15Oracle Life Sciences Customer Hub

Oracle Life Sciences Customer Hub

This chapter contains an overview of Oracle Life Sciences Customer Hub and information on views that are additional to the base Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) view. It contains the following topics:

About Oracle Life Sciences Customer Hub

Oracle Life Sciences Customer Hub is a bundle of Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) products that focus on the life sciences industry. It represents the most complete data model and baseline functionality to meet the customer relationship management needs of the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, medical devices, and clinical research industries. Oracle Life Sciences Customer Hub also helps pharmaceutical and medical product companies to maintain important data about managed care organizations and pharmacy benefit management companies.

This product provides a central repository for the following:

  • Contact management. It enables users to access and manage all customer-related information for target contacts, including physicians, nurses, and other health-care professionals. Comprehensive profiling information, such as rating and ranking, multiple addresses, account and contact affiliations, activities, best times to visit, private and shared notes, and attachments, enable sales, marketing, and service contacts to maximize customer interaction. Users can share contact profile information with other sales team members, enabling productive team selling, and collaboration.

  • Complex account management. It supports complex institutional sales process by mastering the complex account hierarchies that exist among hospitals, clinics, and various other organizations that influence purchasing decisions, such as Group Purchasing Organizations and Integrated Delivery Networks. Siebel Life Sciences enables the management of complex account organizational structures by supporting multilevel account hierarchies and intuitive drill-down capabilities. This feature enables account managers to conduct business and manage account and contact information at any level in the account hierarchy. Comprehensive account profiling information enable sales, marketing, and service contacts to maximize customer interaction. Users can share account profile information with other sales team members, enabling productive team selling and collaboration.

  • Account management for managed care organizations and pharmacy benefit management companies. These businesses are entered as accounts of the type, Managed Care. The fields in the Managed Care Account form are designed to hold data relevant to these businesses, such as enrollment, prescription spending, and number of participating providers. Along with the mastering of physician, channel partner data, Oracle Life Sciences Customer Hub also stores pharmacy campaigns and offers.

Oracle Life Sciences Customer Hub Views

The following information lists the Oracle Life Sciences Customer Hub views that are additional to the base Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) view.

Table Oracle Life Sciences Customer Hub Views

Logical Grouping Available Views

Universal Customer Master - Base

SIS Account Administration View

Relationship Hierarchy View (Account)

Pharma Activity Chart View - Activity Analysis

Pharma Activity Chart View - Status Analysis

Relationship Hierarchy View (Contact)

Households Across Organization View

Relationship Hierarchy View (Household)

Relationship Hierarchy View (Employee)

CIF System Administration List View

CIF System Privileges Admin List View

CIF System Pub Sub Admin List View

CIF Company References Admin List View

CIF Contact References Admin List View

CIF Household References Admin List View

CIF Home Page View

UCM Account History Flat List View

UCM Account History List View

UCM Account Cross-Reference View

UCM Contact History Flat List View

UCM Contact History List View

UCM Contact Cross-Reference View

UCM Contact DeDup View

UCM Account DeDup View

UCM Household Cross-Reference View

UCM Attribute Group Field View

UCM Rule Set Attribute Group Field View

Universal Customer Master - Base (continued)

UCM Rule Set Attribute Group View

UCM Rule Set Group Source Confidence View

UCM Account Duplicates Detail View

UCM Account Duplicates View

UCM Account UnMerge View

UCM Contact Duplicates Detail View

UCM Contact Duplicates View

UCM Contact UnMerge View

UCM Account Contact List View

UCM Account Privacy History List View

UCM Contact Privacy History List View

UCM Financial Account Admin List View

UCM Financial Account Contact List View

UCM Financial Account Privacy History List View

UCM Financial Account Privacy List View

UCM Financial Account Cross-Reference View

UCM Household Contact View

UCM Household History List View

UCM Household History Flat List View

UCM Hierarchy Flat List View

UCM Hierarchy Tree Explorer View

Contact Details View (Detail tab)

Contact Detail - Personal Address View

Relationship Hierarchy View (Contact)

Contact Detail - Personal Payment Profile View

Households Listing View

Households Contact Detail View

Relationship Hierarchy View (Household)

All Channel Partner Across Organization

Channel Partner Detail View

Channel Partner Detail - Contacts View

Universal Customer Master - Base

Channel Partner Address View

Partner Partnership Contacts View

Business Service List View

Business Service Methods List View

Business Service Script Editor View

Business Service Test View

Business Service User Properties View

Advanced Customer Profile – Base

Account Detail - Activities View

Account Agreement List View

Account Entitlement List View

Account Note View

Sub Account Detail - Assets View

Sub Account Detail - Contacts View

Sub Account Detail - Sub Accounts View

Sub Account Detail View

Coverage Team View

Contact Detail View

Contact Service Agreement List View

Contact Implicit Entitlements View

Contact Explicit Entitlements View

Contact Note View

Households Notes View (read-only)

Households Activities View (read-only)

FINS Household Detail - Billing Accounts View

Households Service Agreements View (read-only)

Channel Partner Detail - Activities View

Channel Partner Agreement List View

Partner Certification - Certifications Detail View

Channel Partner Note View

Channel Partner Profile View

Advanced Customer Profile – Base (continued)

Channel Partner Partnership Profile View

Marketing Information File – Base

Campaign Monthly Calendar View

Campaign Achievement Chart View

Campaign Activity View

Campaign Analysis - Call Status

Campaign Contacts View

Campaign Detail

Campaign Detail List

Campaign Explorer View

Campaign Lead

Campaign Literature View

Campaign Overview

Contact Campaign View - Non Admin

All Offers View

Direct Mail Offer Detail View

Direct Mail Offer Literature View

Direct Mail Offer View

Fax Offer Detail View

Fax Offer Literature View

Fax Offer View

Fax Profile Parameter View

Indirect Offer Literature View

Indirect Offer View

Offer Files List

Phone Offer Detail View

Phone Offer Literature View

Campaign Responses View - Non Admin

Contact Response View - Non Admin

Response Attachment View

Marketing Information File – Base (continued)

Response Detail View (Detail)

Response Detail View

Response Opportunity View

Response Order View

Response Product_Int View

Response View

Campaign Responses View

Sales Information File – Base

Contact Detail - Opportunities View

Households Opportunities Listing View (read-only)

All Opportunity Attachments Across Orgs View

All Opportunity Attachments View

Contact Detail - Opportunities View

My Clients Opportunities View

My Company Opportunities View

My Opportunity Attachments View

My Teams Opportunity Attachments View

Opportunity Default Chart View

Opportunity Detail - Decision Issues View

Opportunity Detail - Competitors View

Opportunity Category Search View

Opportunity Product Analysis Chart View

All Opportunities across My Organizations

All Opportunities across Organizations

All Opportunity List View

Manager's Opportunity List View

Opportunity Administration View

Opportunity Attachment View

Opportunity Category View

Opportunity Detail - Activities View

Opportunity Detail - Contacts View

Sales Information File – Base (continued)

Opportunity Detail - Indirect Accounts View

Opportunity Detail - Organizations View

Opportunity Detail - Products View

Opportunity Detail - Sales Team View

Opportunity Details

Opportunity Explorer View

Opportunity List View

Opportunity Manager's Explorer View

Opportunity Messaging List View

Opportunity Note View

Opportunity Organization Analysis View

Opportunity Activity Plan

Opportunity Assessment View

Opportunity Detail - Competitors View

Opportunity Detail - Decision Issues View

Opportunity Skill View

Opportunity Monthly Calendar View

Opportunity Default Chart View

Account Quote View

Admin Cost List

Admin Cost List Item

All Products across Organizations

All Quote List View

All Quotes across Organizations

Contact Detail - Quote View

Manager's Quote List View

Opportunity Detail - Products View

Opportunity Quote View

Payment Terms

Personal Quote List View

ISS Product Administration View

Sales Information File – Base (continued)

ISS Joint Workspace View

Product Detail Price Lists Administration View

Product Line Administration View

Quote Administration View

Quote Attachment View

Quote Bill To/Ship To View

Quote Detail View

Quote Item Detail View

Quote Item XA View

Quote Item Promotion Deal View

Quote List Detail View

Quote List View

Quote Manager's Explorer View

Quote Orders View

Quote Single Product View

Quote Terms View