Adding and Deleting Event Resources

Event Resources are items and menus you can add to events. Item resources are non-food items such as audio/visual equipment, decorations, and so on. Menu resources are meals, beverages, desserts, and so on. The Event Resources screen enables you to add and delete items and menu resources. You can access event resources from Manage Events, from Manage Event search results, or from the Event presentation screen.
  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Bookings, select Manage Events, and then search for events.
  2. From Manage Events search results or the Event presentation screen, click I Want To . . . and select Event Resources.
  3. On the Event Resources screen, select an Event.
  4. Click the Items or the Menus tab to open the drawers and see available resources you can add to the event. From there, search and select the item or menu you want to add.
    1. You can search by Event Type, a Name (Menus only), a Quick Insert (Items only), or Dietary (Menus only). The Event Type field defaults to the Event Type of the selected Event, which you can remove.
    2. Click the + symbol to expand the list of items or list of menus on your search results.
  5. Select the resources you want to add to the event and click Save or click Save and Add More.
    1. You can select and add multiple items at a time.
    2. If Items are configured as critical and are out of stock, a warning icon appears.
    3. You can click the name of a menu identified as Dietary for details.
  6. To delete items or menus from the list, select the check box associated with an item or menu and then click Delete. You cannot delete function space resources or resources that have postings.