manager

                      From the home page, the data steward clicks the Consolidate section. From the Consolidate screen the data steward can view all batch jobs with the related statistics run within a defined period, such as the past hour, day, week, year, and so on.

                        Viewing and Fixing Rejected Records in Oracle Data Governance Manager

                        From the home page, the data steward clicks the Consolidate section. From the Consolidate screen the data steward clicks the Rejected Records pie chart from a batch report to view all rejected records from that batch job. If the data steward finds a record that was rejected by mistake, corrections can be made from this view, and the fixed records are saved when the batch job is rerun. Additionally, the data steward might update multiple batch records at once.

                          Viewing and Fixing Multiple Rejected Records in Oracle Data Governance Manager

                          From the home page, the data steward clicks the Consolidate section. From the Consolidate screen the data steward clicks the Rejected Records pie chart from a batch report to view all rejected records from that batch job. If the data steward finds a record that was rejected by mistake, corrections can be made from this view, and the fixed records are saved when the batch job is rerun. Additionally, the data steward might update multiple batch records at once.

                            Consolidating Completed Records in Oracle Data Governance Manager (Data Steward)

                            From the home page, the data steward clicks the Consolidate section and views records processed by a batch job. The data steward can view the total number of inserted and updated records from the batch process.

                              Manually Reviewing Suspect Records in Oracle Data Governance Manager (Data Steward)

                              The Suspect Record Details allows the data steward to choose whether records in the queue are duplicates. From this screen, the data steward can either merge two duplicate records or create a new record. The data steward can then approve or merge the records. To approve means that the two suspect records are processed as separate records. To merge means the data steward considers the two records to be the same and merges them during the next batch process.

                                Manually Reviewing Completed Records in Oracle Data Governance Manager

                                Following a manual merge process the Batch Import screen is displayed. From this screen, the data steward can read the flat file structures and start the batch import processes. Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) Web services enable batch template files to be pulled from Oracle Customer Hub (UCM). After the data steward chooses the template choice, the data steward can view the content of the subsequent data file before importing the data in to Oracle Customer Hub (UCM). Following review of the data, the data steward clicks the Import button. Any errors during the file parsing are captured in an error table that can then be reviewed and acted upon by the data steward.

                                  Viewing Graphs of All Records That Were Part of Batch Jobs

                                  A data steward logs in to Oracle Data Governance Manager and views the home page. From the home page, the data steward chooses the Share module. The Share screen allows the data steward to view a graphical representation of all records that were part of batch jobs using the following criteria: modified, unmerge, and merge.

                                    Cleansing Records in Data Governance Manager

                                    From the Data Quality screen, the data steward can monitor the integrity of Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) data through the Completeness metric. Data completeness is measured at both the master records level and at the source system level. The data steward can click each node from the system list to view details about the incomplete data from each node.

                                      Configuring Cleanse Functionality

                                      You set different metrics for the cleanse functionality in the Cleanse module. Use the following task to configure cleanse functionality for the source completeness metric.

                                      To configure the cleanse functionality for the source completeness metric

                                      1. In Oracle Data Governance Manager, click Cleanse.

                                      2. To change the source completeness metric, click the Source completeness list.

                                      3. Select the fields that you want to include as part of the source completeness metric, which are run against the Source Data History tables.

                                      4. Click Refresh.

                                        The source systems connected to Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) using spokes are updated.

                                      Use the following task to configure cleanse functionality for the Oracle Customer Hub completeness metric.

                                      To configure the cleanse functionality for the Oracle Customer Hub completeness metric

                                      1. In Oracle Data Governance Manager, click Cleanse.

                                      2. Click the Hub Completeness list to change the Hub Completeness metric.

                                      3. Select the fields that you want to include as part of hub completeness metric, which is run against the Best version tables.

                                      4. Click Refresh.

                                        The systems connected to Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) are updated.

                                      Viewing Mastered Records

                                      The Master module enables you to view the details of mastered account and contact records. Mastered records are records that were created or updated. You can limit the view of the mastered records by setting the period and other constraints. Use the following task to view mastered records.

                                      To view mastered records

                                      1. From the Oracle Data Governance Manager home page, click Master.

                                        The Master Data view appears. A pie chart and bar graph provide an illustration of the mastered records, displaying the Contact records and Account records.

                                      2. Click either graph for more information on the mastered records.

                                        The Mastered Accounts or Mastered Contacts screen appears, displaying a detailed view of each mastered record.

                                      3. Click the View menu to choose the columns to be displayed.

                                      4. Click the Object Type list to choose which object type to display: contact or account.

                                      5. Enter a date range for the data displayed in the From and To fields.

                                      6. Click the Quick Query list to select the query values, such as Today, Last Week, then click Refresh for a broader summary of the records.

                                      Administering Batch Imports

                                      The Consolidate module enables you to manage import operations in Oracle Customer Hub (UCM). Besides running new batch jobs using prebuilt template files, you can do the following:

                                      • Report on batch imports completed or currently running.

                                      • View batch reports grouped by completed rejected criteria

                                      • Fix any rejected records and then restart a batch process.

                                      • View how completed records were handled by the batch process, such as records that were inserted or updated or both.

                                      Use the following task to run a batch import job.

                                      To run a batch import job

                                      1. From the Oracle Data Governance Manager home page, click Consolidate.

                                      2. In the Consolidate screen, click the File Import tab.

                                      3. From the Choose Template list, select a mapping template.

                                      4. From the Delimiter list, choose a delimiter, if necessary.

                                      5. Click Browse, then select a batch file.

                                      6. Click Load.

                                        The file information appears in the window.

                                      7. Click Import.

                                        The records from the flat files contained in the batch job to the UCM SDH staging tables. When the loading is complete, the batch workflow is started, and the records are moved from SDH tables and saved to the base tables.

                                      Use the following task to view a batch job.

                                      To view a batch job

                                      1. After successfully loading a batch file and initiating the import in Oracle Customer Hub (UCM), click the Batch Report tab.

                                        The batch job that is currently running is displayed. The Completed, Pending, and Jobs in Progress are also displayed.

                                      2. Click any part of the pie chart to view information about the batch jobs.

                                      Use the following task to view rejected records from a batch job.

                                      To view rejected records from a batch job

                                      1. From the Consolidate screen Batch Report view, click the Rejected segment of the pie chart.

                                        The Rejected Batch Details view appears.

                                      2. In the By Object Type, choose Account or Contact from the list.

                                      3. In the Error Message and Error Code field, view details about the record was rejected for inclusion into the UCM SDH tables.

                                      4. Make the required changes to the record, then click Save.

                                        The record will be queued into the next batch job.

                                      Use the following task to view completed batch records.

                                      To view completed batch records

                                      1. From the Consolidate screen Batch Report view, click the Completed segment of the pie chart.

                                        The Completed Batch Details view appears.

                                      2. In the By Object Type, choose Account or Contact from the list.

                                      3. View a graph of the insert and update operations made to the chosen object.

                                      Viewing Incomplete Records

                                      The Cleanse module enables you to view the ratio of completed records in your external systems and in Oracle Customer Hub (UCM). Data quality is measured by its completeness definitions. Oracle Data Governance Manager uses the completeness definitions to control data quality in Oracle Customer Hub (UCM). Use the following task to view incomplete records.

                                      To view incomplete records

                                      1. From the Oracle Data Governance Manager home page, click Cleanse.

                                        The Data Quality screen appears displaying Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) and all external systems to which it is connected.

                                      2. Move the pointer over any record for a brief view of complete and incomplete records.

                                      3. Click the Isolate button on any record to view the system record in an isolated view.

                                        To return to the full Data Quality view, click the Isolate button again.

                                      4. Click the Object Type list to choose between Contact and Account records.

                                      5. Use the Hub Completeness Fields and Source Completeness Fields lists to determine the completeness of definitions.

                                        The definitions include All, Name, Location, and so on.

                                      6. Use the From and To fields to determine the date or time range in which to view records.

                                      7. Use the Click the Quick Query list to select the query values, such as Today, Last Week, then click Refresh for a broader summary of records.

                                      Viewing Merge Activity

                                      The Share module enables you to track the number of merges and the period during which merges were executed. This module enables you to view the number of modified, merged, and unmerged records entering Oracle Customer Hub (UCM). Use the following task to view merge activity in the Share screen.

                                      To view merge activity in the Share screen

                                      1. From the Oracle Data Governance Manager home page, click Share.

                                      2. In the Share screen, click the Account or Contact tab to view the record type.

                                      3. View a bar graph representing the merged, modified, and unmerged records.

                                      4. Double click any group to view a detailed list of the merged, modified, or unmerged records.

                                      Viewing the Suspect Queue and Performing a Merge

                                      The Govern module enables you to start different parts of Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) from Oracle Data Governance Manager. Additionally, you might view the suspect queue for suspect records. The suspect queue enables you to view a queue of all suspect records for a given period. You might choose records from potential matches and then perform a merge. Use the following task to perform a merge operation from the Suspect queue.

                                      To perform a merge from the Suspect queue

                                      1. From the Oracle Data Governance Manager home page, click Govern.

                                        The Governance screen appears.

                                      2. Click the Suspect Queue link.

                                      3. From the Object Type list, choose Account or Contact.

                                        The suspect records from the chosen object are displayed in the Suspect Queue screen, and the Potential Match view displays any potential matches already in Oracle Customer Hub (UCM).

                                      4. In the Potential Match view, select the match record.

                                      5. Click the Merge button to merge the two records, then click Approve to commit the record to the SDH table.

                                        A window appears indicating success following the merge operation.

                                      6. Click OK.