6Configuring Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) to Resolve Duplicate Records

Configuring Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) to Resolve Duplicate Records

This chapter describes how to configure Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) to resolve duplicate records through Suspect Match, Merge and Unmerge, and Guided Merge. It includes the following topics:

Configuring Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) Auto Merge and Manual Review Threshold Values

Configure Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) auto merge and manual review threshold functionality by configuring user properties for the UCM Data Quality Manager business service.

The auto threshold value determines which incoming records are merged into existing matching best version records. The manual threshold determines the value (between auto merge and manual review value) at which incoming records are shown to administrators in the Data Management screens for review. For information on manually reviewing records in the Data Management screen, see the following:

For information on configuring business service user properties using Siebel Tools, see Integration Platform Technologies: Siebel Enterprise Application Integration. For background information on UCM Data Quality Manager business service, see UCM Data Quality Manager.

Use the following task to configure thresholds for auto merge and manual review.

To configure auto merge and manual review thresholds

  • Configure the following user properties for the UCM Data Quality Manager business service.

User Property Value

Account Auto Threshold


Account Manual Threshold


Contact Auto Threshold


Contact Manual Threshold


    About Suspect Matching

    Previously when an incoming account or contact record was flagged for manual review by the UCM data management workflow, the record was placed in Review status, and a new record was not created. This action disrupted the overall business process workflow involving Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) and other connected applications.

      What Happens When an Incoming Record Has a Status of Review?

      With the latest release of Oracle Customer Hub (UCM), when an incoming record is flagged for manual review a new best version record is also created, with the appropriate UUID and cross-reference. The best version record is given a status of Suspect to be differentiated from the previously reviewed records. A response message is returned to the requesting external application. The suspect record and any identified potential duplicates that are flagged by the UCM data management workflow are stored in a duplicate results table and made available for the data steward to review in the Duplicate Account or Duplicate Contact views. The suspect record can be approved or merged in these views. The update and delete actions can be performed in the Account and Contact views.

      While the record has a Suspect status, it cannot be published to any other subscribing systems. If the suspect record already exists in the external application, the Update and Delete operations on the suspect record will keep the external application informed. The Unmerge operation restores the merged record to its previous state.

      If the data steward deems that the record is not a match for any of the existing records, the Suspect status is removed, and an upsert message is sent to the external applications that do not yet have the suspect record. When the suspect record is merged into another record, a message is sent to all external applications to preserve the synchronization. When the Suspect status is removed from the record, the result is sent to those applications that do not yet have the record.

        What Happens When a Record Has a Status of Pending?

        While this record still has the Pending status, it can be updated, deleted or merged in the UI or through an incoming message. If the update is sent from a different system and not from the originating system (through auto match), then a cross-reference must be created for the additional system. Before the Pending status is resolved, any changes to this best version record must be published to all the systems that have an associated cross-reference associated. When the pending record is identified as a potential duplicate with another nonpending best version record, it is recommended that the pending record be merged into the nonpending best version record.

        When the Suspect status is removed from the record, the result is sent to those applications that do not yet have the record. By default two system preferences allow you to use suspect match:

        • Enable CDM SM 1. This value enables suspect match on account records.

        • Enable CDM SM 2. This value enables suspect match on contact records.

          Scenario for Creating a New Record with Suspect Matching

          This topic gives the following example of how Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) might be used for suspect matching. You might use Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) differently, depending on your business model. For information on new or enhanced UI objects, see Suspect Match Object Additions.

          A business user takes an order from a customer at a given address. The order is approved by the system and the user submits the order. Later, when the data steward logs in to the provisioning system to check the delivery date, the new customer record cannot be found. A match is made by address, but the customer name is spelled differently. The business user informs the data steward that two records have been flagged as potential matches by Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) and are waiting for her to review them. After verifying the data, the data steward merges the two records into one master record.

          Later the user notices that the record in the call center application shows several previous orders in addition to the one just taken, and she notices that one of the orders has a status of In Process. If she were to combine the order, her customer would qualify for free shipping, so she combines the two orders, then sends the customer an email informing him of the new combined order and the refund for the previously charged shipping cost.

            Configuring Suspect Match

            Suspect match might be used with contact and account records. In previous releases of Oracle Customer Hub (UCM), the Incoming Duplicates (Link and Update) views were show by default. To facilitate suspect match, the Incoming Duplicate view must be hidden. Use the following task to configure suspect match.

            To configure suspect match

            1. Navigate to Administration - Application, then Views.

            2. Query for the following views:

              • UCM Account DeDup View

              • UCM Contact DeDup View

            3. Delete both records.

            4. Navigate to Administration - System Preferences.

              The System Preferences screen appears.

            5. In the System Preference Name field of the System Preferences screen perform the following query:

              Enable CDM*

            6. Make sure the following values are present:

              • Enable CDM SM 1. This value enables Suspect Match on account records.

              • Enable CDM SM 2. This value enables Suspect Match on contact records.

            Note: If you want to disable Suspect match and enable Link and Update for manual review, see Enabling the Link and Update Feature.

              Suspect Match Object Additions

              This topic includes information about additions applets and applet user properties to enable suspect match. It includes the following topics:

                New and Enhanced Applets for Suspect Match Object

                This topic describes the new and enhanced applets for the suspect match object.

                UCM DeDuplication - Account Duplicate Master List Applet

                The following information lists the properties of the new list column for the UCM DeDuplication-Account Duplicate Master List applet.

                Table UCM DeDuplication-Account Duplicate Master List Applet

                Field Value

                Display Name

                Pending Review


                Pending Review Status

                HTML List Edit


                HTML Only


                HTML Type


                Read Only



                Pending Review Status

                UCM DeDuplication - Contact Duplicate Master List Applet

                The following table lists the properties of the new list column for the UCM DeDuplication-Contact Duplicate Master List Applet.

                Table UCM DeDuplication-Contact Duplicate Master List Applet

                Field Value

                Display Name

                Pending Review


                Pending Review Status

                HTML List Edit


                HTML Only


                HTML Type


                Read Only



                Pending Review Status

                UCM Account Form Applet: New Remove Pending Control

                The following table lists the properties of a new control for the UCM Form Applet.

                Table UCM Account Form Applet Control: Remove Pending

                Field Value


                Remove Pending




                Not applicable

                Read Only

                Not applicable

                HTML Type

                Mini button

                Method Invoke


                UCM Account Form Applet: New Pending Review Status Control

                The following table lists the properties of a new control for the UCM Form applet.

                Table UCM Form Applet Control: Pending Review Status

                Field Value


                Pending Review Status


                Pending Review


                Pending Review Status

                Read Only


                HTML Type


                UCM DeDuplication - Account Duplicate Master List Applet

                The following table lists the properties of the new list column for the UCM DeDuplication - Account Duplicate Master list applet.

                Table UCM DeDuplication-Account Duplicate Master List Applet

                Field Value


                Remove Pending





                Read Only


                HTML Type

                Mini button

                Method Invoke


                  Suspect Match New Applet User Properties

                  This topic describes the new applet user properties for the Suspect Match object.

                  UCM Account Form Applet: New User Properties

                  The following information lists the new user properties for the UCM Account Form Applet.

                  Table New UCM Account Form Applet User Properties

                  Name Value

                  Named Method 1: RemovePending

                  'INVOKESVC' , 'UCM Data Steward UI Service' , 'RemovePending' , '"Object Type"' , '"Account"' , '"Id"', '[Id]' , '"Pending Status"' , '[Pending Review Status]'

                  Named Method 2: RemovePending

                  'INVOKE', 'RefreshBusComp'

                  UCM Contact Form Applet: New User Properties

                  The following table lists the new user properties for the UCM Contact Form Applet.

                  Table New UCM Contact Form Applet User Properties

                  Name Value

                  Named Method 1: RemovePending

                  'INVOKESVC' , 'UCM Data Steward UI Service' , 'RemovePending' , '"Object Type"' , '"Contact"' , '"Id"', '[Id]' , '"Pending Status"' , '[Pending Review Status]'

                  Named Method 2: RemovePending

                  'INVOKE', 'RefreshBusComp'

                    Scenario for Using Account and Contact Merge and Unmerge

                    This topic gives the following example of how Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) might be used. You might use Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) differently, depending on your business model.

                    A data steward is responsible for deployed customer information found in Oracle Customer Hub (UCM). After loading several batch jobs of contact or account data successfully from subsidiary entities, the data steward reviews the results of the matching processes and merges the records that are identified as potential duplicate records.

                    Note: The preconfigured UCM Merge Service supports Account and Contact objects.

                    For information on new or changed UI objects, see Additions and Enhancements for Account and Contact Merge and Unmerge Object.

                      About Merge and Unmerge

                      Merge requests might be taken for Contact and Accounts records in the UI and through Web services. You can capture any two records in the UI to perform a merge. You can capture associated information during the merge. The associated information will be available and restored to the victim record after the records are unmerged. After the data steward processes the merge request, the requestors receive a merge result message provided that the requestor is registered with publish and subscribe.

                      When Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) is the customer master and also the service provider, service requestors can invoke only the Submit Merge Request service. Only a data steward can process the merge request and decide whether it is a valid merge request and process the merge. The following conditions must exist for a valid merge:

                      • The interface of the service is the external system survivor ID and the victim ID.

                      • The two records in the merge request have to be in the Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) database. Otherwise, the merge request will be rejected.

                      • The merge request will be put in the request table, and it waits for the data steward to review and execute the merge operation.

                      • Only the data steward calls the process merge request service. The process merge request service calls the survivorship service to generate the updated version of the survivor record if the Survivorship Engine is enabled. The survivorship service updates all the foreign key fields that are linked to the victim record to survivor record in the Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) database.

                      • The UCM submit merge request service provides an asynchronous response of the merge results, but the requestor receives a synchronized response for the request status, such as Pending, Rejected, and so on. After the data steward processes the merge request, the requestors get the merge result only if they registered with the publish and subscribe service.

                        Supported Child Objects for Merge and Unmerge

                        You can perform merge and unmerge operations on child objects of the Account and Contact objects. As merge and unmerge operations are carried out on the Account or Contact objects, there are child objects for each object whose respective children records are re-parented accordingly. During a merge operation all the records associated to a merged child object are re-parented to the surviving record. During an unmerge operation a child object's records are considered for being re-parented back to the record that is being unmerged. You can view a list of supported child objects considered during an unmerge operation on the Account and Contact object by viewing the respective user properties of the UCM Merge Service.

                        The UCM Merge Service uses the Contact_Merge_Support_Child0, and Account_Merge_Support_Child0 user properties to determine which child object values will be considered for merge and unmerge operations for the Contact object and Account object respectively. From Siebel Innovation Pack 2014, the Contact_Merge_Support_Child0 has a newly supported value, SM Contact Social Profile, which stores information about a user’s social media profile. The values for these user properties are show in the following table.

                        Table UCM Merge Service (Business Service) User Properties

                        Name Value

                        Contact_Merge_Support_ Child0

                        Personal Address;FINCORP Account;FIN Contact Phone;UCM Contact Source Data and History;CIF Contact Reference;Alternate Phone;UCM HE Constituent Address;UCM HE Constituent Name;Communication Address;SM Contact Social Profile;

                        Note: SM Contact Social Profile is supported as of Siebel Innovation Pack 2014.

                        Account_Merge_Support_ Child0

                        Contact;CUT Address;FINCORP Loan Account;FINCORP Deposit Account;FIN Business Phone;UCM Account Source Data and History;CIF Account Reference

                          Configuring Merge Request

                          The merge request uses the business service, UCM Merge Service, and the user property, SubmitMergeRequest_Support_Object. Merge request is enabled by default. The user property value is Account, Contact. When enabled a menu item, Merge Records for Accounts and Contacts, is available for use. If you want to disable this functionality, remove the corresponding object name from the user property value. For more information, see the following.

                          Use the following task to view the Merge Request user property.

                          To view the Merge Request user property

                          1. Choose Business Service from the Object Explorer, then select Business Service User Prop.

                            If Business Service User Prop does not appear, do the following:

                            1. From the Siebel Tools View menu, select Options.

                            2. Click the Object Explorer tab.

                            3. Click Business Service, and when the child properties appear, select the Business Service User Prop check box, then click OK.

                          2. In the Business Services screen, query for UCM Merge Service.

                          3. In the Business Service User Props view, query for SubmitMergeRequest_Support_Object.

                          4. Verify that Account, Contact are present in the Value field.

                            Use the following task to disable the Merge Request user property.

                          To disable the Merge Request user property

                          • To disable Merge Request functionality for either Account or Contact, delete the corresponding value from the Value field. Deploy your changes to Siebel runtime Repository.

                            Note: Completed merge requests can be purged using the Purge button in the UCM Account Merge Request Detail view. The Purge button can also be configured to purge Merge Requests with a status other than Completed. You might configure the Purge button by using the UCM Merge Service business service and the user property, PurgeType. The preconfigured value is set to Complete.

                            About Guided Merge for Oracle Customer Hub (UCM)

                            Business Service Name User Property Name User Property Default Value

                            UCM Data Decay Service

                            Max Decay Indicator

                            100. Optional. May be customized.

                            Notification Action Type

                            Alert. Optional. May be customized.

                            Notification Decay Indicator

                            80. Optional. May be customized.

                            UCM Data Steward UI Service





                            UCM Merge Service

                            Account/CUT Address

                            UCM Account CUT Address;Account Id;Address Id


                            CUT Address;FINCORP Loan Account;FINCORP Deposit Account;FIN Business Phone;UCM Account Source Data and History;CIF Account Reference

                            Contact/Personal Address (w/ Primary)

                            UCM Contact Personal Address;Contact Id;Address Id


                            Personal Address;FINCORP Account;FIN Contact Phone;UCM Contact Source Data and History;CIF Contact Reference

















                            UCM Survivorship Engine


                            Income:Income Currency Code,Income Exchange Date


                            Default Account Attribute Group


                            Default Contact Attribute Group


                            Default Household Attribute Group


                            Party UId;Id


                            Party UId;Person UId;Id


                            Party UId;Id





















                            Prior to this release, when records were merged you could not intercept the merge process to confirm the data before it had been saved to the database. With Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) version 8.2, Guided Merge enables you to review each step during the merge process, enabling you to change the final version of a record before saving it to the database.

                            Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) Guided Merge provides a user interface that enables you to change the final version of a record before the merge operation occurs. You can review duplicate records in several versions, then decide which record to keep and how it appears before saving records to the merge task.

                            Guided Merge allows you to review duplicate records and proposed merges by presenting three versions of the duplicate records and allowing them to decide how the record will be presented in Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) after the merge task is approved and saved.

                            Note: Guided Merge displays only parent object values. You cannot intervene in the child merge process.

                            Four versions of a merged record are as follows:

                            • Victim. Indicates the record that will be deleted from the master business component.

                            • Survivor. Indicates the record that will be saved to the master business component.

                            • Suggested. By default, indicates the survivor record values if survivorship is not enabled for the object in consideration.

                            • Final version. Indicates the final version of the record based on the user’s decision.

                              Scenario for Using Guided Merge

                              This topic gives the following example of how Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) might be used. You might use Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) differently, depending on your business model.

                              A data steward must merge two contact records. Record A contains First Name, Last Name, and Email ID. Record B contains First Name, Last Name, and Fax number. Record A is considered the surviving record, and Record B is considered the victim record. The data steward merges these two records and decides to require First Name, Last Name, Email ID, Phone Number and Mobile Phone Number. The data is entered in the columns in the UI, and the data steward submits a merge request. The resultant surviving record contains the following: First Name, Last Name, Email ID, Phone Number, and Mobile Phone Number.

                                Configuring Guided Merge

                                To enable Merge and Guided Merge, you must activate the process properties for the Process Merge Request Workflows, enable the Process Merge Request Workflows themselves, then activate Merge tasks. Use the following task to activate process properties for Process Merge workflows.

                                To activate process properties for Process Merge Request workflows

                                1. From Object Explorer, click Workflow Process, the WF Process Prop.

                                2. In the Workflow Processes list, Query for UCM Process Merge Request in the Process Name field.

                                3. In the WF Process Props list, find the following:

                                  • EnablePubSub

                                  • EnableSE

                                4. Change the values for both default strings from False to True.

                                  Note: Change these values only if you want to enable Publish and Subscribe or the Survivorship Engine.
                                5. Deploy and Activate the workflow.

                                Use the following task to enable Process Merge Request workflows.

                                To enable Process Merge Request workflows

                                1. Navigate to Administration - Business Process, then Workflow Deployment.

                                2. In the Workflow Deployment screen, click the Active Workflow Processes tab.

                                3. In the Repository Workflow Processes form, query for UCM Process Merge Request.

                                4. Click the Activate button.

                                5. In the Active Workflow Processes view, query for UCM Process Merge Request.

                                6. Verify that the values in the Activation Date, Expiration Date, and Time fields are valid.

                                Use the following task to enable merge request tasks.

                                To enable merge tasks

                                1. Navigate to Administration - Business Process, then Task Deployment.

                                2. Click the Active Tasks tab, then in the Name field, query for UCM*.

                                  Verify that the following tasks are present and make sure the Deployment State field is set to Active:

                                  • UCM Merge Account Request Task

                                  • UCM Merge Account Task

                                  • UCM Merge Contact Request Task

                                  • UCM Merge Contact Task

                                3. Navigate to Administration - Business Process, then Task Deployment, and then Active Tasks.

                                4. In the Published Tasks list, perform the following query: UCM*.

                                5. Select each of the four tasks, and click the Activate button.

                                6. Restart the Siebel Server.

                                Use the following task to add additional fields to the Guided Merge user interface.

                                To add additional fields to the Guided Merge user interface

                                1. From the Object Explorer, select Integration Object, then query for either UCMAccountTaskUIMerge or UCMContactTaskUIMerge.

                                2. In the Object Explorer, click Integration Component, then in the Integration Components view select either Account or Contact.

                                3. Right-click and select New Record, then add the Integration Component field that you want to make available in the Guided Merge Task UI.

                                  Note: Make sure the External Name property of the Integration Component Field maps to the correct Business Component field.
                                4. Validate the integration object, and deploy changes to Siebel Runtime Repository.

                                5. Restart Oracle Customer Hub (UCM).

                                  Additions and Enhancements for Account and Contact Merge and Unmerge Object

                                  This topic describes the additions or enhancements to the Account and Contact Merge and Unmerge objects. It includes the following:

                                    New and Enhanced Views for the Merge and Unmerge Object

                                    This topic describes the new and enhanced views for the Merge and Unmerge object.

                                    UCM Account Merge Request Detail View

                                    The following table displays the additions or enhancements to the UCM Account Merge Request Detail view.

                                    Table UCM Account Merge Request Detail view

                                    Business Object View Web Template Items

                                    UCM Merge Request

                                    UCM Account Merge Request List Applet

                                    UCM Merge Account Entry Applet

                                    UCM Victim Account List Applet

                                    UCM Contact Merge Request Detail View

                                    The following table displays the additions or enhancements to the UCM Contact Merge Request Detail view.

                                    Table UCM Contact Merge Request Detail View

                                    Business Object View Web Template Items

                                    UCM Merge Request

                                    UCM Contact Merge Request List Applet

                                    UCM Merge Contact Form Applet

                                    UCM Victim Contact List Applet

                                      New and Enhanced Applets for the Merge and Unmerge Object

                                      This topic describes the new and enhanced applets for the Merge and Unmerge object.

                                      UCM Merge and Unmerge Applets

                                      The following table displays the new applets associated with UCM Merge and Unmerge functionality.

                                      Table UCM Merge and Unmerge Applets

                                      New Applet Business Component

                                      UCM Contact Merge Request List Applet

                                      UCM Merge Request

                                      UCM Account Merge Request List Applet

                                      UCM Merge Request

                                      UCM Victim Account List Applet

                                      Victim Account

                                      UCM Victim Contact List Applet

                                      Victim Contact

                                      UCM Account List Applet - Unmerge

                                      Copy of the SIS Account List Applet. The search specification was added to limit the view only to accounts associated with the merge event.

                                      UCM Contact List Applet - Unmerge

                                      Copy of Contact List Applet. The search specification was added to limit the view only to contacts associated with the merge event.

                                      UCM Merge Contact Form Applet

                                      Copy of Contact Form Applet. Read only.

                                      UCM Merge Account Entry Applet

                                      Copy of SIS Account Entry Applet. Read only.

                                      New Control for Launch Guided Merge

                                      The following table lists the applets that contain this control.

                                      Table Launch Guided Merge Control

                                      Control Applet

                                      Launch Guided Merge

                                      UCM Account Duplicate List Applet. It is in the UCM Account Duplicates Detail view.

                                      UCM Contact Duplicate List Applet. It is in the UCM Contact Duplicates Detail view.

                                      UCM Victim Account List Applet. It is in the UCM Account Merge Request Detail view

                                      UCM Victim Contact List Applet. It is in the UCM Contact Merge Request Detail view

                                        Managing Duplicate Records from External Systems with Suspect Match

                                        For information on managing duplicate records with Suspect Match, see About Suspect Matching.

                                          About Merge and Unmerge

                                          Merge requests can be made for Contact and Account records in the Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) user interface, and through Web services. You can capture any two records in the user interface to perform a merge. You can capture associated information during the merge. The associated information will be available and restored to the victim record after the records are unmerged. After the data steward processes the merge request, the requestors receive a merge result message providing that the requestor is registered with the publish and subscribe service.

                                          When Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) is the customer master application and also the service provider, service requestors can invoke only the Submit Merge Request service. Only a data steward can process the merge request and decide whether it is a valid merge request and process the merge. The following conditions must exist:

                                          • The interface of the service must contain the external system survivor ID and the victim ID.

                                          • The two records in the merge request must be in the Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) database. Otherwise, the merge request will be rejected.

                                          • The Merge Request service will be put in the request table and waits for the data steward to review and execute the merge operation.

                                          • The Process Merge Request service will be invoked by the data steward only. It calls the Survivorship service to generate an updated version of the survivor record if the Survivorship Engine is enabled. It updates all foreign key fields linked to the victim record to survivor record in the Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) database.

                                          • UCM Submit Merge Request service provides an asynchronous response of the merge results, but the requestor receives a synchronized response for the request status, such as Pending, Rejected and so on. After the data steward processes the merge request, the requestors will get the merge result only if they registered with the publish and subscribe service.

                                            Merging Duplicate Records in Oracle Customer Hub(UCM)

                                            Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) identifies and lists duplicate contact and account records for review by administrators after running data quality and data matching in batch mode. The administrator can resolve the duplicate records with one of the following tasks:

                                            • Merging the duplicate record with the existing record in Oracle Customer Hub (UCM). The merging process does the following:

                                              • Stores the duplicate record as the type, Merged, and the surviving record as History in the Source Data History table

                                              • Merges the parent records using survivorship rules to generate the new merged surviving parent record

                                              • Updates the parent surviving record with the new merged surviving record

                                              • Adds children records from duplicate record to the surviving record

                                              • Deletes the duplicate record

                                            • Deleting the duplicate record and leaving the existing record unchanged in Oracle Customer Hub (UCM).

                                            Use the following task to review and manage duplicate records.

                                            To review and manage duplicate Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) records

                                            1. Navigate to Administration - Universal Customer Master, then Existing Duplicates.

                                            2. Select the Duplicate Contacts or Duplicate Accounts tab.

                                              Review the duplicate contacts or accounts in this view.

                                            3. Review an individual duplicate record by drilling down on the record’s link.

                                              The Duplicate Account Resolution or Duplicate Contact Resolution view appears. The first record is the current Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) version of the account or contact. There is a duplicate recod in the bottom view.

                                            4. Resolve the duplicate record by:

                                              1. Merging the duplicate record with the Customer Hub record, by clicking the Merge button.

                                                Note: Before merging a duplicate record, Oracle recommends generating the hierarchy. To generate the hierarchy choose navigate to Accounts, and then in the Global Accounts Administration screen click the Generate Hierarchy button.
                                              2. Deleting the duplicate record by clicking the Menu button and then Delete Record.

                                              3. Deleting the Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) record by clicking the Delete button.

                                              Duplicate Resolution of Suspects Within Existing Duplicates View in B2C Deployment

                                              The UCM Contact Duplicates Detail view is preconfigured for business-to-consumer (B2C) deployment. The addresses of the accounts associated with a contact are shown in this view.

                                              Note: You access the UCM Contact Duplicates Detail view by drilling down on the last name in the Contact Duplicates view under the Existing Duplicates screen.

                                              For B2C deployments complete the following configuration task to enable contact addresses to be displayed in the UCM Contact Duplicates Detail view.

                                              To enable contact addresses in the UCM Contact Duplicates Detail view

                                              1. In the Object Explorer, click Business Component.

                                              2. Query for the following business component: UCM DeDuplication Results (Contact).

                                              3. Query for the field, Primary Address ID.

                                              4. Change the Join property from S_ORG_EXT to S_CONTACT, and change the Property column from PR_ADDR_ID to PR_PER_ADDR_ID.

                                              5. Deploy changes to Siebel Runtime Repository.

                                                Unmerging Previously Merged Records in Oracle Customer Hub (UCM)

                                                An Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) record that results from the merging of two previously merged records, as defined by the survivorship rules, can be unmerged to their original state. After unmerging the merged record, Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) restores the parent victim record and reverts the parent merged record back to its previous state. Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) removes the children of the victim record from the surviving merged record and adds them back to the victim record.

                                                If the merged record is subsequently updated prior to rolling it back, the surviving unmerged record retains the updates, while the record that did not survive during the original merge reverts to its original state. Use the following task to unmerge a merged record.

                                                To unmerge a merged Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) record

                                                1. Navigate to Administration - Universal Customer Master, then UnMerge Profiles.

                                                2. Click either the Merged Accounts View tab or Merged Contacts View tab.

                                                  A list of merged records is displayed.

                                                3. In the Accounts or Contacts, select the source record of interest.

                                                4. Click the Unmerge button.