This section lists action elements that ATG Content Administration provides, including the default set of workflow elements. You add these elements to an ATG Content Administration workflow through the ACC workflow editor.

Workflow actions extend class atg.epub.workflow.process.action.PublishingAction. For general information on workflow architecture, see the Personalization Programming Guide.

Approve and Deploy Project

Deploys to the specified target. This target must already be defined, as described later in this manual in Define the Deployment Topology.

Approve Project

Marks the project as approved for deployment on the specified target; deployment is triggered either by the RecurringDeploymentService or manually through the Business Control Center Admin Console. The target must already be defined, as described later in this manual in Define the Deployment Topology.

Check Assets Are Up to Date

Compares the head version of project assets against the current head versions of those assets on the main branch. If these are not the same, the system generates an alert; the user must resolve version discrepancies before the workflow can be advanced.

For more on how ATG Content Administration versions assets, see Versioning Process earlier in this guide. For more information on asset conflict resolution, see the Content Administration Guide for Business Users.

Check In Project’s Workspace

Checks in all resources associated with the current project, thereby creating checked-in versions of assets from the working versions in the project.

Complete Process

Used by a project workflow’s parent process to indicate that the current process is complete.

Complete Project

Indicates that the current project is complete.

Create Project

Used by the workflow’s parent process to start a project.

Delete Project

Terminates the workflow, and ends the project without checking in the workspace. Typically this action is available only before the project reaches the deployment stage.

Release Asset Locks

Called after a deployment is reverted from all targets. Before the workflow can return to a predeployment task such as Author, the project assets must be unlocked.

Reopen Project

After a successful revert from operation, reopens the project for further editing. Because this action enables users to modify project assets, it should always be followed by a Go To element that redirects the workflow to the Author task element.

Revert Assets Immediately on Target

Reverts deployment of project assets from the specified target.

Send Task Notification

Sends an e-mail message to the recipients you specify – the owner of the current task, the permitted actors, the owner or permitted actors, or the last actor. In this case, Actors refers to anyone who has access rights to the task. This element is defined by the emailNotifyTaskActors entries in the file:


Use the Send Notification action to send e-mail messages outside the context of a task.

Validate Project Deployed on Target

Checks to ensure the workflow can be safely advanced to the next task. This element should be called after a project is deployed, to prevent the workflow from advancing to the next task before deployment is complete.

Note: ATG Content Administration does not support task priorities or dynamic routing of tasks.

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