Configuring Definable Managers Report

This option allows you to customize the selection and the sequence of the statistical calculations included on the Manager's Report. You can also define your own calculations for certain item types.

To format the report into sections, you can also configure the report to print horizontal lines and add extra line spacing after values, as needed .

Once the report has been configured you can generate it at any time from Run Reports. For more information, see Generating Reports or schedule the report. For more information, see Managing Scheduled Reports.

You can also add the Manager's Report to the End of Day final reports Configuring Interim / Final Procedures and Reports to generate automatically during the End of Day process.

View Managers Report Configuration

Perform a search to view the current setup of the Managers Report; the result indicates the statistics selected for inclusion and the sequence in which they appear on the report.

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Reports, select Configure Reports, and then Definable Manager's Report.

  2. Select or confirm the Property, click Search.

    The current selection and sequence of statistics to output on the report are listed in search result.

    1. Active: A tick in this column indicates that the statistical item is included in the report.

    2. Description: Text description of the statistical displayed on the report.

    3. User-defined: A tick in this column indicates that the statistic is user defined.

    4. Print Line: Tick in the column indicated that a line drawn on the report after this item. Lines can be used to divide sections of the report or to call attention to a particular statistical item.

    5. Blank Rows: Number of blank rows following this item. Blank rows are used to create sections in the report for clarity or to call attention to a particular statistical item. The default is 0 rows (no extra space).

    6. Seq: Number indicating the relative position of the item in the report. Items are displayed from lowest number to highest number.

Editing Statistics

To amend the setup or remove a statistic from the report you need to edit the statistic. Changing the display sequence results in the statistic relocating to the desired position in the list. Removing the active check box removes the statistic from appearing on the report.

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Reports, select Configure Reports, and then Definable Manager's Report.

  2. In the search results, select the statistic to update and click the vertical ellipsis and click Edit.

  3. Modify or update the following information:

    1. Item Name: Edit the unique item name, for user-defined entries. (value is read only for predefined items).

    2. Description: Edit the description (output on report) for user-defined entries (value is read only for predefined items).

    3. Display Sequence: Update value to change the position of the statistic on the report.

    4. Blank Rows: Set the number of blank rows after this statistic.

    5. Print Line: Check to generate a horizontal line after this statistic.

    6. Active: When checked the statistical item is included in the report. Uncheck to remove the statistic from the output .

  4. Click Save.

Adding User-Defined Statistic

Use this option to add a user-defined items to the Managers Report. On this screen you can choose to add certain attributes to the base calculation of the item type. For example, the user can choose to add Day Use Rooms and/or subtract House Use Rooms from the calculation for ‘Rooms Occupied’.

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Reports, select Configure Reports, and then Definable Manager's Report.

  2. Click New.

  3. In the Primary Details section, enter the following details.

    1. Item Type: Select the Item Type from the drop-down.

      Table 9-12 Item type and its definition

      Item Type Calculation/Definition

      Rooms Occupied

      Number of rooms In-House with a Front Office status of 'OCC'

      % Rooms Occupied

      Number of rooms In-House with a Front Office status of 'OCC' / Total Rooms in Hotel * 100


      Total amount of all postings today where the Transaction Code is marked as 'Revenue' and the Transaction Type is 'Lodging' / Number of rooms In-House with a Front Office status of 'OCC'

      ADR (Distributed)

      Total amount of all postings today (Distributed) where the Transaction Code is marked as 'Revenue' and the Transaction Type is 'Lodging' / Number of rooms In-House with a Front Office status of 'OCC'

      Rooms Occupied Tomorrow

      Total number of deduct rooms reserved for tomorrow

      % Rooms Occupied Tomorrow

      Total number of deduct rooms reserved for tomorrow / Total Rooms in Hotel * 100

      Rooms Occupied for the Next 7 Days

      Total number of deduct rooms reserved starting tomorrow for 7 days

      % Rooms Occupied for the Next 7 Days

      Total number of deduct rooms reserved starting tomorrow for 7 days / Total Rooms in Hotel * 100

      Rooms Occupied for the Next 31 Days

      Total number of deduct rooms reserved starting tomorrow for 31 days

      % Rooms Occupied for the Next 31 Days

      (Total number of deduct rooms reserved starting tomorrow for 31 days) / (Total Rooms in Hotel) * 100

      Rooms Occupied for the Next 365 Days

      Total number of deduct rooms reserved starting tomorrow for 365 days

      % Rooms Occupied for the Next 365 Days

      Total number of deduct rooms reserved starting tomorrow for 365 days / Total Rooms in Hotel * 100

      Projected Rooms Occupied for Current Month

      Total number of deduct rooms reserved for the whole month

      Projected % Rooms Occupied for Current Month

      Total number of deduct rooms reserved for the whole month / Total Rooms in Hotel * 100

      Projected Rooms Occupied for Current Year

      Total number of deduct rooms reserved for the whole year

      Projected % Rooms Occupied for Current Year

      Total number of deduct rooms reserved for the whole year / Total Rooms in Hotel * 100

    2. Item Name: Item name is automatically populated, but can you can manually edit. 

    3. Description: Enter the description of the statistical item that needs to be printed on the Manager's Report. This description is what is displayed on the report output for the Item Type.

    4. Blank Rows: Set the number of blank rows after this statistic.

    5. Print Line: Check to generate a horizontal line after this statistic.

    6. Active: When checked the statistical item is included in the report. Uncheck to remove the statistic.

  4. In the Rooms Occupied section, select single or multiple options:

    1. Plus Day Use: Select to add Day Use Rooms that are occupied to the Item Type calculation selected. (Day Use Rooms are Reservations with 0 Nights.)

    2. Plus No Shows: Select to add No Show Rooms to the Item Type calculation selected.

    3. Minus Comp.: Select to subtract Comp Rooms from the Item Type calculation selected. (Comp Rooms are Reservations with a Rate Code that has the ‘Complimentary’ check box checked on the Rate Setup screen within Rate Code configuration).

    4. Minus House: Select to subtract House Use Rooms from the Item Type calculation selected. (House Rooms are Reservations with a Rate Code that has the ‘House Use’ check box checked on the Rate Setup screen within Rate Code configuration).

  5. In the Total Rooms In Hotel, you can select the following options. This section allows for additional items to be added to the default calculations for the above Item Types.

    1. Minus Out of Order Rooms: Available when the Room Management > Out of Order control is set to Active, select to subtract the total number of OOO rooms at the property from the Item Type calculation selected.

    2. Minus Out of Service Rooms: Available when theRoom Management > Out of Order control is set to Active, select to subtract the total number of OOS rooms at the property from the Item Type calculation selected.

  6. In the Formula section, the area shows the Calculation/Definition of the Item Type that is selected and any additional Rooms Occupied and/or Total Rooms in Hotel options that are selected.

  7. Click Save.

Deleting User Defined Statistics

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Reports, select Configure Reports, and then Definable Manager's Report.

  2. In the search results, select the statistic to update and click the vertical ellipsis and click Delete.

  3. Click Delete and confirm the deletion.

Generating Definable Managers Report

You can test the changes made to the Managers Report layout by generating a preview of list of predefined statistics.

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Reports, select Configure Reports, and then Definable Manager's Report.

  2. On the Definable Manager's Report screen, click the vertical ellipses and then click Report.

  3. In the Report Destination pop-up, select Preview, Email to Print, Email or Fax option and click Process.

    Following is the list of predefined statistics that can be included in the Manages Report.

    Table 9-13 Definable Managers Report - Item Descriptions

    Item Description Calculation

    % Beds Occupied

    Total Adults and Children In House divided by Total Beds, calculated using the Max. Occupancy field in Rooms Configuration for each occupied room, multiplied by 100.

    % Individual Member


    Number of Rooms with a Departure Date equal to today, a Membership number attached to the reservation, with no block code attached to the reservation, divided by Number of Rooms with a Departure Date equal to today, multiplied by 100.

    % Member Departures

    Number of Adults and Children with a Departure Date equal to today, with a Membership number attached to the reservation, divided by Number of Rooms with a  Departure Date equal to today multiplied by 100.

    % Multiple Occupancy

    Number of Rooms Occupied where total persons is greater than 1 / Number of Rooms Occupied , multiplied by 100.

    EG: (3/232) * 100  which is .0129 * 100 = 1.29%

    % Occupancy for the Month

    Total number of rooms reserved starting tomorrow for 1 calendar month, divided by Total Rooms in Hotel starting tomorrow for 1 calendar month, multiplied by 100.

    % Occupancy for the Year

    Total number of rooms reserved starting tomorrow for 1 calendar year, divided by Total Rooms in Hotel starting tomorrow for 1 calendar year, multiplied by 100.

    % Occupancy Next 7 Days

    Total number of deduct rooms reserved starting tomorrow for 7 days, divided by Total Rooms in Hotel starting tomorrow for 7 days, multiplied by 100

    % Rooms Occupied

    Rooms Occupied, divided by Total Rooms in Hotel, multiplied by 100.

    % Rooms Occupied for the Next

    31 Days

    Total number of deduct rooms reserved starting tomorrow for 31 days, divided by Total Rooms in Hotel starting tomorrow for 31 days, multiplied by 100

    % Rooms Occupied for the Next

    365 Days

    Total number of deduct rooms reserved starting tomorrow for 365 days, divided by Total Rooms in Hotel starting tomorrow for 365 days, multiplied by 100

    % Rooms Occupied for


    Number of Rooms Occupied tomorrow, divided by Total Rooms in Hotel, multiplied by 100.

    % Rooms Occupied minus


    Rooms Occupied minus Comp, divided by Total Rooms in Hotel, multiplied by 100.

    % Rooms Occupied minus

    Comp and House

    Rooms Occupied minus Comp and House, divided by Total Rooms in Hotel, multiplied by 100.

    % Rooms Occupied minus

    Comp and OOO

    Rooms Occupied minus Comp, divided by Total Rooms in Hotel minus Out of Order, multiplied by 100.

    % Rooms Occupied minus

    Comp, House, and OOO

    Rooms Occupied minus Comp and House, divided by Total Rooms in Hotel minus Out of Order, multiplied by 100.

    % Rooms Occupied minus


    Rooms Occupied minus House, divided by Total Rooms in Hotel, multiplied by 100.

    % Rooms Occupied minus

    House and OOO

    Rooms Occupied minus House, divided by Total Rooms in Hotel minus Out of Order, multiplied by 100.

    % Rooms Occupied minus OOO

    Rooms Occupied, divided by Total Rooms in Hotel minus Out of Order, multiplied by 100.

    % Rooms Occupied plus Day


    Rooms Occupied plus Day Use minus House Use, divided by Total Rooms in Hotel minus Out of Order, multiplied by 100.

    % Rooms Occupied plus Day

    Use and No Show

    Rooms Occupied plus Day Use and No Show, divided by Total Rooms in Hotel, multiplied by 100.

    % Rooms Occupied plus Day

    Use for the next 31 Days

    Total number of deduct rooms reserved plus Day Use starting tomorrow for 31 days, divided by Total Rooms in Hotel starting tomorrow for 31 days, multiplied by 100.


    Room Revenue, divided by Rooms Occupied.

    ADR (Distributed)

    Room Revenue, divided by Rooms Occupied. When an Advance Bill is associated with the reservation, revenue is distributed over the stay period in order to reflect actual revenue generated per day, rather than recording all revenue on the day the advance bill is generated.

    ADR minus Comp

    Room Revenue, divided by Rooms Occupied minus Comp rooms.

    ADR (Distributed) minus Comp

    Room Revenue, divided by Rooms Occupied minus Comp rooms. When an Advance Bill is associated with the reservation, revenue is distributed over the stay period in order to reflect actual revenue generated per day, rather than recording all revenue on the day the advance bill is generated.

    ADR minus Comp and House

    Room Revenue, divided by Rooms Occupied minus Comp and House rooms.

    ADR (Distributed)  minus Comp and House

    Room Revenue, divided by Rooms Occupied minus Comp and House rooms. When an Advance Bill is associated with the reservation, revenue is distributed over the stay period in order to reflect actual revenue generated per day, rather than recording all revenue on the day the advance bill is generated.

    ADR minus House

    Room Revenue, divided by Rooms Occupied minus House rooms.

    ADR (Distributed) minus House

    Room Revenue, divided by Rooms Occupied minus House rooms. When an Advance Bill is associated with the reservation, revenue is distributed over the stay period in order to reflect actual revenue generated per day, rather than recording all revenue on the day the advance bill is generated.

    ADR plus Day Use

    Room Revenue, divided by Rooms Occupied plus Day Use.

    Adults Free

    Number of Tax Free Adults for Rooms In House.  Field available based on parameter setting for 'Tax Free Guests'.

    Arrival Persons

    Number of Adults and Children with an Arrival Date equal to today.

    Arrival Persons for Tomorrow

    Number of Adults and Children with an Arrival Date equal to tomorrow.

    Arrival Reservations

    Number of all the reservations with an arrival date equal to today.

    Arrival Rooms

    Number of Rooms with an Arrival Date equal to today. Only one reservation per room will be considered for this total.

    Arrival Rooms for Tomorrow

    Number of Rooms with an Arrival Date equal to tomorrow. Only one reservation per room will be considered for this total.

    Available Rooms

    Total Rooms in Hotel, minus Rooms Occupied.

    Available Rooms minus OOO


    Total Rooms in Hotel, minus Rooms Occupied, minus Out of Order Rooms.

    Average Adults per Room minus House Use

    Number of Adults divided by number of Rooms Occupied minus House Use Rooms (Index of Frequency 1).

    Average Adults per Room

    Number of Adults divided by number of Rooms Occupied (Index of Frequency 2).

    Average Persons per Room minus House Use

    Number of Adults and Children divided by number of Rooms Occupied minus House Use Rooms (Index of Frequency 3).

    Average Persons per Room

    Number of Adults and Children divided by number of Rooms Occupied (Index of Frequency 4).

    Average Person Rate

    Room Revenue, divided by number of Adults and Children.

    Average Persons per Block


    Adults and Children attached to the reservation with Reservation status of 'Checked In', divided by number of Rooms Occupied that have a Block Code attached.

    Average Revenue per Block


    Block Revenue, divided by Number of rooms that have a block code attached to the reservation with a reservation status of 'Checked In'.

    Average Room Revenue per

    Block Rooms

    Block Room Revenue, divided by Number of rooms that have a block code attached to the reservation with a reservation status of 'Checked In'.

    Birthdays in House

    Number of Rooms with the Birthday field from the profile equal to today.

    Block Member Rooms

    Total number of rooms today for those reservations which have a membership number of the default membership type attached to the reservation and have a block code attached to the reservation. If no default

    membership type is defined than any membership attached to the reservation will be considered.

    Block Member % of Rooms

    Total number of rooms today for those reservations which have a membership number of the default membership type  attached to the reservation and have a block code attached to the reservation, divided by the number of total rooms today and multiplied by 100. If no default membership type is defined than any membership attached to the reservation will be considered.

    Block Member Average Room


    Total amount of postings today, where the Transaction Code is marked as ‘Revenue’ and the Transaction Code Type is ‘Lodging’, for reservations that have a membership number of the default membership type attached to the reservation and do not have a block code attached to the reservation divided by the number of rooms today for those same reservations.  If no default membership type is defined then any membership attached to the reservation will be considered.

    Block Member Average Total


    Total amount of postings today, where the Transaction Code is marked as 'Revenue', for reservations that have a membership number of the default membership type attached to the reservation and do not have a block code attached to the reservation divided by the number of rooms today for those same reservations. If no default membership type is defined then any membership attached to the reservation will be considered.

    Block Member Room Revenue

    Total amount of postings today, where the Transaction Code is marked as ‘Revenue’ and the Transaction Code Type is ‘Lodging’, for reservations that have a membership number of the default membership type attached to the reservation and have a block code attached to the reservation. If no default membership type is defined then any membership attached to the reservation will be considered.

    Block Member Total Revenue

    Total amount of postings today, where the Transaction Code is marked as ‘Revenue’, for reservations that have a membership number of the default membership type attached to the reservation and a block code attached to the reservation. If no default membership type is defined then any membership attached to the reservation will be considered.

    Block Member % of Room


    Total amount of postings today, where the Transaction Code is marked as ‘Revenue’ and the Transaction Code Type is ‘Lodging’, for reservations that have a membership number of the default membership type attached to the reservation and a block code attached to the reservation, divided by the room revenue for all reservations and multiplied by 100. If no default membership type is defined then any membership attached to the reservation will be considered.

    Block Member % of Total


    Total amount of postings today, where the Transaction Code is marked as ‘Revenue’, for reservations that have a membership number of the default membership type attached to the reservation and a block code attached to the reservation, divided by the total revenue for all reservations and multiplied by 100. If no default membership type is defined then any membership attached to the reservation will be considered.

    Block Member Average Length of Stay

    Total number of nights for reservations that have a member number of the default membership type attached to the reservation and a block code attached to the reservation, divided by the count of those same reservations. If no default membership type is defined then any membership attached to the reservation will be considered.

    Block Persons in House

    Number of Adults and Children for Rooms In-House with a Block code attached to the reservation.

    Block Revenue

    Total amount of postings today where the Transaction Code is marked as 'Revenue' for reservations that have a Block Code attached.

    Block Room Revenue

    Total amount of postings today where the Transaction Code is marked as 'Revenue' and a Transaction Code Type is 'Lodging' for reservations that have a Block Code attached.

    Block Rooms in House

    Number of Rooms that have a block code attached to the reservation.

    Blocks in House

    Number of Blocks where today's date falls between the start date and end date.

    Cancellations Made Today

    Number of Cancellations that were taken today for any date.

    Canceled Reservations for


    Number of Reservations that were canceled with an arrival date equal to today.

    Canceled Rooms for Today

    Number of rooms that were canceled with an arrival date equal to today

    Children Free

    Number of Tax Free Children for Rooms In House.  Field available based on parameter setting for 'Tax Free Guests'.

    Clean Rooms

    Number of Rooms that have a Housekeeping Status of 'CL'.

    Company Revenue

    Total amount of postings today where the transaction code is marked as

    'Revenue' for reservations that have a company profile attached

    Company Room Revenue

    Total amount of postings today where the transaction code is marked as 'Revenue' and a transaction code type is 'Lodging' for reservations that have a company profile attached

    Company Rooms in House

    Number of Rooms that have a Company profile attached to the reservation.

    Complimentary Adults

    Total no of adults on complimentary reservations.

    Complimentary Children

    Total no of children on complimentary reservations.

    Complimentary Persons

    Adults + Children

    Complimentary Rooms

    Number of Rooms In-House that have a rate code marked as Complimentary.

    Day Use Adults

    Total no of adults on Day use reservations.

    Day Use Children

    Total no of children on Day use reservations.

    Day Use Persons

    Adults + Children

    Day Use Reservations

    Number of reservations where the arrival date and departure date are equal to today.

    Day Use Rooms

    Number of Reservations where the arrival date and departure date are equal to today.

    Deducted Arrivals

    Number of Rooms with an Arrival Date equal to today, and the reservation type is equal to deduct.

    Departure Persons

    Number of Adults and Children with a Departure Date equal to today.

    Departure Persons for


    Number of Adults and Children with a Departure Date equal to tomorrow.

    Departure Rooms

    Number of Rooms with a Departure Date equal to today. Only one reservation per room will be considered for this total.

    Departure Rooms for


    Number of Rooms with a Departure Date equal to tomorrow. Only one reservation per room will be considered for this total.

    Dirty Rooms

    Number of Rooms that have a Housekeeping Status of 'DI'.

    Doubles as Singles

    Number of Rooms where each room has Occupancy Max greater than 1, and Number of Persons In-House is less than or equal to 1.

    Early Departure Persons

    Number of Adults and Children for checked out rooms with an original departure date greater than today.

    Early Departure Rooms

    Number of checked out rooms with an original departure date greater than today.

    Extended Stay Persons

    Number of Adults and Children In-House where an original departure date equal to today.

    Extended Stay Rooms

    Number of Rooms In-House where an original departure date equal to today.

    Food and Beverage Revenue

    Total amount of all postings today where the Transaction Code is marked as 'Revenue' and the Transaction Type is 'Food and Beverage'.

    Food and Beverage Revenue


    Total amount of all postings today where the Transaction Code is marked as

    'Revenue' and the Transaction Type is 'Food and Beverage'. When an Advance Bill is associated with the reservation, revenue is distributed over the stay period in order to reflect actual revenue generated per day, rather than recording all revenue on the day the advance bill is generated.

    Group Rooms in House

    Number of Rooms that have a Group profile attached to the reservation.

    House Use Adults 

    Total no of adults on House use reservations.

    House Use Children

    Total no of children on House use reservations.

    House Use Persons

    Adults + Children

    House Use Rooms

    Number of Rooms In-House that have a rate code marked as House Use.

    In-House Adults

    Number of Adults for Rooms In-House.

    In-House Children

    Number of Adults for Rooms In-House.

    Individual Departure Persons

    Number of adults and children divided by number of room occupied ( include house use).

    Individual Departure Rooms

    Number of Rooms with a Departure Date equal to today and no block code attached to the reservation.

    Individual Member Departure


    Number of Adults and Children with a Departure Date equal to today, a Membership number attached to the reservation, with no block code attached to the reservation.

    Individual Member Departure


    Number of Rooms with a Departure Date equal to today, a Membership number attached to the reservation, with no block code attached to the reservation.

    Individual Member Rooms

    Total number of rooms today for those reservations which have a membership number of the default membership type attached to the reservation and do not have a block code attached to the reservation. If no default membership type is defined than any membership attached to the reservation will be considered.

    Individual Member % of Rooms

    Total number of rooms today for those reservations which have a membership number of the default membership type  attached to the reservation and do not have a block code attached to the reservation, divided by the number of total rooms today and multiplied by 100. If no default membership type is defined than any membership attached to the reservation will be considered.

    Individual Member Average

    Room Revenue

    Total amount of postings today, where the Transaction Code is marked as ‘Revenue’ and the Transaction Code Type is ‘Lodging’, for reservations that have a membership number of the default membership type attached to the reservation and do not have a block code attached to the reservation divided by the number of rooms today for those same reservations.  If no default membership type is defined then any membership attached to the reservation will be considered.

    Individual Member Average

    Total Revenue

    Total amount of postings today, where the Transaction Code is marked as 'Revenue', for reservations that have a membership number of the default membership type attached to the reservation and do not have a block code attached to the reservation divided by the number of rooms today for those same reservations. If no default membership type is defined then any membership attached to the reservation will be considered.

    Individual Member Room


    Total amount of postings today, where the Transaction Code is marked as ‘Revenue’ and the Transaction Code Type is ‘Lodging’, for reservations that have a membership number of the default membership type attached to the reservation and do not have a block code attached to the reservation. If no default membership type is defined then any membership attached to the reservation will be considered.

    Individual Member Total


    Total amount of postings today, where the Transaction Code is marked as ‘Revenue’, for reservations that have a membership number of the default membership type attached to the reservation and do not have a block code attached to the reservation. If no default membership type is defined then any membership attached to the reservation will be considered.

    Individual Member % of Room


    Total amount of postings today, where the Transaction Code is marked as ‘Revenue’ and the Transaction Code Type is ‘Lodging’, for reservations that have a membership number of the default membership type attached to the reservation and do not have a block code attached to the reservation, divided by the room revenue for all reservations and multiplied by 100. If no default membership type is defined then any membership attached to the reservation will be considered.

    Individual Member % of Total


    Total amount of postings today, where the Transaction Code is marked as ‘Revenue’ for reservations that have a membership number of the default membership type attached to the reservation do not have a block code attached to the reservation, divided by the total revenue for all reservations and multiplied by 100. If no default membership type is defined then any membership attached to the reservation will be considered.

    Individual Member Average

    Length of Stay

    Total number of nights for reservations that have a membership number of the default membership type attached to the reservation and no block code attached to the reservation, divided by the count of those same reservations. If no default membership type is defined then any membership attached to the reservation will be considered.

    Individual Persons in House

    Number of Adults and Children for Rooms In-House with no Block code attached to the reservation.

    Individual Revenue

    Total amount of postings today where the Transaction Code is marked as 'Revenue' for reservations that do not have a Block Code attached.

    Individual Room Revenue

    Total amount of postings today where the Transaction Code is marked as 'Revenue'  and a Transaction Code Type is 'Lodging' for reservations that do not have a Block Code attached.

    Individual Rooms in House

    Number of Rooms that do not have a block code attached to the reservation.

    Inspected Rooms

    Number of Rooms that have a Housekeeping Status of 'IP'. (Available when the Rooms Management > Inspected application function is set to Y.)

    Late Cancellations for Today

    Number of Reservations that were canceled today, with an arrival date equal to today.

    Late Room Cancellations for


    Number of rooms that were canceled today, with an arrival date equal to today.

    Maximum Revenue

    Amount of Brochure Rate on each room.

    Maximum Revenue %

    Amount of Room Revenue, divided by Brochure Rate on each room, multiplied by 100.

    Maximum Revenue % per

    Rooms Occupied

    Amount of Room Revenue, divided by Brochure Rate on each room listed as a Front Office status of 'OCC', multiplied by 100.

    Maximum Revenue for Rooms


    Amount of Brochure Rate on each room, with a Front Office status of 'OCC'.

    Member Departure Persons

    Number of Adults and Children with a Departure Date equal to today and a Membership number attached to the reservation.

    Member Departure Rooms

    Number of Rooms with a Departure Date equal to today and a Membership number attached to the reservation.

    Member persons in House

    Number of Adults and Children for Rooms In-House with a Membership Number attached to the reservation.

    Member Revenue

    Total amount of postings today where the Transaction Code is marked as 'Revenue' for reservations that have a Membership Number attached to the reservation.

    Member Room Revenue

    Total amount of postings today, where the Transaction Code is marked as 'Revenue' and a Transaction Code Type is 'Lodging', for reservations that have a Membership Number attached to the reservation.

    No Show Extended Persons

    Number of Persons Arrival extended to next day due to No Show

    No Show Extended


    Number of Reservations Arrival extended to next day

    No Show Extended Rooms

    Number of Rooms Arrival extended to next day due to No Show. This number calculates the number of physical rooms that had a rolling no show reservation. If a component room reservation is included in this calculation, then the actual number of rooms that make up the component room will be included in the calculation. For example, if there are 3 rooms that make up the component room, then this reservation would be represented by 3, not 1.

    No Show Persons

    Number of Adults and Children with a Reservation Status of No Show.

    No Show Reservations

    Number of reservations with a reservation status of No Show

    No Show Rooms

    Number of Rooms with a Reservation Status of No Show.

    Non-Deducted Arrivals

    Number of Rooms with an Arrival Date equal to today, and the reservation type is equal to non-deduct.

    Other Revenue

    Total amount of all postings today where the Transaction Code is marked as 'Revenue' and the Transaction Code Type is not 'Lodging', 'Food and Beverage', 'Tax', or 'Non Hotel Supplies'.

    Other Revenue  (Distributed)

    Total amount of all postings today where the Transaction Code is marked as

    'Revenue' and the Transaction Code Type is not 'Lodging', 'Food and

    Beverage', 'Tax', or 'Non Hotel Supplies'. When an Advance Bill is associated with the reservation, revenue is distributed over the stay period in order to reflect actual revenue generated per day, rather than recording all revenue on the day the advance bill is generated.

    Out of Order rooms

    Number of Rooms marked as Out of Order for today.

    Out of Service Rooms

    Number of Rooms marked as Out of Service for today. (Available when the

    Rooms Management > Out of Service application function is set to Y.)


    Total amount of postings today that have a Transaction Code linked to a Group of 'Payment'. This amount includes passerby direct bill payments.

    Person Rate Bucket 1

    Number of Persons in House Belonging to Rate Bucket 1

    Person Rate Bucket 2

    Number of Persons in House Belonging to Rate Bucket 2

    Person Rate Bucket 3

    Number of Persons in House Belonging to Rate Bucket 3

    Person Rate Bucket 4

    Number of Persons in House Belonging to Rate Bucket 4

    Person Rate Bucket 5

    Number of Persons in House Belonging to Rate Bucket 5

    Proj. Rooms Occ. + DU and NS for current Month

    Total number of deduct rooms plus Day Use and No Show reserved for the whole month.

    Proj. Rooms Occ. + DU and NS for current Year

    Total number of deduct rooms reserved plus Day Use and No Show for the whole year.

    Proj. % Rooms Occ. DU and NS for current Month

    Total number of deduct rooms reserved plus Day Use and No Show for the whole month, divided by Total Rooms in Hotel for the whole month, multiplied by 100.

    Proj. % Rooms Occ. DU and NS for current Year

    Total number of deduct rooms reserved plus Day Use and No Show for the whole year, divided by Total Rooms in Hotel for the whole year, multiplied by 100

    Projected % Rooms Occupied for Current Month

    Total number of deduct rooms reserved for the whole month, divided by Total Rooms in Hotel for the whole month, multiplied by 100.

    Projected % Rooms Occupied for Current Year

    Total number of deduct rooms reserved for the whole year, divided by Total Rooms in Hotel for the whole year, multiplied by 100.

    Projected Rooms Occupied for

    Current Month

    Total number of deduct rooms reserved for the whole month.

    Projected Rooms Occupied for

    Current Year

    Total number of deduct rooms reserved for the whole year.

    Repeat Guests Persons

    Number of guests in-house for guests that have at least one prior check-out

    Repeat Guests Revenue

    Total amount of postings today where the transaction code is marked as

    'Revenue' for reservations where the guest has at least one prior check-out.

    Repeat Guests Room Revenue

    Total amount of postings today where the transaction code is marked as 'Revenue' and a transaction code Type is 'Lodging' for reservations where the guest has at least one prior check-out.

    Repeat Guests Rooms Occupied

    Number of room occupied by guests that have at least one prior check-out.

    Reservations Made Today

    Number of Reservations that were created today for any date. Pseudo Room reservations are not included.

    Revenue per Available Room

    Room Revenue, divided by Available Rooms.

    Revenue per Available Room minus OOO

    Room Revenue, divided by Available Rooms minus OOO Rooms.

    Room Nights Reserved Today

    Total number of nights from all Reservations Made Today. Pseudo Room reservations are not included.

    Room Revenue

    Total amount of all postings today where the Transaction Code is marked as 'Revenue' and the Transaction Type is 'Lodging'.

    Note: An exception exists for this column that if a transaction was moved from a non-PM Room to a PM Room, then the revenue is displayed under the non-PM Room (originating room for the reservation). If the transaction is moved from a PM Room to another PM Room, then the transaction will be displayed under the Room Class of the PM Room the transaction was moved to.

    Room Revenue (Distributed)

    Total amount of all postings today where the Transaction Code is marked as 'Revenue' and the Transaction Type is 'Lodging'. When an Advance Bill is associated with the reservation, revenue is distributed over the stay period in order to reflect actual revenue generated per day, rather than recording all revenue on the day the advance bill is generated.

    Rooms Cancelled Today

    Number of rooms that were cancelled today for any date

    Rooms Occupied

    Number of rooms In-House with a Front Office status of 'OCC'.

    Rooms Occupied including

    Owner and Auth. User Rooms

    Number of Total rooms occupied plus occupied Owner Rooms (Rental Program), plus occupied Auth. Users (Rental Program), plus occupied Owner Rooms, plus occupied Auth. Users Rooms.

    Rooms Occupied for Next 7


    Total number of deduct rooms reserved starting tomorrow for 7 days.

    Rooms Occupied minus Comp

    Number of Rooms In-House with a Front Office status of 'OCC', minus any Complimentary Rooms.

    Rooms Occupied minus Comp and House Use

    Number of Rooms In-House with a Front Office status of 'OCC', minus any Complimentary Rooms and House Rooms.

    Rooms Occupied minus House


    Number of Rooms In-House with a Front Office status of 'OCC', minus any House Rooms.

    Rooms Occupied plus Day Use and No Show

    Number of Rooms In-House with a Front Office status of 'OCC', plus any Dayuse Rooms and No-Show Rooms.

    Rooms Occupied plus Day Use for the next 7 Days

    Total number of deduct rooms reserved plus Day Use starting tomorrow for 7 days.

    Source Rooms in House

    Number of Rooms that have a Source profile attached to the reservation.

    Today's Demand

    Number of room Turnaways for today's date plus Number of Rooms Occupied In-House today.

    Total In-House Persons

    Number of Adults and Children for Rooms In-House.

    Total Revenue

    Total amount of Room Revenue, Food and Beverage Revenue and Other Revenue.

    Total Revenue (Distributed)

    Total amount of Room Revenue, Food and Beverage Revenue and Other Revenue. When an Advance Bill is associated with the reservation, revenue

    is distributed over the stay period in order to reflect actual revenue generated per day, rather than recording all revenue on the day the advance bill is generated.

    Total Revenue per Person

    Total amount of Room Revenue, Food and Beverage Revenue and Other Revenue, divided by Total Adults and Children In-House.

    Total Rooms in Hotel

    Sum of all rooms defined for the property.

    Total Rooms in Hotel minus

    OOO Rooms

    Number of Rooms in the Hotel minus Out of Order Rooms.

    Travel Agent Revenue

    Total amount of postings today where the transaction code is marked as

    'Revenue' for reservations that have a travel agent profile attached

    Travel Agent Room Revenue

    Total amount of postings today where the transaction code is marked as 'Revenue' and a transaction code Type is 'Lodging' for reservations that have a travel agent profile attached

    Travel Agent Rooms in House

    Number of Rooms that have a Travel Agent profile attached to the reservation.


    Number of Turnaways with an arrival date of today. (Available when the

    Reservations > Turnaways application function is set to Y.)

    VIP Persons in House

    Number of Adults and Children for Rooms In-House with a VIP code attached to the profile.

    Walk-in Persons

    Number of Adults and Children where the Walk-In button was used to make the reservation.

    Walk-in Rooms

    Number of Rooms where the Walk-In button was used to make the reservation.