Generating Task Sheets

Use the Generate Task Sheets functionality to generate task sheets for an individual attendant, a group of attendants, or all available attendants on a daily basis.

Auto-Generating Task Sheets

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Inventory, select Task Sheets, then Auto Generate Task Sheets.

  2. In the Resources panel, do the following:

    1. Template Code: Select a previously saved template to populate pre-selected values to the parameters.

      1. Click Manage Templates to edit or delete templates.

      2. To edit, click vertical ellipse, click Edit, update template details, click Save.

      3. To delete, click vertical ellipse, click Delete, click Delete to confirm.

    2. Turndown: Select the generate turndown task sheets.

    3. Task: Select the task(s) from the list to include in the task sheets.

    4. Show All Scheduled Tasks: This checkbox is available when at least 2 Tasks are selected. When unchecked, only the scheduled Task with the highest priority will be shown. When checked, all scheduled tasks that fall on the day will be shown.

    5. Next Day: Select to generate task sheets for the following day rooms/reservations.

    6. Attendants: Select the attendants to assign to the task sheets.

    7. Number of Attendants: or enter the number of attendants.

    8. Maximum Credits: Enter the maximum number of credits to be assigned to any one attendant/task sheet. Credits will be divided evenly by the number of attendants entered in the Number of Attendants field, not to exceed this number per attendant per Task Sheet.  Any remaining rooms/credits will flow down to an overflow task sheet.

    9. Inhouse First: Available when no Attendants are chosen and the Number of Attendants is 0.

    10. Task Instructions: Task instructions default to any task instructions set up for the selected task(s). You may edit the instructions. Instructions are displayed on task sheet reports and in the task companion.

    11. Room Instructions: Enter any default room instructions; Instructions are displayed on task sheet reports and in the task companion.

    12. Attendant Instructions: Enter any default attendant instructions; to all attendants; Instructions are displayed on task sheet reports and in the task companion.

    13. Click Next.

  3. In the Room (Reservation) Criteria Panel, do the following:

    1. Room Status: Select the statuses of the rooms to be included on the generated Task Sheets. If a room is scheduled for a task, the room status is verified against the selections made here; if a match is found, the room is included in the Task Sheet.

    2. Front Office Status: Select the Vacant and/or Occupied check boxes. The Task Sheet will include only the rooms that match the FO statuses you select. (By default, both are selected.) No rooms will be printed if neither option is selected.

    3. Reservation Status: Select the reservation statuses to be included in the Task Assignment sheet. The Task Sheet includes only rooms that match the reservation statuses you select. By default, none of the reservation statuses are selected reservation status is not considered and all rooms are included, regardless of reservation status.

    4. Room Assignment: Select Assigned and/or unassigned to filter the rooms. The Task Sheet includes only the rooms that match your selection.

    5. Room Class: Select room classes from list to limit room type selection to specific room classes (Available when the ROOM CLASS OPERA Control is active).

    6. Exclude VIP: Select from the list to exclude selected VIP types from the task sheets (Available when the VIP OPERA Control is active).

    7. VIP Only: Select this check box to include only rooms assigned to VIP guests with the corresponding reservation statuses selected. Vacant rooms will not be included if this option is selected. (Available when the VIP OPERA Control is active).

  4. In the Breakout panel, do the following:

    1. Select Room NumberFloor, Building, Building Group, Section, or Section Group to distribute rooms among attendants. If you select Section or Section Group, select the required AM or PM section option.

      Floors and Sections are predefined groupings of rooms.

      Section and Section Groups can be used as hard stops when Task Sheets are assigned, which means when creating Task Sheets with Section or Section Group selected, the rooms from different sections within one section group can be on the same task sheet, but not rooms from different section groups; the same holds for Building Group. When generating Task Assignment sheets by Section Group/Building Group, if no specific attendants are selected in the Attendants field, then the number of attendants entered in this field represents the number of Task Sheets to be generated per Section Group/Building Group.

    2. Separate By Rate Code: Select rate codes to exclude from the main Task Assignment process. Rooms attached to reservations with the selected rate codes will be placed separately on Task Assignment sheets at the end of the regular assigned Task Assignment sheets.

    3. Separate By Room: Select room numbers to exclude from the main Task Assignment process. Rooms attached to reservations with the selected rooms will be placed separately on Task Assignment sheets at the end of the regular assigned Task Assignment sheets.

    4. Stayovers First: Select to process a Stayover/ Departure Task Assignment, which places stay overs and departures on separate Task Assignment sheets for each attendant. and select No Service Required to create an additional Task Sheet that contains all rooms that are not scheduled for service.

  5. Click Generate Task Sheets or Save Template and Generate Task Sheets to save the current parameter selection as a template and then generate the task sheets.


If the total number of rooms to be assigned cannot be divided equally among the available attendants, any "remainder" rooms are assigned to a separate Task Sheet to be manually managed. For example, if there are 153 rooms to be divided among 15 attendants, Task Sheets 1 through 15 would have 10 rooms each (150 rooms total) and a separate Task Sheet 11 would include the remaining 3 rooms.


When the Guest Service Status OPERA Control is active and the Additional Task Sheets OPERA Control is set to NSR and/or DND, additional task sheets will be generated during the auto generation process. Refer Guest Service Status.

  • When NSR is selected, the No Service Required task sheet is generated.

  • When DND is selected, the Do Not Disturb task sheet is generated.

Manually Creating Task Sheets

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Inventory, select Task Sheets, then Create Manual Task Sheets.

  2. At the New Task Sheet prompt complete the following:

    1. Turndown: Select to create turndown task sheets (Available when the Turndown OPERA Control is active).

    2. Task(s): Select the task(s) from list to assign to the task sheet.

    3. Room(s): Select the room(s) from list to assign to the task sheet. Selecting no rooms will create a 'blank' task sheet.

    4. Credits: Enter the number of credits to assign to the task sheet.

    5. Room Instructions: Enter any default room instructions; Instructions are displayed on task sheet reports and in the task companion.

  3. Click Create.

  4. Click New to create an additional task sheet and repeat steps.

Managing Task Sheets

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Inventory, select Room Management, select Task Sheets, then Manage Task Sheets.

  2. Enter search criteria and click Search.

  3. Select the task sheet card in either summary or detail tabs, click Manage.


    You can select another task sheet to manage by selecting the task sheet number from list.
  4. Select Edit.
    1. Attendant: Select an attendant from the list to assign to the task sheet.

    2. Task Sheet Instructions: Update the task sheet instructions.

    3. Click Save.

  5. Add Room(s) to task sheet.
    1. Click Actions, select Add Room(s).

    2. Rooms: Select rooms from list.

    3. Credits: Enter the number of credits to assign.

    4. Room Instructions: Enter room instructions for the rooms selected.

    5. Click Add.

  6. Delete Room(s) from task sheet.
    1. Select the room(s).

    2. Click Actions, select Remove Room(s) .

  7. Reassign Rooms to another task Sheet.
    1. Select the room(s).

    2. Click Actions, select Move Room(s) to Another >> task sheet number.

  8. Update Room Details.
    1. Select the room(s).

    2. Click Actions, select Update Room Details.

    3. Credits: Enter the number of credits to assign.

    4. Room Instructions: Enter room instructions for the rooms selected.

    5. Click Update Room Details.

  9. Update Room and Housekeeping Status.
    1. Select the room(s)

    2. Click Actions, select Update Room Status.

    3. Status: Select a room status.

    4. Housekeeping Status: Select a housekeeping status; amending HK status will result in discrepant room; refer Viewing Room Discrepancies .

    5. Click Close.

  10. Lock Task Sheet.
    1. Click Actions, select Lock Task Sheet

  11. Merge Task Sheets.
    1. Click Actions, select Merge Task Sheet, Task sheet number.

Generating Task Sheet Reports

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Inventory, select Room Management, select Task Sheets, then Manage Task Sheets.

  2. Enter search criteria and click Search.

    Click Vertical Ellipse, click Report.

    1. Enter report parameters.

    2. Report Style. Report format determines what information is included in the report. Select from among the following available styles:

      • Type 1 (Landscape Orientation): Room No., Room Status, FO Status, Reservation Status, Title, Guest Name, Tasks, Totals.

      • Type 2 (Landscape Orientation) (Displayed when Housekeeping Task Scheduling OPERA Control is active.): Room No., Room Status, FO Status, Reservation Status, Title, Guest Name, Tasks, Facility Codes with Counts, Totals.

      • Type 3 (Landscape Orientation): Room No., Room Type, FO Status, Reservation Status, Guest Name, Arrival Date, Departure Date, Tasks, Totals.

      • Type 4 (Landscape Orientation) (No Guest Name): Room No., Room Status, Section AM, Section PM, Reservation Status, Turndown, FO Status, VIP, Arrival Date, Arrival Time, Departure Date, Departure Tim, # of Adults, # of Children, Tasks, Totals.
      • Type 5(Landscape Orientation) (Tasksheet 4 with Credits displayed): Room No., Room Status, Section AM, Section PM, Credits, Reservation Status, Turndown, FO Status VIP Arrival Date, Arrival Time, Departure, Departure Tim, # of Adults, # of Children, Tasks, Totals.

      • Type 6(Landscape Orientation) (Tasksheet 5 with FO Status and Guest Name displayed, No Credits): Room No., Room Status, FO Status, Section AM, Section PM, Reservation Status, Turndown, Guest Name, Arrival Date, Arrival Time, Departure Date, Departure Time, VIP, # of Adults, # of Children, Tasks, Totals.

      • Type 7 (Landscape Orientation) (Tasksheet 6 with Credits displayed): Room No., Room Status, FO Status, Section AM, Section PM, Credits, Reservation Status, Turndown, Guest Name, Arrival Date, Arrival Time, Departure Date, Departure Time, VIP, # of Adults, # of Children, Tasks, Totals.

      • Type 8(Landscape Orientation) (Room Details with Specials & Customized Room Instructions): Room No., Room Type, Room Status, FO Status, Section AM, Section PM, Credits, Reservation Status, Nationality, Title, Guest Name, Arrival Date, Arrival Tim, Departure Date, Departure Time, VIP, # of Adults, # of Children Specials, Tasks/Room Instructions, Totals, Block Code.

      • Type 8 Large Font (Landscape Orientation) (Room Details with Specialized & Customized Room Instructions - Large font): Room No., Room Type, Room Status, FO Status, Section AM, Section PM, Credits, Reservation Status, Nationality, Title, Guest Name, Arrival Date, Arrival Tim, Departure Date, Departure Time, VIP, # of Adults, # of Children, Specials, Tasks/Room Instructions, Totals, Block Code.

      • Type 9 (Landscape Orientation) (Room Details with Specialized & Customized Room Instructions without Guest Nationality): Room No., Room Type, Room Status, FO Status, Section AM, Section PM, Credits, Reservation Status, Next Reservation Arrival Time, Turndown, Title, Guest Name, Arrival Date, Arrival Tim, Departure Date, Departure Time, VIP, # of Adults, # of Children Specials, Tasks/Room Instructions, Totals, Block Code, Traces.

      • Type 9 Large Font: (Landscape Orientation) (Room Details with Specialized & Customized Room Instructions without Guest Nationality - Large font): Room No., Room Type, Room Status, FO Status, Section AM, Section PM, Credits, Reservation Status, Next Reservation Arrival Time, Turndown, Title, Guest Name, Arrival Date, Arrival Tim, Departure Date, Departure Time, VIP, # of Adults, # of Children Specials, Tasks/Room Instructions, Totals, Block Code.

      • Type 10 (Landscape Orientation) (Simple task sheet): Room No., Room Status, FO Status, Totals.

      • Type 11(Portrait Orientation) (Simple task sheet): Room No., Room Status, Credits, Reservation Status, Arrival Date, Departure Date, # of Adults, # of Children, Tasks/Room Instructions, Totals.

      • Type 12 (Landscape Orientation): Room No., Room Type, Room Status, FO Status, Adults, Children, Tasks, Cleaning Time, Credits, Reservation Status, Membership Level, Arrival Date, Arrival Time, Mobile Registered, Departure Date, Departure Time, Specials, Room Instructions, Room Check.

      • Summary (Landscape Orientation) (Summary of housekeeping task sheets): Date, Task Sheet Number, Attendant, Total Rooms, Total Credits, Dirty Rooms, Pickup Rooms, Clean Rooms, Departure Rooms, # of Adults, # of Children, Totals.

    3. Destination.: Select a report destination.

    4. Click Process.