3Architecture and Framework of Oracle Customer Hub (UCM)

Architecture and Framework of Oracle Customer Hub (UCM)

About Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) Framework and Interactions

Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) forms the master application and database of an organization’s data. It interacts with back-office systems and deployments of Siebel Business Applications to provide different organizational business units with consistent and timely data. A variety of functionality is available between Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) Applications and Siebel Business Applications or back-office applications using enterprise integration and the regular links to Siebel Business Applications. This relationship is shown in the following.

Oracle Customer Hub Framework

For information about the functionality included with Oracle Customer Hub (UCM), see the following:

About Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) Functions and Services

The database tables and Siebel Connector for Master Data Applications support insert, delete, update, and query functionality on master data, such as customers, products, and so on. When these functions are available in Siebel Business Applications and back-office systems, they can be used to make modifications to an organization’s data, which is then stored and reconciled in Oracle Customer Hub. For more information on Siebel Connector for Master Data Applications, see About Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) Architecture and Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) Prebuilt Business Services.

For information about prebuilt services and interfaces for Oracle Master Data Management Applications, see ASIs and Messages for Oracle Master Data Management Applications.

Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) also provides the following services through configuration:

Services can be configured to operate in real-time mode or batch mode. Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) uses a variety of integration techniques to allow the operation of functions and services between other applications and themselves. See About Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) Architecture for more information.

Administering Oracle Customer Hub

Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) is administered through Oracle Customer Hub Data Steward user interface screens. However, only those screens necessary for viewing and administering the information contained within Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) are included. Only administrators have access to these screens. The administration screens are used to make manual changes to the data, make decisions on suspect information, and set up rules and policies for managing data in Oracle Customer Hub (UCM).

Access control is enforced at the user-interface level for Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) administration screens. Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) messages have full visibility of the data; that is, no access control mechanism is applied to the messages, but they are subject to system privilege checks when accessing Oracle Customer Hub. For more information on configuring system privileges, see Setting System Privileges for Oracle Master Data Management Applications. For information on access control, see Configuring Siebel Business Applications and Siebel Security Guide.

About Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) Architecture

Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) is based on the n-tier object architecture of Siebel Business Applications in which the user interface, business logic, and data are separated and layered. Each tier contains a set of objects and components, which allows a high degree of reuse. The consolidated object layer enables uniform communication between channels and interfaces. This architecture also allows flexible deployments and integration with new business processes and systems. The following figure shows the Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) architecture.

Oracle Master Data Application n-tier Architecture

Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) architecture is designed for extreme fault tolerance with zero downtime. The database platform includes the following:

  • High-availability upgrades and online upgrades of the production environment.

  • Enhanced cluster support that allows automatic and transparent fail-over between servers and eliminates single points of failure.

  • Database auto-reconnect, which allows servers to continue operating after a temporary outage without any intervention.

  • Server-component reconfiguration without stopping current tasks or client sessions.

  • Supports multithreaded and interactive components, except background-mode components.

    Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) User Interface Layer

    The user interface layer for Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) Applications is interactive and customizable. It consists of two parts:

    • Physical user interface layer. It includes templates and tags that render the user interface,

    • Logical user interface objects layer. It presents the data in the user interface. The physical rendering includes: applets, charts, and reports. There are multiple presentation formats, including HTML, XML, and WML. The user interface layer does not contain any business logic. For more information about the user interface layer, see Configuring Siebel Business Applications. The user interface layer is used for the administration of the Siebel Business Applications. For more information, see Administering Oracle Customer Hub.

      Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) Business Objects Layer

      The business logic layer for Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) contains object abstractions of entities and represents internal and external data. The logic layer also allows for complex entity relationships. For more information about the business objects layer and how to customize it, see Configuring Siebel Business Applications.

      The business object manager consists of the Object Manager, Data Manager, and an Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) Integration instance.

        Object Manager and Data Manager

        The object manager and data manager layer use:

        • Business objects

        • Business components

        • Virtual business components

        • External business components

        These business objects are customizable. For more information about the business objects and data objects layer, see Configuring Siebel Business Applications.

          Siebel Industry EAI Architecture

          Siebel Industry EAI architecture is built to work with the Siebel Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) architecture and to support XML-based messaging communication infrastructure. Different applications require integration using messaging mechanisms. Connectors must be built to support various industry standards.

          Siebel Business Applications allow you to build and deploy multiple connectors. For example, the Siebel Financial Services Application has built three connectors:

          • Siebel Connector for Master Data Applications

          • Siebel Connector for ACORD XML

          • Siebel Connector for IFX XML

          The connectors are based on the Siebel Industry EAI framework.

          The following illustrates the high-level architecture of the Siebel Industry EAI and the standard connectors.

          High-Level Architecture of Siebel Industry EAI and Standard Connectors

          Siebel Connector for Master Data Applications is based on Siebel XML standards in addition to a predefined Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) envelope, headers for identifying the sending system, and associated privileges information. It is designed to address the real-time requirement by defining business processes that include both a request and a response message. Siebel Connector for Master Data Applications provides functions such as:

          • Handling message headers

          • Handling heterogeneous objects in the body section of an XML message

          • Security checking for system registration

          • Privilege checking for customer business process management

          • Publishing customer information changes in both real-time mode and batch mode

          Siebel Connector for Master Data Applications includes several business services. For more information on these services, see Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) Prebuilt Business Services.

          Business Process Flow

          Each standard integration or custom integration is based on the creation of business process flows. A business process flow controls the entire business transaction instance. The following figure illustrates inbound (Receive-Send) business process flow. Some of the business process flows might constitute messages published by Oracle Customer Hub (UCM), such as <InsertContactProduct>, <DeleteAccountAddress>, <UpdateContactProduct>, <UpdateHousehold>, <DeleteAccountAddressResponse>, <LookUpAccount>, <LookUpPersonalAddressByState>, and so on. These messages are included in Siebel Master Data Applications for Industry Applications.

          The business process flow for each of these business process flows is largely contained within a Siebel workflow process. The workflow process is instantiated by the Business Integration Manager after receiving the inbound request from a subscribing application.

          The business process flow is displayed in the following figure.

          Business Process Flow
          Inbound Data Flow

          An inbound business process flow starts with a receiver server component, such as the MQSeries or HTTP Receiver. The receiver server component runs in the background continuously waiting for messages to arrive from external applications. After receiving a Customer Relationship Management Markup Language (CRMML) message, the receiver then calls the workflow process configured to handle and process the data.

          The workflow dictates the business logic behind the Siebel Connector for Master Data Applications as follows:

          1. The raw XML text string passes through XML Hierarchy Converter and is converted into an XML integration object instance.

          2. The UCM Dispatcher reads the XML instance and identifies the messages received according to the rule sets of the UCM Dispatcher Map. It then identifies the envelope, header, and body sections in the hierarchy nodes and sends it to the UCM Security Manager.

            Note: The Dispatcher Map is shipped as part of Oracle Customer Hub (UCM). For information, see UCM Dispatcher Map Integration Objects.
          3. The UCM Security Manager takes the XML instance, verifies subscribing system for registration with Oracle Customer Hub, checks the operation identified in each body section for the privileges. It then attaches any failed privilege bodies to the FailSecurityHierarchy before sending it to the UCM Converter.

          4. UCM Converter takes the XML instance and processes individual sections of the instance while converting each subtree into external integration object instances before sending it to UCM Transaction Manager.

          5. UCM Transaction Manager performs operations specified in the instance by invoking the services configured in its user properties. Source data is captured for insert, update, and delete operations, and history data is captured for update and delete operations.

            • If the EnableRealtimeInsert user property is set to False, then insert requests are queued in the Source Data History table.

            • Update operations invoke Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) Survivorship Engine or Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) Data Quality Manager, if enabled.

          6. If UCM Publish and Subscribe service is configured for real-time publishing, then messages are sent to systems registered for the particular business objects executed.

          Workflow Integration

          Siebel Business Process Designer is the center of the business data flow. Workflow processes control the movement and transformation of data to and from Siebel Business Applications. You create the workflow processes, using a graphical user interface provided with Siebel Business Applications, called Siebel Business Process Designer. For information on workflows and Siebel Business Process Designer, see Siebel Business Process Framework: Workflow Guide.

          Integration Objects

          Integration objects are data containers used within the workflow environment. They represent the data structure of a Siebel Business Object or an external application's data object. You create integration objects with the Integration Object Builder provided in Siebel Tools. The Integration Object Builder creates Siebel Integration Objects from Siebel Business Objects, which are then used by components within Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) Integration. Supporting integration objects for Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) business processes are shipped with Oracle Customer Hub. For more information on integration objects, see Overview: Siebel Enterprise Application Integration.

          Business Services

          Business services execute predefined or custom actions in a workflow process. Examples of business services include the UCM Transaction Manager, the EAI Siebel Adapter, the UCM Converter, and so on. These business services act on property sets passed to them. They perform business logic operations, such as connecting to the database, connecting to external systems, or transforming one integration object into another. Many business services are provided, but you can create your own. Although you can use business services to perform many different functions, they all have a standard interface. Business services have object-like qualities, such as methods, method arguments, and user properties. These elements define how a business service can be used. Business services are defined in Siebel Tools. This guide describes those business services used to connect with external systems within an organization's application network. For more information on business services, Integration Platform Technologies: Siebel Enterprise Application Integration.

          CRMML Message

          Customer Relationship Management Markup Language (CRMML) is a Siebel messaging system that enables applications to exchange CRM data and call remote, business processes. CRMML allows different applications with different data models to share information or replicate data through document exchange and cross-reference objects. It also allows multiple applications to share business logic and business processes through remote procedure calls.

          CRMML is an extensible XML vocabulary. CRMML specification defines a set of syntax and rules to describe how to interpret messages and how to extend messages. CRMML messages contain a simple envelope, a header section, and a body section. For more information on CRMML, see ASIs and Messages for Oracle Master Data Management Applications.

          Note: With the release of Siebel CRM version 8.1.1 Siebel Industry Applications, Customer Relationship Management Markup Language (CRMML) was deprecated in favor of the increased functionality of Web services. These Web services provide a more service-oriented interface to Oracle Customer Hub (UCM). It is recommended that you migrate from CRMML to these Web services as soon as is practical. CRMML will no longer be part of Siebel CRM releases as of version If you are using CRMML in previous patch releases, such as Siebel CRM version or earlier, then you may continue to use this functionality through August, 2012. CRMML will not be supported as of September 2012 and you will be directed to Web service-based solutions for future use. Further, CRMML is not supported for use with Siebel CRM version 8.2.x or with new features added to Oracle Customer Hub (UCM), version 8.2. For more information on Web services, see Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) and Data Governance Manager Web Services Reference

            Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) Data Objects Layer

            Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) Applications support leading databases on various platforms. These platforms include the following: IBM DB2 for Windows and UNIX, DB2 for OS/390 and z/OS. It also includes Oracle Database and Microsoft SQL Server). The data layer can scale vertically (with the size of the server) and horizontally with database parallelization. For more information about the data objects layer, see Configuring Siebel Business Applications.

              UCM Account Source Data and History Service

              UCM Account Source Data and History service synchronizes the account record with the UCM Account Source Data and History record.

                UCM Batch Manager

                UCM Batch Manager processes insert requests queued in the Source Data History (SDH) table in batch mode. It also processes data in batch mode during the initial loading through Siebel Enterprise Integration Manager.

                You can enable UCM Batch Manager to allow multiple view modes, such as viewing records across multiple organizations, by setting the ViewMode User Property in the UCM Batch Manager. For configuration instructions, see Siebel System Requirements and Supported Platforms on Oracle Technology Network.

                  UCM Contact Source Data and History Service

                  UCM Contact Source Data and History service synchronizes the Contact record with the UCM Contact Source Data and History record.

                    UCM Converter

                    The UCM Converter converts Siebel Master Data Applications messages received to a property set for inbound communication. The converter iterates through the requests and responses in the message to construct error information (if any) and also constructs the envelope and header section of the message.

                      UCM Cross-Reference Service

                      The UCM Cross-Reference Service handles different operations on the UCM Cross-Reference records.

                        UCM Data Decay Service

                        The UCM Data Decay Service handles data decay related operations. It resets the decay metrics when a field is updated. It prepares inputs to invoke the rules engine and parses the rule outputs, and it prepares the inputs to notify the data steward about decayed data.

                          UCM Data Governance Manager

                          This service provides an interface to support the handling of Create, Retrieve, Update and Delete (CRUD) operations on the cross-reference information for the primary business objects (Account, Contact).

                            UCM Data Governance Manager Service

                            UCM Data Governance Manager Service is a business service that provides an interface and also the implementation for the handling of the requests from Oracle Data Governance Manager which is based on Oracle Application Development Framework. The methods of this business service address the categories of Master, Consolidate, Share, Cleanse and Govern areas. These methods have been registered in the Siebel Web Service framework as Inbound Web service operations for the following Web services:

                            • MasterService

                            • ConsolidateService

                            • ConsolidateListImportService

                            • ShareService

                            • GovernService

                            • CleanseCompletenessService

                            • SystemsRegistrationService

                            For more information on these Web services, see Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) and Data Governance Manager Web Services Reference

                              UCM Data Mgmt Util Service

                              The UCM Data Mgmt Util Service is invoked for Guided Merge tasks. It validates customer inputs from Task Based UI applets and prepares inputs for UCM Merge service.

                                UCM Data Quality Manager

                                UCM Data Quality Manager is responsible for cleansing and matching records before processing a transaction.

                                UCM Data Quality Business Services

                                UCM Data Quality includes the following business services:

                                • DataEnrichment

                                • ISS System Services

                                • ISS Utility Services

                                • TestDqSync

                                  UCM Data Steward UI Service

                                  The UCM Data Steward UI Service handles UI operations that the data steward performs, including preparing for Merge and Unmerge requests and removing the Pending status from suspect records.

                                    UCM Dispatcher

                                    The UCM Dispatcher is responsible for receiving and dispatching inbound messages. It receives the inbound message and scans the message for any operations specified in its rule sets dispatcher map and associates the integration objects for the connector components. It then does the following actions:

                                    • Parses the envelope of the message

                                    • Converts the envelope to the header property set

                                    • Passes the integration objects for the specified action, the envelope layer property set, and the XML message to the connector components for further processing

                                      UCM FINCORP Account Source Data and History Service

                                      UCM FINCORP Account Source Data and History service synchronizes the financial account record with the UCM FINCORP Account Source Data and History record.

                                        UCM Household Source Data and History Service

                                        UCM Household Source Data and History service synchronizes the Household record with the UCM Household Source Data and History record.

                                          UCM List Import Services

                                          Provides the main functions for the List Import service to process import jobs, validate data, and handle errors. This business service also includes functions to process List Import Web service requests.

                                            UCM File Manager Service

                                            Use in List Import to process import files and write records into Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) staging tables (SDH tables).

                                              UCM Merge Service

                                              The UCM Merge Service handles all the UCM Merge related operations. It validates merge requests, submits valid merge request for further merge processing, prepares a History record to be stored in the Source Data and History tables, calls survivorship to decide on the winning fields, prepares inputs for merging child objects, and purges merge requests on a user specified status.

                                                UCM Publish/Subscribe Service

                                                The UCM Publish/Subscribe Service supports both near real-time publish operations, and daily batch publish operations.

                                                The near real-time publish module takes the Siebel Connector for Master Data Applications output message, which could include heterogeneous body segments with different business object types, as an input message. It dynamically constructs a unique output message for each system. The output is based on the Business Object type that is registered in the Publish/Subscribe administration view. The near real-time publish module sends the constructed messages to the registered systems through a registered protocol type.

                                                Similarly, the daily-batch publish module publishes the synchronization information of registered Business Object types. The module constructs messages according to Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) message specification and sends them to the registered system through registered protocol types.

                                                Both publish modules then update the Last Publish time to the database in the Publish/Subscribe table.

                                                The UCM Publish/Subscribe Service has the following default user properties:

                                                • EnableCrossReference[FALSE]

                                                • ReloadSystemsCounter[10]

                                                • WorkflowName[UCM Async Realtime Publish Workflow]

                                                You can enable UCM Publish/Subscribe Service to allow multiple view modes, such as viewing records across multiple organizations, by setting the ViewMode User Property in the UCM Publish/Subscribe Service. For configuration instructions, see Siebel System Requirements and Supported Platforms on Oracle Technology Network.

                                                  UCM Security Manager

                                                  The UCM Security Manager acts as the gatekeeper of Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) Application. It verifies the System ID in the message header against the System Registrations in Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) before it can perform the operations. After a system passes the registration verification process, the UCM Security Manager cycles through the heterogeneous commands in the body. The UCM Security Manager checks the privilege of the individual operations in the body sections against the privileges in Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) for the particular object and operation. Any fail operation instances in the body are removed from the XMLHierarchy and attached to the FailSecurityHierarchy.

                                                    UCM Source Data and History Service

                                                    The UCM Source Data and History Service is responsible for most of the operations performed against the UCM Source Data and History tables, including saving the source record, deleting the history record, and so on.

                                                      UCM Survivorship Engine

                                                      UCM Survivorship Engine is a prebuilt business service to execute survivorship logic defined by data administrators. For background information on administering survivorship, see About Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) Survivorship Rules.

                                                        UCM System Task Service

                                                        Used in List Import to create the import job status or update the import job status or both.

                                                          UCM Transaction Manager

                                                          The UCM Transaction Manager executes operations specified in Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) Application message instances as Siebel database transactions. The UCM Transaction Manager also:

                                                          • Evaluates heterogeneous commands and executes the transactions.

                                                          • Invokes business services, including Siebel EAI, that are configured in its user properties. These business services can be invoked multiple times.

                                                          • Translates Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) Application command elements to Siebel Adapter actions and combines return results as a single property set.

                                                          You can add additional business logic or processing to take place in the UCM Transaction Manager after an inbound XML message is received and processed, but before it is committed.

                                                          You can enable UCM Transaction Manager to allow multiple view modes, such as viewing records across multiple organizations, by setting the ViewMode User Property in the UCM Transaction Manager. For configuration instructions, see Siebel System Requirements and Supported Platforms on Oracle Technology Network.

                                                            UCM UI Interaction Service

                                                            UCM UI Interaction Service creates a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) during the insert process. It captures attribute group data for survivorship during the user interface insert or upsert. It also captures the source data history records during the update or delete process.

                                                            Note: When this service is enabled, UCM survivorship rules are not initiated, and data entered by users is not corrected. Users are responsible for accurate data entry.

                                                              UCM Unmerge Service

                                                              The UCM Unmerge Service is the interface that calls the UCM Unmerge functionality.

                                                                UCM Utility Service

                                                                The UCM Utility Service contains the utility functions that Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) operations require, including Integration Object to Business Component Hierarchy conversion utilities, constructing Hierarchy property set based on the row ID, and a method to retrieve an Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) Customer Data Management (CDM) parameter, and so on.

                                                                  Transport Adapter

                                                                  Transport Adapter is a prebuilt business service providing an interface between Siebel Business Applications and external applications. Transports allow Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) to exchange data with external applications, using standard technologies for both synchronous and asynchronous communication protocols. Transports provide connectivity to virtually any communication protocol that can represent data as text or binary messages, including MQSeries from IBM and HTTP. For information on transport adapters, see Transports and Interfaces: Siebel Enterprise Application Integration.

                                                                    Siebel Enterprise Integration Manager and Integration of Oracle Customer Hub (UCM)

                                                                    Siebel Enterprise Integration Manager is an important component of Oracle Customer Hub. It performs bulk imports and exports data residing in other back-office systems into Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) and consolidates and replicates information from these sources. Unlike Siebel Enterprise Application Integration, Siebel Enterprise Integration Manager does not go through an application object manager, but the data moves from the EIM_UCM_ORG interface table directly into the SDH (S_UCM_ORG) tables. Siebel Enterprise Integration Manager also provides a schema abstraction and has high throughput. Some features of Siebel Enterprise Integration Manager include:

                                                                    • Denormalized interface tables

                                                                    • Declarative mapping defined in Siebel Tools

                                                                    • Automated SQL generation

                                                                    • Support for parallelized import

                                                                    For batch integration with external applications, Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) provides the following Customer Hub-specific EIM tables to facilitate the loading of selected master objects into Oracle Customer Hub's Source Data and History tables. These records can then be processed by Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) data management tasks later:

                                                                    • EIM_PTYUCM_DTL

                                                                    • EIM_UCM_ADRPER

                                                                    • EIM_UCM_ASSET

                                                                    • EIM_UCM_ASTCON

                                                                    • EIM_UCM_CON

                                                                    • EIM_UCM_CONCHLD

                                                                    • EIM_UCM_OGPCHD

                                                                    • EIM_UCM_ORG

                                                                    • EIM_UCM_ORGCHLD

                                                                    • EIM_UCM_ORGGRP

                                                                    • EIM_UCM_PRIVCY

                                                                    For more information about Siebel Enterprise Integration Manager, see Siebel Enterprise Integration Manager Administration Guide.

                                                                    Generation of Party_UID

                                                                    Siebel Enterprise Integration Manager and Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) workflow processes generate the Party_UID field based on the value in the UCM_EXT_ID field. The process for generating this field occurs by either of the following means:

                                                                    • Loading data to UCM SDH table using UCM Customer Profile Integration Process. In this scenario, the user must populate the <ID> integration object component field value in the CRMML message, which maps to UCM_EXT_ID field in the UCM SDH table. Additionally, the <PartyUId> field, which maps to PARTY_UID, must be empty or not sent with the CRMML message. The UCM Customer Profile Integration Process then generates the PARTY_UID based on UCM_EXT_ID.

                                                                    • Loading data to UCM SDH table using Siebel Enterprise Integration Manager. In this scenario, users must populate the UCM_EXT_ID column value in the EIM interface table and the UCM_PARTY_UID field value must remain empty. The EIM interface table value populates the UCM_EXT_ID field in the SDH table. The UCM Batch Data Management workflow then generates the PARTY_UID based on the UCM_EXT_ID.

                                                                    For more information on the PARTY_UID, see Siebel Enterprise Integration Manager Administration Guide.

                                                                      About Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) Workflows

                                                                      Workflows are a feature of Oracle Customer Hub (UCM). They automate the business processes associated with managing data stored in the master data application. You can modify these workflows to suit your own business model using Siebel Business Process Designer. For more information, see Siebel Business Process Framework: Workflow Guide.

                                                                      Use the Workflow Process Designer view in the Administration - Business Process screen to view the diagrams of the following workflows. The following workflows describe the business processes for Oracle Customer Hub (UCM):

                                                                        UCM Account Batch Data Management Workflow

                                                                        This workflow cleanses and matches account data. Based on the quality of the data, the workflow marks the record as requiring a review or inserts the record into the base tables for publishing.

                                                                        Note: With the release of Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) version 8.2 (Siebel CRM version, Batch Data Management (BDM) workflows that are used for the bulk loading of data into Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) were deprecated in favor of the UCM Batch Process Workflow. The BDM workflows include: UCM Account Batch Data Management Workflow for loading accounts and UCM Contact Batch Data Management Workflow for loading contacts. The UCM Batch process provides the flexibility to modify the batch size (the default value is 10) thereby providing performance benefits. It is recommended that you migrate from the BDM Workflow to the UCM Batch Workflow. BDM Workflow will no longer be part of Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) releases from Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) version 8.2 (Siebel CRM version and later. If you are using either BDM Workflow from previous patch releases, such as Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) version 8.2 (Siebel CRM version or earlier, then you may continue to use the functionality. BDM Workflow will no longer be supported as of September 2012, and you will be directed to UCM Batch Workflow for future use. Further, BDM Workflow is not supported for use with Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) version 8.2.x or with new features added to Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) version 8.2.

                                                                          UCM Account Data Decay Process

                                                                          This workflow calls HaleyAuthority decay business rules to evaluate an account record’s decay scores and raises an alarm when the decay score falls below a preset threshold. It runs in batch mode using the Workflow Process Batch Manager server component. You can use search specifications to limit the number of records that are evaluated.

                                                                            UCM Async Realtime Publish Workflow

                                                                            This workflow is invoked as part of a server request to perform asynchronous real-time publishing. It is called from either the connector workflow (for example, UCM Customer Profile Integration Process) or Batch Data Management workflow (UCM Batch Process) when the real-time Publish/Subscribe flag is true.

                                                                            In this workflow, the second step, RealTimePublish, calls the UCM Publish/Subscribe service with the method RealTimePublishMethod. This method of UCM Publish/Subscribe Business Service handles the publishing of the message to the registered systems. Real-time, asynchronous, publishing increases the performance for both the connector workflow and the batch data management workflow.

                                                                            You can enable the UCM Async Realtime Publish workflow to allow multiple view modes. For example you can use the All View mode which allows you to locate potential records which, though created by different users with different levels of visibility, are still the same record. If you do not specify All View mode, then the most restrictive visibility is applied to the record by default. For information on configuring All View mode, see Siebel System Requirements and Supported Platforms on Oracle Technology Network.

                                                                              UCM Batch Process

                                                                              This workflow mainly calls the UCM Batch Manager component (alias UCMBatchProcess) to process the queued Insert requests. It looks for queued records in the Source Data History table, and then it calls Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) Data Quality Manager to cleanse and match the records. Depending on the match results, it then calls Transaction Manager to execute the insert or update operation, or store the cleansed version for later deduplication processing. This workflow performs the same functionality as UCM Batch Process - Single Step, and it displays each service call as individual workflow steps to allow easier debugging.

                                                                              You can enable the UCM Batch Process workflow to allow multiple view modes. For example you can use the All View mode which allows you to locate potential records which, though created by different users with different levels of visibility, are still the same record. If you do not specify All View mode, then the most restrictive visibility is applied to the record by default. For information on configuring All View mode, see Siebel System Requirements and Supported Platforms on Oracle Technology Network.

                                                                                UCM Batch Process - Single Step

                                                                                This workflow mainly calls the UCM Batch Manager component (alias UCMBatchProcess) to process the queued Insert requests. It looks for queued records in the Source Data History table, then calls Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) Data Quality Manager to cleanse and match the records. Depending on the match results, it then calls Transaction Manager to execute the insert or update operation, or store the cleansed version for later deduplication processing.

                                                                                  UCM Contact Batch Data Management Workflow

                                                                                  This workflow cleanses and matches contact data. Based on the quality of the data, the workflow marks the record as requiring a review or inserts the record into the base tables for publishing.

                                                                                  Note: With the release of Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) version 8.2 (Siebel CRM version, Batch Data Management (BDM) Workflows (UCM Account Batch Data Management Workflow for loading accounts and UCM Contact Batch Data Management Workflow for loading contacts) used for Bulk Loading of data into UCM were deprecated in favor of the UCM Batch Process Workflow. The UCM Batch process provides the flexibility to modify the batch size (the default value is 10) thereby providing performance benefits. It is recommended that you migrate from the BDM Workflow to the UCM Batch Workflow. BDM Workflow will no longer be part of Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) releases from Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) version 8.2 (Siebel CRM version and later. If you are using either BDM Workflow from previous patch releases, such as Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) version 8.2 (Siebel CRM version or earlier, then you may continue to use the functionality. BDM Workflow will no longer be supported as of September 2012, and you will be directed to UCM Batch Workflow for future use. Further, BDM Workflow is not supported for use with Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) version 8.2.x or with new features added to Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) version 8.2.

                                                                                    UCM Contact Data Decay Process

                                                                                    This workflow calls HaleyAuthority decay business rules to evaluate the decay scores of a contact record and raises an alarm when the decay score falls below a preset threshold. It runs in batch mode using the Workflow Process Batch Manager server component. You can use search specifications to limit the number of records that are evaluated.

                                                                                      UCM Customer Profile Integration Process

                                                                                      This workflow receives data as a CRMML message, which differs from the UCM Batch Process workflow in that it does not go through the SDH tables. It also handles errors.

                                                                                        UCM Customer Profile Integration Process (File Transport Test Workflow)

                                                                                        This workflow receives data as a CRMML message, which differs from the UCM Batch Process workflow in that it does not go through the SDH tables. It also handles reading the request message from a file and writing the response message to a file.

                                                                                          UCM Daily Publish

                                                                                          This workflow calls the UCM Publish Subscribe business service's Publish Method to work in batch mode. It picks up the updates and new records that each external system (whose Publish Frequency value equals Daily Batch) is configured to receive within a given (start and end) date-time period after the last published date and time.

                                                                                          The user property, ReloadSystemsCounter-10 (default value), is used by the UCM Publish Subscribe business service in batch mode to reload the system configuration information after the set number of iterations.

                                                                                          You can enable the UCM Daily Publish workflow to allow multiple view modes. For example you can use the All View mode which allows you to locate potential records which, though created by different users with different levels of visibility, are still the same record. If you do not specify All View mode, then the most restrictive visibility is applied to the record by default. For information on configuring All View mode, see Siebel System Requirements and Supported Platforms on Oracle Technology Network.

                                                                                            UCM Financial Asset Customer Profile Integration SOAP Process

                                                                                            This workflow receives data as a SOAP message, which differs from the UCM Batch Process workflow in that it does not go through the SDH tables. It also handles errors.

                                                                                            You can enable the UCM Financial Asset Customer Profile Integration SOAP Process workflow to allow multiple view modes. For example you can use the All View mode which allows you to locate potential records which, though created by different users with different levels of visibility, are still the same record. If you do not specify All View mode, then the most restrictive visibility is applied to the record by default. For information on configuring All View mode, see Siebel System Requirements and Supported Platforms on Oracle Technology Network.

                                                                                              UCM Group Customer Profile Integration SOAP Process

                                                                                              This workflow receives data as a Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) message, which differs from the UCM Batch Process workflow in that it does not go through the SDH tables. It also handles errors.

                                                                                                UCM Import File Processing

                                                                                                This workflow is called from the UCM List Import Process to read and process the text format of the import file.

                                                                                                  UCM Master List Import Process

                                                                                                  This workflow controls the entire UCM List Import process. The processes include:

                                                                                                  • Reading data from import files to create batch records Source Data and History (SDH) tables

                                                                                                  • Validating the records in the SDH tables

                                                                                                  • Invoking the UCM Batch Process to move records into the base tables

                                                                                                    UCM Organization Customer Profile Integration SOAP Process

                                                                                                    This workflow receives data as a SOAP message, which differs from the UCM Batch Process workflow in that it does not go through the SDH tables. It also handles errors.

                                                                                                    You can enable the UCM Organization Customer Profile Integration SOAP Process workflow to allow multiple view modes. For example you can use the All View mode which allows you to locate potential records which, though created by different users with different levels of visibility, are still the same record. If you do not specify All View mode, then the most restrictive visibility is applied to the record by default. For information on configuring All View mode, see Siebel System Requirements and Supported Platforms on Oracle Technology Network.

                                                                                                    You can also add additional business logic or processing to the workflow to occur in the UCM Transaction Manager after an inbound XML message is received and processed, but before it is committed. For more information, see Siebel System Requirements and Supported Platforms on Oracle Technology Network

                                                                                                      UCM Organization Hierarchy Management Integration SOAP Process

                                                                                                      This workflow receives data as a SOAP message, which differs from the UCM Batch Process workflow in that it does not go through the SDH tables. It also handles errors.

                                                                                                        UCM Person Customer Profile Integration SOAP Process

                                                                                                        This workflow receives data as a SOAP message, which differs from the UCM Batch Process workflow in that it does not go through the SDH tables. It also handles errors.

                                                                                                        You can enable the UCM Person Customer Profile Integration SOAP Process workflow to allow multiple view modes. For example you can use the All View mode which allows you to locate potential records which, though created by different users with different levels of visibility, are still the same record. If you do not specify All View mode, then the most restrictive visibility is applied to the record by default. For information on configuring All View mode, see Siebel System Requirements and Supported Platforms on Oracle Technology Network.

                                                                                                        You can also add additional business logic or processing to the workflow to occur in the UCM Transaction Manager after an inbound XML message is received and processed, but before it is committed. For more information, see Siebel System Requirements and Supported Platforms on Oracle Technology Network

                                                                                                          UCM Process Merge Request

                                                                                                          This workflow validates and processes requests to merge two best version UCM records. The request might come from a regular merge or guided merge, performed in the duplicate resolution views or merge request views. You can set the process properties to enable UCM survivorship or UCM publish based on business requirements.

                                                                                                            About Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) Server Components

                                                                                                            Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) has one server component group and three server components to administer its functionality. The name of the component group is Oracle Universal Customer Master. The following table displays the three server components:

                                                                                                            Table Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) Server Components

                                                                                                            Server Component Alias Description

                                                                                                            UCM Object Manager


                                                                                                            Indicates an interactive-mode server component. UCM Object Manager is the application object manager that administers all requests and data management tasks for Oracle Customer Hub (UCM).

                                                                                                            UCM Batch Manager


                                                                                                            Indicates a batch-mode server component that manages batch invocation of Customer Data Management for account and contact insert requests that have been queued in the source data history table. This server component uses the UCM Batch Process workflow.

                                                                                                            UCM Batch Publish Subscribe


                                                                                                            Indicates a batch-mode server component that manages the batch publishing of new and updated records for subscribing external systems.

                                                                                                            For background information on configuring and managing server components, see Siebel System Administration Guide.

                                                                                                            About the Universally Unique Identifier

                                                                                                            The Common Key Infrastructure provides functionality to create a universally unique identifier (UUID) for each new record created in Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) Application. The key is unique across multiple Siebel Business Applications as well as other applications connected to Oracle Customer Hub (UCM).

                                                                                                            About Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) Concepts

                                                                                                            Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) is configured to store a clean and unified profile for enterprise customer data. Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) is the primary Master Data Applications product and serves as the example for the configuration and administration tasks that are documented in this guide.

                                                                                                            The following illustrates the way in which Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) consolidates customer data collected from various systems into a single, mastered collection of data, from which subscribing applications then might draw.

                                                                                                            Key Components of Oracle Customer Hub

                                                                                                            In addition to storing the master set of customer data for an enterprise, Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) also includes many features to cleanse, evaluate, publish, store, and manage this customer data. The following figure illustrates the five areas of functionality for Oracle Customer Hub (UCM).

                                                                                                              Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) Concepts

                                                                                                              The following topic explains the five areas of Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) functionality.


                                                                                                              Use the List Import workbench to perform bulk import operations on account and contact records. Use identification cross-reference, source data history, and rules-based survivorship to enhance data quality.


                                                                                                              Maintain trusted customer data, allowing for roles and relationships. Maintain related data for master records, as well as for entities.


                                                                                                              Use the Data Cleansing Engine with multilanguage capability to standardize and validate account and contact data. Use the data-decay functionality of Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) to manage data decay, parse and enrich data with enhanced merge and unmerge functionality.


                                                                                                              Use a Web services library to execute UCM operations and to configure publish-and-subscribe functionality. This functionality does the following:

                                                                                                              • Determines how external systems receive customer data

                                                                                                              • Exchanges data with external applications using transports and connectors for both synchronous and asynchronous communication


                                                                                                              Govern customer data through Oracle Data Governance Manager and Oracle’s Hyperion Data Relationship Management for Customer Hub solution. It enables you to do the following:

                                                                                                              • Maintain an audit trail and history of records.

                                                                                                              • Profile and correct customer data.

                                                                                                              • Maintain events and enforce policies.

                                                                                                              • Enforce privacy-management rules.

                                                                                                              The basic features of Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) are described in the following table.

                                                                                                              Table Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) Features

                                                                                                              Feature Description

                                                                                                              Consolidate: List Import

                                                                                                              Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) List Import function enables you to perform bulk import operations on account and contact records from external systems. For more information, see Configuring the List Import Function.

                                                                                                              Consolidate: Source Data History

                                                                                                              The Source Data History (SDH) tables maintain a record of data transactions between Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) and registered external systems. For more information on SDH tables, see Source Data History Tables.

                                                                                                              Consolidate: Cross-referencing

                                                                                                              Cross-referencing allows the identification of customer data in external systems to be saved in Oracle Customer Hub (UCM), allowing a one-to-many mapping of this data. For more information on cross-referencing, see About Cross-Referencing Parent and Child Records with External Systems.

                                                                                                              Consolidate: Survivorship

                                                                                                              The survivorship feature provides a rules-based means to automate the quality of the master customer data. This data is compared to its source and age to determine whether to maintain or update customer data. For more information on survivorship, see About Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) Survivorship Rules.

                                                                                                              Cleanse: Duplicates: Identification and Resolution

                                                                                                              Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) contains functionality, such as suspect matching, merge and unmerge and Guided Merge to allow you to resolve issues with record duplication. For more information, see Configuring Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) to Resolve Duplicate Records.

                                                                                                              Cleanse: UCM Data Cleansing and Matching

                                                                                                              Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) supports data cleansing and data Matching using Oracle Data Quality Matching and Cleansing server. For more information on configuring UCM data cleansing and matching, see the following:

                                                                                                              Cleanse: Data Decay Management

                                                                                                              Data Decay Management enables you to manage information that has become degraded or obsolete. Metrics allow data decay to be managed on several different levels. For more information on data decay management, see Configuring Data Decay Functionality in Oracle Customer Hub (UCM).

                                                                                                              Share: Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) Web Services

                                                                                                              For more information on Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) Web services, see Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) and Data Governance Manager Web Services Reference.

                                                                                                              Share: Publish and Subscribe

                                                                                                              Publish and subscribe functionality determines the details on how external systems receive customer data updates from Oracle Customer Hub. For more information on publish and subscribe functionality, see About System Publish and Subscribe Modes and Configuring System Publish and Subscribe for Oracle Master Data Management Applications.

                                                                                                              Govern: Oracle Data Governance Manager

                                                                                                              Oracle Data Governance Manager allows data stewards to operate and manage all Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) operations, such as data consolidation, master data creation, data cleansing, and data sharing between subscribing applications. For more information, see Using Oracle Data Governance Manager.

                                                                                                              Govern: Privacy Management

                                                                                                              Privacy Management provides an infrastructure that allows companies to implement privacy rules for their customer data. For more information, see Configuring Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) Privacy Management.

                                                                                                              Govern: Workflows and Configuring the MDM Foundation

                                                                                                              For information on workflows and configuring workflows, see Configuring the MDM Foundation and Workflows.

                                                                                                              Oracle Higher Education Constituent Hub

                                                                                                              Oracle Higher Education Constituent Hub provides a means to maintain accurate, single-source control of all the disparate constituent data in your enterprise. For more information, see Configuring Oracle Higher Education Constituent Hub.

                                                                                                                Scenario for Deploying Oracle Customer Hub (UCM)

                                                                                                                This topic describes how Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) might be deployed by a financial institution. You might use Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) differently, depending on your business model.

                                                                                                                  Deploying Oracle Customer Hub (UCM)

                                                                                                                  A large, successful financial institution has evolved into a national enterprise with offices and business units in several locations across the country. Its core banking systems include client deposits, loans, and mortgages. It also offers credit card services and an investment banking service. Through mergers and acquisitions, the financial institution is also involved with the insurance industry, providing life, home, and car policies for its clients.

                                                                                                                  Existing Implementation

                                                                                                                  With this large number of business ventures and offices, the financial institution found itself using a myriad of applications for individual business units. Even in the same business units, different departments (Human Resources departments and Accounting departments, for example) use different back-office systems, which included multiple front-office applications and multiple middle-tier systems, and various applications that stored subsets of customer information. Client, partner, and product information is spread across multiple IT systems. A large percentage of the IT budget for this institution is spent on maintenance and integration of these applications. However, removing or expanding the functionality of these legacy systems is difficult and costly.

                                                                                                                  The solution is to continue to use Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) as a key component in the synchronization of customer-profile information across customer-related applications, including back-office applications.

                                                                                                                  In this scenario, Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) operates as a stand-alone application in an application network. Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) stores, synchronizes, and reconciles customer data for the financial organization. See the following figure for an example of this deployment.

                                                                                                                  Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) Stand-Alone Deployment Scenario

                                                                                                                    Deploying Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) Using Oracle Application Integration Architecture

                                                                                                                    The deployment of Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) Applications uses several prebuilt connectors along with the full Siebel Enterprise Application Integration module functionality to integrate and consolidate customer information across back-office systems. For more information about this deployment, see Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) Prebuilt Business Services.

                                                                                                                    Oracle Master Data Management Applications use Oracle Application Integration Architecture framework to synchronize account, contact, prospect, and household data across disparate systems. Each application on Oracle Application Integration Architecture can act as a source of new and updated customer information and can also receive new and updated information from other applications.

                                                                                                                    Oracle Application Integration Architecture can also synchronize customer information between Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) and Siebel Business Applications (including previous versions). The current Oracle Application Integration Architecture business processes are used primarily for scenarios in which multiple applications store a copy of the customer profile and require Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) to act as the primary registrar to determine the validity of the new and updated customer information. The multiple applications can include Siebel Business Applications, back-office systems, and legacy applications.

                                                                                                                    Oracle Application Integration Architecture provides a reusable integration solution with Oracle Customer Hub.

                                                                                                                    In this scenario, shown in the following figure , Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) operates as a stand-alone application as in the figure in the topic Deploying Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) but is deployed with Oracle Application Integration Architecture Server.