4Configuring the List Import Function

Configuring the List Import Function

This chapter describes how to import and manage lists of accounts and contacts from supported applications for use in Oracle Customer Hub (UCM). It includes the following topics:

About List Management in Oracle Customer Hub (UCM)

Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) allows the business user to perform bulk import operations on account and contact records from external systems. The configurable process allows the business user to import from the following file formats: delimited text files (such as CSV, tab delimited, fixed width, or other delimiter) and XML files. The automated process consists of two steps:

  • A list import into SDH (Source Data History) tables.

  • A batch process that calls existing Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) services for data cleansing, data matching, and survivorship. These processes identify the best version record before committing the record to a base table. The best version record can then be published to all subscribing systems.

    Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) Data Steward Functions:

    The data steward performs the following functions with Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) data:

    • Imports data from the flat files into staging tables (SDH tables).

      If an error occurs when importing files into SDH tables, then the data steward consults the Import-Exceptions view for a detailed view of the records that failed the import. From this view the data steward corrects the data in the flat file and reimports the remaining records.

    • Uses the UCM Batch Data Management business service to move records from the staging tables to the base tables.

      If an error occurs, such as records failing validation, or a batch-mode process cannot be completed, then the data steward consults the Incomplete Transaction view, corrects the problem, and starts a rerun of the batch process to include the failed records.

      Scenarios for Using the List Import Function with Oracle Customer Hub (UCM)

      This topic gives the following examples of how the List Import function might be used with Oracle Customer Hub (UCM). You might use Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) differently depending on your business model.

        Importing and Cleansing a Flat File

        A branch of a national bank’s account-opening system sends a flat file containing a given days’ customer and account records for create and update. The originating system is a registered source system for Oracle Customer Hub.

        A business user takes the flat file and imports it into Oracle Customer Hub, using the List Import function. Because this file is to be processed daily, the user automates the import process to take place at 1:00 AM every day. When defining the scheduling process, the user uploads the file (a delimited text file) and selects which type of data included in the document: data intended for the Account or Contact objects. This action displays a predefined set of Business Component fields that allows the user to map the columns of the file.

        Because this file is in a standard layout, the user selects a predefined mapping and starts the import process. The import process validates the format of the data. After the import process is complete, an IT user runs a server task to run the Batch Data Management workflow in Oracle Customer Hub. All the updates are propagated on the base tables as defined by the survivorship rules predefined in Oracle Customer Hub. All imported records are also cleansed and matched.

          Verifying Import and Updating Errors

          Following the successful import of a flat file, a data steward at the same bank branch verifies the import process and identifies the records that were deleted because of errors during the Batch Data Management workflow. These views show all the records that have failed the import process with a status set to Incomplete. The data steward corrects the data from the UI and changes the type of the record from Incomplete to Batch. After the type of the record is changed to Batch, the Run UCM Batch button is enabled. The data steward clicks the Run UCM Batch button to rerun the UCM Batch Data Management process for the corrected records. For more information about importing flat files, see Importing and Cleansing a Flat File.

            About List Import Settings

            You configure single import jobs or recurrent import jobs in the Oracle Customer Hub Administration, Import Screen. From this screen you perform import operations on contact and account records.

            The import settings allow you to set the import options, including mapping settings, schedule the frequency of import operations, view the status of an import job, view processed files, and view and change any records that have failed during the import.

              About the ConsolidateListImportService

              The List Import function serves as a standalone Web service invoked from the Data Governance Management module. For more information, see ConsolidateListImportService.

                Setting List Import System Preferences

                You set the system preferences for the List Import operations from the System Preferences screen as shown in the following task.

                To set List Import system preferences

                1. Navigate to the Administration - Application screen, then System Preferences.

                2. Perform the following query: UCM*.

                3. In the System Preference Value field choose TRUE or FALSE to set each preference.

                  The following information lists the system preferences for List Import function.

                  Table System Preferences for the List Import Function

                  System Preference Value Description

                  UCM Import: Enable Validation

                  True or False

                  Optional. If set to True, then the validation process is automatically run after the records are imported into Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) staging (SDH) tables. The validation process checks if any required fields specified in the Import Mapping are missing in the imported records. Any record that fails the validation process has its UCM type code changed from Batch to Incomplete, and the validation status is inserted in the Error Message field.

                  UCM Import: Enable Launch BDM

                  True or False

                  Optional. If set to True, then the UCM Batch Process is automatically run after the records are imported into Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) staging (SDH) tables. This process moves records in staging to the base tables. You can also start the UCM Batch Process as a separate server task outside of the List Import function in the Server Administration screen.

                  The process properties for UCM Batch Process workflow are as follows:

                  • OverrideServerCompParams. Overrides the server component parameters. The default value is False. This parameter must be set to False or UCMBatchProcess server tasks will use the workflow parameters and not the server task input parameters. When UCM Import: Launch BDM is enabled, the List Import function sets it to True so the workflow parameters will be taken.

                  • Pub/Sub. Enables publish and subscribe. The default value is False.

                  • TurnOnCDMCleanse. If this flag is true, Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) invokes Oracle Data Quality Manager to cleanse the records, standardize the record name, and verify the addresses before continuing to the next step.

                    Note: CDM (Customer Data Management) Cleanse is performed before the CDM Match step.
                  • TurnOnCDMExactMatch. If this flag is true, then Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) invokes Exact Match to query the base table for the record. Depending on the the way it is configured Exact Match can use either a Cross Reference Table, a Query By Example, or a Query By User Key. If Exact Match does not find the match, then Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) uses DQ Match to find the record.

                  Note: This assumes that CDM Match is enabled. The default value of this setting is False.

                  UCM Import: Enable Launch BDM


                  True or False

                  • TurnOnCDMMatch. If this flag is true, then Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) invokes DQ Match, using a third-party matching engine. The default value is False.

                  • TurnOnSE. If this flag is true, then Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) invokes the Survivorship Engine when merging (or updating) records. The default value is False.

                  Configuring Import Field Mapping

                  You can configure additional Business Component User Properties to allow users to map to additional fields in the Account or Contact SDH Business Component. The format for any user properties that you add to either the Account or Contact SDH Business Component is as follows:

                  • Name: Map:[Object].[Field]

                  • Value: [SDH Business Component Name].[Business Component Field name]

                  For example, the following information lists the UCM Account Source Data and History business component has the following user properties.

                  Table User Properties for the UCM Account Source Data and History Business Component

                  User Property Value


                  UCM Account Source Data and History.Name


                  UCM Account Address Source Data and History.City

                  Map:Contact.Job Title

                  UCM Contact Source Data and History.Job Title

                  Use the following task to add a new user property.

                  To add a new user property

                  1. In the Siebel Tools Object Explorer, click Business Component.

                  2. In the Business Components screen, query for the business component that you want, for instance, UCM Account Source Data and History.

                  3. Lock the project or object that you are working on.

                  4. In the Object Explorer, click Business Component User Property.

                  5. In the Business Component User Property view, right click, and select New Record.

                  6. In the Name field enter the User Property name, for instance, Map:Account.Name.

                  7. In the Value field, enter the business component name, then a period, then the field within that business component, for instance, UCM Account Source Data and History.Name.

                  8. Step off the record to save it.

                    Configuring Additional Child Objects for the List Import Function

                    If you have configured child SDH objects and must import these child objects with the Account or Contact parent record, then you must perform the following configuration tasks. For a list of supported child objects, see Supported Child Objects for List Import.

                    To configure additional child objects for import

                    1. In Siebel Tools, query for the child SDH Business Component.

                      For example, query for UCM Account Address Source Data and History.

                    2. Lock the object or project.

                    3. In the Business Component User Properties view, add a Business Component User Property with the following name and value:

                      • Name: Parent SDH ID Field Name

                      • Value: The field that contains its parent SDH ID

                    4. In the parent SDH Business Component, add the additional field mapping for the child object.

                      For more information on mapping, see Configuring Import Field Mapping.

                    5. In the parent SDH Business Component, for example 'UCM Account Source Data and History' or 'UCM Contact Source Data and History' add the new Business Component User Property to specify the child object Business Component for validation. The format is as follows:

                      • Name: Validation:[Object Name]

                      • Value: Object Business Component Name

                        The following table lists the UCM Account Source Data and History Business Component validation user properties.

                        Table Validation User Properties for the UCM Account Source Data and History Business Component

                        User Property Value




                        CUT Address



                        The following table lists the UCM Contact Source Data and History Business Component validation user properties.

                        Table Validation User Properties for the UCM Contact Source Data and History Business Component

                        User Property Value




                        Personal Address.



                        Validate:SM Profile

                        SM Contact Social Profile.

                        Note: SM Contact Social Profile is supported as of Siebel Innovation Pack 2014.
                    6. For the Import Business Object, either UCM Account Import or UCM Contact Import, add the new child SDH Business Component and the corresponding link to the parent SDH Business Component.

                      For example, if you are configuring new child objects for the Account business object, modify the UCM Account Import Business Object. If you are configuring for the Contact business object, then modify the UCM Contact Import business object.

                    7. In the UCM File Manager Service Business Service, add a new Business Service user property for the new child SDH Business Component. For example, since Account Import has two child objects (Address and Contact) you must add two Business Service user properties:

                      • For Account Import Staging Child Buscomp 1, add the child record, UCM Account Address Source Data and History.

                      • For Account Import Staging Child Buscomp 2, add the child record, UCM Contact Source Data and History.

                      Supported Child Objects for List Import

                      The following information lists the child objects that are supported out of the box for List Import functions.

                      Table Sample table

                      Parent Object Child Object Business Component Name


                      • Contact

                      • Address
                      • Contact

                      • CUT Address


                      • Account

                      • Address
                      • Social Media Profile
                      • Account

                      • Personal Address

                      • SM Contact Social Profile

                        Note: SM Contact Social Profile is supported as of Siebel Innovation Pack 2014.

                        Administering the List Import Function

                          Creating and Scheduling Import Jobs

                          Each import job uses a reusable import mapping between the columns of the input data and the columns of the Oracle Customer Hub SDH tables. If you are performing an import operation and have not previously configured table mappings, then see Working with Import Job Data Mapping.

                          Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) can be configured to ignore certain fields and allow field updates while checking for duplicate records. After the job has been defined with import mappings, the job can be scheduled to run. Jobs can be executed on a recurring basis. You can monitor an activated job for exceptions and errors. For more information monitoring transactions, see Viewing and Correcting Incomplete Import Transactions. Use the following task to schedule a list import operation.

                          To schedule a list import operation

                          1. Navigate to the Administration - Universal Customer Master screen, then the Import view.

                          2. In the Import Jobs screen, query for an existing job, or click New to create a new one.

                          3. To create a new job, click the Select button in the Source field.

                            The Systems window appears.

                          4. Click the system from which you want to import the batch file, for instance, AIA.

                            The following table lists some of the fields for the new record.

                            Field Comments

                            Job Name

                            In the text field, provide a unique job name.

                            Main Object

                            Select the object that the list import job will be updating: either the Account or Contact object.


                            In the text field, describe the job.

                            Importing Mapping

                            Click the Select button, then in the window, select the Import Mapping template.

                            The import mapping are saved definitions of mapped fields in a chosen business component. Select from the saved definitions, or create a new definition of the mapped fields. For more information on mapping, see Working with Import Job Data Mapping.


                            A check appears in this field after you activate the import job. To activate the import job, click the Activate button. To stop the job, click the Deactivate button.

                          5. Click the Job Setup View tab to further define details about the source file that you will import. The following table lists the fields in the Source File Details area.

                            Field Comments

                            File Selection

                            Specifies the source file. Choose one of the following values:

                            • Use exact file name. With this option, the File Name field on the form becomes editable.

                            • Use most recent file. Allows for recurring jobs.

                            File Name

                            Click the Select button to browse to the source file or to enter a URL.

                            Data Type

                            Click the data type. The options are: comma separated, tab delimited, other delimiter, fixed width, and XML.


                            If the data type of the source file is Other Delimiter, then you must enter a character, otherwise this field is not editable. The tab delimited and CSV data types are automatically handled.

                            Header Row Included

                            Select this check box if the file includes a header row.

                            Schedule Mode

                            Click the list, and choose a value. The values include: One time (manually started), One time (scheduled), and Repeating.

                            Note: You must enter a value in the Schedule Mode field before activating a job.

                            Start Date

                            Click the Select button, then chose a date and time from the Calendar window, and click Save.

                            Repeat Frequency

                            Click the Select button to enter a numeric value for the frequency of the job being run. You set the unit of frequency in the next field.

                            Repeat Unit

                            Choose the repeat unit. The values include: hours, days, weeks, or months.

                            End Date

                            Click the Select button, then choose an end date and time from the Calendar widow, and click Save.

                          6. In the Input Arguments view, click New if you want to add new input arguments.

                          7. Click Activate to make the import job active.

                            Working with Import Job Data Mapping

                            Before you import a new file, you must map the fields in the imported list to the fields in either the Contact or the Account business component. When you do this mapping, the values in the list fields are transferred into the correct fields in the record.

                            There are two ways to create a new import mapping template:

                            • To create a new import mapping template, see the first procedure in this topic.

                            • If you have already created an import job and attached the import file to the job, then see second procedure in this topic.

                            Use the following task to create a new import mapping template.

                            To create a new import mapping template

                            1. Navigate to the Administration - Universal Customer Master screen, then the Import Mappings view.

                            2. In the Import Mappings screen, query for an existing Import Mappings template, or click New to create a new one.

                            3. Enter the Reference Name and Main Object (either the Account or Contact object) for this Import Mapping template.

                            4. Click on the New button to create new Field Mapping.

                            5. For each entry, click the Select button in the Field Name field.

                              The Import Mappings picklist appears listing the import object and the field in that object to which the data is mapped.

                            6. Choose an entry, then click OK.

                            7. Repeat steps 4 through 6 for each field you want to map to.

                              Use the following task to map the fields of an import job.

                            To map fields for an import job

                            1. After successfully creating an Import Job as outlined in Creating and Scheduling Import Jobs, click the Data Mapping tab.

                            2. In the Data Mapping view, click Refresh Mapping.

                              The provided input file is read and the sample input data is displayed.

                            3. For each entry, click in Input Field, then click the Select button.

                              The Import Mappings picklist appears listing the import object and the field in that object to which the data is mapped.

                            4. Choose an entry and click OK.

                            5. Repeat for each field that you want to map to.

                              Viewing the Status of an Import Job

                              Use the following task to view the status of an import job.

                              To view the status of an import job

                              1. Navigate to the Administration - Universal Customer Master screen, then the Import view.

                              2. In the Import Jobs screen, select the job, then click the Job Status View tab.

                                The status of the import is displayed in the Job Status view.

                              3. Navigate to the Task Summary view to access a log file of the import transaction or a task summary of the transaction.

                              4. To switch between the view options, click the list, and select either Task Log or Task Summary.

                                Viewing Processed Import Files

                                To view import files processed during an import operation, use the Files Processed view on the Import Jobs screen as shown in the following task.

                                To view processed import files

                                1. Navigate to the Administration - Universal Customer Master screen, then the Import view.

                                2. In the Import Jobs screen, select the job, then click the Files Processed View tab.

                                  The Files Processed view displays all processed files for the import jobs.

                                  Viewing Import Exception Files

                                  To view exception files from an import operation, use the Exceptions view on the Import Jobs screen as shown in the following task.

                                  To view import exception files

                                  1. Navigate to the Administration - Universal Customer Master screen, then the Import view.

                                  2. In the Import Jobs screen, select the job, then click the Exceptions View tab.

                                    The Exceptions view displays all excepted files from the import job.

                                    Viewing and Correcting Incomplete Import Transactions

                                    To view or correct incomplete import transactions, use the Incomplete Transactions screen. This screen enables you to view all account and contact transactions that failed the import validation or failed during the UCM batch process. You can view information about the record, as well as the specific error message. Use the following task to view and, if necessary, correct incomplete import transactions.

                                    To view and correct incomplete import transactions

                                    1. Navigate to the Administration - Universal Customer Master screen, then the Incomplete Transactions view.

                                    2. Click the list, and select either Incomplete Accounts or Incomplete Contacts.

                                    3. In the chosen view, find the job record.

                                    4. For incomplete account records, click the Account link in the record.

                                      The Incomplete Account Detail view appears, displaying the relevant data associated with the chosen account record, including its Address and Contact child objects.

                                    5. For incomplete contact records, click the Last Name link.

                                      The Incomplete Contact Detail view appears, displaying the relevant data associated with the chosen contact record, including its Address and Account child objects.

                                    6. Make the necessary corrections, and change the Record Type from Incomplete to Batch, then step off the record to save it, or choose Save Record from the application level menu.

                                    7. Click either Incomplete Contact Details or Incomplete Account Details on the thread bar to return to the previous view.

                                    8. Click the Run UCM Batch button to rerun the UCM Batch Process for the selected record.

                                      Note: You can select multiple records in this view.