Publishing or Unpublishing an Analysis Report

Analysis Reports enforce file permissions by restricting access to the My Folder for each user account and to the Shared Folder for each organization:

  • Only the specific user can view and access the contents of their My Folder.

  • All users can view the content of the Shared Folder but cannot enact changes.

When you create an analysis report, the system creates and saves the report in your My Folder. This prevents all other users from being able to run and perform modifications on your report.

When you publish the report, the system creates a copy of your saved report in the Shared Folder, and allows users without access to the OBIEE Analysis portlet to run the report.

Deleting a report in your My Folder does not impact the published copy of the report. You must unpublish the report to remove the published copy.

  1. In the OPERA Reporting and Analytics side menu, click the link to go to the Analysis Reports page. If you cannot find the link, contact your system administrator.
  2. Click Publish Analysis.
  3. To publish an analysis report to the Shared Folder or to change the users and roles for which the report is published:
    1. Use the filters to find and select the report for which you want to configure permissions, and then click Publish.
    2. Select whether to configure permissions for the report at the Roles level or at the individual Users level.

      You cannot configure a report to have both role-level and user-level permissions. For example, if you configure role-based permissions for a report, and then configure user-based permissions, the user-based permissions overwrite the role-based permissions.

    3. Use the lists and arrows to add or remove permissions, and then click Save.
  4. To unpublish an analysis report from the Shared Folder for all users and roles, use the filters to find and select the report for which you want to configure permissions, and then click Unpublish.