5Configuring Source Data History and Cross-Reference Functionality

Configuring Source Data History and Cross-Reference Functionality

This chapter describes how to configure and administer source data history and cross-reference functionality for Oracle Master Data Management Applications. It includes the following topics:

Configuring Source Data History and Cross-Reference Functionality for Oracle Customer Hub

    Loading Data into Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) and Updating External Systems

    After installing Oracle Customer Hub (UCM), the initial customer data must be loaded into the database. To prepare for this process, it is recommended that you do the following:

    • Cleanse the data in each external system prior to loading data

    • Load best or highest quality data first

    Use Siebel Enterprise Integration Manager (Siebel Enterprise Integration Manager) to load bulk data records into Oracle Customer Hub (UCM). For more information on Siebel Enterprise Integration Manager, see the following:

      Activating Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) External Systems

      After loading the customer data into Oracle Customer Hub (UCM), you must register and activate external systems that access the customer master data. For more information registering external systems, see Registering Systems Connected to Oracle Master Data Management Applications.

        Running Data Management in Batch Mode

        To run Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) data management processes in batch mode, you create a component job that is based on the server component UCM Batch Manager (alias: UCMBatchProcess).

        This component job fetches the IDs of the records and calls the batch workflow. The workflow queries, cleanses, matches, and publishes Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) records. Three match cases can occur: no match, one match, or multiple matches. The workflow calls UCM Transaction Manager and survivorship rules internally, depending upon the match case type. For background information on administering component jobs, see Siebel System Administration Guide. Use the following task to use UCM Data Management to schedule a batch workflow.

        To run UCM Data Management in batch mode by scheduling a batch workflow

        1. Navigate to the Administration - Server screen, then the Jobs view.

        2. In the Jobs list, click New.

          The component job status field changes to Creating.

        3. In the Component/Job field, click Select, then query in the window for UCMBatchProcess.

          UCMBatchProcess is the short name for UCM Batch Manager.

        4. In the Job Detail view, enter data in the appropriate fields to describe the start time and so on of the component job.

        5. From the menu, choose Save Record.

        6. In the Job Parameters list, click New to add each of the following parameters for the component job.

          Parameter Name Value

          UCM Batch Object Type

          Select Contact or Account.

          UCM Batch Size

          Select the page size of the batch job. The default value is 10.

          UCM Data Management Cleanse Flag

          Make sure this value is set to True.

          UCM Data Management Exact Match Flag

          Make sure this value is set to True.

          UCM Data Management Match Flag

          Make sure this value is set to True.

          UCM Publish/Subscribe Flag

          The values are True or False.

          UCM Search Specification

          A search specification is required. Make sure a search specification is set on UCM Type Code, for example: [Contact.UCM Type Code] = 'Queued-Insert'.

          UCM Sort Specification

          Optional sort specification of what order the to process the records in, for example, for contact records: Created (ASCENDING), Last Name, First Name.

          UCM Survivorship Engine Flag

          Make sure this value is set to True.

        7. In the Jobs list, click the Start button.

          The Status field changes from Creating to Queued.

          About System Preferences for Oracle Customer Hub (UCM)

          Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) system preferences control how Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) operates and what functionality is enabled in the environment. You might want to review the default settings and modify these as appropriate, depending on your business needs. For more information on setting system preferences, see Siebel Applications Administration Guide.

          To set system preferences for Oracle Customer Hub (UCM)

          1. Navigate to Administration - Application, then System Preferences.

            Query for the values listed in the following table.

            Table Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) System Preferences

            System Preference Default Value Description

            Enable CDM Cleanse 1


            Turns on CDM Cleanse for the Account object.

            Enable CDM Cleanse 2


            Turns on CDM Cleanse for the Contact object.

            Enable CDM EM 1


            Turns on CDM Exact Match for the Account object.

            Enable CDM EM 2


            Turns on CDM Exact Match for the Contact object.

            Enable CDM Match 1


            Turns on CDM Match for the Account object.

            Enable CDM Match 2


            Turns on CDM Match for the Contact object.

            Enable Child Cross Referencing


            Enables or disables cross-reference functionality on child records.

            Enable Survivorship Engine 1


            Enables survivorship on the Account object.

            Enable Survivorship Engine 2


            Enables survivorship on the Account object.

            Enable Survivorship Engine 3


            Enables survivorship on the Account object.

            Enable Entity Survivorship


            Enables survivorship of child records.

            Enable UCM Processes


            Set this value to True to enable integration with other applications and Oracle Customer Hub. For more information, see About the Integration of Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) with Siebel Business Applications.

            UID Generation Service

            FINS Teller Converter Extensions: GenerateID, and DType|GUID.

            The business service name, method, and input combination to generate a unique ID value. It is used by both UCM Transaction Manager and UI Interaction service.

            Unique Id: Account

            Party UId

            Unique ID field for account. It is used with UCM Transaction Manager and UI Interaction service.

            Unique Id: Contact

            Party UId

            Unique ID field for contact. It is used with UCM Transaction Manager and UI Interaction service.

            Unique Id: FINCORP Account

            Account Number

            Unique ID field for the Financial account. It is used with UCM Transaction Manager and UI Interaction service.

            Unique Id: Household

            Party UId

            Unique ID field for household. It is used with UCM Transaction Manager and UI Interaction service.

            About System Publish and Subscribe Modes

            Oracle Master Data Management Applications use one of three modes to publish or update data: real-time mode, batch mode, and event mode. For information on configuring these modes, see Configuring System Publish and Subscribe for Oracle Master Data Management Applications.

              Real-Time Mode

              When configured, the real-time mode of the publish and subscribe functionality runs when another process or business service explicitly calls the UCM Publish/Subscribe Service business service. The calling process sends this business service a record to publish. The following workflow processes provide examples of real-time publishing: the UCM Customer Profile Integration Process, UCM Account Batch Data Management Workflow, UCM Contact Batch Data Management Workflow, UCM (Organization, Person, Financial Asset, or Group) Customer Profile Integration SOAP Process, and UCM Batch Process.

                Batch Mode

                During a batch mode operation, the UCMBatchPubSub server component calls the UCM Daily Publish workflow process. This workflow process calls the UCM Publish/Subscribe Service business service, and this business service checks if the business service is being run on a server component. If the service is being run on a server component, it retrieves the server parameters for UCM Batch Object Type (alias UCMBatchObjectType), UCM Batch Size (alias UCMBatchSize), and UCM Sleep Time (alias UCMSleepTime). Then the business service iteratively runs through the following steps until the server component stops:

                1. Creates an internal search specification for the business component. This step is based on the following format:

                  '(([Last Update - SDQ] <= 'mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss') AND ([Last Update - SDQ] > 'mm/dd/
                  yyyy hh:mm:ss'))'


                  • mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss indicates the current time and the current time less the UCMSleepTime parameter value (default value of 60 seconds).

                  • [Last Update - SDQ] indicates the business component field name of the integration component field name specified by the SearchFieldName user property configured in the UCMBatchObjectType integration object. By default, the IO CIFContact has the IC property SearchFieldName = Last Update, which maps to the BC Contact's field Last Update - SDQ component field value [Last Update - SDQ].

                2. The search specification is passed to the EAI Siebel Adapter, and it uses the method QueryPage with the SearchSpec against the UCMBatchObjectType to find the records that have changed or are new. The UCMBatchSize parameter value is used to determine how many records are returned in the query page's result set.

                3. For each record returned in the query page's result set, it is published according to the registered systems that meet the following conditions:

                  • They have the object defined in the Publish/Subscribe view.

                  • They have a publish frequency set to Batch.

                  • They have not expired.

                  Event Mode

                  Any system configured for real-time mode or batch mode can also subscribe to event mode if that system requires the message to be published when an event occurs. Events refer to Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) operations, such as Merge or Unmerge, or Link and Update, or Create New, and so on. These events are preconfigured by default, but are not published. However, Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) can be customized to prepare the outbound message (resulting from such operations) by using Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) Publish/Subscribe Service-EventPublishMethod.

                  Note: You must customize the UCM application before you can publish Unmerge events. This is not part of standard UCM functionality and is not within the scope of Oracle Support Services. You must contact Oracle Consulting Services for help in implementing this customization.

                    Configuring System Publish and Subscribe for Oracle Master Data Management Applications

                    The Publish and Subscribe infrastructure provides workflow policies, workflow processes, and Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) messages to publish data records that have been inserted or updated in Oracle Customer Hub (UCM). The workflow policies track changes to records within Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) and flag them for production. Siebel workflows process the information collected by the workflow policies and guarantee appropriate publication of the changes to subscribed systems. The messages are predefined and used for the publication of records flagged by the workflow policies. Use the following task to configure publish and subscribe.

                    To configure publish and subscribe for a system in real-time mode

                    1. Navigate to the Administration - Universal Customer Master screen, then the System Registrations view.

                    2. In the System Registrations list, select the system of interest, and then click the link in the System ID field.

                    3. From the System Detail view, select the Publish/Subscribe tab.

                    4. In the Publish/Subscribe view, select an existing record that you want to configure, or click New.

                    Related Books:

                    • Configuring Siebel Business Applications

                    • Using Siebel Tools

                    • Integration Platform Technologies: Siebel Enterprise Application Integration

                      Additions and Enhancements for Social Profile Child Object Cross Reference Functionality

                      This topic describes additions and enhancements to the social profile child cross reference functionality.

                        Enhanced Screen: CIF Administration Screen

                        The following information lists details of the modified CIF Administration screen.

                        Table Enhanced CIF Administration Screen

                        New or Modified Screen Comments


                        CIF Administration Screen

                        There are two new views:

                        • UCM SM Contact Social Profile Cross Reference View

                        • UCM SM Contact Social Profile History View

                          New View: UCM SM Contact Social Profile Cross Reference View

                          The following information lists the properties of the UCM SM Contact Social Profile Cross Reference View.

                          Table UCM SM Contact Social Profile Cross Reference View Web Template Items

                          Name Web Template


                          View Detail Multi Child

                            UCM SM Contact Social Profile Cross Reference View Web Template Items

                            The following information lists the properties of the view Web template items for UCM SM Contact Social Profile Cross Reference View.

                            Table UCM SM Contact Social Profile Cross Reference View Web Template Items

                            New or Modified View Applet Applet Mode


                            UCM SM Contact Social Profile Cross Reference View

                            Contact Form Applet


                            SM Contact Social Profile List Applet

                            Edit List

                            SM Contact Social Profile Attributes Applet

                            Edit List

                            CIF SM Contact Social Profile References List Applet

                            Edit List

                            CIF SM Contact Social Profile Attributes References List Applet

                            Edit List

                              New Applet: CIF SM Contact Social Profile References List Applet

                              The following information lists the properties of CIF SM Contact Social Profile References List Applet.

                              Table CIF SM Contact Social Profile References List Applet

                              Field Value


                              External Social Profile IDs

                              Business Component

                              CIF SM Contact Social Profile Reference



                                List Columns for the CIF SM Contact Social Profile References List Applet

                                The following information lists the properties of the list columns of CIF SM Contact Social Profile References List Applet.

                                Table CIF SM Contact Social Profile References List Applet Columns

                                Field Display Name HTML Type Run Time

                                System Number

                                System Id



                                System Name

                                System Name



                                External Id1

                                External Id1



                                External Id2

                                External Id2



                                External Id3

                                External Id3







                                  New Applet: CIF SM Contact Social Profile Attributes References List Applet

                                  The following information lists the properties of CIF SM Contact Social Profile Attributes References List Applet.

                                  Table CIF SM Contact Social Profile Attributes References List Applet

                                  Field Value


                                  External Social Profile Attribute IDs

                                  Business Component

                                  CIF SM Contact Social Profile Attributes Reference



                                    List Columns for the CIF SM Contact Social Profile Attributes References List Applet

                                    The following information lists the properties of the list columns of CIF SM Contact Social Profile Attributes References List Applet.

                                    Table CIF SM Contact Social Profile Attributes References List Applet Columns

                                    Field Display Name HTML Type Run Time

                                    System Number

                                    System Id



                                    System Name

                                    System Name



                                    External Id1

                                    External Id1



                                    External Id2

                                    External Id2



                                    External Id3

                                    External Id3







                                      New Applets for Source Data History Functionality

                                      This topic describes the new and enhanced applets for the source data history functionality. One new view and two new applets have been added.

                                        New View: UCM SM Contact Social Profile History View

                                        The following information lists the properties of the view Web template for UCM SM Contact Social Profile History View.

                                        Table UCM SM Contact Social Profile History View Web Template

                                        Name Web Template


                                        View Detail Multi Child

                                          UCM SM Contact Social Profile History View Web Template Items

                                          The following information lists the properties of the view Web template items for UCM SM Contact Social Profile History View.

                                          Table UCM SM Contact Social Profile History View Web Template Items

                                          Business Object View Web Template Items Applet Mode


                                          Contact Form Applet


                                          SM Contact Social Profile List Applet

                                          Edit List

                                          UCM SM Contact Social Profile Source Data and History List Applet

                                          Edit List

                                          SM Contact Social Profile Attributes Applet

                                          Edit List

                                          UCM SM Contact Social Profile Attribute Source Data and History List Applet

                                          Edit List

                                            New Applet: UCM SM Contact Social Profile Source Data and History List Applet

                                            The following information lists the properties of UCM SM Contact Social Profile Source Data and History List Applet.

                                            Table UCM SM Contact Social Profile Source Data and History List Applet

                                            Field Value


                                            Social Profile History

                                            Business Component

                                            UCM SM Contact Social Profile Source Data and History



                                              UCM SM Contact Social Profile Source Data and History List Applet Columns

                                              The following information lists the properties of the list columns of UCM SM Contact Social Profile Source Data and History List Applet.

                                              Table UCM SM Contact Social Profile Source Data and History List Applet Columns

                                              Field Display Name HTML Type Run Time

                                              UCM Type Code

                                              Record Type







                                              Author Link

                                              Author Link



                                              Author Id

                                              Author Id







                                              Supress Profile Attributes

                                              Supress Attributes



                                                New Applet: UCM SM Contact Social Profile Attribute Source Data and History List Applet

                                                The following information lists the properties of UCM SM Contact Social Profile Attribute Source Data and History List Applet.

                                                Table UCM SM Contact Social Profile Attribute Source Data and History List Applet

                                                Field Value


                                                Social Profile Attributes History

                                                Business Component

                                                UCM SM Contact Social Profile Attributes Source Data and History



                                                  UCM SM Contact Social Profile Attribute Source Data and History List Applet Columns

                                                  The following information lists the properties of the list columns of UCM SM Contact Social Profile Attribute Source Data and History List Applet.

                                                  Table UCM SM Contact Social Profile Attribute Source Data and History List Applet Columns

                                                  Field Display Name HTML Type Run Time

                                                  UCM Type Code

                                                  Record Type















                                                    Administering Source Data and Cross-Reference Functionality for Oracle Customer Hub (UCM)

                                                    Table New or Enhanced Data Decay Screens

                                                    New or Modified Screen Comments


                                                    CIF Account Address Reference Screen

                                                    Table New or Enhanced Child Cross Reference Views and Applets

                                                    New or Modified View Applet


                                                    UCM Other Entity Rule Set Attribute Group View

                                                    UCM Other Entity Rule Set List Applet


                                                    UCM Other Entity Rule Set Attribute Group View

                                                    UCM Other Entity Source Confidence Level List Applet

                                                    Parent Applet: UCM Other Entity Rule Set List Applet


                                                    Other Entity Rule Set Attribute Group View

                                                    UCM Other Entity Rule Set List Applet


                                                    UCM Other Entity Rule Set Attribute Group View

                                                    UCM Other Entity Source Confidence Level List Applet

                                                    Parent Applet: UCM Other Entity Rule Set List Applet


                                                    UCM Account Detail - Address X- Ref View

                                                    Group Applet: UCM Account Address X -References List Applet

                                                    Functionality for Oracle Customer Hub (UCM)

                                                    To administer source data and cross-reference functionality in Oracle Customer Hub (UCM), perform the following tasks:

                                                      About Cross-Referencing Parent and Child Records with External Systems

                                                      Cross-referencing customer data allows organizations to store the customer identification data from external systems within Oracle Customer Hub (UCM). This cross-reference permits a one-to-many mapping of customer records across multiple systems throughout the organization. In other words, one record in Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) can map to one or more records in each registered application in Oracle Customer Hub (UCM).

                                                      When external systems send a request message to the Siebel Server with a request to insert a party record or a request to update a party record, the reference records are entered into Oracle Customer Hub (UCM). The Unique Customer Identification number from external systems is embedded within the <Id> tag of the request message.

                                                      Cross-referencing is supported for parent records (account, contact, and household party objects, as well as financial accounts) and child records (account-address, account-financial accounts, contact-address, contact-financial accounts, contact-emails, contact-phones, contact-names, contact-social profiles, and contact-social profile attributes). The SOAP and Batch processes automatically cross-reference parent records, and when the System Preference Enable Child Cross Referencing is enabled, the processes also automatically cross-reference child records. For information on this task, see Cross-Referencing Parent Records with External Systems. For information on cross referencing child records, see Cross-Referencing Child Records with External Systems.

                                                        Cross-Referencing Parent Records with External Systems

                                                        You can cross-reference parent records in Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) with external systems to store source identification data in Oracle Customer Hub (UCM). For more information on cross-referencing records, see About Cross-Referencing Parent and Child Records with External Systems. Use the following task to cross-reference a contact, account, household, or financial account record.

                                                        To cross-reference an contact, account, financial account or household record

                                                        1. Navigate to the Administration - Universal Customer Master screen, then either the Contacts, Accounts, Households, or Financial Account view.

                                                        2. In the Contacts, Accounts, Households, or Financial Account list, select the record of interest.

                                                        3. Select the External IDs tab for contacts, accounts, financial account, or households.

                                                          Existing cross-references can be viewed under the child record. To add additional cross-references, see Step 4.

                                                        4. In the External IDs view, click New.

                                                        5. Enter the appropriate information in the available fields to define the external customer and the Unique Account Identification, for each contact, account, or household party, or financial account record in Oracle Customer Hub (UCM).

                                                          Use the following table for information on each of the fields.

                                                          Field Description

                                                          System Id

                                                          The system ID represents an identifier for an application that accesses Oracle Master Data Management Applications. Select this value from the systems entered in the System Registrations view.

                                                          System Name

                                                          The system name is the name of the application that accesses Oracle Customer Hub (UCM). This value is the default name when a system number is selected.

                                                          External Id1

                                                          The External Id1 stores the unique identifier of the external system record. This value is the only field stored in the <Id> tag in the request message.

                                                          External Id2

                                                          The External Id2 stores an optional second identifier of the external system record.

                                                          External Id3

                                                          The External Id3 stores an optional third identifier of the external system record.


                                                          Comments regarding the external system record that references the record in Oracle Customer Hub (UCM).

                                                          Cross-Referencing Child Records with External Systems

                                                          Organizations potentially have a large number of subscribing systems connected to Oracle Customer Hub (UCM), and thus, have a need for real-time cross-reference functionality on parent and child records. For instance, in a life science deployment a physician may work at multiple locations, and be associated with different hospitals. To update a patient’s address the physician must ensure that not just the parent record, but any accompanying child records are updated or created only on one hospital system rather than all subscribed systems to avoid privacy and legal implications. The Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) child cross-referencing infrastructure allows you to store child cross-referencing information for the parent Contact, or Account record. Child cross-referencing details are also published to external systems registered for Publish/Subscribe. Child objects include addresses, financial accounts, contact points (such as email, or phone), alias records, social profile and social attribute records, as well as custom child objects.

                                                          Use the following task to cross-reference an address, financial account, email, phone, alias record, social profile and social profile attribute.

                                                          To cross-reference an address, financial account, email, phone, alias, social profile, or social attribute record

                                                          1. Navigate to the Administration - Universal Customer Master screen, then either the Contacts, or Accounts view.

                                                          2. In the Contacts or Accounts list, select the parent record of interest.

                                                          3. Select the Addresses, Financial Accounts, Phones, Emails, Names, or Social Profiles tab for contacts, or select the Addresses or Financial Accounts tab for accounts.

                                                          4. In the Addresses, Financial Accounts, Phones, Emails, Names, Social Profiles, or Social Profile Attributes list, select the child record of interest.

                                                          5. In the External IDs list, click New.

                                                          6. Enter the appropriate information in the available fields to define the external customer and the Unique Account Identification, for each child record in Oracle Customer Hub (UCM).

                                                            Use the following table for information on each of the fields.

                                                            Field Description

                                                            System Id

                                                            The system ID represents an identifier for an application that accesses Oracle Master Data Management Applications. Select this value from the systems entered in the System Registrations view.

                                                            System Name

                                                            The system name is the name of the application that accesses Oracle Customer Hub (UCM). This value is the default name when a system number is selected.

                                                            External Id1

                                                            The External Id1 stores the unique identifier of the external system record. This value is stored in the Id field for child record in the request message.

                                                            External Id2

                                                            The External Id2 stores an optional second identifier of the external system record.

                                                            External Id3

                                                            The External Id3 stores an optional third identifier of the external system record.


                                                            Comments regarding the external system record that references the record in Oracle Customer Hub (UCM).

                                                            Source Data History Tables

                                                            Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) Source Data History tables (SDH tables) contain the transactional contact and account data records pertaining to Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) and registered external systems. These tables hold incoming and historical data records and provide the content for Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) administration views. The storage of this data allows for Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) features, such as incoming duplicates resolution, merge and unmerge, list import, and so on.

                                                            The SDH tables are named with the S_UCM_* prefix, such as S_UCM_CONTACT and S_UCM_ORG_EXT. The UCM base tables are visible from the Siebel application, such as S_PARTY, S_CONTACT, S_USER, and store the master copy of the record. The SDH tables contain a large amount of data and must be purged at regularly. For more information on this task, see Purging Source Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) Data.

                                                              SDH Type Codes

                                                              The following information lists the type codes for Source Data History and when they are used by Oracle Customer Hub (UCM).

                                                              Table Source Data History Type Codes

                                                              Type Description


                                                              Records loaded by Siebel Enterprise Integration Manager into the SDH tables for batch processing.


                                                              A cleansed record from a manual match operation, which is stored temporarily for a Promote or Link and Update operation.


                                                              Not used.


                                                              The Best Version Record prior to any modifications.


                                                              A record fails to process completely because of an error during real-time or batch-mode processing.


                                                              A version of the victim record before it is merged and deleted.


                                                              Not used.


                                                              The insert request record was queued in SDH for batch-mode processing.


                                                              The update request record was queued in SDH for batch-mode processing.


                                                              The upsert request record was queued in SDH for batch processing.


                                                              The request in its original state from an external system after it is processed in real-time.


                                                              The insert request in its original state from an external system after it is processed. When the Batch workflow is run the record type is changed from from Queued-Insert to Source-Insert.


                                                              The update request in its original state from an external system after it is processed. When the Batch workflow is run the record type is changed from Queued-Update to Source-Update.


                                                              The upsert request in its original state from an external system after it is processed. When the Batch workflow is run the record type is changed from Queued-Upsert to Source-Upsert.


                                                              A version of the victim record that has been unmerged or reactivated.

                                                                Monitoring the History of Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) Records

                                                                Monitoring the history of Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) records reveals how the data stored in the Customer Hub evolved and from what external system or systems the Customer Hub record takes its content.

                                                                For information on other Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) data management tasks, see About Cross-Referencing Parent and Child Records with External Systems.

                                                                Use the following task to monitor the history of Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) records.

                                                                To monitor history of Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) records

                                                                1. Navigate to the Administration - Universal Customer Master screen, then either the Contacts or Accounts view.

                                                                2. In the Contacts or Accounts list, select the record of interest.

                                                                3. Select the Historical Version tab.

                                                                4. In the Historical Version list, review the records from different source systems that make up the Customer Hub version of the record in the top form.

                                                                  This list also contains the historical versions of that particular record within Oracle Customer Hub (UCM).

                                                                  Monitoring Source Data of Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) Records

                                                                  Monitoring the source data and history of Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) records from this view reveals a global view of the evolution of its records. For information on other Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) data management tasks, see About Cross-Referencing Parent and Child Records with External Systems.

                                                                  Use the following task to monitor source data for contacts or accounts.

                                                                  To monitor the source data for contacts or accounts

                                                                  1. Navigate to the Administration - Universal Customer Master screen, then the Transaction History view.

                                                                  2. Select either Accounts or Contacts.

                                                                  3. In the Transaction History list, review the records that show the source data and history records for contacts or accounts.

                                                                    The content is similar to the Historical Version view except that the Historical Version view shows only source and history data for a specific Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) record. This view shows the source data and history data for all Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) records.

                                                                    Purging Source Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) Data

                                                                    Maintaining historical source data for Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) records leads to large amounts of information stored in the database (SDH Tables). Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) provides purge functionality to clear this data, when necessary. For information on other Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) data management tasks, see About Cross-Referencing Parent and Child Records with External Systems.

                                                                    Caution: The purge data operation removes all current records in the view and cannot be undone.

                                                                    Use the following task to purge source data.

                                                                    To purge source data

                                                                    1. Navigate to the Administration - Universal Customer Master screen, then the Transaction History view.

                                                                    2. Select either Accounts or Contacts.

                                                                    3. In this list, click the Purge button.

                                                                      About Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) Data Management Services

                                                                      Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) provides the following data-management services to cleanse, identify, and link incoming source data to the master data records:

                                                                      • Account Data Management Service

                                                                      • Contact Data Management Service

                                                                      These services are invoked through the Siebel Enterprise Application Integration (Siebel EAI) interface and can process single or multiple records. Records updated directly within Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) also trigger similar data management services but do not trigger the survivorship rules. These services take an incoming account or contact record and do the following:

                                                                      • Check the system privilege of the application submitting the record.

                                                                      • Cross-reference the record if an external account ID is provided.

                                                                      • Create the Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) for the record if the record is new.

                                                                      • Call the Data Cleansing Engine to standardize and validate account or contact name and address.

                                                                      • Perform an exact match process that is based on the configured parameter. The default value for account records is External Account ID, and the default value for contact records is External Contact ID.

                                                                      • If an exact match is not found, call the Data Matching Engine to perform fuzzy matching to identify possible duplication. The default is Account Name for account records. The default is Contact first name and last name for contact records.

                                                                        Note: Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) provides an embedded data matching and cleansing solution. The Siebel Data Quality module is licensed separately from Oracle Customer Hub (UCM). See Siebel Data Quality Administration Guide and your third-party data quality provider documentation for more information.

                                                                      Depending on the matching score returned from the Data Matching Engine, Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) can create a new record, link to an existing record, or store the incoming record for further investigation by the data steward. By default, the Data Matching Engine returns two threshold scores, an auto threshold score (upper) and manual threshold scores (lower), numbered on a scale of 0-100. You can configure these threshold numbers using Siebel Tools. The matching score results in the following three possibilities:

                                                                      • When the incoming record is matched above the upper threshold, Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) applies survivorship rules to merge the incoming record with an existing record in Oracle Customer Hub (UCM). For information on survivorship and on setting up the rules, see Process of Creating Survivorship Rules.

                                                                      • When the incoming record is matched below the lower threshold, Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) creates a new record and publishes a new-record message to other external systems. For information on publishing and subscribing, see Configuring System Publish and Subscribe for Oracle Master Data Management Applications.

                                                                      • When the incoming record is matched between the upper-threshold number and the lower-threshold number, Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) stores the record in the deduplication table (S_UCM_DEDUP) for further investigation. Data stewards can view the pending records in the Incoming Duplicates-Account or Contact screen.

                                                                        Configure your matching threshold and the Data Matching Engine rules based on your organization's data quality standards.

                                                                        Registering Systems Connected to Oracle Master Data Management Applications

                                                                        Every system that connects to Oracle Master Data Management Applications must be registered through the System Registrations view. When the registration is complete, the system's privileges and accessibility to Oracle Master Data Management Applications are administered on the other tabs within this view. For information on further defining the registered system, see the following:

                                                                        Use the following task to register a new system with Oracle Customer Hub (UCM).

                                                                        To register a new system

                                                                        1. Navigate to the Administration - Universal Customer Master screen, then the System Registrations view.

                                                                        2. In the System Registrations view, click New.

                                                                        3. Enter the appropriate information in the available fields to define the system.

                                                                          Use the following table for information on each of the fields.

                                                                          Table System Fields

                                                                          Field Description

                                                                          System ID

                                                                          The System ID represents an identifier for a system that accesses Oracle Master Data Management Applications. This number can be an IP address or some other means to identify a system.

                                                                          System Name

                                                                          The System Name is the name of the system that accesses Oracle Master Data Management Applications.

                                                                          Protocol Type

                                                                          The protocol that a system uses to access Oracle Master Data Management Applications. Currently, this value is HTTP, MQSeries, or JMS.

                                                                          Queue Manager Name

                                                                          The name of the queue manager that receives and sends messages from Oracle Master Data Management Applications. It is applicable only when the protocol type selected is MQSeries.

                                                                          Queue Receiver Channel

                                                                          The name of the queue configured on the Queue Manager to receive requests and send responses. It is applicable only when the protocol type selected is MQSeries.


                                                                          URL destination for posting responses to messages. Only applicable when protocol type is HTTP.

                                                                          Connection Factory

                                                                          The name of the connection factory; that is, the connection to the JMS provider. It is applicable only when the protocol type selected is JMS.

                                                                          Send Queue

                                                                          Specifies the JMS queue to which messages are sent. Send Queue is applicable only when the protocol type selected is JMS.


                                                                          The description of the system accessing Oracle Master Data Management Applications.


                                                                          Comments regarding the system accessing Oracle Master Data Management Applications.

                                                                        Use the following task to delete a system from Oracle Customer Hub (UCM).

                                                                        To delete a system

                                                                        1. Navigate to the Administration - Universal Customer Master screen, then the System Registrations view.

                                                                        2. From the link bar, select System Registrations.

                                                                        3. In the System Registrations list, select the system of interest.

                                                                          The System Registrations form for this system, which appears under the list, provides detailed information on this system.

                                                                        4. In the System Registrations form, click Delete.

                                                                          A confirmation dialog appears.

                                                                          Note: Deleting registered systems can create foreign key integrity violations because external systems might still contain references to deleted foreign keys in operations, such as cross-referencing, survivorship definitions, source data, history records, and so on.
                                                                        5. Click OK to delete the system.

                                                                          Setting System Privileges for Oracle Master Data Management Applications

                                                                          After a system is registered, administrators can set privileges for this system, which allows grant access to Oracle Master Data Management Applications. For example, a system might allow insert, update, and query privileges on Contact records but not allow the privilege of deleting the contact. Privileges are granted on the Business Objects layer. For information on registering a system, see Registering Systems Connected to Oracle Master Data Management Applications.

                                                                          Use the following task to set privileges for a system registered to Oracle Customer Hub (UCM).

                                                                          To set a system’s privileges

                                                                          1. Navigate to the Administration - Universal Customer Master screen, then the System Registrations view.

                                                                          2. From the Systems Registrations list, select the system of interest, and click the link in the System ID field.

                                                                          3. From the System Detail view, click the System Privileges tab.

                                                                          4. In the System Privileges view, click New.

                                                                          5. Enter the appropriate information in the available fields to define the privileges for each object in the system.

                                                                            Use the following table for information on each of the fields.

                                                                            Field Description

                                                                            Object Name

                                                                            An object stored in Oracle Master Data Management Applications, such as contact, account, household, and so on.


                                                                            The query privileges for the object selected in the Object Name field.


                                                                            The insert privileges for the object selected in the Object Name field.


                                                                            The update privileges for the object selected in the Object Name field.


                                                                            The delete privileges for the object selected in the Object Name field.


                                                                            Comments on the privileges chosen for the selected object of the selected system.

                                                                          6. Enter the appropriate information in the available fields to define the publish and subscribe privileges for each object in the system. Make sure to set the Publish Frequency field to real-time.

                                                                            Use the following table for information on each of the fields.

                                                                            Field Description

                                                                            Object Name

                                                                            An object stored in Oracle Master Data Management Applications like Contact, Account, Household, and so on.

                                                                            Publish Frequency

                                                                            How often Oracle Master Data Management Applications update the system’s information for the selected object. Select the real-time value for publish and subscribe functionality in real-time mode. For information on configuring publish and subscribe functionality in batch mode, see the following procedure.

                                                                            Last Published

                                                                            The last time Oracle Master Data Management Applications published record changes for the selected object to this selected system.

                                                                            Start Date

                                                                            The start date of the publish and subscribe functionality.

                                                                            End Date

                                                                            The end date of the publish and subscribe functionality.


                                                                            Signifies if the object subscribes to event publishing.

                                                                            Business Service

                                                                            The business service being used.

                                                                            Business Service Method

                                                                            The business service method.


                                                                            Comments on the publish and subscribe definition for the selected object of the selected system.

                                                                          7. Navigate to Administration - Business Process, then Workflow Processes.

                                                                          8. Query for UCM Customer Profile Integration Process or a prepared customized workflow.

                                                                            For more information on the UCM Customer Profile Integration Process, see About Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) Workflows.

                                                                          9. Make sure that the decision point in the workflow process is set to True, which routes incoming messages to the UCM Publish/Subscribe Service.

                                                                            For information on the Siebel Business Process Designer and configuring workflow processes, see Siebel Business Process Framework: Workflow Guide.

                                                                          Use the following task to configure publish and subscribe

                                                                          To configure publish and subscribe for a system in batch mode

                                                                          1. Navigate to the Administration - Universal Customer Master screen, then the System Registrations view.

                                                                          2. In the System Registrations list, select the system of interest, and drill down on the link in the System ID field.

                                                                          3. Click the Publish/Subscribe tab.

                                                                          4. In the Publish/Subscribe view, select an existing record that you want to configure, or click New.

                                                                          5. Enter the appropriate information in the available fields to define the publish and subscribe privileges for each object in the system. Make sure to set the Publish Frequency field to Daily Batch.

                                                                            Use the following table for information on each of the fields.

                                                                            Field Description

                                                                            Object Name

                                                                            An object stored in Oracle Master Data Management Applications like Contact, Account, Household, and so on.

                                                                            Publish Frequency

                                                                            Indicates how often Oracle Master Data Management Applications update the system’s information for the selected object. Select the daily batch value for batch-mode publish and subscribe functionality. For information the publish and subscribe procedure in real-time, see Configuring System Publish and Subscribe for Oracle Master Data Management Applications.


                                                                            Signifies if the object subscribes to event publishing.

                                                                            Last Published

                                                                            The last time Oracle Master Data Management Applications published record changes for the selected object to this selected system.

                                                                            Start Date

                                                                            The start date is a required field to receive updates from Oracle Customer Hub (UCM). It is the date and time that determine which records are considered for publishing to a particular system.

                                                                            End Date

                                                                            End date of the publish and subscribe functionality.


                                                                            Signifies if the object subscribes to event publishing.

                                                                            Business Service

                                                                            The business service being used.

                                                                            Business Service Method

                                                                            The business service method.


                                                                            Comments on the publish and subscribe definition for the selected object of the selected system.

                                                                          6. Step off the record to save the publish and subscribe functionality.