Usecase High Availability

High availability can be achieved by setting up two Mediation Engines — one master and one slave — with a load balancer in front of the two.

In a high-availability setup, it is important to keep the configuration of the master and slave instances synchronized. With the new REST API, you can utilize a simple bash script to download the configuration from the master (as seen in the previous example) and upload and restore it on the slave.

For uploading a configuration file to an instance, use the uploadApplianceConfiguration API call, and for restoring the configuration after it has been uploaded, use the restoreApplianceConfiguration API call.

The following example shows how you can use bash script to automate your setup:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
API_KEY="X-Api-Key: my_api_key "
curl -k -s -X POST -H"${API_KEY}" -F configuration=@"${local_cfg}" ${UPLOAD_URL}
curl -k -s -X POST -H"${API_KEY}" -d"configuration=${local_cfg}" ${RESTORE_URL}


When using Mediation Engine with a Mediation Engine Connector, it is not possible to restore the configuration savepoint.