Using the Task Sheet Companion

The Task Companion replaces the need for printed task sheet reports by providing real-time, interactive housekeeping task management via tablet and enables you to update room and housekeeping status, view and resolve reservation traces and request assistance from other room attendants. If the Housekeeping Task Scheduling OPERA Control is active, select from the list of tasks; multiple tasks are combined into a single task list.

Using the Task Sheet Companion

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Inventory, select Task Sheets, and then select Manage Task Sheets.


    You can also drill down from the Task Sheet dashboard tile

  2. Search and select the required task, and then click Search.

  3. Select the task and click Manage.

  4. On the Manage Task Sheet screen, click Actions, and select Go to Task Sheet Companion.

  5. All rooms assigned to the task sheet are listed in the My Rooms panel on the right; click the tab to open and close the panel.

    1. Rooms are sequenced according to the predefined task priority. See Task Companion Auto-Priority.

    2. The requested service time from the reservation is displayed along side each room.

  6. Room and task instructions details are displayed in the top left panel.

    1. Room attendant, task and reservation-specific instructions are displayed in this panel.

    2. Housekeeping supply items are also listed.

    3. Click Go on Break to pause the task and indicate that you're on a break; this status is displayed in the Attendant Console.

  7. Reservation details are displayed in the bottom left panel

    1. Click Traces to view and manage any traces for the reservation. See Adding Traces to Reservations .


      If there are multiple reservations applicable for the room (eg due out and due in), click Load More Items to display additional reservations in the panel.
  8. To commence the task for the room click Start.


    Depending on the Task Companion Timer OPERA Control, a time counter might increment or decrement during completion of the task.

    1. Update the room status when task is complete.

      1. Room Status: Click a new status to update the room status.

      2. Housekeeping Status: Click to update the housekeeping status ; this option is used to report a skip or sleep discrepancy. See Viewing Room Discrepancies.

    2. Click Finish when the task is complete.

    3. Click Next Room then click Start to commence the next room.

    4. To skip a room click Next Room.

    5. Repeat for all rooms listed in the My Rooms panel.

  9. To request assistance from another room attendant, click Need Assistance (Available when the Task Companion Assistance OPERA Control is active).

    1. Enter a message and click Send General Assistance.

    2. To send an emergency assistance request, click Send Emergency.


      Users with the Receive Task Companion General Assistance Notifications task assigned to their role(s) will receive any General Assistance notifications. Users with the Receive Task Companion Emergency Assistance Notifications task assigned to their role(s) will receive any Emergency notifications.