Configuring a Cash Drawer

  1. Select the property, click Setup, and then click Workstations.
  2. Double-click the workstation to be used with the cash drawer.
  3. Click the Transactions tab.
  4. Select the number of Cash Drawers (0, 1, or 2) that are physically installed at the workstation.
  5. In the Cash Drawer Beep Timeout field, enter the number of seconds the cash drawer can be open before the workstation begins beeping. If you set this value to 0 (zero), beeping does not occur.
  6. In the Cash Drawer Notify Timeout field, enter the number of seconds the cash drawer can be open before the workstation posts a message to the journal log file. If you set this value to 0 (zero), the message does not post to the journal log.
  7. Click the Options tab, and then click the Hardware/Cash Drawer subtab.
  8. Select the appropriate cash drawer options.

    Table 43-2 Cash Drawer Workstation Options

    Option Description

    Require Cash Drawer to be Closed Before New Transaction

    Select this option to require the workstation operator to close the cash drawer before beginning a new transaction. Deselect this option to allow transactions to begin while a cash drawer is open.

    Assign Cash Drawer By User Workstation

    Select this option to allow workstation operators to assign themselves to the cash drawer using the one of the function keys (848 - Assign Cash Drawer, 839 - Assign Cash Drawer 1, or 840 - Assign Cash Drawer 2). Only the workstation operator assigned to the drawer can open it.

    Use Other Cash Drawer for Other Currency

    Select this option if two cash drawers are in use for the workstation and one is dedicated to foreign currency.

    Require Cash Drawer Assignment to Begin Transaction

    Select this option to require a workstation operator to have a cash drawer assigned prior to beginning a transaction at the workstation.

  9. Click Save.
  10. Select the Enterprise, property, revenue center, or zone, click Setup, and then click Control Parameters.
  11. Click the Options tab.
  12. Select the appropriate cash drawer options.

    Table 43-3 Cash Drawer Control Options

    Option Description

    23 - Open Drawer Only if Balance Due is 0.00

    Select this option to prevent a tender/media key from opening the cash drawer unless the balance due is $0.00. Deselect this option to allow a tender/media key to open the cash drawer even if there is a balance due on the transaction.

    If the transaction’s subtotal is $0.00 and you set 36 - Do Not Open Cash Drawer if Subtotal is 0.00, the setting of option 23 is irrelevant.

    33 - Employee ID Required With [No Sale] Key

    Select this option to prompt for the signed-on workstation operator’s employee ID after pressing the No Sale key. Deselect this option to allow workstation operators to use the No Sale key any time a privileged employee is signed on.

    This feature is used by staydown operators (such as bartenders or sales clerks) who typically walk away from the workstation, and by prompting for employee ID, mischievous persons cannot open the drawer.

    36 - Do Not Open Drawer if Subtotal is 0.00

    Select this option to prevent the cash drawer from opening for transactions in which the subtotal is $0.00. Deselect this option to allow the cash drawer to open whenever a workstation operator uses a tender/media key that is configured to open the drawer.

    42 - Always Open Cash Drawer if Change Due

    Select this option to allow the cash drawer to open when there are no tenders on the check that should usually open the drawer. The transaction must have change due, and the current tender must not be configured to open the drawer.

    This option is typically used for Tender/Media records such as gift certificates, where change is issued only if the gift certificate exceeds the value of the transaction (thus, the drawer should be opened to issue change), but the drawer remains closed when the gift certificate does not exceed the transaction’s total.

    65 - Allow open of Cash Drawer on Service Charge

    Select this option to allow the cash drawer to open for transactions where the service charge has a value greater than $0.00, but the subtotal is $0.00.

    If you selected 36 - Do Not Open if Subtotal is $0.00, you must also select this option to allow the cash drawer to open for service charge only guest checks.

    The cash drawer will always open when using the OpsCheckCashDrawerEvent Extensibility function. When the Extensibility function OpsCheckCashDrawerEvent requests to open a cash drawer, the following cash drawer options are overridden:
    • 23 - Open Drawer Only if Balance Due is 0.00

    • 36 - Do Not Open Drawer if Subtotal is 0.00

    • 42 - Always Open Cash Drawer if Change Due

    • 65 - Allow open of Cash Drawer on Service Charge

  13. Click Save.
  14. Select the Enterprise, click Configuration, and then click Roles.
  15. Select the role type, click the Operations tab, and then click the Miscellaneous subtab.
  16. Select the appropriate options for cash drawer privileges.

    Table 43-4 Cash Drawer Privilege Options

    Option Description

    17 - Authorize/Perform unassignment of cash drawer from others

    Select this option to allow employees in the employee class to use the Unassign Cash Drawer function key to unassign cash drawers from other workstation operators.

    Do not select this option for every employee; set it only for management employee classes.

    Setting this option allows workstation operators in the employee class to use function keys 839 - Assign Cash Drawer 1 and 840 - Assign Cash Drawer 2.

    34 - Authorize Open Cash Drawer Using the [No Sale] Key

    Select this option to allow employees associated with the role to open the cash drawer outside of a transaction using the No Sale key, and to authorize non-privileged employees to do so.

    88 - Authorize Cash Drawer Reconnection

    Select this option to allow employees associated with the role to authorize a cash drawer cable reconnection on a workstation.

  17. Click Save.