Carton Details

Purpose: Use the Carton Details window to review the carton contents for a shipment on an order.

This information can come from the Generic Pick In API, from entries during Work with Pick/Pack Verification (WPPV), or from the PC manifesting station.

If the information from pick/pack verification differs from the information passed in the pick in API or through PC manifesting, the information displayed here is from pick/pack verification.

Note:             When you use the generic Pick In API, the system does not verify that the reported carton contents match the information on the pick slip.

How to display:

         In the Order Lines Panel on the Order Summary page, select the Carton link for an order line.

         In the # Order Lines In This Invoice Panel on the Invoice Detail page, select the Carton link for an order line.

For more information:

         Carton Details Options for step-by-step instructions on the actions you can perform on the Carton Details window.

         Fields on Carton Details for a description of the fields on the Carton Details window.

