Add Message Options

Purpose: You can perform the following actions on the Add Message window.

         Add a Message

For more information:

         Add Message for an overview of the Add Message window.

         Fields on Add Message for a description of the fields on the Add Message window.

Add a Message

1.      Optionally, select a message template from the Message Template (Order Message Template) field. When you select a message template, the message text defined for the template defaults to the Message field. You can override the default text to suit your needs. For example, if you select to default Happy Birthday, you may wish to modify the message text to read Happy Birthday, Mom!.

         If you are creating an order message, the system displays only default message text whose Print Code is Nowhere.

         If you are creating a gift message, the system displays only default message text whose Print Code is Gift Message.

         If you are creating a pick slip message, the system displays only default message text whose Print Code is Picks.

         If you are creating a quote form message, the system displays only default message text whose Print Code is Quotes.

         If you are creating a refund check message, the system displays only default message text whose Print Code is Ref Chk Cust (Refund Check Customer).

         If you are creating an order line message, the system displays all order line message templates regardless of the Print Code setting.

2.      Define the contents of the message in the Message (Order Message) field to suit your needs. You can use a carriage return to enter as many message lines as you need. Each individual message line cannot be greater than 60 positions; if a message line is greater than 60 positions, the system creates multiple 60 position message lines.

Example: If you enter the following text as one long message Happy Birthday Cathy! We wish we could be there for your party. Have a piece of cake for us and wish big! Love, Mary and John

The system will create 3 message lines:

         the first message line contains: Happy Birthday, Cathy! We wish we could be there for your

         the second message line contains: party. Have a piece of cake for us and wish big! Love, Mary

         the third message line contains: and John

To format the message correctly, use a carriage return to separate the lines.

Example: Enter the following text as separate message lines.

         first message line: Happy Birthday, Cathy! 

         second message line: We wish we could be there for your party. 

         third message line: Have a piece of cake for us and wish big!

         fourth message line: Love, Mary and John

3.      Select Add Message. The system displays a message indicating the message has been added to the order and returns you to the previous page.

         You can review order messages for an order on the Order Messages page. The system displays the date and time when the message was created and the user ID of the user that created the message.

         You can review customer messages (gift, pick slip, quote form, and refund check) for an order on the Customer Messages page. The system displays the date and time when the message was created and the user ID of the user that created the message.

4.      Optionally, edit the message as needed.

         You can update order messages on the Order Messages page.

         You can update customer messages (gift, pick slip, quote form, and refund check) on the Customer Messages page.


         If the order contains more than one ship-to, the system adds the message to the first order ship-to.

         If you enter message text in the New Message field and then select a message template from the Message Template field, the system replaces any text that you entered in the New Message field with the default message text defined for the selected message template.

         If you enter a carriage return without entering any text for that message line, the system will create an empty message line.

Example: If you enter:

Happy Birthday! 


Love, Mary and John

The system will create the following message lines:

message line 1: Happy Birthday! 

message line 2:

message line 3: Love, Mary and John

