Interface FldTbl

All Known Implementing Classes:
DynamicFldTbl, evt_mib, islflds, secflds, tmibflds, tmqflds, tpadm, Usysfl32, Usysflds

public interface FldTbl

This interface assists in the mapping from field id to its corresponding string. When a user runs mkfldclass on an field table, mkfldclass produces a java file that implements this interface. The FML object itself takes a list of objects which implement this interface. Whenever the object is asked to map a field id to a string or a string to a field id, the FML object goes through its list of FldTbls calling Fldid_to_name or name_to_Fldid.

See Also:
FML, mkfldclass

Method Summary
 String Fldid_to_name(int fldid)
          This method maps a fielded ID to its corresponding name from the field definition file
 String[] getFldNames()
          Gets a list of the field names used by this table.
 int name_to_Fldid(String name)
          Maps the given string to the given fieldid

Method Detail


String Fldid_to_name(int fldid)
This method maps a fielded ID to its corresponding name from the field definition file

fldid - The field id to search for
The string for this field id or null if none is found


int name_to_Fldid(String name)
Maps the given string to the given fieldid

name - The name to lookup for a fieldid
A field id or -1 if none could be found with this name


String[] getFldNames()
Gets a list of the field names used by this table.

A String array of the names of the fields of this table.

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