Fields on Create Misship

Purpose: The following information displays on the Create Misship page.

         Item ID. Required.

Note:  You can’t create a misship for a set item.

         SKU. Required if the item has SKU’s.

         Quantity to Return. Required.

Note:  The message Enter a number between 1 and 99,999 remains displayed until you complete the page.

         Return Reason. Typically, the return reason you select indicates that this is a misship. Required.

         Return Disposition. Defaults from the Default Disposition Code (C18) SCV. See Return Disposition Scenarios for background on the field requirements at the Create Misship page based on the selected return disposition. Required.

         Warehouse. The warehouse where the returned item will be received. This value is used only if the disposition code affects inventory. If there is only a single existing Item Warehouse record for the item, you cannot select a different warehouse. Also, if a warehouse is defined for the return disposition code, this warehouse defaults. May be required based on the return disposition.

         Warehouse Location. The physical location within the warehouse where the returned item will be received. This value is used only if the disposition code affects inventory. If there is only a single existing Item Location record for the item, you cannot select a different location; however, if the return disposition defines a default return location and warehouse, such as returns location in a virtual returns warehouse, this warehouse and location default. May be required based on the return disposition.

For more information: See:

         Create Misship for background.

         Create Misship Options for the steps to create a misship.

