Developer's Quick Start Guide

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Creating a Domain and Server

At this point you may not have not written any code, except perhaps a placeholder EJB. Even so the generated projects are valid applications, and the web application contains a default Page Flow Controller, which provides access to a web page. For more information about page flows, see Page Flows in Portals in the Portal Development Guide.

The chapter contains:


Creating a Server

To create a server in WorkSpace Studio:

  1. From either the Portal or J2EE perspective, click the Servers view.
  2. Right-click inside the Servers view and select New > Server.
  3. Complete the pages in the wizard as required.
  4. Table 6-1 New Server Wizard  
    In this Wizard ...
    Select or Enter...
    Server's host name
    Server type
    BEA WebLogic Server v10.0
    Server runtime
    BEA WebLogic Server 10.0
    Domain home
    Your domain home directory. For example, HOME/domains/projectX.
    Tip: As a best practice, create your domain outside of the BEA installation directory.
    If you do not already have a domain, create one by selecting Click here to launch the Configuration Wizard to create a new domain. For information about what to enter in this wizard, see Domain Configuration Wizard.
    Add and Remove Projects
    Your EAR project should be visible. As a best practice, do not move the EAR to the server yet. This way you can make sure the server starts cleanly by itself. You can add the project later.
    Selected Tasks
    This page should be empty unless you have added your EAR Project to the server.

After completing the New Server Wizard, the Servers view displays the server you just created along with the server's status and state.

Note: Eclipse uses the term Publish where WorkSpace Studio uses Deploy; these terms are synonyms.


Domain Configuration Wizard

If you are creating a new domain, complete the pages in the domain wizard as required.

Table 6-2 Domain Wizard  
In this Wizard ...
Select or Enter...
Welcome page
Create a new WebLogic domain.
Select Domain Source
In the Generate a domain configured automatically to support the following BEA Products, select either WebLogic Portal or WebLogic Portal Collaboration Repository. Be sure you select the template with the features you need.

Note: The WebLogic Portal Groupspace Application template creates a domain with a Groupspace application that is already deployed. This is not applicable because you are creating your own application.

Configure Administrator Username and Password
The user name and password of your choice.
Configure Server Start Mode and JDK
Development Mode.
BEA recommends JRockit SDK 1.5.0_11, as it is faster than the Hotspot JVM for iterative development.
Customize Environment and Services Settings
Create WebLogic Domain
The name entered in the Domain name field becomes a subdirectory under the Domain location directory.
For example, if you want your domain to be HOME/domains/projectX, enter projectX as the domain name, and HOME/domains for the location.
Creating Domain
If the path to your domain is long, you can copy the path information from the final and then paste it into the Domain home field in the New Server wizard.


Related Information

The following topics provide more detail for creating a domain for your server:

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