
Contains WebLogic Server JSP tags for creating HTML forms and tables that match the functionality of the forms and tables in the Administration Console. Use these tags only to extend the WebLogic Server Administration Console. This library extends Apache Struts libraries and therefore requires you to use Apache Struts form beans to provide data for the HTML forms. All JSP tags in this library initially output XML; the <wl-extension:template> tag specifies an XSLT stylesheet that is used to transform the XML into HTML.

Tag Library Information
Display Namewl-extension
Short Namewl-extension

Tag Summary
template Identifies the XSLT template that will be used to transform the output of a JSP tag as an HTML form. All JSP tags in this library initially output XML; the template that you specify determines how the XML is transformed into HTML.
form Generates a standard HTML form as specified by the <wl-extension:template> tag. This tag is valid only when nested in <wl-extension:template>.
advanced-form Generates a standard HTML form (as specified by an XSLT template) in an "Advanced" section of the document. Users can toggle the visibility of this section by clicking on a link that this tag also renders. This tag is only valid when nested in a <wl-extension:form> tag.
table Generates an HTML table that can contain a button bar and one or more columns. To insert a button bar, include a nested <wl-extension:button-bar>. For each column that you want in the table, include a nested <wl-extension:column>. To populate the table with data: 1. The <wl-extension:table> tag's "name" attribute specifies a Struts form bean and its "property" attribute specifies a property that contains a collection of row beans. 2. The <wl-extension:table> tag selects a row bean from the collection, then it iterates over its nested <wl-extension:column> tags. 3. Each <wl-extension:column> tag contains a "property" attribute, which specifies which property of the current row bean to render. The Administration Console uses this tag to present a list of configured resources and a set of buttons for working with the resources. For example, this is the type of table that lists all SNMP monitors in a domain and provides buttons for creating new monitors or deleting existing ones.
caption Displays text (a table caption) immediately above a table. The Administration Console uses this tag to provide a parameterized table caption. This tag is valid only when nested within <wl-extension:table>. To display the caption, specify "true" for the table's "captionEnabled" attribute.
column Generates a column in an HTML table that has been defined by the <wl-extension:table> tag. This tag is valid only when nested in <wl-extension:table>.
column-link Renders the contents of each cell in this column as a hypertext link. The "portlet" attribute specifies the target for the link. This tag is valid only when nested in <wl-extension:column>.
column-dispatch Renders the contents of each cell in this column as a hypertext link. To find the link target, this tag: 1. Looks up the value of the row bean's "handle" field. 2. Looks up the value of this tag's "perspective" attribute. 3. Searches through all portal include (.pinc) files for a page definition that contains the following tag: <netuix:meta name="perspective-value" content="handle-field-value"/> 4. Generates a link to the page, which then loads its portlet. This tag is valid only when nested in <wl-extension:column>.
button-bar Defines a row of buttons, each of which launches a Struts action, launches a Beehive pageflow, or forwards to a portal page. If you nest this tag inside <wl-extension:table>, you must specify "true" for the table's "controlsEnabled" attribute; the buttons will then operate on items selected in the table and the button bar displays above and below the table.
button-bar-separator Displays a vertical rule in the button bar. Use this tag to visually separate buttons within the button bar. If you include an "images" attribute for this tag, the vertical rule is replaced by the image that you specify. Otherwise, the tag renders the rule as a solid line.
button-bar-button Generates a standard HTML input of type "button", which displays in a button bar and launches a Struts action, launches a Beehive pageflow, or forwards to a specified portal page. If a user has selected an item, the item is included in the request. This tag is valid only when nested within <wl-extension:button-bar>.
button-url Like <wl-extension:button-bar-button>, this tag generates a standard HTML input of type "button", which is displayed in a button bar. However, in addition to encoding the user-selected item into the HTTP request, this tag also encodes the GET operation to which you can add parameters. This tag is valid only when nested within <wl-extension:button-bar>. n
button-menu A button that is displayed in a button bar and contains a list of possible commands. Use <wl-extension:button-menu-item> to define a command in this button's list. This (button-menu) tag is valid only when nested within <wl-extension:button-bar>.
button-menu-item A single command that displays in a menu button and forwards a user-selected item to a specified portal page. This tag is valid only when nested within <wl-extension:button-menu>.
field-button Generates an HTML input of type "button", which is displayed next to a field and forwards the field's value to a portlet. This is only valid when nested in <wl-extension:text> or <wl-extension:select>.
chooser-tag Renders two selection boxes--one for available items and the other for chosen items--and controls that can be used to move items from one to another. Optionally renders controls for reordering items in the chosen box. This tag is valid only when nested in <wl-extension:form>.
ordering-tag Renders a single selection box that enables users to change the order of the items in the box.
checkbox Generates an HTML input of type "checkbox". This tag is valid only when nested in <wl-extension:form>.
text Generates an HTML input of type "text", which is a single-line data-entry field. This tag is valid only when nested in <wl-extension:form>.
text-area Generates an HTML textarea tag, which is a multiple-line data-entry field. This tag is valid only when nested in <wl-extension:form>.
hidden Generates an HTML input of type "hidden", whose value is not rendered but is submitted with the form. This tag is valid only when nested in <wl-extension:form>.
select Generates an HTML select tag, which offers a list of items for users to choose. Include one nested <wl-extension:option> tag to represent each choice in the list, or include the <wl-extension:optionsCollection> tag to generate choices from data in a form bean. This tag is valid only when nested in <wl-extension:form>.
option Generates an HTML option tag, which defines one item in a selection list. You can use the key, locale, and bundle attributes to enable localized values; however the Administration Console sets localized values in the body of the <wl:option/> tag: <wl:option value="value"> Localized text, either hardcoded or from a <fmt:message/>,etc.. </wl:option> This tag is valid only when nested in <wl-extension:select>.
optionsCollection Generates one HTML option tag for each row bean in a collection. To generate HTML options: 1. This tag's "name" attribute specifies a form bean that contains the collection of row beans. 2. The "property" attribute specifies the form bean property that contains the collection. 3. For each row bean in the collection, this tag outputs an HTML options The "label" attribute of this tag specifies the property in the row bean that defines the text to render in the Web browser (<option label="">). The "value" attribute specifies the property in the row bean that defines a value to pass to the form (<option value="">). The Administration Console uses this tag to automatically generate options for all values that an MBean declares as being legal for a given attribute. This tag is valid only when nested in <wl-extension:select>.
radio Generates an HTML input of type "radio", which presents a single item to users. When several <wl-extension:radio> tags share the same control name, they are mutually exclusive: when one is switched "on", all others with the same name are switched "off". This tag is valid only when nested in <wl-extension:form>.
password Generates an HTML input of type "password", which is like <wl-extension:text>, but the user input text is masked by asterisks or some other character. This tag is valid only when nested in <wl-extension:form>.
reflecting-fields Generates an HTML input tag for each property in a form bean. For example, for a bean property that contains a java.lang.String, the tag generates a text control; for a boolean, it generates a checkbox. This tag uses the default form bean, which is passed to the JSP in the request. The tag supports two optional nested tags: <wl-extension:included-attribute>, which generates form tags only for the specified properties and ignores all others in the bean; <wl-extension:excluded-attribute>, which generates form tags for all properties in the bean except for the ones listed in this nested tag. This tag is valid only when nested in <wl-extension:form>.
excluded-attribute Specifies a form bean property to exclude from the output of the <wl-extension:reflecting-fields> tag. All other bean properties will be rendered as HTML input tags. This tag is valid only when nested in <wl-extension:reflecting-fields>.
included-attribute Specifies a form bean property to include in the output of the <wl-extension:reflecting-fields> tag. All other bean properties will be excluded. This tag is valid only when nested in <wl-extension:reflecting-fields>.
chooser-attribute Renders two selection boxes--one for available items and the other for chosen items--and controls that can be used to move items from one to another. Optionally renders controls for reordering items in the chosen box. The Administration Console uses this tag on security-provider pages. This tag valid only when nested in <wl-extension:reflecting-field>.
form-separator Renders a text string and a horizontal rule. Use this tag to visually separate a section of a form. This tag is valid only when nested in <wl-extension:form>.

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