Cancelling Multiple Reservations

Mass Cancellation enables you to cancel multiple reservations at the same time.
To cancel multiple reservations:
  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Bookings, select Reservations, and select Manage Reservation.
  2. Click Go to Advanced Search. If you have predefined searches, you can alternatively select Mass Cancellation from your predefined searches.
  3. Select Mass Cancellation for Search Type and select a property. Click Search.
  4. From the search results, select one or more reservations and then click Mass Cancellation.
  5. On the Cancel Reservations screen, select a Cancel Reason and enter a Description. You also have the option to Delete All Reservation Traces, Ignore Cancellation Penalty, and Cancel Sharing Reservations if required.
  6. Click Cancel Now to start the mass cancellation.