14Oracle Case Hub

Oracle Case Hub

This chapter contains an overview of Oracle Case Hub and information on views that are additional to the default Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) views. It contains the following topics:

About Oracle Case Hub

Oracle Case Hub is a bundle of Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) products which focus primarily on case management, such as, taxpayers, claimants, and so on.

Along with the mastering citizen, claimant, taxpayer data, and so on, Oracle Case Hub also supports the mastering of cases (insurance, justice and safety, revenue and tax, social services, transportation, and so on). It also supports the related activities with the optional details that depend upon the nature of cases like the following:

  • Vehicle data, public-health related data, for example, disease, outbreaks, medication

  • Justice and safety related data, for example, suspect, incident, arrest, evidence, leads, and so on

    Main Features of Oracle Case Hub

    The following are the main features of Oracle Case Hub.

    Case Serialization

    Case serialization provides agencies with the ability to standardize case numbering across the organization by generating unique, custom-defined serial numbers on cases, as well as leads and evidence that are related to the case. When a case record is created in the Siebel database, a unique serial number is automatically generated and stamped on the record. Using Siebel Case Serialization, administrators can set the case serial number to include a combination of multiple fields so that the composite number is meaningful to an investigator. For interoperability with non-Siebel data, case serial numbering can be accessed from other external applications using prebuilt Web services to extend an organization's standardized numbering methodology to case information in any system.

    Incident Management

    Siebel Incident Management allows agencies to track, monitor, escalate, and resolve reported incidents. Currently, most agencies manage reported incidents through either paper-intensive manual processes or stand-alone, nonintegrated systems. Procedures and processes for recording and routing incidents are inconsistent, time-consuming and error prone. Siebel Incident Management allows agencies to standardize the incident data capture process inside or across departments and ensure that incidents are resolved according to established department policies or regulatory requirements. Siebel Incident Management provides the flexibility to track an individual across multiple incidents, even when this individual has a different role in the incident. Siebel Incident Management enables organizations to track offenders, victims, or witnesses from incident to incident. This flexibility allows organizations to quickly gather the information required to understand the context of an incident, route it to the appropriate department or individual for response, and ensure that the right course of action is pursued according to the specific policy and regulatory requirements of the agency.

    Offense Management

    Siebel Offense Management provides organizations the capability to track criminal offenses as part of a comprehensive incident management system. Offenses can be logged as part of the incident and used for reporting purposes and further analysis. Data about the offenders, victims, force used, and assets can be captured quickly and easily. Users can follow up on the offense by adding notes or related documents to the record to provide a comprehensive picture of the offense. All of the necessary information for reporting, tracking, and managing offenses are easily entered and readily available to users. Agencies can capture the circumstances surrounding the incident of specific categories, such as aggravated assault or murder, justifiable homicide, or negligent manslaughter with descriptive and structured information for ease in reporting and analyzing. Additionally, Siebel Offense Management allows agencies to track the use of drugs or alcohol related to the offense and record any use of force during the offense, including the use of any weapons.

    Location Tracking

    Siebel Location Tracking enables organizations to standardize locations that have multiple addresses and to specify an area where there might not be precise address information. The ability to assign more specific location information without needing addresses makes it easier to classify and capture important information about an area. Siebel Location Tracking supports the association of multiple addresses to a single, specific Location, as well as other precise location information, such as latitude-longitude pairs or Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM). This feature provides organizations with a variety of different address formats to use when describing the location of an incident (For example, Central Park, corner of 5th and Main Streets, parking lot G). This combination of a specific location with a descriptive label helps faster response to developing incidents in addition to building a richer repository of data for use in later analysis. Siebel Location Tracking also enables agencies to standardize locations that have multiple addresses, such as malls, hotels, office parks or campuses, and specify an area that lacks precise address information, such as an intersection, or the north end of a lake.

    Evidence Management

    Siebel Evidence Management enables agencies to track and manage evidence associated with the cases they are managing. Siebel Evidence Management supports a two-tier evidence model that enables agencies to track unique physical items in addition to managing these items as evidence in the context of one or more cases. For investigative cases, evidence collected at a crime scene (such as a weapon) can be viewed as a unique asset in Siebel CRM, and later converted to evidence in multiple cases. For each evidence record, different activities and documents can be tracked, in accordance with the specific requirements of each case. For social services or benefits cases, a person's identifying documents can serve as evidence in multiple cases across departments or programs. Siebel Evidence Management provides the capability to consolidate evidentiary items across an organization, yet still manage evidence in the context of each individual case. Siebel Evidence Management enables agencies to manage the history of activities or actions specific to each case and each piece of evidence. This feature includes the ability to establish standardized handling instructions or activity templates that conform to agency requirements. Agencies can also link multiple evidence items with the same underlying asset, or relate evidence items within or between cases to establish key investigative linkages. Additionally, Siebel Evidence Management enables agencies to track various roles of individuals as they relate to each piece of evidence. Together, these new capabilities in Siebel Evidence Management provide agencies with a flexible repository of physical items that supports evidence in different cases and at the same provides exceptional investigative insight.

    Investigative Lead Management

    This feature enables agencies to track lead information as part of each case record, including when the lead was created, routed, covered, and submitted for approval. Additionally, agencies can relate all relevant investigative information to a lead, such as contacts, suspects, victims or other persons or groups of interest, and view and compile evidence associated with a lead that is relevant to the case at hand. For standardization, agencies can serialize leads as part of a case, and lead records can be numbered according to the specific numbering methodology of a public agency. When viewing the lead, agencies can also see activities performed on a lead automatically in the context of the parent case.

      Oracle Case Hub Views

      The following information lists the Oracle Case Hub views that are additional to the base Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) views.

      Table Oracle Case Hub Views

      Logical Grouping Available Views

      Public Sector Information File

      HLS Account Case View

      HLS All Case List View

      HLS Case Account View

      HLS Case Activities View

      HLS Case Attachment View

      HLS Case Auto Vehicles View

      HLS Case Detail View

      HLS Case Disease View

      HLS Case Groups View

      HLS Case INS Claims View

      HLS Case Note View

      HLS Case Partner View

      HLS Case Preview View

      HLS Case Project View

      HLS Case Quote View

      HLS Case Related Case View

      HLS Case Sales Assessment View

      HLS Case Service Request View

      HLS Case Suspect View

      PUB Case Audit Trail View

      PUB GOV Case Activity Plans View

      Public Sector Information File (continued)

      PUB GOV Case Monthly Calendar View

      PUB GOV Case Products View

      PUB GOV Channel Partner Cases View

      PUB GOV Contact Cases View

      PUB GOV Household Cases View

      PUB HLS Case Contact View

      PUB My Team Case List View

      PUB Case Screen Home Page View

      HLS Case Activities View - ReadOnly

      HLS Case Attachments View - ReadOnly

      HLS Case Detail View - ReadOnly

      HLS Case Hierarchy View

      HLS Case Note View - ReadOnly

      HLS Case Suspect View - ReadOnly

      HLS Case Teamspace View

      PUB Service Request Case View

      Public Sector Case Incident Information File

      Disease Attachment View

      Disease Cases View

      Disease List View

      Disease Medication View

      Disease Service Request View

      Disease Training View

      Diseases Detail View

      HLS All Groups List View

      HLS All Medication List View

      HLS All Suspect List View

      HLS Disease FAQ View

      HLS Disease Preview View

      HLS Group Preview View

      HLS Groups Activities View

      Public Sector Case Incident Information File (continued)

      HLS Groups Address View

      HLS Groups Attachment View

      HLS Groups Case View

      HLS Groups Detail View

      HLS Groups List View

      HLS Groups Note View

      HLS Groups Suspect View

      HLS Medication Diseases View

      HLS Medication Drug Interactions View

      HLS Medication Inventory View

      HLS Medication List View

      HLS Medication Substitutes View

      HLS Public Health Home Page View

      HLS Report Outbreak View

      HLS Smart Script Player View

      HLS Suspect Activities View

      HLS Suspect Address View

      HLS Suspect Associated Suspect View

      HLS Suspect Attachment View

      HLS Suspect Case View

      HLS Suspect Details View

      HLS Suspect Group View

      HLS Suspect List View

      HLS Suspect Note View

      HLS Suspect Preview View

      My Disease List View

      PUB HLS All Incident List View

      PUB HLS Contact Incident View

      PUB HLS Groups Incident View

      PUB HLS Incident Activities View

      PUB HLS Incident Attachment View

      Public Sector Case Incident Information File (continued)

      PUB HLS Incident Detail View

      PUB HLS Incident Group View

      PUB HLS Incident List View

      PUB HLS Incident Note View

      PUB HLS Incident Preview View

      PUB HLS Incident Suspect View

      PUB HLS My Team Group List View

      PUB HLS My Team Incident List View

      PUB HLS My Team Suspect List View

      PUB HLS Suspect Incident View

      Relationship Hierarchy View (Groups)

      PUB Incident Screen Home Page View

      PUB HLS Case Incident View

      PUB HLS Exception Handling View

      PUB Incident Account Offense View

      PUB Incident Accounts View

      PUB Incident Arrest Activities View

      PUB Incident Arrest Attachments View

      PUB Incident Arrest Force View

      PUB Incident Arrest Notes View

      PUB Incident Arrest Offense View

      PUB Incident Arrests View

      PUB Incident Audit Trail View

      PUB Incident Cases View

      PUB Incident Circumstances View

      PUB Incident Contacts View

      PUB Incident Evidence View

      PUB Incident Lead View

      PUB Incident Location View

      PUB Incident Offender Notes View

      PUB Incident Offender Offense View

      Public Sector Case Incident Information File (continued)

      PUB Incident Offender Victims View

      PUB Incident Offender View

      PUB Incident Offense Attachments View

      PUB Incident Offense Force View

      PUB Incident Offense Notes View

      PUB Incident Offense Offender View

      PUB Incident Offense Property View

      PUB Incident Offense Substance View

      PUB Incident Offense Victim View

      PUB Incident Offenses View

      PUB Incident Property View

      PUB Incident Service Requests View

      PUB Incident Subject Matches View

      PUB Incident Subject View

      PUB Incident Victim Injuries View

      PUB Incident Victim Notes View

      PUB Incident Victim Offenders View

      PUB Incident Victim Offense View

      PUB Incident Victims View