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Notes on Using WebLogic Server 7.0J in Japanese Environment



Notes on Using WebLogic Server 7.0J SP7 in Japanese Environment


Changes from WebLogic Server 7.0 SP4

Setting up WebLogic Server 7.0 SP5 or later to use jRockit

Installer for RedHat Linux AS2.1

The supported JVM for RedHat Linux AS2.1 is jRockit. However, the installer for WebLogic Server 7.0 SP5 or later is not bundled with jRockit.

Download the jRockit installer from our Web site and install it to your machine.

Then, modify some files as required. To use jRockit on Weblogic Server, follow these steps for modifying the files:


  1. Changes for examples domain
    1. %WL_HOME%\samples\server\config\examples\startExamplesServer.cmd
    2. • On 73rd line, change the path of jdk java command to the path of jRockit java command.

    3. %WL_HOME%\samples\server\config\examples\config.xml
    4. • On 19th line, for javac path of JavaCompiler, change from jdk javac path to jRrockit javac path.

    5. %WL_HOME%\samples\server\config\examples\config.xml.FROM_INSTALLER
    6. • On 19th line, for javac path of JavaCompiler, change from jdk javac path to jRrockit javac path.

  2. Changes for petstore domain
    1. %WL_HOME%\samples\server\config\petstore\startPetStore.cmd
    2. • On 63rd line, change the JAVA_HOME environment variable to the directory where you installed jRockit.

    3. %WL_HOME%\samples\server\config\examples\config.xml
    4. • On 256th line, for javac path of JavaCompiler, change from jdk javac path to jRrockit javac path.

  3. Changes for WorkShop domain
    1. %WL_HOME%\samples\workshop\startWebLogic.cmd
    2. • On 41st line, change the JAVA_HOME environment variable to the directory where you installed jRockit.

    3. %WL_HOME%\samples\workshop\stopWebLogic.cmd
    4. • On 6th line, change the JAVA_HOME environment variable to the directory where you installed jRockit.

  4. Changes for all domains:
    1. %WL_HOME%\common\bin\commEnv.cmd
    2. • On 87th line, change the COMM_JAVA_HOME environment variable to the directory where you installed jRockit.

      • On 97th line, change the COMM_JAVA_VENDOR environment variable to "BEA".

    3. %WL_HOME%\server\bin\startWLS.cmd
    4. • On 61st line, change the JAVA_HOME environment variable to the directory where you installed jRockit.

      Now, the modifications of files are completed.


Typical Installation

  1. Before installing WebLogic Server 7.0SP6, download BEA jRockit 7.0SP6
    and unzip under BEA_HOME where WebLogic Server 7.0SP6 will be installed.
    Set the PATH environment variable to the path to jRockit, and jRockit java command will be enabled.
  2. [ex.] 
      cp $BEA_HOME/ 
      cd $BEA_HOME gunzip 
      export PATH 

  3. Follow the BEA e-docs installation steps and install WebLogic Server 7.0SP6
    For graphical-mode installation, see here
  4. For console-mode installation, see here

Upgrade Installation

  1. Before installing WebLogic Server 7.0SP6, download BEA jRockit 7.0SP6
    and unzip under BEA_HOME where WebLogic Server 7.0SP6 will be installed.
    Set the PATH environment variable to the path to jRockit, and jRockit java command will be enabled.
  2. [ex.]
    cp $BEA_HOME/
    cd $BEA_HOME
    export PATH

  3. Follow the BEA e-docs installation steps and install WebLogic Server 7.0SP6
    For graphical-mode installation, see here
  4. For console-mode installation, see here

Using multi-byte characters in URL (CR092089)

As of WebLogic Server 7.0 SP2, you can handle multi-byte characters in URLs on the Servelet Container (Web Container). You may need setting up the server, depending on the user agent (e.g. Web browser) used to access the server.

For example, if the server receives the HTTP request for the following URL: http://myHostName:port/myContextPath/myRequest/?myRequestParameter

The following sections illustrate how "myContextPath" and "myRequest" portions of the URL are handled. (*1)

  1. The default behavior (Decodes URL encoding presuming base encoding as UTF-8)
  2. (Decodes URL encoding presuming base encoding as UTF-8)

    By default, WebLogic Server 7.0 SP2 handles the URL of the HTTP request as follows.

    1. Decodes URL-encoding in "myContextPath" and "myRequest" portions of the URL.
    2. Decodes the byte stream generated by 1) as UTF-8, and get String object of the resulting characters.

    For example, if the user agent (Web browser) is Microsoft Internet Explorer, the multi-byte characters typed in the address bar are encoded into UTF-8, and then URL-encoded, by default. As of WebLogic Server 7.0 SP2, you can get the properly decoded Strings of the URL sent in UTF-8 encoding by default. (*2)

  3. How to specify appropriate character encoding for decoding URLs
  4. If the user agent is Netscape, the characters typed in the address bar are encoded into the character set of environment where Netscape runs. Then, the characters are URL-encoded and sent to the server. For example, on the Japanese version of Windows, the characters are encoded into MS932 and then URL-encoded. As of WebLogic Server 7.0 SP2, you can get the requested URLs properly, by configuring the server to decode URL-decoded byte stream as in MS932 encoding. By specifying startup option for WebLogic Server, you can set the encoding in which the URL-decoded characters are decoded:

    (Default for URIDecodeEncoding is UTF-8.)

    Note that you can choose only one encoding for each server instance.

  5. How to use your own user agent
  6. If you need to use multi-byte characters in the URI of the request, the characters are to be encoded into UTF-8 octets, then URL-encoded and sent to WebLogic Sever. It is recommended by W3C to URL-encode based on UTF-8 when creating URI. (

    (*1) : "myRequestParameter" portion is URL-decoded and then decoded as the encoding which is specified by setCharacterEncoding() in the servlet or input-charset in weblogic.xml. "myHostName" portion is going to be standardized by IESG as an international domain name.

    (*2):You should check (enable) Internet Options->Advanced->Always send URLs as UTF-8 (requires restart) option in IE.

Known Problems

  1. Notes on migrating from SP1 to SP2 in a clustered environment (CR096817)
  2. In some cases, multi-byte characters in the config.xml file cannot be converted properly when updating the config.xml by "migrate" command.

    If the server does not run after the migration, you should suspect this.

    To solve this problem, open the config.xml file by an UTF-8 conscious editor, and delete the characters surrounded by double quotations in Notes="xxx" (where the strings are corrupted), in the following tag.

    Now, you can start the server, and the "Notes" attribute will be recovered when the server starts up.

  3. Notes on migrating from SP1 to SP2 on HP platform (CR096544, CR097285)
  4. OutOfMemoryError may occur when you execute a command to migrate from SP1 to SP2 on HP platform,

    In $WL_HOME/server/bin/ant file, change JAVA_HOME from jdk131_06 to jdk131_08, and run the command.

    JDK paths of the following files also need to be modified. Change them from jdk131_06 to jdk131_08 in the same way.



  5. Notes on Specifying an Application to Deploy with Administration Console
  6. Multibyte characters cannot be used in filenames for application files uploaded with Administration Console.

    The filenames containing multibyte characters will be garbled when uploaded.

Fixed problems

  1. UnsupportedEncodingException may occurs when using JISAutoDetect in setCharacterEncoding() or input-charset (CR092778)
  2. This problem has been fixed in this release.




    Changes from WebLogic Server 6.1

    SOAP1.1 Compliant Multi-bytes Character Handling for Web Services

    As of WebLogic Server 7.0 SP1, encode handling while exchanging SOAP messages or WSDL files on the WebLogic Server conforms to SOAP1.1 specification, and is compliant to RFC2376. This allows WebLogic Server to handle SOAP messages and WSDL files using the encoding specified in RFC.


    1. Receiving HTTP/SOAP messages on WebLogic Server

      WebLogic Server 7.0 SP1 uses a contentType charset parameter in HTTP header when it encodes SOAP messages (i.e. SOAP1.1 messages) with text/xml HTTP media type.The encoding attribute in XML declaration is ignored. If charset is not specified with contentType, the message is handled as us-ascii encoding according to RFC2376.

      In older versions of WebLogic Server's Web service implementation, XML encoding attribute in a SOAP message is used to determine encoding, and HTTP contentType is ignored. This causes SOAP specification uncompliant behavior when SOAP message's XML declaration has no encoding attribute or HTTP contentType and SOAP message's encoding attributes are different. In this release, encoding handling for SOAP messages is compliant with RFC2376, as referred to in the SOAP1.1 specification.

      Note that some SOAP implementation does not conform to RFC. We recommend to set HTTP contentType and XML encoding attribute on SOAP to the same value.


    2. SOAP messages and WSDLs generated on WebLogic Server 7.0 SP1

      All SOAP messages and WSDLs generated by the WebLogic Server and the webservice Java Proxy are encoded in UTF-8. In generation process, 'encoding=utf-8' is added to the XML declaration and 'text/xml;charset=utf-8' is added to the contentType.

    Change of Behavior to Conform to JSP J2EE

    In WebLogic Server 7.0 SP1, the 'Fatal translation Error' occurs if multiple page directives exist (CR066562). This change is done for conformity to JSP 1.2 specification.

    The following is from JSP1.2 ---- JSP.2.10.1

    JSP.2.10.1 The page Directive

    The page directive defines a number of page dependent properties and Communicates these to the JSP container.

    A translation unit (JSP source file and any files included via the include directive) can contain more than one instance of the page directive, all the attributes will apply to the complete translation unit (i.e. page directives are position independent). However, there shall be only one occurrence of any attribute/value defined by this directive in a given translation unit with the exception of the import attribute; multiple uses of this attribute are cumulative (with ordered set union semantics). Other such multiple attribute/value (re)definitions result in a fatal translation error.

    According to this specification, if multiple page directives are found in a single translation unit, fatal translation error will occur. In WebLogic Server 7.0 SP1, the behavior of JSP is changed to conform this specification.

    With this change, you will have troubles if an include origin and a include destination both have own page directive when you include a JSP file into another one using static include ( <%@ include file=... %> ). In static include, the JSP container evaluates whole JSP generated by include as a single translation unit, so that a multiple page directive will be detected. And this causes the 'Fatal translation Error'.

    This may cause problems when you use JSPs written for older version of WebLogic Server. To avoid this, the following option is added as a parameter of weblogic.xml in WebLogic Server 7.0.

    Code list 1-1 New parameter added to weblogic.xml


    This parameter suppresses the fatal translation error for multiple page directives in a single translation unit, provided that each page directive specifies same encoding. This allows you to use your JSPs which written for older versions of WebLogic Server without modification.

    Specifying the J2EE Default Encoding

    In WebLogic Server 7.0 SP1, you can specify default character encoding for HTTP request in all J2EE enterprise applications (CR065921).

    This is done by setting one of the following parameters.

    1. webapp.encoding.usevmdefault = true | false

    2. webapp.encoding.default = java_encoding_name

    These values can be overridden by specifying the input-charset in weblogic.xml for a request stream, the setCharacterEncoding or the ContentType charset in a HTTP header.

    Note that the value specified in webapp.encoding.default (java_encoding_name) is the Java encoding name rather than IANA character set name.

    If you set both above 2 options, the webapp.encoding.usevmdefault will be used.

    Code list 1-2 Usage of webapp.encoding.usevmdefault webapp.encoding.usevmdefault


    Code list 1-3 Usage of webapp.encoding.default in weblogic_application.xml

    <description>default encoding</description>

    Specifying the Encoding for WTC TUXEDO Domain (CR052022)

    In WebLogic Server 7.0 SP1, you can specify the wtc domain encoding for the TUXEDO domain. This is done by specifying the following parameter when you start the WebLogic Server. You can add this in server's start up script (e.g. StartWebLogic.cmd).

    The encoding set by this parameter is valid for whole TUXEDO domain.

    XML Multi-bytes Character Handling in StreamParser

    In WebLogic Server 7.0 SP1, to add an encoding information in the XML header generated using XML Streaming API, use createStartDocument() of the ElementFactory class as following.

    XMLOutputStreamFactory factory = XMLOutputStreamFactory.newInstance();
    XMLOutputStream output = factory.newOutputStream(new
                        OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(fname),"Shift_JIS")); 

    The followings are notes on parsing XML document containing Japanese characters using XML Streaming API. Main points are the same as in the notes on using the xerces parser.

    1. Use byte stream when you give input for parser through stream.

      This enables XML encoding auto detection of the parser, so that parser can generate a character stream using the encoding specified by encoding attribute in XML declaration, which assures appropriate parsing.

    2. The parser will ignore the encoding setting in XML header, when the input is given through the Unicode character stream.

      In this case, user is responsible for providing the appropriate character stream.


    Handling of the Encoding in DD Files

    In WebLogic Server 7.0 SP1, the limitation on using multi-bytes characters in DD (Deployment Descriptor) files of J2EE component (.ear, .war, .jar, .rar files) is removed. This ensures appropriate encoding handling of DD files as specified in XML declaration for all components. In addition, when you edit the DD file and save changes in WebLogic Builder or Administration Console, the encoding of the file is kept as the original file. If the DD file has no encoding attribute in the XML declaration or has no XML declaration, the file is handled as UTF-8.


    2. Overview of I18n in WebLogic Server

    Main features of I18n in WebLogic Server:

    You should understand how to specify appropriate encoding specific to Java and J2E before you build a distributed system that handles data with multi-byte characters using WebLogic Server. Moreover, you should control the encoding conversion with due regard for the encoding handling of the system (e.g. operating system, the Internet, backend system) connected to WebLogic Server.

    The following is a concise description of the encoding handling in WebLogic Server.

    This allows WebLogic Server to handle characters of all languages at the same time, provided that their characters can be handled by Unicode.

  3. The encoding conversion is needed when WebLogic Server exchanges character data with the outside.

    In ordinary operating systems there is almost no environment working with Unicode, which is internal encoding of Java. Operating systems work with encoding called 'native encoding' which is defined individually for each platform. For example, the native encoding of the Windows system is a code page relevant to the language, the native encoding of the Unix system is encoding corresponding to the locale which is specified with the LANG environment variable, and the native encoding of a data base is a character set specified at the time of data base creation or the character set specified by the client.

    Because of this situation, encoding conversion between native encoding and Unicode is needed when input and output is done in WebLogic Server. This encoding conversion always occurs when WebLogic Server exchanges character data with an operating system or an external resource (*Note).

    The encoding conversion process utilizes a large amount of CPU resource, because the conversion is done for individual characters. Avoiding code conversion is good practice in the designing of an application to ensure better system performance.

    *Note: Characters included in a serialized Java class stream are held as (UTF-8 encoded) Unicode in the internal information of the class. This means that you do not need to consider code conversion for serialized streams. For example, you do not need to consider encoding for EJB or RMI.

  4. In WebLogic Server, the encoding conversion for the server itself and the encoding conversion for application components and resources on WebLogic Server are separate.

    In WebLogic Server, the encoding of the server log or the Administration Console is determined by the default encoding of a server's Java VM or a browser's language setting independently of the encoding of the application component or the language of the content that the WebLogic Server is serving.

    Moreover, you can configure the WebLogic Server's behavior independently of the locale or the language on which the WebLogic Server is working.

    Also, you can set the encoding conversion individually for resources configured on the WebLogic Server's container.

    There are three categories of target for which the encoding conversion is applied, as followgs:


    The encoding conversion of WebLogic Server itself includes:

    System log output of WebLogic Server

    Page encoding of the Administration Console

    File I/O between WebLogic Server and local file system


    The encoding conversion of individual applications includes:


    JSP files


    DD files


    Web services


    Resources on WebLogic Server include:


    JDBC connection

    WTC connection etc.


    When you specify the encoding on WebLogic Server, you need to make clear for which categories you are specified the encoding. Then you need to check if a valid Character object can be created and if a Character object in WebLogic Server can be properly converted tothe intended encoding.


    As indicated above, you should understand the behavior of the encoding conversion for appropriate setting. If you do not specify the encoding conversion, applications may not handle multi-byte characters properly.

    If you do not specify the encoding, the default encoding appropriate for the situation is used. The default encoding may vary according to the target's specification or the environment.

    Default encoding of a server VM
    Default encoding of J2EEs
    Default encoding of XMLs
    Default encoding of the HTTP protocol
    Default encoding of a browser
    Default encoding of webservices (eg. SOAP, WSDL, UDDI) etc.
    Example of typical default encoding
    The default encoding of server VM is normally MS932 in the Japanese version of Windows.
    The default encoding of J2EEs is normally ISO-8859-1.
    The default encoding of XMLs is normally utf-8.
    The default encoding of HTTP is normally us-ascii.

    Because different default encoding is used for different targets, as indicated above, WebLogic Server cannot handle Japanese properly if you do not specify the appropriate encoding. You should understand following sections to be able to control the encoding conversion.

      The encoding means the "character set" in Java language terminology. There are a number of words that describe a character set, but the definition of each word is slightly different.

    JThe encoding or the character set means the definition which assigns computer-readable codes to the set of characters of a specific language so that the computer can deal with these characters. This definition is called "encoding" in the Java terminology, "character set" in the Internet terminology and "code page" in the Windows terminology, and is handled as one of the attributes of a locale on Unix. In addition to this, there are various subtypes of "Shift JIS" character set. Each hardware or software vendor uses different "Shift JIS" subtypes

    Java language absorbs these differences in its I/O section, so that it handles all character as Unicode inside it. This means that Java can handle any character set as long as the encoding definition for the character set exists, and can absorb any encoding differences existing between various systems. However, there is no encoding conversion table that handles all minor differences of all existing encodings at the present time. Also, there are some limitations on the existing encoding table that result from the problem of consistency with Unicode.

    In Java Web application servers, the difference between the Java encoding name and the MIME character set is especially important. The MIME character set is defined by IANA, which is used on the Internet and in a XML files. WebLogic Server uses a mapping table which associates the Java encoding name and the IANA character set name to absorb this difference. Using this table, WebLogic Server can handle a file defined as 'Shift_JIS' on JSP or as 'MS932' with the Java encoding name. You can modify the mapping table of WebLogic Server to handle the 'Shift_JIS' character set as 'cp943' Java encoding.

    Xerces is a built-in XML parser of the WebLogic Server, and it has its own IANA-to-Java mapping table. The user cannot customize this mapping. For example, the IANA charset name of 'Shift_JIS' is mapped to the Java encoding name of 'SJIS'.

    Basically, in WebLogic Server, use a Java encoding name to specify encoding. In J2EE, Internet or XML, use the IANA character set name. You can modify this mapping as necessary.


    3. Installation

    WLS 7.0 provides a Japanese-version installer and an English-version installer. The former can be downloaded from the BEA Systems Japan Ltd web site, and the latter can be downloaded from the BEA Systems, Inc. web site.

    These two installers are the same with regard to program files that affect the behavior of WebLogic Server, and you can regard them as having the same software. In addition, you will have no problem about interoperability between the WebLogic Server installed using the English-version installer and that installed using the Japanese-version installer. The differences between the Japanese-version installer and the English-version installer are as follows:


    All the WLS class files (weblogic.jar and others)
    The version string
    The languages in message catalogs and the Administration Console Online Help


    Some translated text files
    about_wls/readme.txt/index.jsp or html
    The WebLogic Builder Online Help
    Japanese code examples (%WL_HOME%\samples\server\src\examples_ja)


    In the WebLogic Server 7.0J, the following features are not available:

    • Smart Update
    • Network Installer


    4. WebLogic Server System Administration

    The following items work with the JVM default encoding for the WLS server:

    • Error log output of the WLS server
    • File input and output from/to the local file system


    The following item works with the default language of the browser:

    • Administration Console

    To change the encoding for log output, etc., working with the server default encoding, use the following procedure:

    Encoding in WebLogic Server and the Java Virtual Machine (JVM)


    In WebLogic Server 7.0, you can set the encoding with various scopes. For example, you can set the ContentType/Charset to specify the encoding that WebLogic Server outputs to a client. Also, you can use the weblogic.codeset property to specify the encoding for a JDBC connection when using WebLogic jDriver. These and many other features are discussed in this document.

    Note that there is no relationship between the encoding that you specify for a particular scope and the default encoding for the Java VM on which WebLogic Server runs. If the Java VM is running in the English locale, there is no problem in providing services using Japanese JSP files. However, the handling of the following strings is dependent on the Java VM default encoding:

    • Error log output of the WLS server
    • File input and output from/to the local file system

    These strings work with the Java VM default encoding for each platform (the encoding specified by the file.encoding Java system property). For example, the language and encoding of log messages which WebLogic Server outputs to a terminal console are dependent on the encoding specified in the Java VM. The file.encoding java system property is based on the platform environment and the system locale. If you want to switch the language and encoding of the WebLogic Server log messages, you need to switch the system locale accordingly. You cannot switch the Java VM default encoding dynamically once the VM has been started. Make sure of the following settings before you restart WebLogic Server.


    For Windows 2000/Windows NT

    Select English (U.S) or Japanese from the Regional option in the Control Panel. This allows the server to use CP1252 or MS932 as the default encoding.

    For UNIX

    Specify the locale supported by your platform in the LANG environment variable.

    Below are the settings of the server encoding and the LANG environment variable:

    Table 1-1 Settings of the server encoding and the LANG environment variable



    LANG environment variable




    ja or ja_JP.eucJP







    For example, if you specify EUCJIS on Solaris, the LANG setting looks like this:


    How to Check the Server Encoding

    The Java VM default encoding becomes the WebLogic Server default encoding. You can check the encoding by referring to the log messages from the Administration Console. The following are the steps:

    1. On the Administration Console, right click the server name in the left pane and select the View Server log.

    2. Click on Customize This View.

    3. In the Sub String text box, enter "file.encoding."

    4. The displayed encoding is the server encoding.

    The displayed encoding is the server encoding.

    Notes on Configuring Administration and Managed Servers

    In WebLogic Server 7.0, you must set the same encoding for all of the servers in a domain.

    If a server of which the encoding is different from the others exists within the domain, that server's log will not be displayed correctly.

    Notes on Configuring Clusters

    In WebLogic Server 7.0, you must set the same encoding for all of the servers in a cluster.

    If a server of which the encoding is different from the others exists within the cluster, that server's log will not be displayed correctly.

    Encoding for config.xml

    The config.xml file is input/output in UTF-8. When editing the file directly with a text editor, read and save in utf-8.

    Limitation on Using as a Web Server (fileservlet)

    Limitation on Using as a Web Server (fileservlet)

      The following is a note on using the WLS server as a Web server:
    • To add the contentType charset parameter to the HTTP header for serving HTML files, insert the following definition in the web.xml file, which can explicitly specify the encoding for HTML files:

    This allows you to omit the charset setting in the HTML file by using a META tag such as:

    <META HTTP-EQUIV="content-type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=Shift_JIS">


    JDBC Connection

    When creating a JDBC connection pool, you must specify the appropriate encoding for a connection to the DB which uses multi-byte characters. You may need to match the encoding conversion mapping between the Web layer and the DB layer.

    For more information, see the following sections.

    jDriver for Oracle

    jDriver for MS SQL Server"



    In WebLogic Server, the encoding for multi-byte characters in the DD file of the J2EE component is handled as specified in the XML declaration. If the DD file has no encoding attribute in the XML declaration or has no XML declaration, the file is handled as UTF-8.

    When you edit the DD file and save changes in WebLogic Builder or Administration Console, the encoding of the file is kept as in the original file.

    DD files created in WebLogic Builder or Administration Console have no XML declaration. When you change the encoding of such a file, set the encoding attribute in the XML declaration appropriately.

    Notes on Using Administration Console

    The Language at Administration Console's Startup

    The language displayed when the Administration Console first starts is the preference language specified in your Web browser. For example, if you are using the Japanese version of Windows and Internet Explorer, the Administration Console will be displayed in Japanese when it first starts. If you want to change the language first displayed to English, you can change it by setting the preference language in your browser to English.


    The languages you can select for the Administration Console in WLS 7.0 SP1 are:


    Select SJIS or EUCJIS according to the encoding for the Administration Server to which the Administration Console is connected.

    Select SJIS or EUCJIS according to the encoding for the Administration Server to which the Administration Console is connected.

    Select the desired language from the Language drop-down list on the Preferences page on the Console's home page.


    5. Programming

    JSP/Servlet ----- Notes on Using Servlets and JSPs

    Encoding Conversion, Standards, Scope and Preference

    WebLogic Server 7.0 is a Java application program. All strings are handled internally as Unicode strings. On the other hand, various charsets are used for HTML pages. In WebLogic Server, the encoding conversion between Unicode and the HTML charsets is performed by using the Java encoding converter when handling HTML data.

    In WebLogic Server 7.0, some of the ways that you set the encoding are defined by the J2EE specification. Others are WebLogic proprietary specifications. You need not specify all of them. Read the following description and combine the most appropriate encoding settings for your environment.

    Encoding Settings

    The encoding settings related to JSP/Servlet include:

    • Writer encoding used in an HTTP response which is output from a Servlet

    • Encoding for a JSP file

    • Writer encoding which is output from JSP

    • Encoding for an HTTP request such as the GET/POST (For a particular request URL)

    • Encoding for data such as the GET/POST (For a particular HTTP request)

    • Encoding for the JSP container

    • Japping between a Java encoding and an IANA character set

    Basically, the more specific definition of scope will take priority. For example, if Shift_JIS is set as the default encoding for the JSP container, and EUC-JP is specified in the page tag of a specific JSP, then the encoding specified in the page tag will take priority (i.e. EUC-JP will be used).

    It is recommended that you use the same particular encoding throughout your application, or you should set the encoding you primarily wish to use to cover a wide scope as at the JSP container level. Then for areas that require special encoding handling, set the encoding on a more specific level such as the JSP or servlet itself.

    Specifying the Encoding

    Regarding the following, note that if you do not specify any encoding for HTTP request and HTTP response then ISO-8859-1 encoding will be used.

    For Servlets

    1. Specifying the Encoding for an HTTP Response --- response.setContentType()

    2. Specifying the Encoding for Your Browser Display --- Content-Type

    3. Specifying the Encoding for an HTTP Request ---- request.setCharacterEncoding or <input-charset>

    For JSPs

    1. Specifying the Encoding for a JSP File --- pageEncoding Directive in the page Tag (Optional)

    2. Specifying the Encoding for Page Output ---- contentType Directive in the page Tag

    3. Specifying the Encoding for Your Browser Display --- Content-Type

    4. Specifying the Encoding for an HTTP Request ---- request.setCharacterEncoding or <input-charset>

    For both Servlets and JSPs

    1. Mapping Between a Java Encoding and an IANA Character Set (Setting in weblogic.xml)

    The following sections give details of each setting of Servlet and JSP.

    For Servlets

    Specifying the Encoding for an HTTP Response --- response.setContentType()

    To specify the encoding for an HTML page generated by a Servlet, use the setContentType() method.

      The call to setContentType() specifies the following:

    • ContentType attribute in the HTTP header for response

    • Writer encoding used for response output

    Therefore, you must call the setContentType() before getting a writer.

    		PrintWriter out = res.getWriter();

    This call specifies the contentType in the HTTP header. This means that the encoding for your browser display is also specified.

    Specifying the Encoding for an HTTP Request ---- request.setCharacterEncoding or <input-charset>

    Now you have finished the setting of the encoding for an HTTP response which is data sent from WebLogic Server to a client using the above. The following describes how to set the encoding for an HTTP request when sending data from a client to WebLogic Server.

    There are three ways to specify the encoding for an HTTP request:

    • Write the character set to the contentType for an HTTP request

      his method is most compliant with the HTTP specification. However, you cannot specify the value in a Microsoft Internet Explorer or Netscape browser.

    • Specify the encoding for an HTTP request on the server Use the request.setCharacterEncoding() method. You can specify the encoding for each request. Also, you can perform delicate operations such as controlling the encoding dynamically. In addition, the setCharacterEncoding() is compliant with the Servlet 2.3 specification. Therefore, you can obtain application portability.

      		String pval = request.getParameter(pname);

    • Use the <input-charset> which specifies the encoding for a request URL in the deployment descriptor (weblogic.xml) for the Web application.

    In WebLogic Server 6.1 or later versions, this is set in weblogic.xml. However, in WebLogic Server 6.0 it is set in web.xml. Also, the element names, etc., are changed. Therefore, in the case of migrating from WebLogic Server 6.0, the weblogic.xml and web.xml files will require modification. Please refer to the migration guide.

    <input-charset> For example, you can set it so that encoding for request URLs is obtained as follows:

    • Obtain http://localhost:7001/webappa/path1/ in Shift_JIS

    • Obtain http://localhost:7001/webappa/path2/ in EUC-JP

      Write the <input-charset> for the target Web application in the deployment descriptor (weblogic.xml) as shown below.

      In the<charset-param> (which is embedded in the <weblogic-web-app> ), write the request URL path for which you want to specify the encoding and the encoding which you want to specify for the HTTP request in the Java name.

      For information about mapping between a Java encoding name and an IANA character set, see the uMapping Between a Java Encoding and an IANA (Setting in weblogic.xml)v Character Set (Setting in weblogic.xml)" section.

      Below is an example of a single web-app that handles multiple encodings.

      In the example below, the encoding for "/*" is set to Shift_JIS and the encoding for "/rus/jo/*" is set to ISO-8859-1. The latter definition is more specific and hence will take priority.


      For more information about this setting, see the "Define character set parameters" section in the "Assembling and Configuring Web Applications".

      As described above, in WLS, you can specify the encoding for the GET/POST request for a particular content on the server side by defining the in the weblogic.xml file. In addition, in WLS 7.0 if there is no , the encoding for the GET/POST request is handled as ISO-8859-1.

For JSPs

Specifying the Encoding for a JSP File --- pageEncoding Directive in the page Tag (Optional)

To specify the encoding which the WebLogic Server 7.0 JSP container or JSP compiler uses to read a JSP file, specify the pageEncoding directive in the page tag as follows:

<%@ page contentType="text/html; charset=Shift_JIS"  pageEncoding="Shift_JIS" %>

Specifying the Encoding for Page Output ---- contentType Directive in the page Tag

To specify the encoding for page output, specify the contentType directive in the page tag as follows:

<%@ page contentType="text/html; charset=Shift_JIS" %>

When the pageEncoding directive is not set, the contentType directive is used for the encoding for reading a JSP file.

If the JSP container finds the content type setting, it will stop parsing the JSP file, switch the file reader to this new-specified encoding, and parse the JSP page from the beginning again. If more than one contentType is specified in one file, a parsing error occurs (*Note). Therefore, when you include a file in another one using static include, if both files have their own encoding specification, an error occurs. In dynamic include, an error will not occur but garbled characters will be generated.

In addition, when you specify the contentType in the page directive, the same contentType is specified in the HTTP header for HTTP response. This means that the encoding for your browser display is also specified.

*Note: Even if more than one contentType is specified in one file, a parsing error can be suppressed, provided that each specifies the same encoding (See the "Static vs. Dynamic Includes, Encoding Differences" section).

< jsp-param>           

—Ⴆ‚Ξ' include 'For example, if an 'include origin' and an 'include destination' both have their own page directive when you include using static include (<%@ include), and the single translation unit has multiple page directives, you will have no trouble, provided that each page directive specifies the same encoding.

You can specify the encoding for an HTTP request in a JSP the same way as in a Servlet. See the "For Servlets" See the "For Servlets"section.

             String pval = request.getParameter(pname);
         %>request.setCharacterEncoding or <input-charset>

Use the which specifies the encoding in the deployment descriptor (weblogic.xml) for the WebLogic Server Web application.

See the "For Servlets" section.


For both Servlets and JSPs

For both Servlets and JSPs

When you specify the encoding using the setContentType() method or the contentType directive in the page tag, use an IANA character set name. However, when you handle the encodings in WebLogic Server 7.0, which is a Java application, these values must be Java encoding names. WebLogic Server 7.0 has the default mappings internally also and normally uses them. The default mappings also include mappings which are not defined in IANA, but are conventionally used in the Content-Type for HTML (See Appendix A).


Example: x-sjis ----> MS932

Note: In Java, the IANA character set Shift_JIS is handled as MS932 (From JDK 1.1.8 to JDK 1.4.0, Shift_JIS is handled as SJIS in JDK1.4.1 or later).

This allows you to use the MS932-specific characters (@,A, etc.) with the default setting.

You can overwrite the default mappings by defining the <charset-mapping> in weblogic.xml.

In the example below, Shift_JIS is mapped to SJIS.


Note that the above mappings are weblogic-specific.

Workaround to Encode an HTTP Request with ISO-8859-1 encoding

iIf ISO-8859-1 is specified as the encoding for an HTTP request in the <input-charset>, you can still obtain an HTTP request with a different encoding by using the following workaround.

new String(request.getParameter(itemQ[i]).getBytes ("8859_1"), "SJIS")

However, an HTTP client whose contentType in the HTTP header for HTTP response is specified as follows cannot use this workaround, because the encoding specified in the contentType in the HTTP header will take priority over that specified in the . In this case you must modify the application code.

Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=shift_jis

Static vs. Dynamic Includes, Encoding Differences

Static Include

<%@ include file="relativeURL" %>

In this case, all the include files are loaded and gathered together in one file before JSP compile is performed, and therefore if the encoding is specified in the file that does the including, the included file will be handled as a file using the same encoding as the include file, even though it is not specified its encoding.In WLS 6.1 or earlier, a compiling error does not occur if an 'include origin' and an 'include destination' both have the same encoding specifications. In WebLogic Server 7.0, a compiling error will occur if both have their own page directive. To avoid this, set the 'backwardCompatible' in weblogic.xml to true.

Even though the backwardCompatible is set to true, a JSP compiling error occurs if the encoding settings are different between the 'include origin' and the 'include destination'.

Dynamic Include

<jsp:include page="{ relativeURL | <%= expression %>}" flush="true" />

With dynamic includes, the page is not included when it is loaded, and left in the tag state. The page will be included when the JSP is executed. Therefore, the encoding set in the JSP that does the including will not apply to the included file(s).

Hence, you must also specify the encoding in the included file.



When migrating a CGI service which uses multi-byte characters to a CGI servlet on the WebLogic Server, you must specify the appropriate contentType charset parameter in the HTTP header generated by the CGI program. If the contentType is not set, ISO-8859-1 is used, this being the default encoding for the J2EE Servlet container.

You must also use the appropriate in order to receive input strings from a client correctly. You need to write it in the DD file of the target Web application. If it is not set, ISO-8859-1 is used.



Handling of SOAP Messages and its Encoding

In the WebLogic Server Web service, encoding handling is compliant with the SOAP1.1 specification (*Note 1). HTTP/SOAP messages based on the SOAP1.1 specification have text/xml media type, and the encoding for these messages is handled according to RFC2376. The following are behaviors based on the RFC2376 specification:

WebLogic Workshop also acts according to this specification as well as WebLogic Sever 7.0 SP1. Therefore, make sure that the contentType charset is specified correctly for the client which calls the Web service(s) developed by WebLogic Workshop using HTTP/SOAP.

All the HTTP/SOAP messages generated by the WebLogic Server are encoded in utf-8. In the generation process, 'encoding=UTF-8' is added to the HTTP header of the SOAP message.

*Note: When you start the WebLogic Server on the English locale (e.g. LANG=C is specified on UNIX), only us-ascii characters can be used in SOAP messages. Other characters are not supported. When Japanese characters are used in the Web service(s), make sure that you start the WebLogic Server in the Japanese locale.

If you want to use characters other than us-ascii on the WebLogic Server started in the English locale, set the following startup option in the WebLogic Server startup script file. This generates messages in utf-8, even if the WebLogic Server is running on the English locale.


Web Services Home Page is generated in the server VM default encoding.

UDDI Explorer supports only us-ascii characters, and cannot use multi-byte characters properly.

The WebLogic Server 7.0 SP1 Web service does not support media types defined in the SOAP1.2 specification.

XML Multi-byte Characters Handling in StreamParser

In WebLogic Server 7.0 SP1, to add encoding information to the XML header generated using XML Streaming API, use createStartDocument() of the ElementFactory class as follows:


XMLOutputStreamFactory factory = XMLOutputStreamFactory.newInstance();
XMLOutputStream output = factory.newOutputStream(new
                    OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(fname),"Shift_JIS")); 

The followings are notes on parsing an XML document containing Japanese characters using XML Streaming API. The main points are the same as in the notes on using the Xerces parser.

Use byte stream when you supply input for the parser through a stream. This enables XML encoding auto-detection of the parser, so that the parser can generate a character stream using the encoding specified by the encoding attribute in the XML declaration, thus ensuring appropriate parsing.

The parser will ignore the encoding setting in the XML header when the input is made through the Unicode character stream.



Setting Up the Environment for Using WebLogic jDriver for Oracle

To use the weblogic.jdbc.oci.Driver, set up the environment as follows. Note that you need to set the jDriver license.

  1. Add the following change to the startWebLogic.cmd file.

    Specify the path to the bin directory of Oracle and the path to the bin directory of WebLogic Oracle Oci driver native library. Use the appropriate Oci driver according to the Oracle version.

    For Oracle 8.1.7:%WL_HOME%¥bin¥oci817_8;d:¥oracle¥ora81¥bin

    For Oracle 9.0.1:%WL_HOME%¥bin¥oci901_8;d:¥oracle¥ora90¥bin

  2. Specify the Oracle environment variable NLS_LANG.

    Both the encodings for the NLS_LANG and the weblogic.codeset which is a connection property for the jDriver for Oracle must be always the same.

    NLS_LANG = japanese_japan.ja16sjis

    For information about the relation between the NLS_LANG and the weblogic.codeset, see "Advanced Oracle Features" for Installing and Using WebLogic jDriver for Oracle. If you can specify the following encodings: ja16sjis for the Oracle database, japanese_japan.ja16sjis for the NLS_LANG, and MS932 for the weblogic.codeset, the character sets used on a Windows platform can be stored in the Oracle database.

    Now, you can use the WebLogic Server jDriver for Oracle without using connection pools from WebLogic Server. For example, you can connect directly to the database from a JDBC client such as JSP or Servlet. For information about programming when a JDBC client uses the WebLogic Server jDriver for Oracle, see the "Connecting to an Oracle DBMS section in the chapter "Using WebLogic jDriver for Oracle" of Installing and Using WebLogic jDriver for Oracle."

    If you use connection pools, you need to make the following settings in the Administration Console. For more information on how to set up connection pools, see the "Setting Up a Connection Pool" section in the chapter "Installing WebLogic jDriver for Oracle"of Installing and Using WebLogic jDriver for Oracle.

  3. Set the following in the Administration Console to set up a connection pool:

    1. Set the connection properties.



      Driver Class Name:




    2. Select the server or cluster that you will use in the Target.

  4. Reboot WebLogic Server.

Now, you can use the WebLogic Server jDriver for Oracle.

Setting Up the Environment for Using Oracle Oci Driver

  1. Add the following changes to the startWebLogic.cmd file.

    1. Add the following directories to the CLASSPATH environment variable:

    2. Add the following directory to the PATH environment variable:

    Now you can use the Oracle Oci driver without using connection pools from WebLogic Server. For example, you can connect directly to the database from a JDBC client such as JSP or Servlet. For information about programming when a JDBC client uses the Oracle Oci driver, see the Oracle documentation.

    If you use connection pools, you need to make the following settings in the Administration Console. For more information on how to set up connection pools, see "Managing JDBC Connectivity" vin the WebLogic Server Administration Guide.

  2. Set the following in the Administration Console to set up a connection pool:

    1. Set the connection properties.



      Driver Class Name:




    2. Select the server or cluster that you will use in the Target.

  3. Reboot WebLogic Server.

Now you can use the Oracle Oci driver.

Setting Up the Environment for Using Oracle Thin Driver

For the Thin driver, you need not specify the NLS_LANG environment variable.

  1. Add the following changes to the startWebLogic.cmd file:

    1. Add the following directories to the CLASSPATH environment variabl:

    2. Add the following directory to the PATH environment variable:

    Now you can use the Oracle Oci driver without using connection pools from WebLogic Server. For example, you can connect directly to the database from a JDBC client such as JSP or Servlet. For information about programming when a JDBC client uses the Oracle Oci driver, see the Oracle documentation.

    If you use connection pools, you need to make the following settings in the Administration Console. For more information on how to set up connection pools, see href="">"Managing JDBC Connectivity" in the WebLogic Server Administration Guide.

  2. Set the following in the Administration Console to set up a connection pool:

    1. Set the connection properties.



      Driver Class Name:




    2. Select the server or cluster that you will use in the Target.

  3. Reboot WebLogic Server.

Now you can use the Oracle Oci driver.

Limitations when Connecting Simultaneously to Databases of which the Encodings are Different

When using the OCI driver, you must specify the same encoding for the NLS_LANG and the weblogic.codeset. If these parameters are set to the same value, the encoding conversion will be performed on the Oracle side because you are connected to the Oracle side as a client which has a particular NLS_LANG. For example, if both the encodings for the NLS_LANG and the weblogic.codeset are SJIS, the appropriate encoding conversion will be performed on the Oracle side, even though the encoding for the Oracle DB is EUC-JP. If the two parameters are the same, the connection will be made successfully regardless of the DB's encoding.

Notes on Encoding Conversion Using DB

If you do not use the same converter for the conversion between the platform native encoding and the Java encoding, the characters may be handled incorrectly. This problem is caused by the definition of Unicode and JIS.

For example, if you use the following converters on the encoding conversion between the platform native and Java..

DB -------------> WLS -------------> Web Browser


The following codes cannot be handled correctly:



"`" (0x8160)

"a" (0x8161)

"‘" (0x8191)

"|" (0x817C)

"’" (0x8192)

"Κ" (0x81CA)

In this case, you must use SJIS exclusively for the output from WLS to the Web browser. For example, if the following encoding is specified in the page tag in JSP:

<%@ page contentType="text/html; charset=Shift_JIS" %>

this Shift_JIS setting must be converted from Unicode to the native platform using the SJIS converter not the MS932 converter.

Therefore, in this case you must write the definition as follows in the deployment descriptor (weblogic.xml) for the Web application to change the default encoding mapping table that WLS has internally.



6. Miscellaneous

When Using iMode Characters

Java's MS932 encoding table supports conversion to an external characters area. By using MS932, you can provide content using iMode external characters.

Japanese Code Examples in and below the \examples_ja Directory Need to be Built in SJIS Locale

WLS 7.0 provides Japanese code examples in Shift_JIS. Therefore, to build them set up your shell environment which runs the ant build script in SJIS.


7. Known Problems

WebLogic Builder

In WebLogic Builder, WebLogic Server log messages turn into garbled characters. Use the CatInfo command to display the message content.

Example: For the error ID 101247

java.weblogic.i18ntols.CatInfo -id 101247


Appendix A: MIME-Java Encoding Mapping Table Defined in WLS

The following are encodings used in a writer returned by getWriter() after calling response.setContentType() in a Servlet.


charset name Java encoding name
ANSI_X3.4-1968 ASCII
iso-ir-6 ASCII
ANSI_X3.4-1986 ASCII
ISO_646.irv:1991 ASCII
cp367 ASCII
Big5 Big5
csBig5 Big5
IBM037 Cp037
cp037 Cp037
ebcdic-cp-us Cp037
ebcdic-cp-ca Cp037
ebcdic-cp-wt Cp037
ebcdic-cp-nl Cp037
csIBM037 Cp037
IBM1026 Cp1026
CP1026 Cp1026
csIBM1026 Cp1026
windows-1251 Cp1251
windows-1252 Cp1252
windows-1253 Cp1253
windows-1254 Cp1254
windows-1255 Cp1255
windows-1256 Cp1256
windows-1257 Cp1257
windows-1258 Cp1258
IBM273 Cp273
CP273 Cp273
csIBM273 Cp273
IBM277 Cp277
csIBM277 Cp277
IBM278 Cp278
CP278 Cp278
ebcdic-cp-fi Cp278
ebcdic-cp-se Cp278
csIBM278 Cp278
IBM280 Cp280
CP280 Cp280
ebcdic-cp-it Cp280
csIBM280 Cp280
IBM284 Cp284
CP284 Cp284
ebcdic-cp-es Cp284
csIBM284 Cp284
IBM285 Cp285
CP285 Cp285
ebcdic-cp-gb Cp285
csIBM285 Cp285
IBM297 Cp297
cp297 Cp297
ebcdic-cp-fr Cp297
csIBM297 Cp297
IBM420 Cp420
cp420 Cp420
ebcdic-cp-ar1 Cp420
csIBM420 Cp420
IBM424 Cp424
cp424 Cp424
ebcdic-cp-he Cp424
csIBM424 Cp424
IBM437 Cp437
cp437 Cp437
437 Cp437
csPC8CodePage437 Cp437
IBM500 Cp500
CP500 Cp500
ebcdic-cp-be Cp500
ebcdic-cp-ch Cp500
csIBM500 Cp500
IBM775 Cp775
cp775 Cp775
csPC775Baltic Cp775
IBM-Thai Cp838
csIBMThai Cp838
IBM850 Cp850
cp850 Cp850
850 Cp850
csPC850Multilingual Cp850
IBM852 Cp852
cp852 Cp852
852 Cp852
csPCp852 Cp852
IBM855 Cp855
cp855 Cp855
855 Cp855
csIBM855 Cp855
IBM857 Cp857
cp857 Cp857
857 Cp857
csIBM857 Cp857
IBM860 Cp860
cp860 Cp860
860 Cp860
csIBM860 Cp860
IBM861 Cp861
cp861 Cp861
861 Cp861
cp-is Cp861
csIBM861 Cp861
IBM862 Cp862
cp862 Cp862
862 Cp862
csPC862LatinHebrew Cp862
IBM863 Cp863
cp863 Cp863
863 Cp863
csIBM863 Cp863
IBM864 Cp864
cp864 Cp864
864 Cp864
csIBM864 Cp864
IBM865 Cp865
cp865 Cp865
csIBM865 Cp865
IBM866 Cp866
cp866 Cp866
866 Cp866
csIBM866 Cp866
IBM868 Cp868
cp868 Cp868
CP868 Cp868
cp-ar Cp868
868 Cp868
csIBM868 Cp868
IBM869 Cp869
cp869 Cp869
869 Cp869
cp-gr Cp869
csIBM869 Cp869
IBM870 Cp870
cp870 Cp870
CP870 Cp870
870 Cp870
ebcdic-cp-roece Cp870
ebcdic-cp-yu Cp870
csIBM870 Cp870
IBM871 Cp871
cp871 Cp871
CP871 Cp871
ebcdic-cp-is Cp871
871 Cp871
csIBM871 Cp871
IBM918 Cp918
cp918 Cp918
CP918 Cp918
ebcdic-cp-ar2 Cp918
918 Cp918
csIBM918 Cp918
Extended_UNIX_Code_Packed_Format_for_Japanese EUC_JP
csEUCPkdFmtJapanese EUC_JP
ISO-2022-KR ISO2022KR
csISO2022KR ISO2022KR
ISO-2022-JP ISO2022JP
csISO2022JP ISO2022JP
ISO-2022-CN ISO2022CN
JIS_X0201 JIS0201
X0201 JIS0201
csHalfWidthKatakana JIS0201
JIS_C6226-1983 JIS0208
iso-ir-87 JIS0208
x0208 JIS0208
JIS_X0208-1983 JIS0208
csISO87JISX0208 JIS0208
JIS_X0212-1990 JIS0212
x0212 JIS0212
iso-ir-159 JIS0212
csISO159JISX02121990 JIS0212
Shift_JIS Shift_JIS
Shift-JIS Shift_JIS
MS_Kanji MS932
x-sjis MS932
sjis SJIS
utf8 UTF8
utf-8 UTF8


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