You can manually define deployment topology from an XML file, which uses the following DTD:

The Oracle Commerce Platform distribution provides a template for creation of this file:


This section provides information about defining a deployment topology in XML and importing it into your ATG Content Administration environment. After you perform these tasks, you can initialize targets from the Admin Console’s Configuration page, as described later in this chapter in Initialize Target Sites.

Sample Deployment Topology XML

The following example shows part of a deploymentTopology.xml file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<!DOCTYPE publishing-deployment-topology SYSTEM



<!--  Order matters. Repository mappings must come after agent tags.






    <!--  Agents in the Staging target defined here


The <repository-mapping> tags specify the source and destination repositories for the deployment.

Exporting the Current Topology

The component /atg/epub/deployment/TopologyManager/ of the Dynamo Server Admin allows you to download the current topology to a file in XML. To import a topology, use the Business Control Center.

Defining Targets for One-Off Deployment

By default, a target is defined for use in a project workflow. In order to define a target for One-Off Deployments, nest this tag in the <target> definition:


If this tag is not set, the target is available only for deployment within a project workflow. If desired, you can explicitly set a target for workflow deployment as follows:


Including and Excluding Asset Destinations

You specify an agent’s deployment responsibilities through two tags:

Tags <include-asset-destination> and <exclude-asset-destination> are set to the deployed repository or VFS’s absolute Nucleus component name on the asset manager server. Multiple instances of the <include-asset-destination> and <exclude-asset-destination> include and exclude multiple asset destinations, respectively.

The <exclude-asset-destination> tag is typically used to exclude a versioned content repository that is listed as a destination for the agent’s target—for example, in cases where that agent does not need to access the given repository. By excluding the repository, you avoid the overhead that the agent otherwise incurs by invalidating the repository cache during a switch.

Note: When manually supplying values in a deploymentTopology.xml file for tags <include-asset-destination> and <exclude-asset-destination>, specify the names of the repositories exactly as they are listed in the VersionManager.

Mapping VFSs

You can configure deployment so a VFS of one name on the asset management server deploys to a VFS of another name on the agent server. You do this through a <vfs-mapping> tag that embeds tags <source-vfs> and <destination-vfs>:

If these tags are omitted, the VFS on the agent and asset management servers are assumed to have the same name.

For example, a deployment topology might include the following VFS for deployment:


You can map this VFS so it deploys on the agent server to the VFS WWWFileSystemOnAgent, as in the following example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE publishing-deployment-topology SYSTEM




Importing a Deployment Topology File

You import a deploymentTopology.xml file as follows:

To import a deploymentTopology.xml file:

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