Enabling Log Archiving for Workstations

Workstations keep 10 logs by default.  In some cases, it is necessary to retain the logs for a longer period of time. This is accomplished by enabling the Log Archiving settings on each workstation where needed.

Once enabled, an additional folder in the EGatewayLog folder named AutoArchive is created. The logs that are rotated out of the EgatewayLog folder are then zipped and placed in the AutoArchive folder.

There are default values in place to ensure that the Workstations do not keep excess logs, which can cause disk space issues. The available default values are:
  • MinDiskUsedPercent: 10 — When only 10% free space remains on the workstation's drive, the oldest logs are removed as each log is rotated.

  • MaxDiskUsedMB: 100 — When only 100 MB of free space remains on the workstation's drive, the oldest logs are removed as each log is rotated.

  • DaysToKeep: 21 — Any archived logs older than 21 days are removed

To override the defaults, optional keys and values can be added as well. Care should be taken when overriding the default values to ensure that the Workstation does not run out of disk space.

To enable this functionality:

  1. Browse to the [Drive Letter]:\MICROS\webserver\wwwroot\EGateway folder and open the Web.config file.
  2. Add the following entry to the Web.config file:

    <add key="LogArchiver.Enabled" value="true" />

  3. Add optional keys to override default values by adding the following entries:
    • <add key="LogArchiver.MinDiskUsedPercent" value="MinDiskUsedPercent" />

    • <add key="LogArchiver.MaxDiskUsedMB" value="MaxDiskUsedMB" />

    • <add key="LogArchiver.DaysToKeep" value="DaystoKeep" />

  4. Save the changes.