
Uses of Interface

Packages that use XMLOutputStream
weblogic.jdbc.rowset Provides interfaces and classes for the WebLogic rowset implementation. 
weblogic.webservice.encoding Deprecated. Provides classes for weblogic.webservice.encoding. 
weblogic.xml.schema.binding Provides a framework for defining a data binding between XML Schema types and Java types. Deprecated. Provides XML stream support. Deprecated. Provides XML stream utilities support. 
weblogic.xml.xpath This package contains all of the classes required to perform XPath matching against a document represented as a DOM, XMLNode, or against an XMLInputStream. 

Uses of XMLOutputStream in weblogic.jdbc.rowset

Methods in weblogic.jdbc.rowset with parameters of type XMLOutputStream
 void WLCachedRowSet.writeXML(XMLOutputStream xos)
          Writes the RowSet to the XMLOutputStream as an XML document.
 void WLCachedRowSet.writeXML(XMLOutputStream xos, int rowStates)
          Writes the RowSet as an XML document.
 void WLRowSetMetaData.writeXMLSchema(XMLOutputStream xos)
          Writes the WLRowSetMetaData as an XML Schema document to the specified XMLOutputStream.

Uses of XMLOutputStream in weblogic.webservice.encoding

Methods in weblogic.webservice.encoding with parameters of type XMLOutputStream
 void SOAPElementCodec.serialize(Object obj, XMLName name, XMLOutputStream writer, SerializationContext context)
 void AttachmentCodec.serialize(Object obj, XMLName name, XMLOutputStream writer, SerializationContext context)

Uses of XMLOutputStream in weblogic.xml.schema.binding

Methods in weblogic.xml.schema.binding with parameters of type XMLOutputStream
 void Serializer.serialize(Object obj, XMLName name, XMLOutputStream writer, SerializationContext context)
          Write the given Object to an XMLOutputSteam, using the information described in the mapping, using the name parameter as the name of the resulting element.

Uses of XMLOutputStream in

Methods in with parameters of type XMLOutputStream
 void SpecBase.toXML(XMLOutputStream out)
 void SecurityDD.toXML(XMLOutputStream out)
 void EntityDescriptor.toXML(XMLOutputStream out)
abstract  void SpecBase.toXML(XMLOutputStream out, String namespace, int indent)
 void ElementIdentifier.toXML(XMLOutputStream out, String ns, int indent)
 void BinarySecurityTokenSpec.toXML(XMLOutputStream out, String ns, int indent)

Uses of XMLOutputStream in

Classes in that implement XMLOutputStream

Uses of XMLOutputStream in

Classes in that implement XMLOutputStream
 class SecureSoapOutputStream
          Deprecated. please use new WS Security API

Methods in with parameters of type XMLOutputStream
 void SecurityTokenReference.toXML(XMLOutputStream os)

Constructors in with parameters of type XMLOutputStream
SecureSoapOutputStream(Security security, XMLOutputStream destination)
SecureSoapOutputStream(Security security, XMLOutputStream destination, String encoding)
SecureSoapOutputStream(Security security, XMLOutputStream destination, String encoding, String soapNS)

Uses of XMLOutputStream in

Subinterfaces of XMLOutputStream in
 interface XMLInputOutputStream
          Deprecated. please use java standard StAX api

Methods in that return XMLOutputStream
abstract  XMLOutputStream XMLOutputStreamFactory.newCanonicalOutputStream(OutputStream outputStream)
          Deprecated. Create a new Canonical XMLOutputStream
abstract  XMLOutputStream XMLOutputStreamFactory.newCanonicalOutputStream(OutputStream outputStream, Map map)
          Deprecated. Create a new Canonical XMLOutputStream
abstract  XMLOutputStream XMLOutputStreamFactory.newCanonicalOutputStream(Writer writer)
          Deprecated. Create a new Canonical XMLOutputStream
abstract  XMLOutputStream XMLOutputStreamFactory.newCanonicalOutputStream(Writer writer, Map map)
abstract  XMLOutputStream XMLOutputStreamFactory.newDebugOutputStream(OutputStream stream)
          Deprecated. Create a new XMLOutputStream that writes to a stream that pretty prints it's output
abstract  XMLOutputStream XMLOutputStreamFactory.newDebugOutputStream(Writer writer)
          Deprecated. Create a new XMLOutputStream that writes to a writer that pretty prints it's output
abstract  XMLOutputStream XMLOutputStreamFactory.newOutputStream(ContentHandler handler)
          Deprecated. Create a new XMLOutputStream that writes to a SAX ContentHandler
abstract  XMLOutputStream XMLOutputStreamFactory.newOutputStream(Document document)
          Deprecated. Create a new XMLOutputStream that writes to a DOM document
abstract  XMLOutputStream XMLOutputStreamFactory.newOutputStream(Document document, DocumentFragment documentFragment)
          Deprecated. Create a new XMLOutputStream that writes to a DOM document fragment
abstract  XMLOutputStream XMLOutputStreamFactory.newOutputStream(OutputStream stream)
          Deprecated. Create a new XMLOutputStream that writes to a stream
abstract  XMLOutputStream XMLOutputStreamFactory.newOutputStream(OutputStream stream, boolean writeEmptyElements)
          Deprecated. Create a new XMLOutputStream that writes to a stream
abstract  XMLOutputStream XMLOutputStreamFactory.newOutputStream(Writer writer)
          Deprecated. Create a new XMLOutputStream that writes to a writer
abstract  XMLOutputStream XMLOutputStreamFactory.newOutputStream(Writer writer, boolean writeEmptyElements)
          Deprecated. Create a new XMLOutputStream that writes to a writer

Uses of XMLOutputStream in

Classes in that implement XMLOutputStream
 class XMLInputOutputStreamBase
          Deprecated. please use java standard StAX api

Uses of XMLOutputStream in weblogic.xml.xpath

Methods in weblogic.xml.xpath that return XMLOutputStream
 XMLOutputStream XPathStreamFactory.createStream(XMLOutputStream destination)
          Returns an XMLOutputStream which matches outbound events against the installed xpaths, notifies the appropriate installed observers, and then passes the events on to a given destination stream.

Methods in weblogic.xml.xpath with parameters of type XMLOutputStream
 XMLOutputStream XPathStreamFactory.createStream(XMLOutputStream destination)
          Returns an XMLOutputStream which matches outbound events against the installed xpaths, notifies the appropriate installed observers, and then passes the events on to a given destination stream.

Documentation is available at
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