Select Coordinate Items Options

Purpose: You can add one item at a time to the order on the Select Coordinate Items page.

For more information:

         Select Coordinate Items for an overview of the Select Coordinate Items page.

         Fields on Select Coordinate Items for a description of the fields on the Select Coordinate Items page.

Add a Coordinate Item to the Order

1.      Identify the coordinate item to add. If multiple SKU’s for the item are available for selection, select the SKU (unlabeled) field to display the SKU drop down list, and enter a full or partial SKU in the drop down list search field to find SKU’s that contain your entry.

Note:             See Fields on Select Coordinate Items for information on which coordinates are available for selection based on system configuration options and item settings.

2.      If required for the item, select a Ship Via Override. This is required if one or more ship via overrides are defined for the item.

3.      Enter the quantity of the item you wish to add to the order in the Order Line Quantity Ordered (unlabeled) field.

4.      Select the Add to Order option. The system validates your entries. An error message displays if:

         A number is not defined in the Quantity field, the number is negative, or the number is greater than 99,999.

         The number in the Quantity field is greater than the number in the Maximum Order Quantity (C60) system control value and you do not have authority to the Allow Maximum Order Quantity Override (A70) secured feature.

         The item is flagged as Restricted, indicating that it cannot be ordered.

5.      If your entries pass validation, the system:

         Reserves the item if you use immediate reservation.

         Updates the order totals.

         Returns you to the Order Summary page or to your current step in order entry, and displays the newly added item in the Order Lines Panel, or to the Order Summary Panel if you are in order entry.

6.      When you unlock the order, if the order’s status was previously Closed or Canceled, it resets to Open status.

Adding additional coordinates: Select + Coordinate from the Order Lines Panel, or Coordinates for the item in the Order Summary panel in order entry, and repeat the above steps for each component you would like to add to the order.

