
List the last 20 calls:

curl -k -X POST -H "X-API-Key: API_Key" -d "limit=20" "https://IP:Port/me/getPagedCalls"


  • API_Key, is your personal key code. For more information on how to generate this key, see "API Key".

  • IP, is the IP address of Oracle Communications Session Monitor Mediation Engine.

  • Port, is the port number of the SSL web interface of Mediation Engine. The :Port section can be omitted if the default HTTPS port (443) is used.

Get the next 20 calls (after executing the previous example):

curl -k -X POST -H "X-API-Key: API_Key" -d "limit=20&older_than=next_value"

Where next_value is the returned content of the next_value field from the previous example.

List all failed calls starting from last week, from a specific caller:

curl -k -X POST
-H "X-API-Key:API_Key"
-d 'filters=[{"field":"src_user","data":{"type":"string","value":"src_user"}},


  • src_user, is the ID of the user whose failed calls your retrieving.

  • start_date, specifies the starting date to retrieve failed calls. The format is YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss, for example 2015-04-13 00:00:00.