No Show and Cancellation Postings

When the No Show and Cancellation Postings function under the Cashiering group is active, a property has the ability to post revenue against a no-show or a canceled reservation. This means a property can realize the stay revenue and remove the reservation deposit from the deposit ledger, but still show the reservation status for statistical purposes as No Show or Cancelled. In essence, this enables you to go back into a reservation that was canceled or no show and post charges to it. For example, a guest might book a wedding package and later decide to cancel it after food and flowers arrangements were already prepared. With this feature active, you could go back into the reservation and charge the guest for the package.

You can configure No Show and Cancellation Posting rules that indicate how much revenue should be posted to the reservation based on the source code, reservation type, or both for the arrival night. Posting rules can be of the following types:
  • ALL NIGHTS — Total rate amount for all nights of the reservation is posted. If the reservation has multiple rate codes, then the system determines the amount for each night and posts it accordingly.

  • FIRST NIGHT — The amount for the first night of the reservation is posted.

  • DEPOSIT ONLY — The amount of all the deposits received is posted.

Posting Rule Examples

During the End of Day processing, all reservations marked as No Show and subject to a no-show posting rule (based on the reservation type and/or source code) have any associated deposits moved to the guest ledger (that is, the deposit matures). The appropriate no show revenue is posted against the deposit based on the no-show posting rule. Here are some examples:
  • All Nights Value — If the rate amount for the reservation is 200.00 and the reservation is for 3 nights, 600.00 is posted (assuming there are no rate changes) regardless of the deposit.

  • First Night Value — If the rate amount of the reservation is 200.00, regardless of the deposit, 200.00 is posted.

  • Deposit Only Value — If the reservation does not have a deposit, no-show revenue is not posted. If the reservation rate amount is 200.00 and the deposit is 100.00, 100.00 is posted. If the reservation rate amount is 200.00 and the deposit is 300.00, 300.00 is posted.

When the posted revenue results in a debit or credit for the reservation, the reservation is matured to the guest ledger. Once on the guest ledger, you have full cashiering capabilities and can zero out the folio to remove it from the ledger

A no-show reservation could have a no-show posting rule attached that results in an outstanding charge (that is, an amount not covered by a deposit) posted to the reservation. Such charges are posted to the reservation on the departure date by the End of Day processing.