Tag table

Generates an HTML table that can contain a button bar and one or more columns. To insert a button bar, include a nested <wl-extension:button-bar>. For each column that you want in the table, include a nested <wl-extension:column>. To populate the table with data: 1. The <wl-extension:table> tag's "name" attribute specifies a Struts form bean and its "property" attribute specifies a property that contains a collection of row beans. 2. The <wl-extension:table> tag selects a row bean from the collection, then it iterates over its nested <wl-extension:column> tags. 3. Each <wl-extension:column> tag contains a "property" attribute, which specifies which property of the current row bean to render. The Administration Console uses this tag to present a list of configured resources and a set of buttons for working with the resources. For example, this is the type of table that lists all SNMP monitors in a domain and provides buttons for creating new monitors or deleting existing ones.

	   	<wl-extension:table name="genericTableForm"

         <wl-extension:button-bar-button labelid="button.delete.label" portlet="SnmpMonitorsDeleteSNMPJMXMonitorPortlet" pageLabel="SnmpMonitorsDeleteSNMPJMXMonitor"/>

	  <wl-extension:column property="Name" label="snmp.snmpjmxmonitor.table.label.name">
		<wl-extension:column-link portlet="SNMPMonitorDispatcherPortlet">
		  <render:pageUrl pageLabel="SNMPMonitorDispatcherPage"/>
	  <wl-extension:column property="Type" label="snmp.snmpjmxmonitor.table.label.type"/>
	  <wl-extension:column property="MonitoredMBeanType" label="snmp.snmpjmxmonitor.table.label.monitoredmbeantype"/>
	  <wl-extension:column property="MonitoredMBeanName" label="snmp.snmpjmxmonitor.table.label.monitoredmbeanname"/>
	  <wl-extension:column property="MonitoredAttributeName" label="snmp.snmpjmxmonitor.table.label.monitoredattributename"/>
	  <wl-extension:column property="PollingInterval" label="snmp.snmpjmxmonitor.table.label.pollinginterval"/>

Tag Information
Tag Classcom.bea.console.taglib.html.TableTag
TagExtraInfo ClassNone
Body ContentJSP
Display NameNone

captionEnabledfalsetrueboolean Specifies that the table is immediately preceded by a text string whose contents is defined in a nested <wl-extension:caption> tag. You can use a caption to provide a parameterized title for the table.
customizefalsefalseboolean Renders a control immediately above the table that enables users to customize the information that the table displays. The Administration Console provides a default JSP to render the customization controls.
customizerfalsetruejava.lang.String Overrides the default customization JSP with a JSP that you have created. The path must be relative to the root of the portal Web application.
controlsEnabledfalsetrueboolean Specifies that the table contains a button bar whose contents is defined in a nested <wl-extension:button-bar> tag.
singlechangefalsefalseboolean Toggles whether users must start an edit session before they can use the button bar.
showCheckboxesfalsetrueboolean Inserts a column at the beginning of each table row. The column contains a check box whose value is determined by the "checkBoxValue" attribute of this tag.
checkBoxValuefalsetruejava.lang.String The value of the parameter for the "POST" operation that is submitted when a user selects a row's checkbox and clicks on a button. The value of this attribute must match the name of a property in this table's collection of row beans. The Administration Console often uses "handle" to indicate the "handle" to an object.
checkboxnamefalsetruejava.lang.String The parameter name for the "POST" operation that is submitted when a user selects a row's checkbox and clicks on a button. The "POST" operation submits to an action, and the action operates on a form bean The value that you specify for this attribute must match a property in the form bean associated with the action.
singlechoicefalsefalseboolean Toggles whether radio buttons or checkboxes are rendered for table rows. A value of "true" renders radio buttons and allows only a single selection. A value of "false" renders checkboxes and enables multiple selections.
nametruetruejava.lang.String The name of the Struts form bean that contains properties for this table. Use the "property" attribute to specify which property this table renders. By default, this value is also used for the HTML <table name=""> attribute.
htmlNamefalsefalsejava.lang.String Overrides the default HTML control name for this table. The default value is the name of the form bean that this tag is using.
pageSizefalsetrueint The default number table rows to display by default.
propertytruetruejava.lang.String The property of the form bean that contains a collection of row beans. Use the "name" attribute to specify the form bean that contains the property.
rowPrimaryColorfalsetruejava.lang.String Generates an inline CSS style that specifies the background color of odd-numbered rows in the table. Because this is an inline style, it cannot be overridden by an external style.
rowSecondaryColorfalsetruejava.lang.String Generates an inline CSS style that specifies the background color of even-numbered rows in the table. Because this is an inline style, it cannot be overridden by an external style.
actionfalsetruejava.lang.String Not supported for public use.
actionParamfalsetruejava.lang.String Not supported for public use.
showheadingsfalsefalseboolean Specifies that all table columns display their headings as defined in the "label" attribute of the <wl-extension:column> tag.
externalfilterfalsetrueboolean With a value of "true", the contents of this table can be filtered by users who customize the table view. The "customizer" attribute of this tag specifies a JSP that defines the filtering. With a value of "false", the filtering criteria will not be included in the table customization provided by this tag.
permissionfalsetruejava.lang.String Not supported for public use.
objectfalsetruejava.lang.String Not supported for public use.

No Variables Defined.

Output Generated by Tag Library Documentation Generator.