Generic XML Back Office Export-Specifications

The following table explains information sent in different files:

Table 7-4 Standard Views and Description

File Description


Revenue and Payments for the day


All City Ledger / Accounts Receivable transactions of the day


All bills/folios generated on the day (including voided)


Profile data for profiles that appear in the BILLS file


Includes Room Nights, Persons, Noshows and Cancellations of the day by Room Class, Room Type and Market Code

All files have the same 2 attributes under the root element:
  • <date>: Single date the export is executing.

  • <hotel_code>: Identifier for the property. You can set up a custom code in Property > Property Details > Hotel Code, otherwise it will use the OPERA property code

Formatting Conventions

All date fields are with format YYYY-MM-DD

All monetary fields have two decimals with dot (“.”) as the separator, no thousand separator is used. Negative numbers have an explicit minus sign (“-“).

Element and attribute tags follow the lowercase and hyphen standard. Secondary information is set as Attribute, main information as Element

Data Exchange

The information flows from OPERA to the ERP/Back Office system only. No data is being sent to OPERA. Export would normally be configured to automatically generate during end of day routine for the day being closed, but it can also be manually re-generated for past days if needed.