7Configuring the Survivorship Settings for Oracle Customer Hub (UCM)

Configuring Survivorship Settings for Oracle Customer Hub (UCM)

    About Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) Survivorship Settings

    Survivorship is the process of creating a best version record, known as a surviving record. When multiple systems attempt to contribute information about a customer, survivorship rules are used to govern how to construct a best version record, the surviving record, for the specific data object. Each rule is applicable to only one data object, and within each rule, multiple attribute group sets can be associated. Survivorship algorithms enable you to have greater control over the survivorship rules applied to the update and merge transactions. You can include conditions, such as Completion of Group, which designates the most complete combination of the Name and Main Phone Number fields is the retained Account record.

    From Siebel CRM, Version on, you can define survivorship rules for any child entity of the Account, Contact or Household object. You define survivorship rules for child entities in the UCM Entity Rule Set View.

    From Siebel Innovation Pack 2014, you can define survivorship rules for Contact Social Media Profile as child entity of the Contact object.

    Additionally, you might use the Master Wins and Slave Wins survivorship rules. The Master Wins rule stipulates that the values stored in Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) always win over the incoming record, or in the case of a merge operation, the surviving record's value always wins over the victim's value. The Slave Wins rule stipulates that the values sent by an external application to Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) always win over the values in the existing best version record, or in the case of a merge operation, the victim record's values will be retained over the surviving record's value.

    Survivorship rules govern how the best version record can be constructed for the specific data object. Each rule is applicable to only one data object. Within each rule, though, there can be multiple attribute group sets associated with the rule.

    Attribute group rule intersection objects are in specific survivorship rules. These objects are used to govern how the specific attribute group functions within the given rule when evaluated by the UCM Survivorship Engine. For information on configuring UCM Survivorship Engine properties, see Configuring UCM Transaction Manager for Data.

      Definitions of Survivorship Terms

      This topic describes terms used in the implementation of survivorship.

      • Cross-Reference. Tables within Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) to link the Unique Id (UID) within Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) to the Source Id from each subscribed application.

      • Data Consolidation. The process of consolidating incoming records contributed by source systems with matching best version records within Oracle Customer Hub (UCM), while applying survivorship to govern the update of fields.

      • Merge. The process of combining two or more duplicate best version records into a single surviving record. During the merge process, survivorship is applied, and appropriate audit trail information is recorded.

      • Data Recovery. The process of reverting to historical versions of the best version record from an erroneous update or merge operation.

      • Victim Record. The record that is merged into another record during the merge process. This record is usually not retrievable after a merge.

      • Surviving Record. The record into which another record or records are merged during a merge process. This record remains in Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) after a merge.

      • Source Confidence Level. The level of confidence on the validity of given attribute group field values from a specific source. Even though the source confidence level is specified in numbers, the importance is the relative value among sources, not the absolute value.

        Configuring UCM Transaction Manager for Data

        User Property Default Value


        Default Account Attribute Group


        Default Contact Attribute Group


        Party UId; Id


        Party UId; Person UId; Id

        Management and Survivorship

        You can enable customer data management of the UCM Survivorship Engine for the UCM Transaction Manager business service by configuring its user properties. For information on configuring business service user properties using Siebel Tools, see Integration Platform Technologies: Siebel Enterprise Application Integration. For background information on the UCM Transaction Manager business service, see UCM Transaction Manager.

        • Configure the following input arguments for the UCM Transaction Manager.

        Input Arguments Default Value









          Disabling Data Quality Synchronization in UCM Transaction Manager Business Service

          Note: This topic is applicable only if you are using Oracle Data Quality as your Matching Engine. Disable this process property with caution, as doing so also disables data quality synchronization between Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) and Oracle Data Quality Matching Server.

          Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) features both coarse grain and fine grain Web services for all key entities such as Person, Organization, Group, and Financial Account. All requests that come into Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) from external systems come by way of coarse grain Web services, and each request goes through the UCM Transaction Manager and the IIR server. A set of mandatory fields must be passed to the Siebel integration object whenever a synchronization operation with the IIR server is called from the UCM Transaction Manager.

          Synchronization can reduce performance if you have, for instance, multiple address deduplication configured. While CRUD operations do not tax system resources in the same way, there is the potential for performance issues when executing operations such as updating party relationships, or updating specific non matching fields, such as Secondary Email Address, Fax Number, and so on.

          A process property called Turn On DQ External Sync for the workflow which uses the UCM Transaction Manager business service allows you to disable external data synchronization. The process property functions as a switch and is enabled by default. If you set the process property to False, a synchronization call from the UCM Transaction Manager business service to the IIR server is not made.

          To disable data quality synchronization for the UCM Transaction Manager business service

          1. In Siebel Tools, lock the relevant project.

          2. In the Object Explorer, select Workflow Process, then query for YYY in the Object List Editor.

          3. Select the YYY workflow in the Workflow Processes list.

          4. In the Object Explorer, select WF Process Prop, then add Turn On DQ External Sync in the Object List Editor.

          5. Add the value of Turn On DQ External Sync to False to disable data quality synchronization.

            Turn On DQ External Sync is set to True by default.

          Configuring Advanced Survivorship Features

          To configure the advanced survivorship features perform the following tasks:

            Configuring Survivorship Custom Date Fields

            By default, the survivorship feature uses the Updated field to do comparison rules, such as Recent and History. You can configure any date or time field to use with the survivorship feature. For example, if you want to use the Contact birthday field as your comparison timestamp, you add the business service user property, CompareDateField_Contact, with the value, Birth Date. After these changes, make sure you compile deploy your changes to Siebel Runtime Repository and restart the Siebel Server.

            To activate the advanced survivorship knowledge base

            1. Navigate to Administration - Business Rules, then Business Rule Knowledge Base.

            2. In the explorer, expand the Business Rules Knowledge Base folder.

            3. Find and select ucmsurvivorshiprules, then click Activate in the Rule Modules list.

              The UCM Survivorship Rules advanced survivorship knowledge base includes the following rules.

              Data Decay Survivorship Rule Description

              Account Completeness

              The account record with the most complete data wins.

              Account Longest

              The account record with the longest string of data wins.

              Contact Completeness

              The contact record with the most complete data wins.

              Contact Longest

              The contact record with the longest string of data wins.

            4. Make sure each rule module is set to Active in the Status field. If not, select the module, and click the Activate button.

              Example of Configuring Survivorship for Haley Rules Engine

              The following example considers the Account Completeness sample rule to show how to configure a custom survivorship rule. The Account Completeness rule requires that the Survivor account record must keep its name and main phone number field values only when both fields have a value. If the Survivor account record does not contain both field values, then those field values from the victim record will be substituted.

              To import account related concepts into Haley Authority

              1. From HaleyAuthority, select File, Import, then Siebel Object to start the Siebel Object Importer.

              2. Specify the design database and run-time database.

              3. Select the Account business object and the Account business component.

              4. For the Account business component, select the following three fields: ID, Name, and Main Phone Number.

              5. Replace the Field ID in the Survivorship business service with Master for the survivor record, and with Slave for the victim record, before passing both records to HaleyAuthority.

              6. In HaleyAuthority, create a new module called, Account Completeness.

              7. Add a submodule called Combined Fields Rule, then write the rule as follows:

                1. Set the Name field with an account whose ID is Master to the name of the account whose ID is Slave.

                2. Set the Main Phone Number field of an account whose ID is Master to the main phone number of an account whose ID is Slave.

              8. Add the Applicability conditions under the following conditions:

                1. If the account whose ID is Master does not have a main phone number.

                2. If the account whose ID is Master does not have a name.

                3. Only if an account whose ID is Slave has a main phone number

                4. Only if an account whose ID is Slave has a name.

              9. Reparse all the statements in HaleyAuthority.

                When no errors are reported from HaleyAuthority, click Tools, Siebel Deployments, then select the newly created module Account Completeness, and deploy it in the run-time database.

              10. Activate the rules just deployed in the Siebel run-time database by doing the following:

                1. Navigate to Administration, Business Rules, then Business Rule Knowledge Base.

                2. Query for the newly deployed knowledge base.

                3. Add the business object Account and rule module relations.

                4. Activate the module, and restart the Siebel Server.

                To configure survivorship to use Haley Rules Engine, see Configuring Survivorship to Use Haley Rules Engine.

                Example of Configuring Any Child Entity Survivorship for Haley Rules Engine

                The following example shows how you configure Haley Rules Engine to support survivorship of a child object (in this example, Personal Address).

                To create a new integration object in Siebel Tools

                1. In the Object Explorer, choose Business Object, then choose a business object with Personal Address as its primary business component.

                2. Locate, or create the business object component UCM Personal Address Attribute Data.

                3. Create an integration object called UCMPersonalAddressAttributeData on the Personal Address business object.

                4. Make Personal Address the parent integration component and UCM Personal Address Attribute Data as the child integration component.

                5. Deploy your changes to Siebel Runtime Repository.

                To import the parent and child integration components into HaleyAuthority

                1. From HaleyAuthority, select File, Import, then Siebel Object to start Siebel Object Importer.

                2. Specify the design database and run-time database.

                3. Select the following:

                  • Business object: Personal Address

                  • Business components: Personal Address, UCM Personal Address Attribute Data

                  • Any fields that will be used by HaleyAuthority to write your rule

                    Note: The Id field of the main entity (in this example, Personal Address) must be imported into HaleyAuthority.
                4. In HaleyAuthority, create a new module within the existing AKB file called ucmsuvivorshiprules for Personal Address survivorship rules.

                  Note: New entity survivorship rule modules must be added into the existing survivorship knowledge base: ucmsurvivorshiprules.akb. If you decide to use a different survivorship knowledge base, you must change the KnowledgeBaseName user property of the UCM Survivorship Engine business service to reflect the name of the new survivorship knowledge base.
                5. Write survivorship rules in the new module, and note the following:

                  • When Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) passes data to HaleyAuthority Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) the keywords "Master"/"Slave" are added in front of the record's real rowid values. For example "Master88-7AFGR", "Slave88-965ET". This way, rules can be written in HaleyAuthority to distinguish Master from Slave records.

                  • Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) processes Haley rule results in the following way: Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) end dates Victim records from Master records, and creates a Winner from the Slave record, also creates the Victim-from-Slave but end dates the record. There is no further Tie situation handling upon receiving Haley's output. As a result:

                  • Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) expects Haley to return: Haley rules must explicitly set the Victim on Master records and set the Winner on Slave records. Master records not set as Victim are taken by Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) as a Winner records; Slave records not set as Winner are taken as Victim. To set a record as a Winner or a Victim append the key words Winner or Victim to the id field of the affected records. For example: "Master88-7AFGRVictim", "Slave88-965ETWinner". Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) parses the ID phrases and acts accordingly. Additionally, Haley rules must process Tie situations. It is suggested you be consistent with the Entity Survivorship Rule Set Default Criteria.

                6. From HaleyAuthority select Tools, Siebel Deployment, then select the new module and click OK to deploy it back to Oracle Customer Hub (UCM).

                7. In Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) navigate to Administration - Business Rules, then Business Rule Knowledge Base.

                8. In the Rule Modules list, select the newly deployed Rule Module.

                9. In the Business Object field, click the Select button, then in the Pick Business Object popup, query for Personal Address.

                10. In the Rule Module Relations list, create the following new records:

                  • Personal Address

                  • UCM Personal Address Attribute Data

                11. In the Rule Modules list, click Activate.

                12. Activate the rules just deployed in the Siebel run-time database by doing the following:

                  1. Navigate to Administration - Universal Customer Master, then Entity Survivorship Rules.

                  2. Create a new rule set with the field value rule, or modify an existing rule.

                    For Default Criteria or Comparison Rule, choose External and pick Business Rule Service for Business Service Name, RunRules for Business Service Method, then pick the new rule module name for Rule Module Name, then enter other required field values.

                13. Restart Oracle Customer Hub (UCM).

                  Configuring Survivorship to Use Haley Rules Engine

                  You can configure survivorship to use Haley Rules Engine or another rules engine for rules evaluation.

                  To configure survivorship to use Haley Rules Engine knowledge base

                  1. Navigate to Administration - Universal Customer Master, then Survivorship Rules.

                    This view enables you to configure Haley Rules Engine for survivorship evaluation at two levels: default criteria or attribute group comparison rules.

                  2. In the Default Criteria field, select External.

                    Three new fields appear on the form: Business Service Name, Business Service Method, and Rule Module Name.

                  3. In the Business Service Name, choose Business Rule Service from the list.

                  4. In the Business Service Method field, choose Run Rules.

                  5. In the Rule Module Name field, choose the rules module that you want to evaluate using the survivorship rules.

                  Administering Survivorship for Oracle Customer Hub (UCM)

                  Parameter Value

                  DeDuplication Data Type

                  SSA or ISS

                  UCM Data Management Match Flag


                  System Preference Value

                  Enable CDM EM 1


                  Enable CDM EM 2


                  Enable CDM Match 1


                  Enable CDM Match 2


                  Parameter Value

                  DeDuplication Data Type

                  SSA or ISS

                  DeDuplication Enable Flag


                  Name Value

                  Enable Deduplication


                  Key Type


                  Match Threshold


                  Search Type


                  The following topics detail survivorship administration tasks for Oracle Customer Hub (UCM):

                    About Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) Survivorship Rules

                    Survivorship rules are an automated means of doing the following:

                    • Controlling the quality of customer data stored in Oracle Customer Hub (UCM)

                      Multiple systems connect to Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) with record update and insert requests.

                    • Making sure that Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) presents the most trusted information contributed by each system

                    Administrators can create and use survivorship rules to govern which updates from which external systems can be trusted at the field level based on the key criteria. Survivorship rules use attribute groups that determine the set of fields to be evaluated by the survivorship rule. The rules use comparison criteria, such as the confidence level of the publishing system or the most recent published data to evaluate whether inputs from given external systems can be used to update Oracle Customer Hub (UCM).

                    There is an implicit default attribute group which includes the fields that are not explicitly defined in an attribute group definition. Each survivorship rule has a default criterion. If there is no explicit rule definition for a certain attribute group (including the default attribute group), then the default criterion applies to determine whether an external system can update Oracle Customer Hub (UCM).

                    Caution: Do not modify or delete the names of the default attribute groups for the Account, Contact, or Household objects. If these names are modified, make sure they match the values in the UCM Survivorship Engine User Properties: DefaultAttrGrpName_Account, DefaultAttrGrpName_Contact, or DefaultAttrGrpName_Household.

                      About Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) Child Survivorship

                      Child survivorship allows administrators to set survivorship rules for child entities of records, such as personal address, financial account, email, phone and so on. Administrators can also set survivorship rules for custom child entities.

                        Comparison Methods Used by the Survivorship Rules

                        The survivorship rules use the following comparison methods to evaluate the quality of the object fields associated with an attribute group:

                        • Recent. Compares the date for the field data of the object attribute group against the date of the updating message. The most recent data survives.

                        • History. Compares the date for the field data of the object attribute group against the date of the updating message. The oldest data survives.

                        • Source. Compares the confidence level of the external system that contributed data to attribute group fields in the object against the confidence level of the external system of the updating message. The data with the highest confidence level survives.

                        • External. Indicates the attribute group settings that enable you to configure any supported rules engine to set specific survivorship rules.

                        • Master. The Master Wins rule stipulates that the values stored in Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) will always win over the incoming record, or in the case of merge, the surviving record's value will always win over the victim's.

                        • Slave. The Slave Wins rule stipulates that the values sent by external application into Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) will always win over the values in the existing best version record, or in the case of merge, the victim record's values will be retained over the surviving record's.

                          Restrictions When Defining the Survivorship Rules

                          The following restrictions and recommendations must be considered when defining survivorship rules:

                          • Use only one active rule for each object, although administrators can define multiple rules for each object (account, contact).

                          • Include each individual field within a given object in one attribute group definition. Otherwise, conflicts might occur when the survivorship rules are evaluated.

                          Note: You create survivorship rules for primary objects in the UCM Rule Set Attribute Group view, and use the UCM Entity Rule Set view to create survivorship rules for child objects.

                          For information on the process of creating survivorship rules, see Process of Creating Survivorship Rules.

                            Example of Using Survivorship Rules

                            This topic gives one example of how to access and use Oracle Customer Hub (UCM). You might use the process differently, depending on your business requirements.

                            Two records with similar data are entered. The first record is entered with the First Name, Last Name and birth date. The other record is entered with the First Name, Last Name, Birth Date and SSN number. Based on the Haley Rules Engine's rule or any other rules engine the surviving record will display with the completeness of the record.

                              Example of Using Child Survivorship Rules

                              This topic gives one example of how to access and use Oracle Customer Hub (UCM). You might use the process differently, depending on your business requirements.

                              By default the Contact Personal Address object has a business rule defined as follows: Address Type is defined as Business, and Comparison Rule is defined as Master. So, if an incoming request and an existing matching record each have the same business type but have personal address fields which are different, the personal address record of the existing contact wins.

                                Considerations When Using Child Survivorship Rules

                                This example demonstrates Source and Recent Rule of Entity Survivorship with the Personal Address Child object.

                                Rules of Execution

                                • During an Insert operation Entity Survivorship rules are not applied, but attribute data is captured.

                                • The default criteria for user key-based matches are used to eliminate the losing record in case of a user key-based match.

                                • Internal Resolution between child records is performed either within the existing master record or with the incoming match record using the default criteria.

                                • When using Field Value Based rules, the rule executed on the child record whose field value matches those defined, the record with the lowest sequence number has the highest rank.

                                • If you are using the Same Field Value Based rule, and the Comparison Field Value provided is empty then the Entity Survivorship engine looks for an Exact Value match child record to apply the comparison rule. This is typically used on FINCORP Loan, or deposit account objects to apply the rule to obtain an exact account number.


                                Use the Personal Address child object of the Contact parent object with the Default Criteria set to Recent. The following information lists the comparison rule details.

                                Table Comparison Rule detail for Personal Address

                                Sequence Number Comparison Field Name Comparison Field Value Comparison Rule


                                Address Type

                                <value 1>



                                Address Type

                                <value 2>


                                Note the additional information shown in the following table:

                                Table Source information for comparison rule

                                System ID Source Value User Property

                                Source Confidence



                                EntityInternalProcess_PersonalAddress enabled (True).



                                EntityInternalProcess_PersonalAddress enabled (True).

                                Execution Examples

                                1. Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) receives a Contact record (C1) from the system Ebiz01 with following three Personal Addresses:

                                  • Personal Address Record A1: INSPersonalAddressType = Value 1

                                  • Personal Address Record A2: INSPersonalAddressType = Value 2

                                  • Personal Address Record A3: INSPersonalAddressType = Value 2

                                  The result is that attribute data from the Contact record is inserted with three personal address records.

                                2. Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) receives a Contact record (C2) from the system Siebel01 with three different Personal Addresses:

                                  • Personal Address Record A4: INSPersonalAddressType = Value 1

                                  • Personal Address Record A5: INSPersonalAddressType = Value 2

                                  • Personal Address Record A6: INSPersonalAddressType = Value 2

                                3. As Contact record C2 is similar to C1 from the match result, the Survivorship engine is invoked to generate the surviving record with resultant children records.

                                Now the user key based matches are identified and default criteria is applied to eliminate the losing child record. The contact record C1 has the Address A1 attribute and the contact record C2 has the Address attribute A4, and both have the same user keys, and the default criteria of Recent is applied the Address A4 of Contact Record C2, being the most recent record, prevails.

                                Now two contact records’ child records are subjected to field value based rules:

                                • Since Address Type = Value 1 has already been resolved using the user key based match Contact Record C2’s A4 will be part of final surviving record.

                                • Since Address Type = Value 2 has the Source comparison rule, but before the rule can be applied the child records are run through the Internal Resolution process explained as following:

                                  If EntityInternalProcess_PersonalAddress is set to True, the Contact C1 record undergoes internal resolution for addresses A2 and A3 which have the same INSPersonalAddressType of Value 2. Since the default criteria is set to Recent the most recent of the two versions prevails, in this case, A3. The A2 record’s end date column is updated with the current date and time.

                                  Also, if EntityInternalProcess_PersonalAddress is set to True, the Contact C2 record undergoes internal resolution for addresses A5 and A6 which have the same INSPersonalAddressType of Value 2. Since the default criteria is set to Recent the most recent of the two versions prevails, in this case, A6. The A5 record’s end date column is updated with current date and time.

                                • Applying the Field Value based rule (which is set to Source) for INSPersonalAddressType = <Value 2> the source confidence of System = Siebel01(80) is greater than Ebiz01(70) so the A6 record prevails over the A3 record. The A3 record’s end date column is updated with the current date and time.

                                So, the result is that Contact (C12) with five Personal Address records (and A4 and the A1 records with the same user key, INSPersonalAddressType = Value 1) prevailed and the A6 record with INSPersonalAddressType = Value 2 prevailed while the A2, A3 and A5 address records are end dated.

                                The attribute data is also inserted for new address records and updated for the previously existing address records accordingly.

                                  Process of Creating Survivorship Rules

                                    Creating Attribute Groups for Survivorship Rules

                                    This task is a step in Process of Creating Survivorship Rules. For more information on survivorship rules, see About Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) Survivorship Rules. Use the following task to create an attributed group.

                                    To create an attribute group

                                    1. Navigate to Administration - Universal Customer Master, then the Survivorship Rules view.

                                    2. Click the Attribute Group Fields tab.

                                    3. In the Attribute Group list, click the New button.

                                    4. Enter a descriptive name for the attribute group record, and select an object name, for example, Contact, Account, and so on.

                                    5. In the Attribute Group Field Name list, click New.

                                    6. Add one or more fields to define this attribute group.

                                      Creating Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) Survivorship Rules

                                      This task is a step in Process of Creating Survivorship Rules. For more information on survivorship rules, see About Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) Survivorship Rules. Use the following task to create a survivorship rule.

                                      To create a survivorship rule

                                      1. Navigate to Administration - Universal Customer Master, then Survivorship Rules.

                                      2. In the Rule Name list, click New.

                                      3. Enter values for the columns in the record. See the following table for information on the available columns.

                                        Column Name Description


                                        Enter a name for the new rule.

                                        Object Name

                                        Use this column to designate what objects are affected by the survivorship rule. For example, select the contact object to create a survivorship rule based on contact information.

                                        Default Criteria

                                        Use this column to configure the default criteria used for attribute groups with no explicit rule definition.

                                        This column is also the default comparison rule to be used when the comparison rule at the Attribute Group level cannot be used to determine the winning data. For example, when comparing by source and the confidence level of the systems are tied, the survivorship rule uses the Default Criteria as the comparison rule to compare.


                                        Sets the survivorship rule to Active or Inactive. Select Inactive while creating and defining the survivorship rule.

                                        Start Date

                                        Configures the date when the survivorship rule becomes valid.

                                        End Date

                                        Configures the date when the survivorship rule is invalidated.

                                        Default Rule Set

                                        When no active survivorship rule is defined or the active survivorship rule has expired, the rule with the Default Rule Set that is set to Y is used as the active survivorship rule. Select the Default Rule Set check box for only one survivorship rule for each object.

                                        Business Service Name

                                        This column appears only when the default criteria are set to External. This setting enables you to enter this additional, required information.

                                        Business Service Method

                                        This column appears only when the default criteria are set to External. This setting enables you to enter this additional, required information.

                                        Rule Module

                                        This column appears only when the default criteria are set to External. This setting enables you to enter this additional, required information.

                                      4. Click the Attribute Groups tab, and then in the Attribute Groups list, click New to add attribute groups explicitly governed by the survivorship rule.

                                      5. From the Attributes Group window, select the attribute group of focus for this survivorship rule; that is, the attributes that are evaluated by the survivorship rule to determine the most current data.

                                        You can select preconfigured attribute groups or define unique attribute groups. For information on creating attribute groups, see Creating Attribute Groups for Survivorship Rules.

                                      6. Click OK.

                                      7. Enter values for the columns in the record. See the following table for information on the available columns.

                                        Column Name Description

                                        Attribute Group Name

                                        Select this value from the picklist.

                                        Object Name

                                        Depending on which parent record you are working in, this value will be predefined. For instance, if you are working in a Contact Default record, this object name field will be Contact.

                                        Comparison Rule

                                        Select either External, History, Master, Recent, Slave, or Source, as the rule for comparison. Based on the rule selected, Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) evaluates whether the input from the external system can be used to update the specified attribute group values. For more information on each comparison method, see About Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) Survivorship Rules.


                                        The order in which to evaluate multiple attribute groups.

                                        Default Rule Set

                                        When no active survivorship rule is defined or the active survivorship rule has expired, the rule with the Default Rule Set set to Y is used as the active survivorship rule. Select the Default Rule Set check box for only one survivorship rule for each object.

                                        Business Service Name

                                        This column with the Business Service Method and Rule Method columns appear only when the default criteria are set to External. This setting enables you to enter this additional, required information.

                                        Business Service Method

                                        This column with the Business Service Name and Rule Method column appear only when the default criteria are set to External. This setting enables you to enter this additional, required information.

                                      8. Step off the record to refresh the view.

                                      9. If the comparison rule for the attribute group is determined by the source, set the source confidence level as follows:

                                        • Click the Source Confidence tab.

                                        • In the System ID list, click New.

                                        • In the new record, define the source system, and set a confidence level for the individual source system.

                                        • Add other systems as necessary.

                                      10. Add multiple attribute groups, as in the previous step, to further define the survivorship rule.

                                        Creating Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) Survivorship Rules for Child Entities

                                        This task is a step in Process of Creating Survivorship Rules. For more information on survivorship rules, see About Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) Survivorship Rules. Use the following task to create a survivorship rule for a child record, also known as an entity survivorship rule.

                                        To create a entity survivorship rule

                                        1. Navigate to Administration - Universal Customer Master, then Entity Survivorship Rules.

                                        2. In the Entity Survivorship Rules list, click New.

                                        3. Enter values for the columns in the record. See the following table for information on the available columns.

                                          Column Name Description


                                          Enter a name for the new rule.

                                          Object Name

                                          Use the drop-down list to choose a valid child record type.

                                          Parent Object

                                          Use the drop-down list to choose a parent object record type.


                                          Sets the entity survivorship rule to Active or Inactive. Select Inactive while creating and defining the entity survivorship rule.

                                          Start Date

                                          Configures the date when the survivorship rule becomes valid.

                                          End Date

                                          Configures the date when the survivorship rule is invalidated.

                                          Default Criteria

                                          The default criteria is used in user key based matches to eliminate the losing record. It is also used within the existing master record or within the incoming match record when the business service user property EntityInternalProcess is set to True.

                                          End Date Field Name

                                          The name of the field for which victim instances will be end-dated.

                                          Business Service Name

                                          This column with the Business Service Method and Rule Module column appear only when the default criteria are set to External. This setting enables you to enter this additional, required information.

                                          Business Service Method

                                          This column with the Business Service Name and Rule Method column appear only when the default criteria are set to External. This setting enables you to enter this additional, required information.

                                          Rule Module Name

                                          The Business Rule Modules define in an external rule engine.

                                          Creating Field Value Based Rules for Entity Survivorship

                                          This task is a step in Process of Creating Survivorship Rules. For more information on survivorship rules, see About Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) Survivorship Rules. Use the following task to create a survivorship rule for a child record, also known as an entity survivorship rule.

                                          To create field value based rules for entity survivorship

                                          1. In Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) navigate to Administration - Universal Customer Master, then click the Entity Survivorship Rules link.

                                          2. In the Entity Survivorship Rules list, click New, then fill in the required information for the entity rule set.

                                          3. In the Comparison Rule applet, click New to enter new Field Value Based rules.

                                          4. Enter the required information for each Field Value Based rule.

                                            For more information, see Considerations When Using Child Survivorship Rules.

                                            Note: The lower the sequence number you give to the rule, the higher the priority it will be given.

                                            Activating Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) Survivorship Rules

                                            This task is a step in Process of Creating Survivorship Rules. For more information on survivorship rules, see About Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) Survivorship Rules. Use the following task to activate survivorship rules.

                                            Note: Review Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) survivorship rules thoroughly in a test environment before activating them.

                                            To activate survivorship rules

                                            1. Navigate to Administration - Universal Customer Master, then Survivorship Rules

                                            2. Select the survivorship rule of interest.

                                            3. Click the Summary tab.

                                            4. Review the information contained in this view for the survivorship rule.

                                            5. Click the Attribute Groups tab.

                                            6. Select the survivorship rule of interest, and set the status field to Active.

                                              About Default Survivorship Rules in Oracle Customer Hub (UCM)

                                              This topic describes the default survivorship rules included in Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) and provides an example of a default rule with modifications. You might use this feature differently, depending on your business model.

                                              For more information on survivorship rules, see About Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) Survivorship Rules.

                                              Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) includes two default rules named:

                                              • Contacts Default. The default criteria field for the Contacts Default rule is set to Recent. This default criteria field indicates that the Contacts Default rule evaluates the date of the incoming external system update against the date of the existing data saved in the default attribute groups. The most recent date of the two data records survives in the Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) record.

                                              • Accounts Default. The default criteria field for the Accounts Default rule is history. This default criteria field indicates that the Accounts Default rule evaluates the same incoming updates by date; however, the older data survives in the Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) record.

                                                There are no defined attribute groups for either of these rules in the attribute group list in the lower view. This setting implies that the default attribute groups are evaluated by the default field in the default survivorship rule.

                                                The Status field for both rules is set to Active, and the Start Date field for both rules is June 16, 2009, which indicates that this rule is ready to evaluate updates to Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) for the default attribute groups and their associated fields.

                                              The following example describes creating a modification to the contacts default rule to enhance the survivorship rule by comparing updates to a contact’s income data. For more information on survivorship rules, see About Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) Survivorship Rules.

                                              Example Process of Creating a New Attribute Group for the Contacts Default Rule

                                              To create a new attribute group for the contacts default rule, do the following:

                                              1. Creating a New Attribute Group for the Contacts Default Rule

                                              2. Attaching the New Attribute Group to the Contact Default Rule

                                                Creating a New Attribute Group for the Contacts Default Rule

                                                To create a new attribute group for the Contacts Default rule, use the following procedure.Use the following task to create a new rule.

                                                This task is a step in Example Process of Creating a New Attribute Group for the Contacts Default Rule

                                                To create a new Attribute Group for the Contacts Default rule

                                                1. Navigate to Administration - Universal Customer Master, then Survivorship Rules.

                                                2. Select the Contact Default rule, then click the Attribute Group Fields tab.

                                                3. In the Attribute Group list, click the New button.

                                                4. Define the new attribute group as follows:

                                                  • Attribute Group Name

                                                  Income Attribute Group

                                                  • Object


                                                  • Description

                                                  Defines the rule for the income field in Oracle Customer Hub (UCM)

                                                5. In the Attribute Group Fields list, click the New button.

                                                6. Add the field name Income to the new attribute group from the menu.

                                                  The new attribute group is now defined and references the Income field.

                                                  Attaching the New Attribute Group to the Contact Default Rule

                                                  To attach a new attribute group for the Contacts Default rule, use the following procedure. Use the following task to attach the newly created rule.

                                                  This task is a step in Example Process of Creating a New Attribute Group for the Contacts Default Rule

                                                  To attach a new attribute group to the contact default rule

                                                  1. Navigate to Administration - Universal Customer Master, then Survivorship Rules

                                                  2. In the Survivorship Rules list, select the Contact Default rule.

                                                  3. Set the Status field to inactive while defining the modification to the default rule.

                                                  4. In the Attribute Groups list, add a new attribute group by clicking New.

                                                  5. From the Attribute Group picklist, query for and select the attribute group created previously, Income Attribute Group.

                                                  6. Define the Comparison Rule for this attribute group as Source.

                                                  7. Step off or save the attribute group record for the Contacts Default rule.

                                                  8. Because the comparison method is Source, define the confidence level of the source external systems for the new attribute group:

                                                    1. Select the Source Confidence tab.

                                                    2. In the System ID list, click New.

                                                    3. In the new record, define the source system. As an example, let Source A be the name of one external system and set this system’s confidence level to 75.

                                                    4. Add another source record. As an example, let Source B be the name of a second external system and set this system’s confidence level to 95.

                                                  This survivorship rule evaluates all updates to the Income field based on the confidence level of the source. For example, if Source B updates the field originally, and then Source A updates at a later date, Source B’s data survives because the confidence level is greater than Source A’s. Alternatively, if the comparison method was Recent, Source A’s data for the Income field would update the Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) record and replace Source B’s data. The final task in the process is to review and activate the enhanced rule. Use the following task to review and activate the newly created rule.

                                                  To review and activate the enhanced Default Contact rule

                                                  1. From the link bar, select Survivorship Rules

                                                  2. Select the Contact Default survivorship rule.

                                                  3. Select the Summary tab, and review the details of the modified Contact Default rule.

                                                  4. Navigate back to the survivorship rule list, and select the Contact Default rule.

                                                  5. Set the Status field to Active, and make sure the Start and End date fields do not invalidate this rule.

                                                  The modified Contact Default rule is now active and evaluates updates to the Income field.

                                                    New and Enhanced Applets for the Survivorship Engine

                                                    This topic describes the new and enhanced applets for the survivorship object.

                                                      New Applet: UCM Entity Rule Set List Applet

                                                      The following information lists the properties of UCM Entity Rule Set List Applet. The UI controls are: New, Delete, and Query buttons.

                                                      Table UCM Entity Rule Set List Applet

                                                      Field Value


                                                      Entity Rule Name

                                                      Business Component

                                                      UCM Entity Rule Set



                                                      No Delete


                                                      No Merge


                                                      No Insert


                                                      No Update


                                                      UCM Entity Rule Set List Applet- Web Template

                                                      The following table lists the properties of the applet Web template for UCM Entity Rule Set List Applet.

                                                      Table UCM Entity Rule Set List Applet Web Template

                                                      Name Type Web Template



                                                      Applet List Edit (Edit/New/Query)



                                                      Applet List (Base/EditList)

                                                      Edit List

                                                      Edit List

                                                      Applet List (Base/EditList)

                                                      UCM Entity Rule Set List Applet Columns

                                                      The following table lists the properties of the list columns of UCM Entity Rule Set List Applet.

                                                      Table UCM Entity Rule Set List Applet Columns

                                                      Field Display Name HTML Type Run Time

                                                      Default Criteria

                                                      Default Criteria







                                                      End Date

                                                      End Date



                                                      End Date Field Name

                                                      End Date Field Name







                                                      Object Name

                                                      Object Name



                                                      Parent Object Name

                                                      Parent Object Name







                                                      Start Date

                                                      Start Date



                                                        New Applet: UCM Entity Rule Set List Applet - External

                                                        The following information lists the properties of the UCM Entity Rule Set List Applet - External. The UI controls are New, Delete, and Query buttons.

                                                        Table UCM Entity Rule Set List Applet - External

                                                        Field Value


                                                        Entity Rule Name

                                                        Business Component

                                                        UCM Entity Rule Set



                                                        No Delete


                                                        No Merge


                                                        No Insert


                                                        No Update


                                                        UCM Entity Rule Set List Applet - External - Web Template

                                                        The following table lists the properties of the applet Web template of UCM Entity Rule Set List Applet - External.

                                                        Table UCM Entity Rule Set List Applet - External Web Template

                                                        Name Type Web Template



                                                        Applet List (Base/EditList)



                                                        Applet List Edit (Edit/New/Query)

                                                        Edit List

                                                        Edit List

                                                        Applet List (Base/EditList)

                                                        UCM Entity Rule Set List Applet - External - List Columns

                                                        The following tables lists the properties of the list columns of UCM Entity Rule Set List Applet - External.

                                                        Table UCM Entity Rule Set List Applet - External List Columns

                                                        Field Display Name HTML Type Run Time

                                                        Method Name

                                                        Business Service Method



                                                        Business Service Name

                                                        Business Service Name



                                                        Default Criteria

                                                        Default Criteria







                                                        End Date

                                                        End Date



                                                        End Date Field Name

                                                        End Date Field Name







                                                        Object Name

                                                        Object Name



                                                        Parent Object Name

                                                        Parent Object Name



                                                        Rule Module Name

                                                        Rule Module Name



                                                        Start Date

                                                        Start Date







                                                          New Applet: UCM Entity Rule Set List Applet - END Date and External

                                                          The following information lists the properties of UCM Entity Rule Set List Applet - END Date and External. The UI controls are New, Delete, and Query buttons.

                                                          Table UCM Entity Rule Set List Applet - END Date and External

                                                          Field Value


                                                          Entity Rule Name

                                                          Business Component

                                                          UCM Entity Rule Set



                                                          No Delete


                                                          No Merge


                                                          No Insert


                                                          No Update


                                                          UCM Entity Rule Set List Applet - END Date and External - Web Template

                                                          The following table lists the properties of the applet Web template of UCM Entity Rule Set List Applet - END Date and External.

                                                          Table UCM Entity Rule Set List Applet - END Date and External Web Template

                                                          Name Type Web Template



                                                          Applet List Edit (Edit/New/Query)



                                                          Applet List (Base/EditList)

                                                          Edit List

                                                          Edit List

                                                          Applet List (Base/EditList)

                                                          UCM Entity Rule Set List Applet - END Date and External Columns

                                                          The following table lists the properties of the list columns of UCM Entity Rule Set List Applet - END Date and External.

                                                          Table UCM Entity Rule Set List Applet - END Date and External Columns

                                                          Field Display Name HTML Type Run Time

                                                          Method Name

                                                          Business Service Method



                                                          Business Service Name

                                                          Business Service Name



                                                          Default Criteria

                                                          Default Criteria







                                                          End Date

                                                          End Date



                                                          End Date Field Name

                                                          End Date Field Name







                                                          Object Name

                                                          Object Name



                                                          Parent Object Name

                                                          Parent Object Name



                                                          Rule Module Name

                                                          Rule Module Name



                                                          Start Date

                                                          Start Date







                                                            New Applet: UCM Attribute Field Value Rule List Applet - External

                                                            The following information lists the properties of UCM Attribute Field Value Rule List Applet - External. The UI controls are New, Delete, and Query buttons.

                                                            Table UCM Attribute Field Value Rule List Applet - External Fields

                                                            Field Value


                                                            Entity Field Rule Name

                                                            Business Component

                                                            UCM Attribute Field Value Rule



                                                            No Delete


                                                            No Merge


                                                            No Insert


                                                            No Update


                                                            UCM Attribute Field Value Rule List Applet - External Web Template

                                                            The following table lists the properties of the applet Web template of UCM Attribute Field Value Rule - External.

                                                            Table UCM Attribute Field Value Rule List Applet - External Web Template

                                                            Name Type Web Template



                                                            Applet List Edit (Edit/New/Query)



                                                            Applet List (Base/EditList)

                                                            Edit List

                                                            Edit List

                                                            Applet List (Edit/New/Query)

                                                            UCM Attribute Field Value Rule List Applet - External

                                                            The following table lists the properties of the list columns of UCM Attribute Field Value Rule List Applet - External.

                                                            Table UCM Attribute Field Value Rule List Applet - External Columns

                                                            Field Display Name HTML Type Run Time





                                                            Rule Name

                                                            Rule Name



                                                            Comparison Field Name

                                                            Comparison Field Name



                                                            Comparison Field Value

                                                            Comparison Field Value







                                                            Comparison Rule

                                                            Comparison Rule



                                                            Business Service Name

                                                            Business Service Name



                                                            Method Name

                                                            Method Name



                                                            Business Service Rule Module Name

                                                            Business Service Rule Module Name







                                                              New Applet: UCM Attribute Field Value Rule List Applet

                                                              The following information lists the properties of UCM Attribute Field Value Rule List Applet. The UI controls are New, Delete, and Query buttons.

                                                              Table UCM Attribute Field Value Rule List Applet Fields

                                                              Field Value


                                                              Entity Field Rule Name

                                                              Business Component

                                                              UCM Attribute Field Value Rule



                                                              No Delete


                                                              No Merge


                                                              No Insert


                                                              No Update


                                                              UCM Attribute Field Value Rule List Applet - Web Template

                                                              The following table lists the properties of the applet Web template of UCM Attribute Field Value Rule.

                                                              Table UCM Attribute Field Value Rule List Applet Web Template

                                                              Name Type Web Template



                                                              Applet List Edit (Edit/New/Query)



                                                              Applet List (Base/EditList)

                                                              Edit List

                                                              Edit List

                                                              Applet List (Edit/New/Query)

                                                              UCM Attribute Field Value Rule List Applet Columns

                                                              The following table lists the properties of the list columns of UCM Attribute Field Value Rule List Applet.

                                                              Table UCM Attribute Field Value Rule List Applet Columns

                                                              Field Display Name HTML Type Run Time





                                                              Rule Name

                                                              Rule Name



                                                              Comparison Field Name

                                                              Comparison Field Name



                                                              Comparison Field Value

                                                              Comparison Field Value







                                                              Comparison Rule

                                                              Comparison Rule







                                                              UCM Attribute Field Value Rule List Applet Toggle

                                                              The following table lists the properties of UCM Entity Rule Set List Applet Applet Toggle.

                                                              Table UCM Attribute Field Value Rule List Applet Toggle

                                                              Applet Auto Toggle Field Auto Toggle Value

                                                              UCM Attribute Field Value Rule - External

                                                              Comparison Rule INT


                                                                New Applet: UCM Attrib Field Source Confidence Level List Applet

                                                                The following information lists the properties of UCM Attrib Field Source Confidence Level List Applet. The UI controls are New, Delete, and Query buttons.

                                                                Table UCM Attrib Field Source Confidence Level List Applet

                                                                Field Value


                                                                Attrib Field Source Confidence

                                                                Business Component

                                                                UCM Attrib Field Source Confidence



                                                                No Delete


                                                                No Merge


                                                                No Insert


                                                                No Update


                                                                UCM Attrib Field Source Confidence Level List Applet Web Template

                                                                The following table lists the properties of the applet Web template of UCM Attrib Field Source Confidence Level List Applet.

                                                                Table UCM Attrib Field Source Confidence Level List Applet Web Template

                                                                Name Type Web Template



                                                                Applet List Edit (Edit/New/Query)



                                                                Applet List (Base/EditList)

                                                                Edit List

                                                                Edit List

                                                                Applet List (Edit/New/Query)

                                                                UCM Attrib Field Source Confidence Level List Applet Columns

                                                                The following table lists the properties of the list columns of UCM Attrib Field Source Confidence Level List Applet.

                                                                Table UCM Attrib Field Source Confidence Level List Applet Columns

                                                                Field Display Name HTML Type Run Time

                                                                Confidence Level

                                                                Confidence Level



                                                                System Number

                                                                System Number



                                                                System Name

                                                                System Id







                                                                UCM Attrib Field Source Confidence Level List Applet Toggle

                                                                The following table lists the properties of UCM Attrib Field Source Confidence Level List Applet Toggle.

                                                                Table UCM Attrib Field Source Confidence Level List Applet Toggle

                                                                Applet Auto Toggle Field Auto Toggle Value

                                                                UCM Non Source Confidence Level Form Applet

                                                                Source Rule INT


                                                                  New Applet: UCM Non Source Confidence Level Form Applet

                                                                  The following information lists the properties of UCM Non Source Confidence Level Form Applet. The UI controls are New, Delete, and Query buttons.

                                                                  Table UCM Non Source Confidence Level Form Applet

                                                                  Field Value


                                                                  UCM Non Source Confidence Level Form Applet

                                                                  Business Component

                                                                  UCM Attrib Field Source Confidence



                                                                  No Delete


                                                                  No Merge


                                                                  No Insert


                                                                  No Update


                                                                  UCM Non Source Confidence Level Form Applet Web Template

                                                                  The following table lists the properties of the applet Web template of UCM Non Source Confidence Level Form.

                                                                  Table UCM Non Source Confidence Level Form Applet Web Template

                                                                  Name Type Web Template



                                                                  Applet Form Grid Layout



                                                                  Applet Form Grid Layout

                                                                  UCM Non Source Confidence Level Form Applet Toggle

                                                                  The following table lists the properties of UCM Non Source Confidence Level Form Applet Toggle.

                                                                  Table UCM Non Source Confidence Level Form Applet Toggle

                                                                  Applet Auto Toggle Field Auto Toggle Value

                                                                  UCM Non Source Confidence Level List Applet

                                                                  Comparison Rule
