

Provides JATMI primitives used to begin and end transactions, allocate and free buffers, and provide the communication between clients and servers.


Interface Summary
AppKey This interface can be overridded by security providers who wish to implement their own Appkey.
ApplicationToMonitorInterface This interface represents the Java Application-to-Transaction Monitor Interface (JATMI) that provides connectivity between WebLogic Server and Tuxedo Services.
CallDescriptor An interface that will need to be implemented by anyone using tpacall
Conversation This interface represents a conversation between a client and server over an open conection.
FldTbl This interface assists in the mapping from field id to its corresponding string.
FML This is the FML interface.
GatewayTpacallAsyncReply This is the object that will be called back when a reply for the tpacall has been received
Reply This class holds the reply data and meta-data from a service invocation.
TpacallAsyncReply The object that is called back when a reply for an asyncronous tpacall has been received.
TPRequestAsyncReply This class is a reply object used by a POJO to handle a asynchronous or synchronous reply to TUXEDO service.
TuxedoService This is the interface for the Tuxedo EJB.
TuxedoServiceHome This is the home for the tuxedo service EJBs.
TypedBuffer This interface is for TypedBuffers.
UserRec This interface is used to implement the class that contains the user information used in creating the Tuxedo AAA token.

Class Summary
Decimal This class provides a Java implementation of the Tuxedo packed decimal type.
DequeueReply This class holds the reply data and meta-data from a service invocation.
DynamicFldTbl This class provides a dynamic implementation of the FldTbl interface.
EnqueueRequest This represents the information tpenqueue needs in order to make an enqueue request
FmlKey This class represents the combination of FML field id and occurance.
MBEncoding This class provides the utilities for handling the encoding name for MBSTRING data.
mkfldclass This class is a utility function that reads a FML Field Table and produces a java file which implements the FldTbl interface.
mkfldclass32 This class is a utility function that reads a FML32 Field Table and produces a java file which implements the FldTbl interface.
QueueTimeField This class contains a time value and whether or not this time value is absolute or relative time.
TPServiceInformation This class represents all the information needed to run a service
TuxedoReply This class holds the reply data and meta-data from a service invocation.
TuxedoSSLSocketFactory A socket factory for manufacturing SSLSockets and SSLServerSockets
TypedCArray This is the jatmi analogue to the CARRAY Tuxedo buffer type
TypedFML This implements FML in JAVA as a TypedBuffer.
TypedFML32 This implements TypedFML32 in JAVA as a TypedBuffer.
TypedMBString This is the jatmi analogue to the MBSTRING Tuxedo buffer type
TypedString This is the jatmi analogue to the STRING Tuxedo buffer type
TypedView Buffer type used when the application uses a Java structure to define the buffer structure using a view description file.
TypedView32 Buffer type similar to View but allows for larger character fields, more fields, and larger overall buffers.
TypedXML This is the jatmi analogue to the XML Tuxedo buffer type
TypedXOctet This is the jatmi analogue to the X_OCTET Tuxedo buffer type.
viewj This class is a utility function that reads a View definition file and produces a java file that implements the TypedView interface.
viewj32 This class is a utility function that reads a View definition file and produces a java file that implements the TypedView32 interface.

Exception Summary
Ferror This is the Ferror exception many FML functions throw
TPException This class is the exception that represents a TPException failure
TPReplyException This class is the exception that represents a TPException failure when there may also be user data on the exception that is thrown

Package Description

Provides JATMI primitives used to begin and end transactions, allocate and free buffers, and provide the communication between clients and servers.

Documentation is available at
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